<br />IiNtrcmar.+ ('r,rcvnrarov'rs. llsrrowee and Lender eovcnaint and agree as fuiifiiwrs:
<br />f payrnent ref Priacipaf arsd fntrresl. $arrawer shag prermptly pa5~ wlt,en clue the prirtcipaTOf and interest on the
<br />~irtdrrhtr;idners arvid¢nCed by' the Nate, pTepa~~ment and la,tz charges as pnxs^ideci ih .the Nate, aridtha pritieipal oC ancE 'interest ~I
<br />on any F=rrtt;re Advames secured t+v thss Deed of Trust.
<br />2. Fmtds for Tatrea and lasurasee. Subject to applicable taw er to a written waiver by Ixrtder, Borrower shalE pay
<br />to i ender on the day monthly installments of pnncipat and intzr<'3[ are payat+te under the Note, until the :vote is paid in fuB;
<br />s sum therein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Deed of 'Feat, and ground rents nn tfie property, if any, ptusooe-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, if uny, all as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />time to time by !.ender art the basis of assessments and hills and reasonable estimates thzmof_
<br />The Funds shad he held in an institution the depaxits ar accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />.tare agertCy tirtCluding Lender ;f Lender es retch ar, insiihttian 1. l.ertder shat! apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessrnenLS,
<br />insurance premiums anti ground rent,. I_endr.r nt;c: not charge for su hMdmg and applying the funds, analyzing sai8 acemmt
<br />nr venfy'ing and compiling said aesccsmznts and .`~:ils. rtnicss (ender pugs Borrower interest on the Futids and applicable law
<br />permits !ender to snake sueh ;t chargz. Barrnuer and i.ender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Decd of Tnrst that interest Stn the Funds shall he patd. sa Borrower, and unless Inch agreement is made ar applicable law
<br />requires svch interest to be paid, !.ender :hail rot he rcqu.rzd to pay Burrower any rmerest or comings <tn the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give to tic+rrower. wrthoui charge, an annaal accaunsing at the Funds showutg credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the stttna secured
<br />by thss Dzed of Tntst.
<br />It the amount of the Funds held by Lender, together with the (untie monthly installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due dates of taxes. risessments, insurance premiums ancJ ground rents, :hall exceed the amount required ro pay said cases,
<br />assessments, rnnr:,nr~~ premiums :rail ground yenta as then f;+li doe, such excess shall he. at Borrower's optinrt, either
<br />nmmptly repaid to Borrower ur credited to Horrauer on monthly installments of Funds, if the amount of the Funds
<br />held b~ Lender shall not he sutfiaent to pay razes. sssessmcnts. insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due.
<br />Bormwer ,hall pay to !..ender an} amount necessary t,. make up the deficiency within 3Q days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by E.znder to Borrower requesting payment thereof.
<br />Ups?n payrncnt in toll nt all sums secured hr this Deed vt Trust. Lender shall promptly refund to Bormwer any Funds
<br />held by t.cndcr If under paragraph . S t:ereaf the Prapen}~ rs <ald +?r the Property is +tiherwsse acquired by Lender. Lender
<br />shall apply. no carer than immediately poor u, the talc of the PrapertV or its acquiation t?y !.ender. any Funds held by
<br />!.ender at the ttme of appircaisr.n as a cry-dit against the stems .ecured be thts Deed of "Trust.
<br />3. Application of Payments. l:nlass applicable lau {uuvrdcs c,therwisc. all payments receis~ed by Lender under the
<br />note and paragraph; !and '_ hereof .hall tx appircd by !cndrr rim in nrymcnt of amounts payable to !.ender by Borrower
<br />under paragraph Z herzaf. then to interest payable on the Vora. r,hcrs u+ the nnncipai of the Kota, nail then to interest and
<br />pnnapal un am' Future Adeances.
<br />i. ('harRes; i.ierer. Bormwer ,hail pay :til rases. :rssecsments .;ud rrther charges floes acrd impasrtians attributable to
<br />the property which may anon a pz:ar:ty over ;i:;s !?eed .,t Trust. and !casehalcl payments ex gmund rents, if any, its the
<br />manner provided under paragraph_ hereof :+r, if out paid ni .,ash manner. by Borrower making par'nieot, when due, directly
<br />to the payee thereof. Borrower ,hall prom; riv turntstt rs t coder s{i notices of amounts duC under this paragraph, and in the
<br />agent $orrower shall make payment .hre~tiy. Bnrrnue: .haH i?rompdy t,itmsh to Lender receipts evidencing such payments.
<br />Bormwer shall promptis dischatase rc lien ,this=•, ?ram t~rr.xstt .meter this teed ,+t f rust: pmvidz++.. that Borrower ;hall not he
<br />reUOired t., ciisctrarke arn• }uch Kett +, ;,vie ?: B++rr.~u 2r'-%?ali .rgre in ,crtlrn{t ^=r :he pavmer+.t a,f ±he nhhtstic:v secured by
<br />wch ucn rn a mantas •. ....._.. .... ,r.,i ._-„rr, .r e , ,, n,. , -:relrn,i enfnrcemcut of such hen m.
<br />regal pr,~-~Cdings ~.vhuh ;,estate ! : tresent t~h. ntorccmen[ ,'~I rhe~krn ,ur i?rrc;ture of the Patperts or an+~ part thereof.
<br />5. Hazard Insuraace. Barrourr shah i,zep the nnprovemcrus tta:c ~>,tsrtnG nr here:ater erected vn the Pn?periv ituured
<br />against loss by firz. hazards rnch!drd ~aahu: the ;azrn ~~estendaaJ ~_overagz" and arch :-!her ha:.aras ss tender may requue
<br />.and !rt sui:it amounts and fur ,uah ;trr:,+ds .,, (cr*dcr rosy rrqurre-. pr- ~ .hat l •t,tcr .hail tt,:t rcyu,rc t?sat the ^mount of
<br />,tech cnyeragc Cxceed chat am+?uat .,t .: =,:'c•ragc ,eyu:r.d tr, pam• the ,+:nosa secercd bm ihrs Der:2 0; crust
<br />Thz insurance earrrer prav:ding the .`nsura n~C ,hall xr ,:hasen !,4 Borrr=+:cr ,rrh!e.r ', ppro+.;4 h, !.cndrr- provide.
<br />that sueh agproval shall not r>e un;zasun:obty wuhheid. :yll prernnnns on ntsman;c pahacs ,hall he ,r:ui m the manner
<br />provided under paragraph ? hereo! ur, ,f mx pa;,t ut ,uch manner. ht Burrower niab.usg ttayment. ,hen due, direct!} .a the
<br />insurance earner.
<br />,Ali insurance poltcres and renewals thcreo: ,boil itu m torso acaepianle r=, i codes sod ,hail .n~_r..odc .. St:tndaa nu?rtFaec
<br />elausz ut fagot .rf and ut f,?rm scccpral,ic :o f cn.N:r f toiler shell hsvc tnc r=ght rn noi:l the p,+ircir, .vxf renc~ais thereat.
<br />and Berrraw-er ,hall promptly Fufntsh t • l ;.n:?cr •aI renr.est :;,,uie:.:nJ aSi :eye;pis ,-~ :r , :,,:m, to tt:z a-trot .a I
<br />BorrstwCr shalE ~r e f~tartrtpt notice. ?- ,r<'rrs.uar .z ,.n .si ,. _ _ +n-r. r c cr+ :~ ,, rn:saw t . ': p!r,en p?l}
<br />6v Harrower.
<br />tinlCA4 !-CltilCi aqd tta?1TRwr.`: +•t;hJf ++'r~+' :Igr*'+~ :rt .. nr nth, r.,m ,Ip.C t,i 4 t'Cda .:. ~- 7n' pr,~n,1 ? n ,.,y dt u.n Cpan ,-.1
<br />nc~ Pt yin°riy damaged, nr - ~tded ors' rsst~v st__ - -, rep- _. ^,-m ern '. __ -iuo __ - a_ ,.. - _. ~ r- +=i~ ~tirist ,.
<br />not titcrebt intparfCal it ,oar, :t5.oasr:.,r, , , -~t-a - , r.,., , . .- , s-: ,: ,_ .-... . -~:t'., - . " ~, ., „ul?i
<br />he rmpaared, the msruar;st pr.•sCrds n1t _ :<!;: ,- _ - f_U t.. .. rt.~,t=: .. ~., r.-. ..,~ - ~rrs~ u.1
<br />to liarrower_ it the Propettt :, .thy .d t__ t:G ft _- ,,wet a,,. _ ,.i. , - !_! -- r -- - --th„- to s ~~thc~
<br />date notice is maiJr,r hF i-cadet r~ Barrow-cr u--at the ,nsu am ~ ..rr_ra, r rtci. ,, s.[ttr - -, ~ n .. .. .=:fir, s+ler
<br />.. autaar¢eci r, : ilzci ,root apply the rns.uancr E,n.srC:is „ - .+rdr, , „s,ur,r, .~rri;+~f :,, -a• . ... .. ... ... .r-t,.~r ~,; .:.: J'r,gtr.rt:
<br />or tc? the sutra secured My this LZeC+t ,tf t-ni,t_
<br />unless l.endzr ;mil l~trn•wee other,+ac ogler .u sntrtt=_, s~i, s,r,t~ .,{rpfi:st~on , tai, , , }srm..;.rr ,+.=.:II n+n csteud
<br />or pasilwrce the due dote ? the i,u,nttil= ursi:ukncsrts 'ua -• t .~aragr.itt- ..r -sr ..h i 1. -rec th•~ -+maunr .+!
<br />SUCK installments- iY under pnragraitli :~ Iteera,i nc~ E'=+,{x=. t, ~. .,sywrea h? l ~inJcr, ~n _ trtia .,nti ~ ;ere,! of Nor inner
<br />to affil i0 Hoy (nSti CCnCe Ih]i Kif, 31Sd ^, ,1^xi Io the tin,,, a"ccl. :~Cr~.,i :t^vlil n?~' ir,nn ,ia r~ra er :~• ;hk `~. ,: .`f t^; : , the ,,:iC
<br />a,r acquiaiho ,boil }>ass ,o !coder to nc~ esters. ,ti :he ,urns ro,c~a: c,: r=, tai, lhxai rt i lust •-+saest ah. - -~. -ugh ,.,ie :,.
<br />acquiscaon.
<br />6. presctx anon and Waintenaue of 1'ruperty; twkM; i nr>dorniniwa,; t'tannrd 1'oii tk xeiopnrrm+. H,•r:=•,.cr
<br />.h.rit keep nc~ Pn,pcstt :.t n=J ,,l~„u :-,rn - -- ..- - ,: !'.,:;.+.ii,
<br />and shall .om Dl} write !hc lsnw roc=aa - .s . !ea.u a~this (foul t J~:. , _,;t ,, „i,, ,+• ir~t~ , i?t•s,I 7 •r'sr .. ui .r
<br />condomuuunt „r .e planned unu :rsziopusesmt. Bi=n:rue; Le:; t?rrfr u= ...:v t4orr;.uc. , .=hLp;atu rr, r,i.i :. , , _~..
<br />s,r covenants treating nr g„vetoing the .oudunuuntm ,.i .~k_uiircd _: ,~. ;c'•.c:+,piua~ut. '6c r toss ..,r = r+, ~ ...,.
<br />s undamimum ,: pi zoned oast 3CSel+:pfmnl. .;nil ,_iis>trt=,r rr'~ dr.s;any;,;~. .. ..3,.n u:,,. :us ~r !,luir•,,~..ri1, ,rat 'il~„'i.~{+rtc1,i=
<br />rider s esecute+,i nV Borrr;wci :rail 'e..=nh°.! ,•se;he a .. :h„ Ite+., . ,.- ,- -he .. .,:.,r•h : nil s r .,h .
<br />sha4! tk inCUrpcrrarcd into arxi .bait smc,tq ,,nsi ±u{release ur rite a, ,sn. n , ., r., m,:.:-. .,u+ n rhr+ .?+,,t ... , -t si,e `r--<
<br />were .c part hereui.
<br />T> FrutrCliea of t.eadtr's tierarity. i' Hey:, act ':ul., - tint 'he -...rna. , <.¢rrrf,rrn:. ..,..~au,rd -n nc~,
<br />!Teed of Trusl, +~r it au} ;.oar n pruu e,hnt; .vua: .cd shy- h ~ ..r ,, s ,^-c, ~s i cir;d•'r , n,a..-, -nr ?'min n,.
<br />uecltuimg, cwt not iinuteel ::-r! erninznt ,lama+o. «usoisax+- :.,dc ivkar,.::menr a.,i „rt.:nt:cnicots ,~; p:,-_ac.tsrir-- =~-._.
<br />t ;.
<br />n~nkrupd >•_?-r .12a.`s:utni, ificX+ {.t•7tJ~r ai i enu~r s -.p.~: • . .r{n ... :, rt.,X,:-:~.. _ -•r.:-, -r r,. X., -:;r.:t ,--c,,.. .. .. .. .. ,._.
<br />;ttltt+ and talif sitCh d~tk?r, ao -x 'letietsar\ : - , ;, ic.'. , .,. t -. ,,. -e; s;. -.dU r,; ~ .n :,`.; --~,+ r - ~ r. .. :. ,
<br />tca~na#•I+: attorney; fees -u=d cola ,:pr;n [itC Pen},<•rt? = r-r:,i,r 9 r=rJ~~ . .;tu=~.'i r. ,. - .. ..,
<br />coudHn~tt cif making tnc loco securc~I ?"-Y th+> I~e.i = , i ru,!_ Hon = asp ,h_d' -c, ._ sc.:.=u:d, .~=tar , .. ...,._ ..
<br />=nautau.:e in eEfeci ttrtts! suCJt Hm< as sae r~queresne;x ~ur.h , :u.,... c' s--,i - - _„ „'~ r ,.. - ...~ .f ,a
<br />LCrtdcr.s wr+rterv ~}tR'Kntcnt ctr sppiteatae 'du. Hsvrnu c. .t,:+ii tti, 'r-H: ,.. n, u,n „ , urc X...,,r ~. ,u.,r ..., _ .. - .r .:.
<br />r,iaatter pravideaJ unalet paragraph ~ hereto
<br />Anp aitSaiit s Ji36ursed by l toiler frutssa Fri a h t2asatr ,xt e n ,a ir,~ . ! -~ , .r
<br />;cxie~cainacs ca, tkrrn,u ct, .t:rnbi t+y this t'72Cd t 3 C'usi nlrir, Bet ...w.., .roil ! ,...,J -• ,~ <, - .,rir., : ,~ ,c,rt _-, .
<br />am.setnts sh:ctl '>< {~ayah}e uttotr nuttae fr;xr l.ertsi~s t,. 13:,r:,te,ci cu'i... ,r, ~ :ay=s._. t: ere ,-..•.. ; ,tt,~ ..,~ i.:r _. _.~
<br />;
<br />date sf ~s#sutvrattetat ai tin tats'- payrrb(a tram intsC a: t,tn r i,~_.r,:a^ f rr tu,n„~t ,, ,,a.,._ _ -, , :, ,•a. _,,. , - rr. ,. -
<br />a ~.i ~` t., 'rICIYYJhit. laH :!i ~l,i~., .I_lI :i' .: .,. i, .- ~ .1., ,.
<br />;,Crrzipgti~e trader acatrte ,as:_ lcihs.ty .?:nta,atc+4 .,• h~ a.;t ,},h " -fr-, °.~yarn: ' + ,.._ .. ::..,. _r , , s,w,,,a , . r. ,,s
<br />ar.y ar.trcmr} hzreuraalcr.
<br />8. Fwspecttsn, f ondar inay snake. =r ;tu,sr t... ,y, nt,rae..- as.=+:u is r,r.r.==~. --rt:^+, „,t,~. . ,,;...; ,•.;;.- :. - . i -
<br />iYl2; 1 >`! ~tlail $ive .r°6„rrr; wiCl a., w , .., r ti3 :_ .-1 >u.,t .F tti: i;.': r . t .,. a..-.v... .. • .7 . . , ~ ....
<br />nrr E~x.r rtt `h¢ Pr.PCarrt'r
<br />