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(t ! month prior to its due date [he annual mortgage insurance premium in odder to provide such holder <br />with funds to pay such premium to the Secretary of Housing and Urban fkveiupment purwant to the <br />tiational Housing Act, as amended. and applicable Regulations thereunder; yr <br />(1{} -f and so fang as said note of evert date and this instrument are held by the Secretary of Housing and <br />ihhan t3eveloprrunt, a mantfily r:ftarge !ix lieu of a mongege" inareraxee premium) which shall be in an <br />amount eyual w one-twelfth (1 jl2) of sine-ha}f {i/2) per cenhrm of the average outstanding balance <br />due on the note evmputed without taking into acuwnt delinquencies or prepayments; <br />(b) A sum eyual tit the ground rents. if any. next due, plus the premiums Fhat will next become due and payable ou <br />palicies of fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property, plus taxes and assessments next due <br />on the mortgaged property /at( as estinrare'd bt• the Mongagerl Less all sums already paid therelor divided by the <br />number of months to elapse tsefore ane month pnur to ihr dale when such ground rents, premiums, taxes and <br />assessments will become delinquent. such sums [0 6e held by Mortgagee in trust to pay said ground rents, pre- <br />rmurrss, taxes and special assessments; and <br />(c} Ali payments ntentianed in the two preceding subsections ++f this paragraph and all payments to be made under <br />the oust secured hereby shall be added tul•ethrr, .:t;d the. aggregate amount thereof shall 6e paid by the Mortgagor <br />each month ur a stnvJe paymen} to be applied bt the Mortgagee to the following items in the order set forth: <br />(p premium charges under the contract of insurance with the Secretary ui' dousing and Urban f~veluptnen[, <br />or monthly charge tin lxvr tr/ rnurrRage insurance prenaiurnj, as the case may be; <br />(IR ground tents. taxes, assessments- lire and other hazard insurance premiums; <br />(Ill} inrercst an the note secured Irerrbv; and <br />f1Y) amortization of the principal utsatd note. <br />Any deficiency in the amount of any such a(t~regau monthly payment shall unless made goad 6y the Mbrt- <br />gagur prior to ttru due date of the next such pavment. d,~.ustinrte an went of detau(t under this mortgage, The <br />Mortgagee may tolled a "lair charge" not to exceed t~arr cents (9q) for each dollar (S I) ;f each payment mare <br />than titteen (1 S! days in arras to cover rhr e.xrta cspensr involved ur handling delinquent payments. <br />'t'hat if the total of the pavment.4 made by the \inr[Qagor under i h% of parx}!raph '' preceding shall exceed <br />the amount of payments acwaliy made by tht• \IortKaKee for >'raund rent:,, taxe.~ and assessments or insurance pre- <br />miums, a.: the ea.~r mxy he, -uch esct=,s, if the lcziri is curcenr, .rt the opricxt ai the Mortgagor, shall be credited bV <br />the ~brtga{tee on suhseyuent payment:, to Ire made. by' the viortt=agor, ur refunded to the llortgakor. If, however, the <br />+tunthly payment= made by the Mortgagor under rb/ of paragraph Z preceding shall not be sufficient to pay ground <br />matt, taxes and assessment< or insurance premiums, as the r:i'r may he. when the tiame shall become due and pay- <br />able. then the Mortgagor .,hall pay to the \tort¢agre any amount nrces.san+ to make up the defirir•ncy, on nr beforn <br />the dat4 when Havmrnt of much nmund rant-, nt[r-. a.~..r-moments nr in.urunre ntwmium~ shall hr due tf at any <br />time the Mortltal;orhull tender tv the \lorigtiKrr, in acrorr7ance with the provirionn of the note secured herr6}, <br />ftttl pavment of the roller indebtetlnr-~ tepee-rr.trd rhrmby, the \ltrrtKa~ret• .hall. to rnmputing the amount of much <br />indebtedness, credit to ihr scrosinr of the Mortgagor ail patntents matte staler the (,nlvtsiuus at ,, tit paragruph .'. <br />hereof which the Abrtµager ha- nut tu•cumr utrtiJyatrtl to pat to the rrrn•tun of Ilou=in>: and t than petektluncnr <br />and ant 6nlanee rrmaimnp in ihr funds arrumalated under the pro+i.n<ut- of ! : of parat?ruph ' hrrrrrf. If shw•e <br />shah hu a default under .m+ ..I the prott,iun- of ih,- n:unt<a>;r rr~uliinK to a pubtir air u( the prnmr-r- entered <br />hernht. ur i( t}re lkrnkaaer acquire= the txuprrty +tthrxt+r.r ~jftc•c rk•I'auti, ?tsr thxr~xt:re• -it;ill sppl~, ;tt ihr time of <br />the commencenumt of much pror•rrdine•, ur at she, nine the ur„pr•rn t- „thrnu~r afyu:n•d- the balanct• then rrmain- <br />ingr to the funds accumuiutrd under ' of paranrapit ~ pert rtiing..t> :i : rrdit a,•,tm~i tht~ atnuunt u! pnur ipal thin <br />rcmainink unpaid under-aid nuu•..uid ~-hull tlnq,rrlt ~ad to ~i tint pat mint- ,t tut ii -hall t,atr hr••n nn+dr under ant <br />of par~raph ':. <br />a. that tltr Yi arign~or :+dt Psi Kn,wrd :.'m.- l,ttrs, asst aatnc nP. -rater raid. :nQ !ttnc: _aarrrtinrn!,at .'r !n unirtpil <br />chaCgr+. litres a .e:po.writ n., irtt •>3fn., (_, .,.,. ! ~, ., ; hta,: ,tdda..?r - ..hats .ik. -~-i ,.ts..:r .,,rR'+,t ,nc +t,::[t;igee oral <br /> <br />a <br />oat the ;:unG.:.nt, .h«.i ehe t „tt:tit.. , _ r tt-r -tttt_,r ,_ . tnt.a t :ne ,_ -•gc!gec <br />"{he Mortgagor ,tail ,.a .,it .. a na h <br />..t tied uF,-u 'f;c \t ~atga ,e rc-? a <br />~, - -;•ta3: ~-7,n t' tit, :';1Waea <br />t <br />mints. and whith;,ra: t>r {t ttr-d tep,•„ <br />t ht. n„rrtFkge ,•: the debt art nerd tic: c-la..hnt •ant in ttlf ettr,ri Ihnt ,urn :. not [`tonirnt <br />ud t+t law ,urd earls ro the ruent that ,nth tt,it r>.•r •u.the thn tovu uauno,,,,. 'rut tit. iud,ng ,dn~ uttnrru let. ` ,~: t uJcr,,! <br />ixrposrJ tin Mortgagee. .,nd sill life ihr ,•rh,i,,i let ritli ~1tuw mg,u.h p.,, mint a uh the Dori Eager .-pop tu~latu al „[ tin. u+:drr <br />raking, tit !f ihr Mortgargar t. prahrhnrd ht- .rut i..w now ,•r nu; r.tlier rti-nog tr„n; t,nt ulg the u i;olr ,:t sr»~ t+r•; hoe:.-I +hr „i,xr <br />uu1 t:tse.. ar upon ihr rendering of .m+ toner det+rr pn,lnhmuk ihr p.:,:aeut !~~ the Mo, tgago, ,y ;vii ,nth t.:ua. , t :l -d. ^ t.:w <br />ordecrre Movxtra that anti unhntnt at -,.ua M :ile aortgaeur .itai! cc :,,t;dro,sn Inc marl}agr,tebt the vlnitt,,,grr „ here <br />Iha right to give inner} dots ;t nttrn uoirie to ihr ,.,t ne! :,1 the ~ ::aiuagcu t•tenu,ea_ :t-yuuu:K Ihu {^.,uneut .-± 'hr ;::,:n <br />dNtt. !f ,uch :tWU'r tK ~tun~ ihr .old ueht .ti .11 hu. sate sue- Pw •:rdr end t air+uhte .:t mr rvptrattun ul +.,at •,nnrtt ,,., <br />6 that .houW ire fail 41 pat :tin aunt of ,err .,ot a.„t'~:.+' r pi„tided t:n nt ilns li ortgagc, then rite Llotigagrr.~d n. ,~p- <br />tltin. n18t pay t11 t'r i't llftli lhr satnr..enu -tit C'<i~nt}I€nlr~ ~•"tlat{r :ie.~it r`r .:ddrd =--<< ills !, tint t(+ill tUtn ,: tt l:tg ,•n tttr .:hi`: ,' I:,:IY <br />,hail he secured hrrehy..utd .hail hr,n snteru.t : t the :.,,t .<~i `:,nh u, : he .:,:at Waft. ~,un+ i•.nd <br />- hhai he hereby atargns. uansfen .+nJ tat„•tr. n• me LtautF,•t'ec. •u hr .,~pi:eu rt~u aid the {~a c:nrN „r alt ~:,dr .,nd ., <br />suni.+ secured hetehy w ca u• t:l a detauil w ,hr p<rt,n encore n. tin .+t ihr irrr.a .,na .., atJ,4ona ad rho Vlt,tivutc ,a fhr ..ra <br />nine. till the ronh-tut anuca .,nd mttnnr f.~ rt• ur: +t r.; :r„c, :nr r,,., tg,,ero r•rr.ufsra dinrn. a:.,th ilrnc ,~, the :non car .ad: hi; c <br />ness shall rrmaut wtpa,d, and the \it+ttgager aA„'I r.:,t< < a. e, ;,, .^pannt .:tit .,;rent .'r ., rr.rt a 'n,n Jcaue t,=: ~hc p:a pa., . <br />rrparntht swrd pteuuses and i,f rcntiri@ ihr .slot ,-1 ,•iir.u g .hr :cot. e-.tour. --:.c - .., r!c- :nd a m, t , ., : ,~ .'I •~ utl .r,. <br />u2mt5nil expense. ui npartmg said prcnu±s'a anJ ne.'r~am a .otnmissa,!t-,erW rtprn-rs inrttrreJ m rrnnng ~:rKi matiaging fht' <br />taume i[lit al cv8ecti ng trnlal~ Ihrrefrunt, the ttdiancC ?etnmwng_ d am. to rye .,t+phrd tt,want ihr dir. barns of t.nd rn.:rt;c <br />,ndeMrdnrts <br />ti Thai `rye Wdi keep ttlc cmprucrmrnrs nrv. c+,s[rnk •,r nerpattrr t re.ti•at t•n 1r .e„ri F.aNt. - r`f''i`t'f'- n -::., ,! .f • ..:,t: f+c• <br />fegUtfrd trUn1 Inrlr ta, !line •?t ltlr Mttit~'.yter .+g-e( •.i ,a. _ F ,~:.,1 i~t_ ':: ~ ti •. ,": ,-~. .:.-!5 :[•. -_:tn <br />H1tti?UHt5 ii/rd far ~UCh pcYl l(fi .t~ 3tla} 1q,R FNCi 1tUCa~ r`} the it„r;j:,tf?iC .,,iJ t. •.,l 1 „Itirl;. :-. t)t'ty ,p=it .+~ :!:I ie;:1~ .~:t -..:. h <br />I:i t I . : <br />7nSUrartcr pries lstan !U7 ptl YrHCm tat wht~tY has rrt,l r'cen ni;,afe he r !titre tc,fr itt (Haut stet[ arW1I t'y a.u ttt~,. ~!` _a,lllFar:t+~ ,, <br />ptf!+r{j ht- the MJrI{ta~Ct anU ttiC fW:hLMa an6 to tFC'•al+ ttrCifOt shat! t,C ta`td ?"t ihr -Lt,rl t~; .,=lit iM? c' .:!t ;. t4'ti tha9 fr„ :.-aa <br />Inishk .'iausr•. fit htvtu td and m form .,. epiah;r t,. the Ltoi.g.rgce ;n,-.n:,, - ., ir,~:t..,g„i , ,:~r.~,:,;:,r tt,:.:.,: t <br />~ <br />~ <br />mar( to the Marfgagr-e. u'bt mat ntaitc ~ ix t t t n't n ds ,m(th + 't1 <br />- t~ , d n _.,u t:.::,.., n ~ <br />ternCGt kS tfeht+t enihkM rfe+,i :-ctrl ttnet.i..., . .. ,:t - ,Ui 1.-,• ~a elitYi {,S ,. ,,.. ,t•+, kk.fgtr we.te ,....'t !,-'I,r Lir,t 1}^n~;.'f <br />,ind the Mortgaagoc ,9t Wily. and the astu n - ,r ,.c i u t n ih n„t -r,.+.:h . r f ~ i t ihr LioN ke~.u t' 1 ,h t • thrt ~. <br />ta, the tedtttiran of tttr Indrtltrd ne~h iAriK nt vitllfcu arr Sti the t [itr,ttir H: s'1 !rt'.ar ,tt nit I.:, ~, t,r4 1 n ,gle t 1 1 <br /> <br />+urr N[his ntori~ylr vt „thtr Stan.fcr fuhet-,ham nr '. pc a tt tnyu to t tit t ct tit f '.t Ici 1~ ~ <br />uzf right_ ntk sent tn4+.rrst w the Mtutc„,Kt - a -eft n w tt r i 'r 7 t r. I - : h ~ t t <br />? That as adduu r+al .utd tint -; at -:,ar,,. tha F ay+ t t [:rc ~ r : , .,, f -, t a : f , i - 'n <br />t <br />A <br />' <br />~ .~ <br />;nur~.y~, s <br />ep <br />ku <br />rar he t t .igrst w The M o <br />t;tn}teC art ~ lt., ; ,a ,. ltr -tkq .p hit a,,, as „r r t <br />'4#rat"ivt grade-r NnF and. , •u tutu s,.ts =easy. an tsd ptrnu.rc. w.,h true ,ghl s., t•e n.Lt 'e t?pt L•n t+, .,- u'.o ,pp , <br />!hen 3a EK1 irtdelfty`fitlE:ta ,ems ,.. -'ai,rt; - , dt ta:... ,za° . `.a3:t N,tf ..,.. , . ,f eat - It t ..,. ,, ....,, , . <br />1.. eft . _a!'a;? an} ,ya.'h i at -._t;;,:. ,. IrEa-.. a..fe :., f a ..+ _ t_, ,,,... r .. ... ......... .... ,.., .. .. -.. .. ,.,.,. <br />, <br />deist rtrS':`t3lt: C{411. ,s is. >e .t, i ,. •.._..... ~ .:;-,He ..'n'r <br />