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<br /> <br />Urert=axtit C:'ovFnen:xs. Borrower sort tendtr caveoant and,agrtt as foikyws. <br />1. t'aymrat pf tPt'~r~ntil sail laterest. Ht>rrcwer shall promptly pay when due tht principal of and interest on the <br />tndebtedntss evidenced by the Mott, propavment and late chargts as provided in the Nate, and the principal of and inttrest <br />on any Futurr; Advance; securtd by this Mortgage. <br />2. Fntsds ter Ttuta a~ fasaraece. Sub}tct to applicable law or to a wntten waiver by Lender Borrower shall pay <br />to Lender an the day monthly instaiimenis of principal and interest arc payable under the toiou, umil the Nee is paid in full. <br />a start (herein "Futxfs") equal to one-twetftfi of tht yearly taxes and asusstnents which may attain priority over this <br />Mortgage, and ground rents on the frmpett}!, if any, plus one-twtlfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance, <br />plus ant•twelfzh of ytarly premium installments far mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably a tima[ed initially attd from <br />time to tune by Lender on the basis of assessments and hills and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />11te Funds shall he held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured ar guaranteed by a Fedtnl or <br />state agency tincluding Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, asstssments, <br />instrrattce premiums atM ground trots. Lender may nrn charge for so hpld!ng and applying the Funds, anal}zing said account, <br />nr verifying and compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest an the Funds and applicable law <br />permits Ixnder to make such a :barge. Borrower and Ltnder rosy egret in wrihng at the time of execution of this <br />Mortgage that interest nn the Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and unless ;uch agreetttent is made ar applicable law <br />requires such interest to Ix paid, tender shall not be required to pay Borrower an} interest or earnings en the Funds. Ltnder <br />shall glut to Ba-mwer. without charge, an anruai acenunting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the <br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additipnal security for the sums securtd <br />1?y this uortgage. <br />If the amount of the Funds held by Linder. together with the hnurc monthly msWliments of Funds payable prior to <br />the dire dates of taxes, assessntera;, i :s;:r~rtcr premiums and Rmund renu. shall ezrxtd the amount required to pay said texts, <br />assessmenu. insurance premiums and ground rents as they fait due, such excess shaii be, ai BGiipwet'; cN:ian, c~•'.ar <br />prmnpdy rtpaid to Borrower or credited to Burrower on monthly installments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds <br />held by Lender shall not t>c sudicxxtt to pay taxes, assessments. insuratne premiums and ground renzs as they fall due, <br />Borrower shall pay to Ltnder any amount necessary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed <br />by Lender to Bprrawer requesting payment thereot. <br />Upon payment m full of all sums secured by this Mortgage, lender shall promptly refund to Harrower any Funds <br />held by Ltnder. !f under paragraph Ili hereof the Property is aitd or the Property is otherwise acgtiimd by tender, Lender <br />shall apply, no later than !mmedtately poor to the <ale of the Properly or its acyuisition Fry (.ender, any Funds held by <br />Ltnder at the time of apphcatton as a , redo against the sums secured by ihrs Mortgage. <br />3. ~ of PTi~rseras. i_;niess appitcable law provides otherwise, alt payments received by tender under the <br />Note and paragraphs and_ hereof ,hall be applied by 1_ender first rn payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower <br />under paragraph 2 htreot, then to mtrrest payable nn th+~ 'rote, then tit the principal of the Note. and then tit interest and <br />pnnctpa! pn any Future Ads'ancts. <br />a. charJteic, Liieas. Borrower ch:di pav all t:txes..!,ussments and {,thrr •harees, fines and impositions attnbutabit to <br />the property which may attain a pnonty over this Mortgage. sad ieasehoitl payments or ground rents, if anY, in the manner <br />provided under paragraph 2 harlot or. t !-ot paid in such manner, by 6orrowcr making payment, whin dtte, directly to the <br />payce thereof. Borrower shall promptly turmsh to Lender ail nouces of amounts duc under [his paragraph, and in the event <br />isa?rio+.aC ;` ' ,, i:.d;^:crl direr=r,~ Harrower .}rail I,rumptis into tsh n, Ltnder receipts evidennng such payments. <br />Borrower shall promptly dtschargt env hc^ which has priority n,-er this 1lortgagc: pmwdtd, that Harrower .hall not be <br />rcgwred to discharge soy such tier. u! lung as Borrower ,hall agree :n •.+ntmg to the payment +a the obh~+auon ±dcured by <br />such lien to a manner acctptabte rat Lender. {,r .hail !n gtx>d tduh :ante,! such itdn hy, {a' iiefemi rntorcdntau of such lien ut, <br />legal pri'tieedmgs which operue to prevent the enNrrcmcm of the Iran r,r fortenure .,[ the Propdrty er any part therto[ <br />S. Hazard loewranee. BoUU:ver ,hats Lap the tmpro>aments pen{ r,nung rr hereafter rre.ted ,gin the Pty>},en,' msurdd <br />agautst hrss by fire. hazards indu{idd wuhm the term -cstendr,.i awcrdgd dnd .uih athdr hazards :n i ender may reywre <br />and rr• such amounts and ter such {.err=ads es !.ender maY' !c4u!rc, ptnvidtd.:hat !ender ,bait n:*t re4uire that the u!uuurt .+t <br />such ,overage exceed that amount .•i . .crtge reyutred to pan !lid ,loos ,e..,rred hr 'h., ~iuns,agr <br />lire rnsutance rurntt pruvidnig the msurancd shaii i,r .ho,er. hY Hnrn+,+c! ,uhteit t++ appiucal by i enter: prpvided, <br />that such approval shall eu>t he vnrtasr?nat,ig unhhetd. all ptvtmum. an utanraou pnnre, ,hail be f,ant ui the manner <br />prrvidtd under paragraph . here»i or, t nu paid in ,uch mxnncr fir~rrower making payment- ,,hen duc. ,!rrtctly to the <br />insurance cattier. <br />AIl rosuraned twticies and !enewals rocs<,; ,i:a! tn• a: tone ., kcpt.rn4- :., I ..:..,. -,;;,t ,hall .n. L.+dc:., •ttnier? mortgage <br />ti:aUtt :n taYUn 4.i drid !., irn a.:; cptx. rear „ a ind . - i-~ trFr +. .-, _ ,_ '!g ..,+id t-- }~ t.:._- i r_ dew ,~!, ihl'!t{+.i, <br />and 8ormwer ,h.rtJ promptiv° turmsh nr Lender -a I ~enrwal - e, ., t ! !•~v t. - -[ {,aiJ _ ~u,+n €-, t'a~ e.rnt r,r I„~_ <br />Bt?rroWtt ~ttaii ~tLe prirR,pi iH,htd tc, tile' rnsurane ~arr.tiP a!tlt I rit,ler I! •r:.r; i~r.rAC prc•=~t ,~t los, it n„t tn.idd pn+ntpfl~ <br />hti Bt?rCIJWCr. <br />ti nltss Ll'ndtr and Bprrow Cl altler'a'r,e .rgCel' ;{+ ., irt!nK. ,:I,Ur Jf!.t i,i;+l C't'rl, ,h,n! ne ,, i,pited i,• it',it+I dllfJll ;`C repan ++I <br />the Prupeny .tamagrd, provultd ,ash res[orauon .n tcpen „ u,•or.nnr.e!i} rr,nd!lc .r!,1 rirr .c..unt, ,-n this .~Yfortgage i, <br />opt thoteby tmpa!ted. iY su.h resl,u at wn dr rcpdu :> not <-,,•u„n u..,il, ; avhle rat ,t !lid xuuu: „i rhr, !~krrtg.tge Would <br />be impaued, the !nsutaoee pri.ceeds shaii be appitcJ t,, tin „ups s~ure+l t~, <ht, Alortgagc. •.nh the c,,css, a ,rn}. I=aid <br />to BOCrt?Wet II the Propcm » .rhanduncd hr 8{4r:,wCf t .. [iru=~wer !.ui, !, .r,p>xrd t+~ Lrr!drr wuh:±: to Ja„ hour rhr <br />date nattce i, mailed by Ltnder io Bon owtr Chet the u+sw an.c .sort ,~!1en !.+ ,cl[Ie a .Linn t,,; ,~tuir.utee henetin, I c'ndr! <br />is autbotizzd to .:nllect and dppi} ilia mwraure al t cndr! ...pL.=u athci [„ restoniuon .n :epau: ;+! tnr Pr„}~a.•m <br />or to the sums aecurtci by this Mortgage. <br />I.n}c'Ss L.criJer and Bprrowtr ,:ihti~»t agree nr ..:nurt~, an+ ~u~n ,:t~ia:.aun!r ,~! t~t,~,teJ, la pr,ncrpel ,h.ui ;r,u c,trn,i <br />er pr>3ipr?nc the dun dale of the nxmthl} mstd{Imeut, ietetrco :., ,~r I•arngreph. ~ .uiJ :, herr+d or ,hange ~.: .uwnnu , . <br />swh ioaWliviet>ts It under paragraph I J herdvt the Prupctn ;, ,,, yuur,l L: l.cudcr..di trgflt, sae ,,nil ,,~ttrr,t , i Rot,~,.rr, <br />in .uxl to an} insuta»ca policies .old ut dud t,+ the pre,-reds thd:eui msu!t!ng tr„nt dd:ndgc t„ gild i'r:q,:.~! n ; n,v i,, ! ,t - ,,r <br />or dcgnuihon shaii [uL>s to Lender kr ilia rsteut ,.t the .uma ,eeu!cd f„ :h:, ~kmgngc ~ninreduurt~ pnu! ~- .wit ~_u~ . <br />ii(:gtltStl/afl. <br />6. E'raranatiaa sail ~fauilenaace at Prupert}; t ernrhoWs; l andaniinuuw; Planned t nu Ue>rlapmrnis, it„rr•,..,: <br />shall kelp the Prpptttv in gotrct repair sha;1 not ,on:ntt! ..,. _ .. i+et ntii ;,;ifrou:t loco! - +. />:,s-ta ,s-, , . .,_ . -='=f~ti, <br />aiiti shat! c{+mply with the p[pvisuma :rt duo !talc ..... r1;,:krinFt .i ;raa~,,, ,d !' , .., yt,.: :, , <br />canctonlrmum {>i a plaundd atoll do+ei.,pmc-na, Burt=rwci ,h,;.: Itttutur .:h =i k{,in~„~t . ~' ,,,!„ a.; ,, .r, , , <br />rr! ~pvC ndCil :a Salrng al' gUYCt llr^~ the ,. ,atdoin=ntUtlt of f'idn qr,] :out dcvrlr,pnh.°ni. --{ - , :aa, r 1 .:: g_:d.,i.r -, + c <br />umdarrtue,urn rat pluntsed ^tut cttvciapntem, rod .=,nsutueru ,in.unr,rat, it e ,.ei=l.nrm+twm ='r t++~nuvd , r.•. ._._~ _. <br />rt~r a cxtxutrtivi by 13ormaer and tevanled nrgciher w;th airs xt.ntg.ig.• ;rrr ,,.endni, .,nil .,,:;:{'rmc~:h ~ ~ ,, ,Irr <br />shall t>r ir~otputatc`:! ;nttr and shaii dmeud :, n.i ~.nppidment rhr coeenanta -toil ;igi rament, cst +_!_, ltet tvagr .._ ., rrv -:,tc. <br />,kr:tt d <br />T• fttaY />~ ftpde[~s SaetNl(}. it Hitrr+tw@[ ial(, h, I'Cl t,~r til (ht :,~~4t'iidnt? a=1ci .rAl e,^ntei!la ..,ttt.trVtid ttir~ <br />Morkgage, or tf airY actta~l ra pr tirlc;edmg n :.rmiucnvr.t ~x hnrR mutertaht .+tfeit, .i~nilei , :;nrre,i ,r tt:• irr,q,ct t: <br />:na pdzng, !xrt ;5s1 limittct tu, zrmitcnt rh?tnxrt7, t-.4otYeo i..y. >.,JC crH,-t,c ntc rat, .. r, alga -r :urn ,n ..{+.uury -.r=„I, ,:Y; <br />trantingrt or de. edsnt, than 1 Glides xi t ctrtitt'> ~,pb,,;l. ~.r}r. •n ~„<,... a~ :.. }ta...-~,*c: .... .,tai. c: ,~., ., a;'•}x~ardn. , ..Lu: ,~ .r, .. <br />~rdpt{ and t~.i rtMI1 +ti'tb„+[t a3 :.? trt'icsaatR t=) ~!a<t c.i tender _!,;,', ~,i~ ...mind .r, --+?ut<x, .. --,;:! <br />re8]i.>ttat?4~' aaiiprtxey ~+. lt~..tnd Cnii'y :s}t,n !!td Ptse~s!:~ !. make : } ,.. ,- -, , :r.A -!~, err •s::,, <br />strxct;=.n ... n3n}.Cn}I t!tC tilxu ptv: ixrtal by thtt tt;,t?trd~c. f~,, ...-,~.. ,a,. r a'~, i s,- „r~tsl!eat+!. ..•4`u,re.r •. a,i.t.+, ,..~ <br />+rsxurai>~ til tfect viiiri >-~h giMr ds ih~ rr'srirtcr*>si=r+ t-. _ ar!a-t:k ,_.. ,-,. _, w„.,. N;°,. -wE, -..,., <br />w~ <br />..;u <br />