<br />Lnt>:oaxt Covex+Krs. Burrower and Lender covenant attd agree as follows:
<br />!, fhtytrteM of Principal >n~ laterert. Borrower shah promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />indebtedness evidentxd by the Note, prepayment and Late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interesE
<br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage.
<br />2. i?wrtis for Tuts sfad lt~ce. Subject to applicable faw or to a written waever by Lender. Harrower shall pay
<br />to lxnder nn :he day monthly installtrunts of principal and interest are payable under the Note, anti{ fire Note is paid in full,
<br />a sum {herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and asseasrttrnis which may altain priority over this
<br />Mortgage, and ground rents on the Property, if any. plus onatwelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard irtsunrrce.
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance. tf any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />time to time by Lertder nn the basis of assessments and hilts and reasonahy estimates thereof.
<br />"fhe Funds shall ire be{il in an institution the tleposfts nr accounts of which are insured or guarameed by a Fedtrai or
<br />stare agetrcy t incittding Lender if Lender is such an institution)- (.ender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />tnwrartce premiums and ground rents. fender may not charge for <o holding and applying [fie Funds, analyzing said account,
<br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Linder to main such a charge, Borrower and lender may agret in writing at the time of executirsn of this
<br />Mortgage chat interest on the Funds shall be paid to Borrowtr, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requtres such interest to tee paid, iRrsdet shall not lee required tc. pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give to Borrower. wuhout charge, an annual accrnmting of the Patois showing credits attd debits to the Funds and the
<br />purptne for which each debit to the Funds was made, The Funds arc phdged as additional security for the sums secured
<br />• is '~irrtgage.
<br />r~If the arnoum of the Funds held by lxnder, together with tht luturt monthly installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due dates of rases, assessments. irrtturance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />aasesstnents, rsurance premiums and ground rents as they faH due. such excess shalt be, at Borrower's option, either
<br />promptly repay to Borrower or credited w Borrower on monthly nutatiments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds
<br />held by Lender shall not be sufficient to pay taxes, assessments, insurance premums and ground rents as they fall due.
<br />Borrower shall pa}' to Lender any amount necessary to makt up the defictenc7 within 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Lemicr td Borrower rcgttesting payment thereof.
<br />Upon payment in full of ail sutras r'ea;ured by this Mortgage. Lender shall promptly refund to Borrawer any Funds
<br />held by Lxoder. if under paragraph IS hemof the Frupeny t, void or the Propertc rs otherwise acywred by Lender. Linder
<br />shall apply, no later than tmtnediateh~ prior to the ,alt of the Propcny or ns atqurstnnn by Lender, any Funds held by
<br />Leader at the trine of appitcatioit as a credo agatrtst the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />J. AppBealion of Payrireaea. lintexs applcablt taw prnvtiles otherwise. all payments received by Lender under [he
<br />Note sad paragraphs t and 2 hereof shalt be appLed by Lender fire m payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2 hereof, then to interest payable on the Nutt, then t+? the principal of the Note, and then to interest and
<br />pnnctpal on any Future Advances.
<br />~. Charges; t3erae. Borrower ,hail pay ail :are,..s„cs,menh and sober aharges, fines :rod mtpusntuns attributable to
<br />the Property which may attain a pnnrity over rhi, Mortgage. arui Irasehold payments .a ground rents, if any, in the manner
<br />_.:.+~•~ :.^ae: •.::ai„ ar.`._ ,¢... „ .t r:w;~ , rear, _ ,... arwaa mai,.ng pn)uuut, when due, aiuectiy w [he
<br />payee therrnt. Born?wtx sbali'prc>mptly,turmsh to Lender uIi nouce,~ot amounts rtuc under thss paragraph. and m the event
<br />Borrower ,hall make paymem dueers. Hnrrr,uer ,halt l`n+mptiy nrrnt,h to Linder nccipts c~~rilencmg such payments.
<br />Boric wet shall prnmpdy descharge any hen „htsth has pnonry• rx rr this tit ortgagc, prnvtJed. rh:u Horrowtr ,hall nut he
<br />requred to discharge any wch ben <., Ln?g .u &?rrower ,hall agree m „Hung to the payment of the ut?hgauou ,ecured by
<br />veu:h ben ur s manner acaeptabk ta? lxnder..,+ ,hap u, gated lauh aontrx ,ueh hen i,y, ur defend enhxcrment of such Tien rat,
<br />tega7 pn,ccedtttgs watch c?perate ta, pre,~ent :rte entoraentent a=t the i.en ,?r tort e,turc- s( the Property :x :fns- part thereof.
<br />;, }farad tiu:trraacc. H~rrwez.hail i.~ep:hey,nprtr.;ment+:;.,.+.:st,trn>:.'t tsrtcatter a~rc.'[ed rat: the t'r,:y*erty +n,ureJ
<br />agatnct lens by hie, hazards encludri w+thrn ihr term ~ rvtrnded :usrragc .and such other hazard, a, Lender mat rtyuue
<br />anJ m uta:h antantnts and iur ,u.h I+rrtatd, .r, i rode[ may reyutrr, pn,a riled, that Linder shalt not reywre that [he amount et
<br />sorb .=,t erage tasted roar amount :•t ~_,:, r!xgt rcyusrcd err pna t.u .,rat, ~,a 4:rrcd h, [his \{orty,age.
<br />'(ht :fssurance ..treat n>vtdmg ;itr ::t=ere ante ,hail be ..h+?.a-n h, B.;t t'a,u <r ,:rblret t~, uppr. ~s of hs f zn,ier; pruvsdtd.
<br />that rush appraral shall riot ".+e ,:nteavoaat+h sv nhheld. All prvrmunt, :•.. ;nsutsnce poitarrs ,ball 1•c panf ur the manner
<br />~rovrdeyt under t°atagr:pE ' ..;<tr st .-..., ,t.st patJ er, such manr..:r, F} H::;„rawer ntakrng payment. nher: Jar, d:ret:!!y to [he
<br />tnsuraetct :uner-
<br />Aif utsuratt,c fxd,art, and rencaais :f;re.•t ,hail he ;, rotor ., ,ept.,hte ;,r 1 c:iJe:.atJ ;i?all :u,lndc :, -laraiarei :nun gage
<br />taus[ m laver ~~t and rn form a.,tptat+le t.r t rndrt f cndrr ~t,efi ha,c the ngtti i., h,+iJ ihr p,rharc, and rent,. sig. thercul_
<br />aced Bn>tr~wer +hait pn+mptl) taunnh to I ender a3f renewal narnsr, end ail rcccsph of paid ptrmrum, Iu r'ae racnt nl la",.
<br />Burrower shall got pranupt rq?uae :,, ;hr rnaue nr?ie earner .r;tu t rrdet I ender soar rna~c pn,r r! ~~t loss rt n,n made pn•ugnh
<br />by Ba,nowet
<br />Ugtty f_rnairt and B(lrrowet artherw:x agroe m w.=,oug, ur,w kuar pots ra•J, sltnif be eppireJ lu rd,a•wnou ,=r rrpau rat
<br />the Property Jatna}ted, pn,v tdeJ ,u.h ,r,totauon ,a report ~, ca nunuaalh :cs,d+ic• end the ,ccuuty art Ihr, tit ortgagc i,
<br />nor thtteha rtnpa,reJ- 11 ,u.h rentmatnrn ut mpa,r s :rot c.oaanur.art} !aa,d,le ,n !I the sewuq nr rhi, ~1rrtgayc uoulil
<br />he uupatreal. rite uuuranse praxeed, ,hall be appireJ to ihr auras ,scored h+ this `viertgagr, „ith ihr r,ccv. rt ..n+. pars
<br />to $ortawet it rttt Prupett, s ahantiorua 1-, Hu; rnwe: . r .: ticsra~wrt t.a;!, r,• rr,lx,nd hr I. coder wuhnr to alas [torn the
<br />date nula'r r, matkti by f trader to Hon„wet that the uuur.ww .ender r.den ~~ ,suit ,r alarm is?r uuuranar I?enrliin, 1 cndrr
<br />is autltatrrted to coflui and app[} i}u as+u rmt.r I~~rt><~il, .a 1 r:ndcr , .~punn safer tai rraaxanun ,n' repair ,ri the Prnp<'ns
<br />ate to the runts .,e.urtJ t?y the !NortgsYc
<br />L'nitss Ltrrder end tWttuwty nthr ru .>r .r~r s'r .r u,rrng. .. .,_. ,rplnr, sr,am ,+1 pr varud, h, pun~rpol ,irsll r,rri r,lcud
<br />ur fvsipune Inc diet duty of ine nxtrnht, rn,taamrut, ,aten ed ~;- . ~ t~ar,tgreph-- .aid _". here+)f u, ahanttr rha:.unor:ot rat
<br />stxh :nttallnK'rii, st mnier p-dra~tay~• ~ 7S tiCi curt IhC {~r,'prriV , as yalrrca: i~t i-rn,ll'1. .iii Tight. II(Ir :ttld r~: ta't r,t ,•[ Halr i'.,N CI
<br />to soil to raw, :rout sear ~{tktsa and m and tr• ttx proaerd, rtteri •t [r,uki rrsg Moor datn,agr to the i'nq.rna poor to the ,.Je
<br />of a~yutsttHtn .bat! pus. ur Lettiier ?n the r,tart •~t the ,urns x•awcd by ttu, slorigage rnonedraicl} pr rare r., ,itch ,ale t,r
<br />acqutsetiou.
<br />A. Prrsrers ntian sMd ~falnitrnance of Prttptns; learciwl6+; i ttnduauaiant.; Phtnrwd (nit lirselupnw.nis. iron,+wrr
<br />su,tit keay ti.v itra+pert} efi t{.,rwi tepwtr artd .half nail ,.tttttnu caste ,rt i?etm;t Impa;rmtrx of rletert,,tatrun a+t ihr Pn,i?trts
<br />oral shah nmepiy wdh the pravrstons of an} iersr. rt the, Mra+[gage ~, .-~rs .. rca>. held II ths, flan tgngc n ,ur uuu ~n .
<br />csxadonstntum ar a pianr>ed unn cie+ciaopnscnt, Bat rawer ,.stair t>r t!,-r;n .:. _; Hurtuwtt-, ,•ki:gau.+nx ,; rider the da-c6ual:, v:
<br />ur coveuiuth :reaimi nr gaveramg elk a:a?nd.3nnmurn .a ptant~'d star dtsciopmtnt, the by taws ,end rrgulai u,r, a r the
<br />ve~stJutturuWSr ra ~annad unit davetaipnttnt, .t mi r,msntarLni ank.arne n!,. It ~ .ondanummn ,n plsuneil :nut ;I., cb,pnreni
<br />r~ w e~.uikd b}- Botmw~t atxf re.-ar+kr3 tcsgat her ,vrth rkrs tih.angage, ;ne c.-ticttants .,:ref age ertur:rt- ... uah -..tcrr
<br />sitaFl ttC dtx•otpotatcd +mn sad stfatt sine^Mi and suppirttai rx flu ca. ,: uant, an4 agrrrntcud .rt ,nr, Mortgage a, n alit , r,!cr
<br />were a p.n hsroof.
<br />7_ PMSCriat rrI fte~isr'r ,.Mswt11]. It BOrruwtt talk I<r prriorm the .uvenarrts and :tgrrrments ..+mamcd rn rt,r,
<br />Marrgags, ctr tf cry a<twn or prits:tedtng as+mmereic,.i wht+h ntatrrtaii~ sties t, I carder', nttcrcct rn ihr Pr„fx:,r,
<br />4nGtUd11[~', hNt tHM1t hnstred tn, rmtnerlt dntnamY !nsatlvrre+:}. ~a+tiC rntnfltlrla'.n i. .+r .;;la.n~trrltm, .+i (`f. ~,'t l`dinag', 1'.~arlting s
<br />Lgatrupr ate :i~a~xl8nt, Chen ietxtet ai t-ettelei'a nttttun, :text narfiae .o H;tr r:;w a..:. usa\c ,scab .: },puat.acs,ar, !c.,f>ua,r ~:r.f:
<br />arson: anal tales +:rls a;ticxt as :s rxwur} psaxcat ! r:tdtr . .... ,_ .. :.tang , . :?.mot !:n,:t.a, .. ...,t,.,r.t~ms, .
<br />trssor:aitSt >tir+:>rraa}> ts~s oral catty upats t!x Prrtpenv to make •- ... ~!•~ t r!:der~srr=yt:,fed mu;'[~:ge.r:...,,.s.,_.. ...
<br />,li~rrrw of rstsiterng EIYt ktan sccyusx'i b} this Mungage. Ht.+rr,rwcr ,hail r•av tt.t ~r etmntm, rayuatc-ai n, mamta:n ,. a..,
<br />stssurwaa to effscr unto sttth [rive as [Pte tcyuucmem tax ,aa$; -.,,.rc an,•r Fct;rinatce ,u aaurd.r?,c ,c -.t;? Bust„wct, ': n.,
<br />