~:'~•.,~ ~~t~.ra'7
<br />Lender's •.rritten agreement rx applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manor: prn'rdcd under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Am• amounts disbursed by tender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with [ntercst thereon. shat( becurrte additional
<br />indeh+edness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. L!nless Borrower and Lender agr'ei m other terms of payment. such
<br />amnrmts shall he payable upon notice fmm Lender to Harrower requesting payment thereof. and shall hear interest from the
<br />date of ;tisbursemcnt at the rate payable from time to time nn rnrtstanding principal under the Note unless payment of
<br />interest at such rate would be rnmrary to applicable law. in which event such amounts shall hear interest at the highest rate
<br />ptrn.issihle under applicable law. Nothing ctmtained in this paragraph ?shag require Lender to incur any expense ur take
<br />:ttrv action hereunder.
<br />8. Iaaptc(ion. Lender may make or cause to tre made reasonahli entries upon and inspection. of the Property. provided
<br />that t ender cha!1 give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's
<br />interest in the Property.
<br />4. CoademaNkew. The proceeds of am• award or claim Tor damages, direct nr consequential, in connection with any
<br />.condemnation or other taking of the Property, nr part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall i+e paid to Linder.
<br />In the event of a total tnkin¢ of the Property, the proceeds shall br applied to the cams secured by this-Mortgage.
<br />with the c+cess. if any raid to Borrower In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unlekc Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in w•rit~ng. there sh:dl he applied m the sums secured by this Mortgage such pmpuniun of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the arms <rcurrd he rhie 4fnrtgage immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking hears to the fair market valve of the Property immediately prier to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid t.+ Borrower.
<br />if the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if. aftr_r notice by Lender ro Aormwer that the condemnor offers to make
<br />xn award or crttle a claim for dnn;~ges. Borrower fails to rrspund to Lender within 30 days after the date Stich notice is
<br />atailed, ixnder is authuri2ed to collect and apply the prncieds, ;n Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Propem- or rn the clams secured by this Mungage
<br />l'nless Lender :rod Burrower otherwise agree in writing, anp such application of prrx:eeds to principal shall net extend
<br />nr pnstpene she Jue date of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and '_ hereof or change the amaurtt of
<br />such ins[allments-
<br />t0. Borrower Vot RNeased. E~rension of the nine fur pas'mcm nr modificaurnr of amnriizanon of the sums secured
<br />by this Mortgage granted by Lender to any successor rn interest of Horre+arr .hall ern operate to release. in anv manner,
<br />the liahdity of the origin:{! Aurrrnver and Borrower's successors m inrerest. {.ender shall not he required to cammenee
<br />proceedings against such successor nr refuse to estcnJ time for payment or otherwise modify amorrizatinn of the sums
<br />set ured by this Mortgage by reason .d .ins demand made by the nriemal Burrower and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />11. Forbearance 6y Lefrder 11ot a Waiver. ,Am fr?rhearancr he 1 coder in rxercismt am• riche nr remedy hereunder. or
<br />ntherw'ise afforded by applicable ?aw. .hall not he a waiver of or preclude the rterr. ise of an}' such right or reined}'.
<br />71te prtacurement of insurance nr the pavmem of rases nr nthir lens or sharers by 1 ender shall not he a uaivrr of Lender's
<br />right to accelerate the maturin~ of the indehtednr« ,er,-reed by .h+, yf„rt^a~c
<br />IZ. Rtmedies Cumalatftre. .All rrmedrnc nr,+•. u1eJ in this Mortgage are siiainrt and cumulative ro any ether right ur
<br />rcmidv under the Mortgage or atTnrJed by law nr cuum. nmi mac ha- rsercix•d :onn!rrently. indrprndcntls~ nr successivelV
<br />13. Successors and 4ssigrts Sound; .taint and Several Liabililp: ('•rptions. 'the covenants and agreements hrretn
<br />comanreJ .halt hind. and the rights hereunder yh:ill mart ra, the rrspietror wecessu rs :rod assiens of [ender and Borrower.
<br />cubjrct to rhr pnwisruns of paragraph 17 hereof. All covenants and agrrrmenn of Borrower shall he i+nnt ^nd crveral.
<br />'T'he captious .mJ heaJmga of the paragraphs of ibis Mnrtgagr arc for a?nvrmenre only :rod are not t,+ hi used to
<br />mtirpret or define the pn,•eisiom hereof
<br />14. tiglee. F'•<ti'ept Fo,• am' nuucr reyuirrd under applicrble lau r<, hr given .n anoel'ter manner. L any notice to
<br />ftorr+,wrf ^ , .Jr<i '+>. n 'hey Sfc.rtgagr .#tali lr rn rn ;.°s °railing wch nuhcr hr .rnrfied nta;l addressed ih, Bnrrn•.arr at
<br />rhr Prnprrts s-~akirr,s .'r .,t .rnh .+[hcr uddr•.. ,is Bor rower nia+ Jragn:uc h}• notiac to i ender .a pn» •ided herein, and
<br />Ihr am nrm,.r to I rn.irr ,h,dt hr cn~en ha :erufied marl, return :ceril,t rryurcteJ. «+ 1 ender', address stare) hrrcin nr to
<br />.uch ,'thrr addmc 1> i ~_•nJrr ma} Jrsrknatc by nonce r,+ &x;ou cr .r, tvn,rJtd !•e+rr;, -Vey ae+ti.r pri.<-rdrd f:+; ,n this
<br />Mnrt~aKe ,bait tom- slremrJ t+~ ha+r been riven tit Note+urr cx I a'nder ,:hen ~,scn in ;t,r mu.?nir dicier--acrd her'.rin
<br />iS_ t'rdtnrm Mvrt=aKr; Governing I aw; SerrrahBltp. i hn ?otm a=. riortgaKr ,:'tuhinrs uurfonn „=+rrrrnts t,,r n:drnnas
<br />,ise .,,.,, urr, u,,s, ;_ ..,.-rna- .ith ;,n -er,i Gerr:rnun~ h+ .... ,:r,.a t, .-, .... ,# :. ~aurn: s ,..,t i.. -tr r , ,-, .=erring
<br />real n. r,prm Ito \1,:rigaEs ,tiaa hr• '+trr~rd ht rhr . ha :air I __on :. -- ..+- Pr..tw-rn ._:;,e+t` (a tlrr
<br />cvrnt throe any i:n+v rsr.ar .-r ciauu .'t rhr, 4fongape nr rhr i'C+,rr .:'Nhal, ,. Nh appncaMcaslau. ::r,h ,:,u!hvt ,hall n:v alfcrt
<br />Mhei pi „+niom .sf :hi, Mnrtttagr ,,: the Vntc ~..lu.h ,an h. .•,.rn cHe.r .. nhr•rrr °hr ~.'irr6, lnte .' ,,, i, i,at- an,l r,. the,
<br />end the pn,u.ion. .,i 'he Mnngagr ,.mi the '~nlr arc dreleteJ r ?,c xvct alai
<br />16. Bornawrr's ('np~. Bortowrr .hall he iur;n,he,t ., ,.,u «+irncJ ,aps .•t rhr \ntc .::r,i :~. ihi. Alnu.agc .u ra• ::mr
<br />,+t rscvnton of aRrr ia, :vdarion herrot
<br />t7. Trarrfer of the Property; a!autnpliun. It sib .v em ~ ,,., .,; nc~ Pr+gwrn ,ran ,err+ev they rot r- „~Id or truu,terrrd
<br />by Born,wcr udhuut Lrndet', pn+q wutlrr. .eons nt rs.+uduiK~~ i~ 'hr ,matron „1 , i cncuarhrnn,+- ,uh„rdmale «,
<br />the Mortgage. !hl rhr station ,d .r nura he.c m„na•s ,..vur, :nrorcu ;,., houwhoid .+t+ph.rn: r.. ., ~nn.lrr hs ie~rac.
<br />descent ur by optrauun of ia» upon ;he .{sorb „! ,; :,nw trnam rr
<br />1 ondrr may .it t ender', ,+ptuar de, i.tre sli :hc +;irn. •ea ured hs 7hw Vl+uigagd «~ he
<br />mwKdratel) due .end payable I rnJer ,hall t,acc :.aped ,u,.h „plum i,' .raelcrste a- 1, n.u r„ nc~ ,,+Ir .n rnu'a+fer- I code{
<br />and rhr Person h+ uhorn the Pnrfxru r, .., ha• +ol.l „i tr.wsirn eJ mach .,grctntcur rn ~., r:tnry that rh:• , rmin :d .a..h perc+,n
<br />rs saUStactor+ to Lender .end thet the rnlrr r,r hay ,rblr .'n rhr ,rnu+,rarr ed hs rise, Vl,a titngc ,h,Jl I+e .a •=.r.h tars .n 1 under
<br />shalt r¢ypr5t If Linder h:as aatrr+! rho .•praa+ t,. ,,,, a•ier,ue ~r.~: rdcd ~~+ rhr. , icr;,ph ~ 7 _rnd :: Hay n,wr -_ •:i,. cam,+,r in
<br />.nterest ha. saes+rteJ a ut'iren aauurri)au+n agn~emrnt :,,:cl+teJ m -,r;nng i,c I en,irt. 1 coder ,h:dl rot.a,c ~or,+.,rt !tom .:II
<br />r+bhga6Mts under thrp Mortgage .end fire Ncti-
<br />lf I.endm earrei:es , ,ch ,,puon !a u.,crler..le. 1 crtdrr .haft nr;.ul Honu..tr note a' ,~f dtlewuner i ioonr.lanav ,+uh
<br />paragraph Id nrn-.d tiucit n,~uee ~,hai: preav:dr ., +. and i•t a,rr 4•>, th,, , ~n ;taa, ;ran nc~ clue nc~ ri.,n.: nr-,i{rJ +, that
<br />s hicb Bam,wcr pray t'a, :hc ,unx de,:- .: riuc ! ft ~-„„ ,:+ ,.._.. ,.m .. .... ..:, r:. r-,sat
<br />t r151h`.( n}may. Nil ha~lll rlilFhr,'r ~„ .v ,'I .-, nl.y l,+t ,`:r If. .. „~. 'ka .! r. - - !'d!rt i ,I 1 r!t':( 1'! - r , -= t '
<br />'\u~l~nrraacrt r+sc~-cats 8:•r;.•usr .a,+tlrr„era r,nnc~i„ _,:,,.,r .inJ .r,:rrc .,, !,':I„xs
<br />IK. Arcrkrartun; Rerttrdirs. trtrept as Pros itkd in paragraph f7 herruf, upon 8urna+.er's M1rrash ..t any auernanl nr
<br />eyfrrtrnent of Burrvtaer in thix 11vt1tlattt. inalttdlfyl Ihr .uaruuUs to pay whin dui ana .unt. ,ea urrcd ha Ibis ~luttaattr.
<br />Lender prior to xctkratiun nbaB r+w8 rwlic'r to Bor ruu rt uc pru+itlyd err paratraph 11 hrn•vl spra d'rtntt: tU rhr hn•acb;
<br />k2i the arliun raltrirad to cure ouch breath: t ii a dart, nut Ieu. thru to days tram rhr date the nnuar i* utailrJ to 8orruuar.
<br />bS whir:! wsb breath tnta.l ba curtd; and NI thrl lailnrr to curt +uch brwuh on or btfurr rhr rlatt .pecdtrd m the uuticr
<br />nfay retrnll io al•srltraliaa rat the sums secured b. thin A1ur[ttaar. furecitrute b} judicraf pox eeJrnlt +nJ nalr of the !'naprrty.
<br />1Ar ttvtirc sha8 tarfhcr la/arar Burrvx tr ul the riflbl fu rrinstatr after as crltt alien aad rhr rikhl t.. a.+rrr to the furecl.n.w a•
<br />prp:rtdttig tha emu-eaMtetr<t cal a t(efaull ur rn~ utkrrr drtru~t ul 8orruM rr to aturterala+n .+nd lure. {arum. It tMr btraah
<br />b nut cant! un ur brfvre the Malt specified in rhr nvtier. 1 nadir at 1 rndrr•c uptiutt nwt dta late all of rhr swiss arawcd h.
<br />tfa6s Ntrrf~e tv lay imrprdlltttN~ dui asd pat abk without Iurthtr drgaonQ and ma} Inreahm• ba Iutlrciat yruaeeAttag, t testy
<br />Shutt br taWitd to col4ct in oath ptorcrding aU eapeasr+ o! fieserhrrrrr, inadudink, hue :tut linaifrd t++, :+ri..+t d,x nnarinarl
<br />r+idtnct, abNracfs a»d torte repurte
<br />14, I~IIHRYaner'! RiK1a1 lu Relniraft, `+++ruuhlzanai:og . radrr , .,, ., ia~aimr .,. , .,r: ,, ,..,..i a - _ \t.,: +,
<br />rRrrrowel a4a3t hate sIHY ritzht a+ ha•c ;r s , ... o~rdu t* '•c~c . _ , , .a.., ...._: ., At o+ ~ .. _., u,,tu ... -..,._
<br />