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<br />$~-~ ~~ ~ . <br />prior to entry of a judgment enforcing this Mortgage if: fa} Borrower pays Lender alt sums which would be then due under <br />[his Mortgage. the Note and notes securing Future Advances,tf any, had no acceleration occurred: (b? Borrower cures alt <br />breaches of any other covenants or agreemtrzts of Harrower contained in this Mortgage; fc} Borrower pays ai! reasonable <br />expenses incurced by Leader in enforcing the covenants artd agr~ments of Borrower contained in Shis Mortgage sad in <br />enforcing Lender's-remedies as provided in paragraph 18 hereof,-including,.but not iimitedta, reasonable attocdey's:fees;"and; - <br />(d7'Borrower takes such action as Lender may reasonably require to assure that the lien of this: Mortgage, Lender's interest'. <br />in the Property and Hortower's obligation to pay the sums-secured by this Mortgage shall-continue-unimpaired-. - Llpoa atic_ h, - <br />payment and cure by Borrower, this Mortgage and- the obligatiotrs secured"hereby snail remain in- fall force sad effect-•aa if ~ - - <br />no acceleration had-occirred. <br />- - 20. ~ AseignoteM of Reiita; Appoitetnient-of-Receiver; Lender-in Possc~Ian: As additional security hereunder,-Burrower <br />-hereby assigns to Lender the rents of the Property. provided that Borrower sisal], prior to acceleration-under: paragraph-l8 _ - <br />hereo€ or abandanmen€ of the Property, have the tight io caliect and retain such rents a3- rhey became=due"artd~payable.= <br />~- Upon acceleration under paragraph I$ hereof ar abandonment of the Property; Lender,. in. person':~by-agenrbrby' - - <br />~jvdicially-appointed receiver, shalt-be entitled to enter upon,-take--possession of-and-manage-the-Property andto collect the - - <br />rents of the Property, including those past due. Al( rents collected by Lender or the receiver shalt be'applied first to--payment - <br />of the costs of management of the Property and collection of rents, including; but not limited to,- receivePs fees; premiums' on <br />ttceiver's bonds and reasonable attorney's fees, and then to the sums secured by this Mortgage:--Lendiir-snit-the-:eeeiver- - - <br />shalPbe liable to account ontyfor those rents actually received: - - ~ - " <br />- 2t: -Future Advances. Upon request of Borrower, Lender. at Lender's-optioa-prior--to release-of-this Mortgage, may -_ <br />`make i'antre Advances-ro Borrower. Such Future Advances, with "iaterpst thereon, sha}I-be Mortgage when'- - - <br />evidenced by promissory notes stating that said notes are secured- hereby. At no time-shalt the principal amounC of the,- - <br />indebtedness secured by [his Mortgage, not including-sums advanced in accordance herewith-~to protect--the secun`ty~uf this-~ <br />Mortgage, exceed-the original amount of the Note plus USS-. S.OO:nOA-.... ,.... - - - - - - ----- - - - - -- <br />22. Release. Upon payment of alt sums secured by this Mortgage. Lender shall discharge this- Mortgage, without <br />charge to Borrower. Borrower shall pay all costs of recordation, if any. - - - <br />IN- WtYf7E$$ WHEREOF, Borrower has executed this Mortgage. <br />Robert James irks 'sOaO1M°` <br />..................................................... <br />-eerrower <br />aanau ... ..........~. ": <br />7 Ss. <br />CO[RJTY OF Aall j <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this .3Pth . ,day of. APF11 <br />. 19. HG by Robert James Nicks . . <br />witness my hand and notarial seal at. , ,grand Island, NebrasYa . <br />i_n said County. tile, date aforesaid. . <br />IIQCalT-NiM rtaM+aHy > s ~ <br />l ~. !ut ~ ' 1 s71 ~c-'` i1 <br />Yt, nor. ~ tiv. 2i. ifN12 r.` i=: 'T. ~ ;'. t I"'". <br />N.?tart ~..ttY4lie <br />MI' Commission expires: jJ ~5.~1 <br />ASSIGNIdENT OF MORTGAGE <br />i(NOW ADZ N,EN BY TRESS pR~SIsN'f$, that, CcatNriQroi, 1, Nd't~t:ndi .`3tlnIL €~ Truu~ ,Cq. . <br />f°Rasirynvr"} for good and valuable considaraticn to it in head paid by chi Nebraska Mort- <br />5a9e' FSstanctt Fund, c?xgani2ed nrder the laws of the State of Nebraska, !°Assi., raa''l, the <br />re~olpt of wt;ish is hereby acknowledged, does hereby msaicn, tras:sfer, and <br />sat oVeY ants AsvSgnoe at.I its rlgitCS, title, as:d interCSt in and to crest cc.rta in Mart- <br />qb5~ executed by $x7tao~t.t3, Plirtr;:ejt . .uc,co <br />