<br />Lender's written agreement or applicable taw. Borrower shaA pay the amount of ap mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provide) under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by (.ender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additinrsal
<br />indehtcdncss of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Jnicss Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting paymem thereof. and shat) bear interest from the
<br />date of disbursement at the rate payable from time to time nn otusfanding principal under the Note artless payment of
<br />interest at such rate would be contrary to applicable law, in-which event such amounts shall hear interest at the higlxst rate
<br />permissible under applicable taw. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lrnder to incur any expense or take
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />g. Inspection. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonahic entries upon and insptctinns of the Property, provided
<br />that Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause thertfor related to tender's
<br />imerest in the Property.
<br />9. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, Direct or consequential, in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property. or pan thereof, or for conveyance in fiev of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />:rod shall be paid to Lender.
<br />In the event of a mtal taking of the Property. the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with the excess. if any, paid to Borrower. to the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower ara} Lender
<br />yl otherwise agree in writing, them shall rte applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />(V~~,(~ as is-equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Prnpcrp• tmmediately prior to the dart of taking, with the balance of tht pracetxis
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />tf the Property is abandnneJ by Borrower, ur if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor oBers to make
<br />rot award ar settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such rtetiee is
<br />j}r mailed, Lender is authorimd to cnllec[ and apply the proceeds, at tender's option. either to restoration or repair of the
<br />// Propetty nr to the cams secure) by this Mortgage.
<br />Q' L'nitss Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in •.vriting, any such application of proceeds m principal shall not extend
<br />or postpone the Jue date of the mrnuhly installments referred ro in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />_,,,, such installments.
<br />10. Borrower Not Releaxd. 14camaton of the time for payment nr modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by thu Mortgage granted.by J.~aidgr, y,?. ;tog succeca,r iu imerect of Borrower shall not operate to release, in an}• manner.
<br />the liahifity of [be:aripioa# ~trtf{sver sleet Borrower s successors m interest. Lender shall not he resulted to commence
<br />procetdings against s(xbaastu4ssttr or refute to extend time for paymem rte nthenvice modify amortization of the sums
<br />cecured by this Mortgage by reamn of :ans° demand made by the original Bnrrnwer ant Bnrrow~crs successors in interest.
<br />lt. Forbearance by i.enrter'.Ynt a Waiver. Ant fnnc~arans M• t ender in cccrosing ;mv right or rtmedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwise arTordeJ by applicahle !aw. shall not Ix. ~ waiver nt nr precluJe the exercise of any wch right or remedy.
<br />The procurement of insurance or nc~ payment of races or other liens or shares: by Lender .hall not he a waiver of Lenders
<br />right to accelerate the maturity of the mdchu•Jncs accrued by this Mortgage.
<br />12. Remedies Cumulative. :111 reme,tics pma:deJ in this Mortgage ere -,listmet ant .umtdative to :roc other right or
<br />remedy under this Mortgage or affonleJ by !aw „r rUurtv. ;rod may he cccrased amcurrcrtth•. indcpcndcntly nr successively.
<br />13. Successors and Assigrn Bound; Jninr and Sea teat Liahility; ('option+. "fhc .ovenants ,:td ::grcernents herein
<br />ronra:ncJ shall hint, and the tights hercunucr shall nuuc• n.. the respertnr suscssors ant .uciem of I cnJer .uu3 Borrower.
<br />cubjtet to the proyisintts of l,aragrap6 1', hercol. ,-\il covenants and :,Ererntenr, :H Bon;,w:r .h:dl ix :loin .,nJ acarrai
<br />the captions ant IteaJmgs of the paragrgth, ..d rhi. M+~rtgake arc for „:t, rna•rne ,+nic .:nd ens ont r„ he uses! to
<br />Interpret or define the provsium hereof.
<br />IJ. NMitt. Except ter am• notice reyu:n•d unJer applicnhlc law to he _• ern ~.: an.,t'rcr manner. nu any nonce to
<br />Borrower pnarJeJ ter a !hi, M,u (gage .hall In.~ a:: ac: ht :.along ~ueh none, ! , ,.,:}led toad eadressrd r, Borrow •s at
<br />the Property Address or ~.. :ah .ahc: -aidn:,. as A„r n,w rr maa de,:en.uc ht .,,,!ice m ! en<Icr . s nn,vided herein, :rod
<br />th; ;rot nottre to S ender shah hr ~ -cn hs ,ernht,i nsui, r turn .__ :pt .cyues:c.f .. . ....... . ..)Dress stated itereia ; : to
<br />such other nddres+ es [enter maa 'desrgnatr M nonu• :,+ tiro n,w eta es pn,,,Je.l `+ : ~.~.~\m nouer pnw!Jal for ~,n !his
<br />Lhartgage shalt hr dretneJ =o fia+r b n w Borrower ; r i ender ss hen gac•r, ut ~~hr market Jts!gnateJ herru+
<br />13, L'nltorm Murtg~r; C;avrraittg slaw; srrerabiliit. : , . +rrn :,i rnr,regaf;c .•,mP=noes ;., :eearnt .c~vrnanta for natn•nnl
<br />use and nom unilorm covenanm wrth limdrd aa!muon+ M i rlsJ:coon n onsnune .r andorm s ,a:q insuumm~t a rung
<br />real prt,lxvrn 'Ibis Mortgage sh.rll tee >;o+c-: ucd by !hr law ,I the nunJn non ,: wh:d: the Proptrrt n looart•d ~+aln the
<br />event that any pnwatou or ;louse of tht. ~i netgagr ,,: !hr Nate ennlLc!, ,ai0:.mpb:nhir !awl ,udt :nn!l:a ,hull not .ditet
<br />other pnas:,tom of the Mortgage or fix Nprc wh:ah ~;,n he ;,rn eBea! wnhon; the .nnPi.:mg pnnision and n, this
<br />end the provisions .,f the Afortgagc and !ix• A,,te arc .",cr LrreJ t,~ hr .rvrrable.
<br />16. Borrower's Copy. Borrows ,hall br R^n„hcJ .: loons nmd .ops ,q ;hc ~'on• ~a+.t ,-,! :hi. Montage ;a the near
<br />of e,.c.uUOn nr alter rcaorJ;riinn he!rol.
<br />1J. Trarafer of ihr Proper(}; As+umptiou. I! as :n" uu. I,ert n! :fir Proprna ,•, un .mrn•,r :hr!r:n :, .oW nr rrnns;c: red
<br />t
<br />by Burrow rr wghout I tndcr's prior wnurn .-. u.enl. excluding •.:: !hc ;ra~at:oa .•: .: .:en ,•t rnsnmhrarnr ,uhunt:n.,tr to
<br />thn Mortgage, lb) the craauon of n purctt.ue nun:r: uaurus tote: e,! S+: L,,:neh•rfJ .tpphana ca_ ter e tran,tr: ',v Ja~. int.
<br />Descent or h}' olw ration of law upon the ~iruth ,d ., n•nan! „ ~..w[-law-
<br />1_coder may, -,t I rode:'. „pnou Jr. Lnr :!I ihr ,un,+,c.mrd M :h:s 1longuge o~ he
<br />muneJ:.rn•is due :utJ payahlt. !ender shah hale , rJ -, ah .,pnan i, .:., air: ,:,c ::. !n :o: in !tn• ,.dt ,.: nemter. I cnJr!
<br />ant the person h, whom the Pntprrn :•, t., he ,oiJ soli !: enslcn cJ rc.t, it :c: c. n:rnt ~: ., aunt: !het !hr a!c,l:! „f ,a,.h i~~a:..rn
<br />:s salts( acton to l rods ant !ha: the ntte: e,! I,.n aht, : n the *i,n: rJ ht :.u. \1~+,nva¢c .hall r+e ,.t .,..h :leis .., I rndei
<br />shall request If I enter ha.+ waned :he ~qu-on to ~, suet afc pcos,dcJu:~, !h:, r .,g,,:ph -. -nd ,. (tort owa~, .u~. ,., r
<br />interest has executed tt wnurn asaum{loon ~,:grcemaur e..cptcd m wrung by I enJc:. I rode: ,hall rrir.,,i Ilor,,s:r !r,nn all
<br />o6ligaaons unJer this Mortgage ant the tiote.
<br />If lends C\ri'i 14CM1 weh opLUn to ad.:rie rate I cuda•r.hail : .nl Itra!ow e: nonce „i ~cict et:=n - :.u..,rJnna wrth
<br />paragraph 1. ucrcaf tiucn n„UCr .hall pros°:dr ~ (se(nt) ,n :. t Ir+, tiwn to .loo, !rota t71r ;tale ;Ro :,,a:., „ and tl N i•h:r
<br />which Banawc+ may eua tik aunts Jc.J_ r.J ,lue II Bor:„w., : ,:Is . ... 1, -, .a .,, ., :a - , ,_ ~ ..,b I•. n.el
<br />L node( ma} wdtMUt hrtthtt nou:c or ,icm:wd ^, Bon uw c:-.n:; nc sot rcr,r. J,d+;:ctnunc,l h, 1-a: ale ry d+ :v tn,iol
<br />Nos-t'nunw sr (;s r.s..~:s Bin row cr .lost IrnJcr lunhct ,;,s,:~.:,t, ant .~ , .:+:,,il„w>
<br />18. Accdrratiaa; Rrtttedir>. L.xccpt ae pn,vidrd in paraga aph 17 hrrcul,~'upua flonuw tt\ hrraa it ul urn .,n rnaui ur
<br />aereetttent of &atraaan M It1j,+ ~k,rtHagr, inAaditttS the caa raaah na pat nhru Jac ant vents scented h} This }lortaaac.
<br />Ltadrr prior to acerkratian +ha11 mail nonce w Nun awrr :~ puss idrd in 1!aragrap6 F-1 hrtcul +prcity utg: f I! Iht hrcaa h:
<br />t2Nhr arl£oa rryaked ro cure wch Memh: f3i a doer, tun irk, than 'U Aat+ front the Jatr Orr nunac t, tuaued fu Bvrrnwea,
<br />by wbieA Inch tueacfi rotes( 6r cured; and t~l that failure to tare wrh Meaah ..n m (saline the date +prdhrJ to the nuOSa
<br />'tta) rrwit to aerekral£on ut tM: +unts weured ba tfih a.}a;rtgarte, pnca h,+ure by prdicial pn+cecJutg and solo of the Pn,ya riy.
<br />TMtt aotke +haU furthr[ Inform Burruwrr u( the right rn rrittstale affu as celrrattwt ant ihr ugfit w as.aert m Ow fares lu.wtc
<br />proceeding the nna-ratsttncr nt a default ur avt otter[ Detains of &uruaa rr w ea uderetiuu cord twrciu+tn r. 11 nc~ hra rah
<br />b 6W oared as ac Da lure the daft spcrititd in Iiw rnatia c, lender al I.r tnlct'+ opliaaa naa} Jraixtr ail n£ ihr ,ants .ccurrd b}
<br />lbkr a(lottyaasr to t+C itnntediatrts due nett payxMe wilhawt further dratanaf and oar: i,a[ea l.r,c bt ludta tai Inocrrdiaa, l.radrr
<br />sbeB bx eafilkd rs, raNrs! in :wh p:v.r sling aB rxpr asst rat tareclustua. +n, ladsrat<„ iru€ .uu IrutitrJ ia, .alts •~t Jcr<umcnears
<br />evitknac. a4saaers salt flit( repr,n,.
<br />f4, ~afpaN'Ca'a Rigfi! da gefwlatr. 't::;Huh;tuo+t:ng 1s . .. .. .... ... .. :. ~. ..,~:., ,,:-; ,. ., .. bt.~r_ __
<br />fk,rtowa .htd; h,,sc tn,_ :tght :, ,.. . p• ..ad " ~ .J.. , . ~+: ..
<br />k .,
<br />