<br />so-~i~oo
<br />a~5~3-~-I,S
<br />THIS BE>±€7 OF 'TRUST` ~t 2$ ..............dap of ..... April............... .
<br />I ~ ataort the T~~p~ ,. ~erald ~. ~falioney attd Nancy. L... Hahtmey, husband, and wifea.... .
<br />~oiriEly att~ each in their "osatt right {herein "Borrower") .............. .
<br />Joseph, H., Badami .................. f herein "Trusts"). arut the 8erte&iriary+.
<br />'FIRS?' Pl:}il~di'SAf~Tivcs 'ANll"LOA1V AssoCIATIQN (TF LINCOLN ....., a usrporattion or~anized-and
<br />.................: ........................ ~ 1235 t
<br />~~ the State of Nebraska
<br />e n laws of.... whose address ts....... ~ . $. T.Qet.
<br />non, . ebraska 61#5b$... .................. .. • .. , (herein "Leader").
<br />Bottttawex, in consideration of the indebtedness harem recited and the trust herein created, irrevocably grants
<br />and conveys to Trustee. in trust, with power of sale. the following described property located- in the County of
<br />.. , ...... }fall .......................... .State of Nebraska:
<br />Lot Seventeen (li}, Block t7ne (i} Knickrehm Fifth Addition to the City of
<br />Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska
<br />Grand island
<br />which has the address uf.. I15 i~;ast 23rd.
<br />•~:ir~lli ~.-~tY~
<br />Nebra&krj .. 6$$(li, r hereto "PropcrtF ;1ddre~a" i .
<br />lS7NS a..a t.o Cedoi
<br />T(xtttt;i-a x«h :{11 thr irnpt~,e~ntrnts ti:•« yr hirratti+ ~.:itctt :,~t sic rrot+rrn .tn~l .!II :..antcnt~.. ~:e't+-
<br />uppnncnances. rente (subject hawcser Eo tht r!gttu :utd ;!uthot«,c, e:~rn herc~i{ t,t Len:#er n~ t°t?ficit :tn<) .!piii~ ~.,i.~~
<br />ragts}, niyalucs, mineral, utf artd gan rtghls and prntlts, ii;ucr, n.itrr r:fht.. and iia{~t .aa'k, and alt tirtu!r, n~t~~ .,r
<br />hereafter attachcti to rite ptolurt}. ,tIl of wht4h. +niluding ;~piacctncnt.:trd ai?.#ttttrnc {t{crctc:- -hat; ho ,?cctu.d *:
<br />earl remain u part of the property ctwcret! by thin Geed r~; I n»t. end aiE r,t tiir irneguure, hYgcthet »Ith ,a;,1 pt,tp.~rn
<br />fsrr the leaszhold estate d this t)€~ed of Iru~t is on .! (caMrhaidt .,t~ h~r~m t;te~rrc,i t„ .!, thr Pn>periti
<br />TS7 SECLIR F. t47 ~.i Yidt'r raj tTTe rCpit~`mCt1t «f tlii i,~cli -.si°~tn -:~ s~i i~f~•n~cU two I~t.r rt wi~r'4 ntr{t .;3{itv cif ~VLn yid kc:
<br />.. herewitlafhereiri "`vote"t, in tha fxmi,pat ~t;itt .-f !'t)izCY TNJI;Ss,1l! :+:~ll :~iU.' If3t1-,-_ _~ _-- .. __
<br />. ._.____.,_,~.._..~_____________________.~iflar3. w«ts !ntcr.~t i4trrc,ita- i~roti!dutK lur tutrtitht~ i,t•tall!n~~i,t-
<br />of prin,;aytul attcl lnttr((e~st. with ihr. balance ni the aedhtsd+.,c~,_ a nut _:::,>ucr {=a!J_ ,1ue ,,n.t payahir .nt -
<br />..... _ . ~.~ .-~+' a ~Y~~... - thl ,l'~a~:nCn{ ,+S .!i~ (1!.}1i't .2!n i'+ ~4 tth 4i{{i Tt•~f (RCr:', )fi. .tu,~4li~t.1
<br />s~n accixrtti`#rtt:d ticrewtth tci pq,tret the vcronty cif 1hn. iA•i~,t • ~ i!t.wt. .CS,'s the ~ rt,,i!u.n+u< , . {#!~ .,nro:urt~ ~ !,i
<br />a~rCfmr~nin K.l{ ~ft?rrx7wCr hC~rern CrHtE:ii7lid, an,t i t1} the s'rpa}mt~nt ,,. .!,.as Maier.- .~.i._,;~[... ~..~Rh `ntirr~i IPi:'!,~nr± •...<,.,
<br />to~rruwrr by ~ietrder nur~:cnt to lmeaSruc~h ^{ t?~Ya-,a =h.°s~:=, Frts~,,r~ ~:c.,n„~,~
<br />'~clrrs)wer ccrvetikrnLs tit ~rrc*a+°r d4 tsar{~jt~ k:!.erii ;. tti~ .,tats hci~b~ .-.,u~.rs~;; ->.n,i n_!- !ru ~:a17s t , :.!!,t _. .,
<br />x:.,Mi K4'4 t17~ I~rL~Yert~, that the l'rctpefty s±u1tl71i:fi-in~4--e1. .i,?ti ttt3{ l~<+r l..l~.E + .ii u:i rr.l r:5 'zi! .S.; t,: ,.,:n l;. . .,
<br />:eistr. tE7 the Nr+t~si:rit' it~atttss {i# ~I«trtrxs t,ticf do"Yi?~S3tis. „itan~; fa t.4 ...-c1 -, ...3 aa.. ..,. tis.:!:t. ~..i; ~.- . ,. .;.tc<' -
<br />i;:It~~i€dl4 ¢'~ c`xc.cpirt'flib to>-as~traP in atr}- Ertl~~ ~narr.~ -, .- t~~ •-- .- xr~a:,a { :.,i_r-. .,, ~ ..: a'rnrx !t~
<br />fif!IF~`~` f.f fit;
<br />