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~-= r~~~ <br />Lender's written xgrezment or applicable law. Horrow•er sha[I pay the amount of all ntarignge insurance premiums iu the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereaf. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional <br />indebtedness of Barrowcr secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such <br />amounts shall be payable upon notice tram Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall bear interest from-the <br />date of dis6ursemeni at the rate payable from time to Gme an outstanding principal under the Nate unless payment -of <br />interest at such rate would be contrary so applicable law, in which event-such amounts shag bear interest at the--highest race <br />permis€ibie under applicable law. Nothing-contained in this paragrapfi 7 shaBi require Lender to incur any expense ar take <br />any action hereunder. <br />8: Lnapection. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and-inspections of ihePropetty, provided <br />that Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related-to-Lender's <br />interest in the Property. <br />9. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award ar claim for damages, direct ar consequential, ia~connection with any <br />condemnation ar other taking cf the Property, or part thereof. ar far conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are-fierehy assigned- <br />and shall be paid to Lender. <br />In the event of a total taking of the Property. the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage: <br />with the excess. if any, paid m Borrower. Tn the event of a partial taking of the Property. unless Borrower- and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shalt be applied to the sums secured-by this Mortgage-such pmpottion-of-ihbproceeds-- <br />as- is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to -the-date- of- <br />taking bears to the fair market vahtz of the Propetty immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to $orrower. ~ _ <br />If the Properly is abandoned by Borrower, ar if, after notice by i.ender to Honawer thaT the condemnor offers *,o-make <br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Bnrrawer fails to respond to Lender within 36 days after the date such notice;is- <br />mailed. Lcndcr is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds, at Tsnder's option. either to restoration or repair. of -the <br />Property or ra the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />Unless Lender and Bnrrawer otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shalt not extend <br />ar pnstpone [he due date of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs I and ' hemaf ar change the amount of <br />ttrch installments. <br />IP. Bamrwer ~7at RMrased~ Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums severed <br />by this Mortgagz ¢ranred by Lender to any snecessar in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release. in any manner, <br />the liahilitq of the original Bnrrawer :rod Borrower's arceessars in interest. Lender shall not be required h? commence <br />proceedings against such vuccessor or refuse m extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums <br />sccurzd by this Mortgage by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower and Borrowers succrssors in interest. <br />! 1. Forbearance by Lender \M a Waiver. Any farhearance h~• Lcndcr in exercising any right er remedy hereunder, or <br />otherwise :rff+rrded by applic-able love. shah not 3x a waiver n nr preclude +hc exercise of acv such right or remedy. <br />"the procvremem .,i Sn,ura;a,--,;;~ nc~ ,^.~s•m~R+ n( razes nr ~,ther Iizns ar charges by Lender shall not tae a waiver of Lender's <br />right u+ acc_dcratc the maturirg of the mdebrzdress secured by this b9ort;<age. <br />I?_ Remedie_y Cumulative. RII remedies prorrded m thi \lartgagc are distinct anti cumulative to any other right or <br />remedy under :hrs Mortgage or afforded by law ur a{urte~. and m;rv hr c<errszd concurrenth'. independemly or successivehf. <br />t3, Sncr~son and Assigns $ound:.[oint and .set erat [.iahility; Captions. T'he caa-counts and agreements herein <br />cnntauaed .ha8 hinci.:md tha rights ht~eunder Thal! more ta. the ncpechvz successors and assigns oC Lcnrier :uict Harrower. <br />subject to .br provisions of paragraph t7 hereaf. Atl crn•enaru anti agreements ++f &=rrnw~er shall be joint and several. <br />The capuans arxi headings of the parn~raphe of tills Mortgage are for .-onvemence ++nl}• and ;ue no[ to he used to <br />int+ir~rrt't ar tisane the prcvrsians hereof. <br />t Voticr- Eeeept for any notice regru red under' apphecele law to be green ur another manner, la) any native to <br />Horrowrr provided Car in this Mortgage shall Ix y;rven ha marling ,uch nonce by ,crtified mml addressed to Barrowcr at <br />to 'n!pen}• \cldres+ n at verb .lhr r ~_idresa IB.rr:. ,vet dc.,¢nete by r - rte *u I ender ,e~ prr+vidc=d herein, and <br />ib+-n.. -, t.rndcr ch;rEE ha? Oven by yetttt•r.d m,uE'~ -_a_ . eq.,eAteri-_ r t ~n.4cr ld,iress -~rted hen•in nr to <br />suclx s ther ~tdires as L- rider mety designate h - ut.xa . , 1, s ,.r+.vrdcri '4erzm. n r urt,icz pravideci for in this <br />M r. ;.hit; N, canev t.. ., -r , :w . -.rxer ~tF~en --. th- mt!nn..r rte`-1~=4.ted h_~ein <br />75rr. L'nifornr s2ortgaRY- C;uverning iaNt Sercrabilit+. h_ t. •rr ;t moniaxe .:ambtues ur,rfarcr; ,.u mrts iur r a.. naI <br />use aril nr,n~r:ni?nrrn cpcznaats with. Ftn:ited =ar,ato.-dr, t-s _. tarn i nshnne a uniform securely inernrmem ce,~ering <br />real preipens Phis Murteage shop he governed h. nc~ love :•t ?hc ~.urr+dicoon ut a°ltkh the Pn,pzrte :- !oc:ded !n the <br />went 'hat ant' provisiur. nr clause ,:f thra Mortgage ,~r nc~ Vote :oni9rats +r irh appiiccrhle i w, •,uch a+n8ret strati r.ol attest <br />other pruarsions of ihrs Marteage .,r she tints ,. hish _.ur he ~rven efirct without :hz con!L,rinp, i+r:w isi.:n :rod to this <br />end the nrocisions ,rf nc~ Mortgage acrd rnr 1;ae ere tit. Lued r.~ he +c 'c-table <br />7b. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall he furn~.he.i ., _on h,rmcd .~nlry of the tiote .mJ ,d rh:, Akert~age at the bloc <br />+rf l`xei!tlrikr Ur ,1 PIa'i r aurdatian hr rc.ri. <br />L7. Transfer of the Prnpettyt .Asaumptiar. It all ,.r am , an „r the Pn,parrs of an mtcranr rbcrem r >.,W .'r =ran,iartct{ <br />b}~ Bon`aw cr without Lender's pt rut au[tru _nt4:x n!. csduding re? the . :;shun c,l ,+ !mn ;a. c•r,iumhrau.e v hurdm.tite Ia <br />ihrs Mortgage, fbi the cratran of a nurc!::esc moor} a ua mle~ est for hnu+ehald applra4 ~ .... _ -ae,fer he devi32, <br />descent or by operation of lay upon chc .'ea[h „t a ,ru ere nom -. <br />- - - Lend;;€ :. a. I e, tier's opt -, tiro hoc : she ,um, ., ~-r n.. \h,rrga~re a+ he <br />rmmerbutely dos ,rod payable. f ender ,h:,ll h,n•ca~,+,n x•.J ~xr+n ~.qrr n,a~ b, aca•Icr arta,• ~! iv n-a ~., nc~ -..,Ir rni n~,.rnsfer~l ender <br />and the person L, whom the frro(rcn} i, rc~ he sold ,n rrenstcn owl iu:h .,grcenrenr ~, .. snug tool r, c .rc.l~t ni .u,h penan <br />,s ~atiYl a. EOta ta. _aJc.= :urd .ha, nc~. ..... va,..c , ,hr. ,,--r, , ed h. 'hr. ll-_ igagr . „ . , r „a .,, i ender <br />sJt.rll ta'gttcar If 1 r-rrdcr ha., :r:r: r.l tl+c {,o,n ', ,r ,.a ~cr ..n -r4, tied ~: du, n.r.y~.,Ph '- rid .: lIO!nw r - ,,.,,,,su in <br />inures[ heat UxCtutcat a written acurrnr.<rrr :rgrr,;rnrn•. ..:tt trrl :!. .. ih,•g h1- ! :..r. ! :r,r.,. ..,, ! .... a._ !;^=°~rti a•: ... I! <br />cthligatrc4ns under this A{ortgagr and the \ate- <br />h Len(ter c~crcnes =t+ch aptrt=rr to eeeeter,et- t uncle: -,..,,, -r ,! Fl;:u oast nutrac ~•., :rlrr;ar;,~rr ~, .,a.,,aiandc ,+rth <br />paragr,rpfi {d hzn;of Such narcc .h- I rcn;dc t><r,o,l ~~- .,err. _ ? ,La; -.. ,,, . ~ ...-. -,iicJ ar; h.::_ <br />whteb Bur. a°tu miry- ply h- , r s dac- cd whrr if F3ot n~:ur ,~I, ~, , ,,, nn ~ r-, , _ _ .. -,. t, ,,,,d <br />T"ender atty. wahrut xrr ,ar ,.c ,,.... .,,.,,,., t,,. • , ... ,,, a ,~ . -r. +,r,c. , ,.n-: a. ., _ , , _a... yr <br />?txa~-L!tvu-rak.t {'nvsxzti is 13otrc>sver ,. rxd t s°nder nrr,her ., ,cad .eras ~. ?.,:inw, <br />tR. Accclermiexn; Rrnudies. F.xc°rpt ua prnrtdrd in nara~*ruph !? hrrcut, upon [Burrow er's tarcaa tr n( an} +ur count nr <br />agreement u[ B~orruwer in this MnrtKage, iuciudiag the our mauls fu pay when dur :ur} some ,ee uteri hr this \lurtury,r, <br />Lendr€ ptiitr in accrletatlun shalt ura[l tro[irc to Borrower as pxuaided in Par ~-graph t3 hrreut .pee ttc uta. f Et ihr' #rrear Er, <br />t2l tha: arttoir rrgttired fu care tioch brrae-ht PS> a doll, r;ut {rss ihrin iBB day. Frain the dart the putt. s• rs nradcd eu LBwrowct. <br />by whk'h such breuctr most be sand; and iJi that tailors to cuxr such breach on ur before nc~ duty sprcihrd in tha• rrutirc <br />may result in acceteratlart rrI Bhe xrrnts scarred by this i[urt{;age, fureclasrue hr- jndicinl Prgca-edirrg :xrd vdr at the Pnrprrry. <br />"F he nutlet shall farther infnan Burrur+cr of the right ru rrinela[r after acaeleratwu and !hr ri}tht m .e,.,ert in the forcchrsum <br />itissr:rrdittg Ih€ emU-etfytearce at a default ur soy atixr de[erutiF oP Hurrawer to au a4Cra(f<rn oral fur ra taxmc. it the trrr•mh <br />L riot cured ern we hrfutr tixr duty specihed in the nuhre, I a•rxlrs ai t rrntcr"s uptiorx ruay drrlarc ail ut rite +unu sa nrcd hr <br />this fiIungu; t to t:p imtnrdiatrly dur cxui payable wtthuuf furrhrt crrmand sad nraa Pure<tuu• h} judrccal prat-ccdirxg~ Lender <br />SAali be rniBted #n c-otB~et ten such pra:.~rectifsg alt rx Peev:co uF fuxecB,.+ure. raaiualinq. hot nut fintiicd ru. , u+t-•. ui dos •iurcmurr <br />eeitlri;.,:, att42rut'- rrni. Epic reprsrt=. <br />ra <br />t9. Aaarn,w><r'x I~~itt to i~ixcutntc_ A.,rwr t _,sc, . _ _. , .- . ,-- ~ .-. .. - , ,. .r. ,- <br />Fla -, r.,,. -.r.., h€.-+ l.c t r .,e. ., a. F __ .. -- ... ,.. ,. .... ... ~ ~ i.. <br />