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<br />2. ,Water. Public water service is available to all Lots <br />within said subdivision, with the following conditions: Water <br />service for Lot 2 shall be supplied through an eight-foot water <br />easement as indicated in the plat and the subdivision. Said water <br />service shall be installed and remain the property of the owners <br />of Lot 2 of said subdivision. The awners of said Lot shall be <br />required to maintain and keep said private. water service in good <br />working ccnditian. <br />3. Sanitary Sewer. Sanitary sewer service is available to <br />all lots within said subdivision. Lat 1 is currently served by <br />sanitary sewer through an easement in Lot 2 as shown on said <br />subdivision plat, The Subdivisions agree that the owner of Lot 1 <br />shall; retaitx full reponsibi,lity for the aperatian and maintenance <br />of said s;an~itary sewer service across Lot 2. <br />4. Storm Drainage. Storm water falling upon said subdivision <br />currently arazns to puolzc rignt-oi-way ana may vn irrite ~v uu ~ . <br />5. Sidewalks. The Subdividers, if still the owners of the <br />land in the gx'oposed subdivision., or if the Subdividers shall have <br />trsnsfer^red title to the gragerty, then the var'i,aus grantees thereof, <br />wi,l,l install, at their awn expense, all public siclewa'1kR required <br />by' the ~+rand Island City Cdde when the adjacent lot is built upon, <br />and sidewalks shall be re$ulaCed and required with the building <br />germit for each such LaC. <br />6. Warranty. The undersi;ned owners as Subdividers warrant <br />that they are the owners in fee simple of the Land described and <br />proposed F, ca be known as Freeman Subdivision (Revised), and that an <br />abaCracc caf title will be submitted for examination, if necessary, <br />upon rec)ueat of the City of Grand Island. <br />7. This agreemenC shall run with the land and shall be <br />binding upon and inure to the benefit ~+f the parties hereto, their <br />successt+rrs, assigns, heirs, devisees, and Legatees. <br />Where the term "Subdividers" i.s used in this agreement, the <br />subsequent owners of any lots in the subdivision shall be responsible <br />,, <br />