<br />8` J~,Y., ~~ .,
<br />I,.eaide~r's a'nitCtr agrcCmcnt ar appli[:shk taw. Borrossrar shat6 pay the ar~icurrnt elf alt moM,gagc insurancC ptemiY.itrrs in the
<br />manner prnvir3Cti under paragraph 2 hereof,
<br />Any amcxtnts disisttraed by Lender pursuant to this paragaph 7, with interest thertxset, shall become additicmal
<br />indehtrdrrcss of Hottnw•er secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrnvner arrd [_ender agree to other terms of payment. such
<br />artirumts ,halt he payable upon notice From Lender to Borrower requesting payment therenf. aced shag bear interest from the
<br />dart of disborscmrnt at the rate payable frirm titer to tune ~i outstanding principal under the Note unless paymptt t1t
<br />interest at such rate would be contrary to applicable taw. in which event such amoums shag bear interest at the highest rate
<br />ptxtnissihle under applicable law. Nothing eoMainri to this paragraph 7 shat! requitL Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />8. IeatFe+cetap. [.ender may make nr cause ro be mask reasonable entries upon and inspectiilms of the Property. provitkd
<br />that Leader shall give Aortnwer notice prior to any such inspectirsn specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's
<br />interest in the Property.
<br />9. Condemratit6en. flee prc7ccCds of any award cr claim fnr damaees. direct or consequential. in connection with any
<br />eontiemnation nr Mlrer taking of the Property, or part therrnf. Or fnr conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall tle paid to (.ender.
<br />In the e.•ent of a total taking of the Prapetts•. the proceeds shall !,e applied ro the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with the excess. i# any, paid to 8nrrnwer In the even, of a partia{ taking of the Propeny. uMess Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing. there shall lye applied to the gums secured by this Mortgage such propottinn of the pmeeeda
<br />as is equal m that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this '<inrtgage immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking bears to the fair market vaioe of the Propetty immediately poor to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid tr. Borrower.
<br />if ihr Pniporiv i, - ,-- ----' ts:• ?or-nwer. t r ii :rftrr notice by Lt:nder to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award nr settle a atatm fnr damages. Bnrmwer faits to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed. Lender is authnriud to cnlfect aril apply the ptxsceedx. at fender's option. either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Prnperty or to the +ums secured he this' Mnrt¢age.
<br />Unless Lender and Rnrnlwcr othersise agree in »riting, an} ouch application of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or postpone the due date of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs I and ~ hereof or change the amount of
<br />such installments.
<br />f0. Horroirer Not Rektitied. Eztensinn ,,f the nine for payment or mexlificonon of amnrtrzatinn of the sums secured
<br />by thrs MnngagC granted %ly Lender to an}' successor .n interest of Borrower shall not operate In release, fn any manner.
<br />rlrr liahrlity of the tlriginat Borrower and ?iormwer's successors in interest Lender shall oat he required to commence
<br />proceedings against such zucressnr cx rcftrse to extend tame fnr payment or ntheru~isC modify aroortizatinn of the sums
<br />,ecurcd M' thi+'sinrtgage by reason of ant demand made by [he +rri¢uial Borrower .end Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />I i. Forbearance by fender Not a Wadver. Anv inrhearancc by Lender in exer.^rsine any right nr remedv hereunder. or
<br />stthetwisC aliorded I?y applicable taw. .hall not I-,C .r waiver Of t+* protrude the cxercisC of anv such right or remedy.
<br />The prcrcure.ment of insurarlcc or the payment of tarot nr other (tens ur ;hart;es Fs• Lender <holl not fM a tcaiver Of Tender's
<br />right to aetrlrratc the maturity ,af the mdrhtrdnecs ~.ecorcd he thrs \iortgage.
<br />12. Rcmedks Cumalathe. A!t remedies pa,arded n 'h±, Mortgage ire distinct and wrntdative to anv other right or
<br />remedv tinder they Mongagt .u afforded by 'aa ..,r cutun..rr.tl mot lye earrcWrd ~_oncurrenifv. imlependCntty or ,uccessiveh'.
<br />}. . __ __ __ ~~i 3 Q.,,:ii.d.• :v ~e ;...i c.. r.~I t jgicairu• ('~ntinn<, il+e c,~trantc .•nd _n`rments heron
<br />anuatnrti ,hall hind..end the rights hereunder shalt ,inert ;.. the reaucn.ve ,ocres+~r's and asiy;n•: ,d I cmirr and Rnrrnwer.
<br />.object to rhr provisions :rf paragraph (' hercnf Alt covenants and agrremcnts r,f &lrrnwer ,Mill he '<rnt and several.
<br />~TI7C .apunns and headm~ rat tht paragraph. of this btortguge arc fnr .onventrnce onfv ,toll arc not to I>r rased to
<br />into rpret or define the prnytsioos hereof
<br />i4. NWiee. Except fnr any ntrnce reyuircd sender applic., L.lc ta+ t:, hr grvcn :. arrorher manner. tat =toy notice ±n
<br />Bnrn•wer pnwuled for to this ~•tortgaQe ,halt hr etarn hs toot?tog ,uch nnocr hl ..erutird nlad .rddrrs,ed ',, Borrower at
<br />the Pnapeny Addres nr ;tt ,leap :repot addre„ s Biamua•t alaa desrpnatC hr naucr !, Lender as nn,yideti herein. and
<br />ihi am no!rce to t_rnder shal6 Fa: gtarn h+ cCrutied :na:l. !;nrrn r,arrpr ~rytteatctl. n+ I ender. :uldrrss +tatrd herein ar to
<br />such ,,that address as t.rndrr mat destgnare h nrh.a n• Born,v•rr ,s nrnrrded hrrrrn 9aa noN.c ,,maidCd for ,n this
<br />Mortgage ,hail !sC Jeemed to hoar hertn g:vCn ri itntrr`wcr ,,. I -:odor •.+hen given in the manner designated herein.
<br />iS. L'nifnrm 14ttirtgaeie; Uuverninit fssa; yieverabNits. tF,°. t,,rm : r rnortdagC ~ mbincs ttniforns : •een;tnt+ fc+r nat;anal
<br />use anal non uniform ;<_,vCnan+, with !irnire,t ...rta!:•=n, h .__. ,:nstna:te .z •tntform se~onrv~inetr nl':,t :- .Gong
<br />teat [rlpcris-. Ihh ~torigage shah be gnaenled na the -ns , . ~.hs rru„-pct-on , : tinter. the fYrt,p,•Rt rs -_ utti In the
<br />event that ;env Isre+vaitt,., .,, ctrtrx:.,i the Wog tat ,r th:' 4 ...' ~:.,t,).~. •...!; aPhti.ahtr !au -.t~'...,71.~, t .tl .,.. :dean
<br />Other nrrnWion+ ,,f !hn 'ynrtgagr , . +hr ti,va :abut: ....r tic _ ,rn ~_•Ifect ~suhrnrt the :,,r:At~li t.. nr..,•.n.i:,n uni,t,+ +hW
<br />Cnd the prrniciurm ,;t 'he ~iortgagr and '.=e s. ate .rte -Icd.,rrd t, err ,evetabk
<br />16. Bnrtower's ('opy. Rorraawer ,hall be iOrn:,heal -: ~.:`nt:~+rmcci ~++,py nl the N+ne .~ntS •t 4h;~- '11t,ttga;;r .,t rhr trmr
<br />of exetotinn or .titer tr.nrdation hereof
<br />17. Tranaferof the Propt-tyt Asrcwnptiua. If .+li :n .u,a ;`:ut +u the Property ,a .rat :nretr,t nc~a•ur ;, ,.dd rr tr;ur.ferred
<br />by Boren»er withan.rt Lender'< print as nttcn ,;,:Went caa Ledtng r.,, :he ,rcatn+n .'r ., .a. .. ant uuhr:n t.c ,uMaJm,rte t,
<br />thW Aiurtgage, rh1 the crratnln •+f ,t purchase mrrca -a tru. •ntt=tat r„r ', .rdt,id _ pph.+n..r. - ctar,i r* he de.tsr~
<br />dexent or M nperauon al laa ups+n the death nl s , 'a *.enant , r
<br />i ender mat. at 1 ender , ,~pt,.a- ar: Lur , ~h+~ .orn~ ,:. trot tea rh., t},,rtgar ;= i+r
<br />=mntt'.dratCl}- due and payuhle- 1 ender hail "race ,•.raed -ttvh .~ph;•^ +- ,~, t•lat _,rc t- ;•~n,,: •. ;hc -.Qr .,r :t.,,:sler t tuaiet
<br />.end t17C petcam to »hom rhr Pnr~rn i, .,~ he `nt.i .,r sr.m,ren+~a ,~... ,. ,kr,-: nryur ~. ~.r .r-,ant :h.+t : a , ro,i ! .,t e.h nr`t"nr
<br />.. ,attsta,t.,n .: Lc hater old 'h:a! rhs tntua i la ,t i:k ,.,n tiu ~ ..+. .., ,,~md ~ .:,t. a,,r tr.rt,, tail e .. .:, ,.. ., urdrr
<br />shall -eyurat l~f I.cndcr ha, ».uaeo ^.hr l+nan + .,:,actr: r., „,ic•r +h,s .,.u,, e('i: .n.; Ii,un• :•a.+,.,„ ,
<br />,ntereat ha, cxrcotrd :i wtrneo assompttroi .tgrranc,tr ..,ct ltd ~~,,r ~a-rt. rg ha r .• na,•rr ! ..n art -n.rlt •• i+•.rv~ F# ~.~~ ~ ':an ill
<br />r'f7tigatti,ns :ruler th,. Mungaga and the'~ote-
<br />!f 1 today cserc ices urd~h _,prsr+r: !r o.c.:elct de 3 ~u~rr .1: ,'.; n- ~ H-,eta:: - :a.t. t r.. +,, - •+, 4.n.a, ,,ah
<br />rrrr
<br />paragraph L4 [lrreot Snch ;Have :pal! iamvtde ., t+rr aui t,f c.,r !t., ;h:, r= tit -i:,v~ -~„m the da 4= vhf -,ate, r,t .. t",ulral -,.°hr,.
<br />-a arch Rsarn•aCr nra} t,a~, the ~wm alet,arect ,gum- L• B,`rtu»cr r.,,~. „ r,,r, +u.-. ",rte, rr ,,t r:, itle +-t, r., ~.: 7• :• .-,,,,
<br />i e--Wrier maa ..rttrc+at pert h.r ::.~t .. , , !cmand .., li+u t, •.a er ,,,:1, ,_, vtn+~drr, ! t•~nr , , _ +,,ir , .,+,?
<br />\..'~.i- s;traHtu t oyr ~s'k t;- F3;.+ttea rt oat? t a•rrJct !o~thc:.-. ..,:.,m .;::at .;;;tee .,. ;.~, i:ru,
<br />18. Arca`teritllOa; ttetnedk~.. M;itcrpl as provided m paragraph t? hereof. uptul lSorro»et`a breach of an, ausrnanr ur
<br />a~reesaeM ni Norruater in this Nnttaaisr, ina-iudtay rise rrrsrnaah to pay »hen due any aum..e. unyi ha fhi. 41oreXaar,
<br />t.rwt4r prior to acreiarwion shrA malt rweiea to Burrower a~ ptuaided in parlraraph 11 hrrsv,t ,prrrfrlriit: tlt rhr frrcash:
<br />t2) the aatitw irgidted to siira sorb txearh, ill a dyer, tact lean [halo td t1a1r fri+tu [tee dWe for uuutr i nlsitrd u. Iturtuwrr.
<br />b) which soap brrarh mast be rarrdt aad tat that isdure to curt such hrrluh uu ur hrt'orr rhr dsir +prathrd in the rwti.,•
<br />auty rrnut9 fa atreMn.ttioa of tisa +uma •.ert+rrd h. this NurtttteXa, furr:Maurr by judicial pn»rrdrnr; and sale r,i rhr fkuprrty.
<br />Itet nutNY Mpidi tiWhrr iwt'tirea lkirtuwrr of for rypbi fu rxinstste atNr acacleratuau and rhr right r,r a.»•tt :n rhr lnrrahla.urr
<br />praesredltat the rwiw^etiufroct trf s tkfautl ur auy uthrr rkfensc of 1lturu»er w wv rleration :end i,nr. l.l.un•. tF rhr• hrrrrh
<br />it nW a•e~sd our art briurr rhr date spacitfed is ihr llutire, i.radrr ai l.rxdar"s uptin» [nay rlrvtarr ail ,=f rhr aurn..rt urrd h.
<br />Fhk Mwt~r err Mr imeindiWrri) flue grad [wYrbla witboW farther demautl and revs torte hi.r hs Iudxrai pnK rrdrnk, t rndrt
<br />fro tMtit7ral ip CarlleaE i4 a~a'h pr(#'YNttliji Silt r0. penAel td tnrrl'h7wntF. +rre: tet{ejeli+„ telrf nr.l titnitN) t+r, ~ .e.t.::t d<la nrnYlil art
<br />cridea>ie. atbiracN told belt rrpurit.
<br />t ii, llwrawar`rr Riche is RtrialWe. 4r.:~ rtt+.raar:i~ r, i ~.:,ir= .. ...... .. . .. ~ . ,,.. lt..::,_.,,,,
<br />ii,,.. r. ,+. n•;:.7SZVC ;hr -iliht -„ ,,. , .n ,>~. s'ai:rg, r~,;a.,,: -. c .. .., ,., ... i.- ... ... ~ .,.~
<br />