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p~/qq 31-04-0099~r, ~ t 'mss form is tatted in cannee- <br />OV"'i' ~ ~~~GA~E lion with mortgagee ittttttuRd= <br />under the otse- to fora-fa~S <br />prorisfoete of the Nations) <br />HoasfttgAcE: <br />(4tITH DEPEI2RED INTEREST A~ ZNCRBASTtttG tfiLY It•TS <br />THIS MORTGRGE, made aad executed this 29th dsy of Apri3 ,k:D. <br />14 80 ,by and between I,ealie E. Rage and Roma D. Roger hgeband and wife <br />of the County of ball ,and State of Nebraska; partyof the firstpart, h~eit~aftsrgtkd`• <br />the Mortgagor, and t~brtgage Plus Incorpozated <br />a corporation orgarrized and existirts under the laws of the United States of America <br />party of the second part, hereinafter called the Mortgagre, <br />WIT•NESSETH: That the said Mortgagor, for and in consideration of the snm of Fifty Five Thousand One Htutdred <br />Fiftpy and, 00/10 s. -------------------------- Dollars (S 55 , 50.00 ?, paid by the MorE- <br />gaga, ttte rece+pt o/ which is hereby ackttowtedged, has Gtartted and Sold and by these, ,presents does. Grant, - Sat- <br />gain, Se)1, Convey and Confirm trmo the Mortgagee, its successors and assi®tts, forcvrr, the fotlowingdestad6ed <br />real estate, sittuted in the Cauaty of Ha11 .and State' <br />of Nebraska. m wit: <br />Lot Thirty Four (34), Castle Estates Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />also known as: 4048 Palace Drive, Grand Island,Nebraska 68801 <br />u( the tiixth Rincipal Meridian, containing in all county property acres according to Govern- <br />ment survey', <br />TO HAVE ..-WD 1'O HC)LU the prrmisrs atwve descrived, wtih all the appurtenances ttrrteuntu belonging and Including <br />all heatlttyt. plumturtg and lighting tixturrs and rquiprnent rn>w or hrrrafter attached to ur usrd in ~unrtectiun with veld rra) estate <br />unto thr Murtgager, and to its successors and assigns, k?revcr. 1'he Mortgagor rrpresents tu, and covenants with, the Mortga- <br />gee, that the Mortgagtix has good right to sett and esMVry said premises: that ihry are fret from rncumbrance: and that the <br />Mtx2ya~or will warrant and defeml the scarce against the lawful claims of alt pcrxuas wtx>msoever; and thr said !liortgagot here= <br />by relinquishes ail rights of homestead, and all martial rights. richer m law ur m equity, and ail other cuntingenl interests of the <br />Mortgagor in and to the above-descrtitxd premises. the mlention txing rra convey hrrehy an ahsululr title, in fee simply, includ- <br />ing all rights o[ homestead, and othrr rights and interests as aforesaid. <br />PROVIDEp ALWAYS, and these presents are rxecuted and deliverrJ upon thz fullowingconditiuns. wwit: <br />Tate Mortgagor agrees to pay to tht Mortgagee, ur order, the principal sum of Fifty Five Thousand One Hundred F'i fty <br />anaa 00~10 ths ------------------- lktl)ars 15 55,150.00 I, with intrust from <br />date afthe rak of Thirteen per centum 1 13.00 -~1 per annum un <br />the unpaid valance until paid. The said principal and interest shall be payable at the uflicr of Mortgage Plus Incorporated <br />in Englewood, Colorado , or at each other phrtce as Ihr holder of <br />the nutr may designate in wntittg, in monthly installments of (according to schedule A attached to said <br />note) --------'----'------"-- Ikdlars IS------'------'--__-------iR commenJmg un Ihr first Ja} ni <br />~ ne , 1980 , and un the first day of tech month therrafter until the princtpai and in- <br />terest ate fully paid, except t`tai the final payment of principal and interest, if nut suunrr paid, ,hall hr due and <br />payabk on rite first day of May 2010 :all according to the terms of a crr[`,un promts• <br />nary rota of turn date herewith rxecuted by the said Mortgagor. <br />l`tte Mortgagor in order more fully to protect the security irP this Mortgage, agrees: <br />I. That hr wit) pay the ittdebtedMSS, as heminbetore provided. Rivilegr is reservrd to pay thr drvt in choir, ur m an <br />amqugt aqua( to oar or more monthly isaytnents an the principal that err next Jar on the note. on the first Jas ,d enx month <br />EMS to tttaturity, Ptttrvided, Aowever,'f'hat written rwtice ut an intention to exrrcise Stich prtvttegr is gis°en at feast ihnty t tttf <br />days prior to prepaymem. <br />'. That, together with, and in addition ta, the monthly paymrnt, ut prircipal and inter'rst payavk under the term, r+i rlrr <br />note secured herrby, the Mortgagor wilt pay to the Mortgagee, on the fast daY of each month until the ssi0 note ++ fatly pail, ttrr <br />fuih>wittg sums: <br />(a) Ain,wnt wflutenl to provide the huldrr hrreot with funds !o pay the next niuttgagr insutan.c lxrnuun, i~ this <br />utstrutrteut xnd the nntr mcured hereby ato Inwrrd. of a nn,rtthty chugr tin lttu Est a ,rn,rte irrwrmirr t>rr <br />rry76rAt/ tt tlsry atr hr}d vy the Sraetary of Nouauttt and t3rvan Ucvetopn>cnt, as f,rklnws~ <br />(1) It and >,u land as card oatr ref evem date :tad ihu itutruntret sic msttred ~~t are iruisulyd ~mdel !lIr p;,,- <br />vtaicxi;: of the tie banal tinnrrutg 9wf, an arnrrunt sufiicaeni to aevUmulair n~ thr hands ..t the ho+drr .*nr <br />5'i'ATF: t)t' \t;fiRAFh.- <br />W.viw,. Ea,rK„u •ru tJtyiursrx , <br />r.d .A 1~t;7M Its, :., <br />