~8(~-- ~''`~~
<br />Lender's written agreement or applicablt law. Borrowtr shat! pay the amatnt of ,aft mortgagt insltrattce pramtums in the ',
<br />manner pre?video undtr paragraph 2 trereof.
<br />Any amrnrnss disbursed by T_cnder pursaant ro this paragraph 7, with' intemt thereon. shah beeortte additiclnat
<br />;ntkittedness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. t)nless Borrower and f.encfer agree to other terms of payment. such
<br />amnnnts .fiat] t,r payahlc upon notice from i.ender to Borrower reque+ting payment ihtreof, and shat( brae intertst from the
<br />dart of Jisburstment a2 the rate payable from time to time on otnstanding prirscipal under tht Nate unless payment of
<br />interest at such rate would lx contrary to applicabk law, in which event such amounts shag bear iMerdt a! tht highest rate
<br />permissible under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any cxpetree ar take
<br />any action hercutlder.
<br />8. Inspection. Lender may make ar cause to tx made reasonable entrits upon and insptxtions of the Property, provided
<br />That Lander chaR give Borower notice prior to any arch inspection specifying reasonable cause thtrefor related to Lender's
<br />interest in the Property.
<br />9. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award nr claim far damaeea, direct or constgtre+ltial. in connection with- any
<br />condemnation nr other taking of the Property. or part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are heretry assigtred
<br />and shall be paid to ixndcr.
<br />In the event of a total taking of tree Property. the proceeds shall Fte applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with the excess. ;f any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a pat[io] taking of the Property, unless Aorrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing. there shall lx applied to the sums ucnred by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is eyval to that prapnrtion which the amount of tht sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prim to the date of
<br />taking hears to the fair market vahte of the Property immediately prior to the dare of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Aorrowcr.
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower. nr if. after notice by Lender to Aorrnwtr that the condtmnor offers to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages, &irrnwer faits to respond to Fender within 30 days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed. lender is authorized to coped and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option. either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property or u? the sum. secured by this Mortgage.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. any such appiicatian r,f proeeds to principal shalt not extend
<br />nr postpone the due date of the mnnthly mstnllments referred to in paragraphs I and ?hereof or change the amount of
<br />such installments.
<br />10. Borrower Nnt Rekaud. Extension at :he time fur payment nr mndrflcation of amortization of tht sums secured
<br />by tha Mortgage granted by Lender to any nrccasnr in interest of Borrower .hall not operate to release, in any manner,
<br />the liability of the original Borrower and Borrower's successors m interest. Lcmler shall not he rcyuered to commence
<br />proceedings against such succcssnr ~,r refuse to extend time ter payment nr othrrvvice modify amortization of the sutras
<br />secured by this Mortgage by reason ref any demand made by the original Norrower :end Borrower's saccesson in interest.
<br />{ 1. Forbearance by [.ender 'Vet a Waiver, ,try farhearancc hr Lender in etercicing anv right rat rtmedy heminder, or
<br />otherwise atlnrdeJ by applicable !aw. shall not rte a waiver of ur preclude the cx.rcise of anv such right or remedy.
<br />The procurement of insurance nr the payment of taxes nr ~rther liens .+r charges hs• l.rrder shall not he a :salver of I enJer's
<br />right to accelerate the maturity ,,f the ;ndeMrdnrs ,ecureJ by :ht, lic,rtgage.
<br />32 Remedies Guwulativx. ;lit rrmcdir~c pn~•::drd m uric Rfortgagc :;rc distinct :mJ .umnlativc to any other tight or
<br />remedy.tmder this'.Ncxtgage ar a(€nrAcJ by law nr eyurtv. ,:nd Haw fx e,erersrJ concurrently. indrprndently ar arecessively
<br />:at. $rrcx~swm anv ,+r>cityaa p*unJ: ?uinr arni Searrai i.iairiiiiy: (aprimra. , ,s .caned, ., ., r;, s:.;tt;~ris `.., ..~,
<br />amtarnCCl, shatFhind, and the ffg2tM•Ftcreurider shall ;mere ta, the respe.:t:ve stir ccssorc anJ assi}ns ,+f Lender :end Rnrmwer,
<br />subject to the provisinr» nf~paragraph I' hereof. All covenants and agreement. of Borrower shall he taint and several.
<br />The captions :mJ headings of the paral±ral?hs of this Mnngage are for com•rntence ~,nlv .vu1 are not bs !,e used to
<br />rnrerprer or deft :c the pro.ision, hereof.
<br />14. Notice. Except for any notice reyuin•d unJrr applicahlr law to he given m another manner, fat am' notice to
<br />Horn+wer provided far :n this Mortgage ,hall tv: grvrn by ns;riling sus:h noose by ccrttfiecl read :tddrtsud to &xrouer at
<br />the Pnrperiv Addres or ai such ache, .nldress .cs Rorn,wer may desi}Hate by n+aice to }.ender as provided herein, and
<br />(t:l ;,ray notce to Lcr.der .hall F,c• given by ceruheJ marl. retool rrretpt requestrJ. r, t enJer's address seated herein or to
<br />such other address as Lender n:ap dcsrgna[e by niuiir n, Nor n,w-cr as provided herein. Any notice provirkJ /or u+ f'ns
<br />4longagc shall be JeemcJ h:. have Seen ,then h, Rnr rower or 1 ruder when grvrn in the manner designated herein.
<br />IS. l niform >tnrt(;ayte; Guvrroiere C.aw; ticverabi{ity. thce h?nn of mongaga a,mTnnrs uniform ioveuants for national
<br />Use: and non-tinifi?rm R)FC nurd3 with hmitrd •, atiai!isns hY iuncdk Uitn fr, .;;,nslil; rte a Unrt nrm ceciirity inctnrnrrrrt ::averirtg
<br />real pro}?eery This A{c.ftgagv nhaiF hr gs+ci-toed hi the !aw :,1 the iurrs;irCtrr,it ;r. ,+hic}r the PrUps•rl} :s 1;?~:,ted I:, fhr
<br />event that ;uw provist.:n .u clause ui this tiinrtkagc or the Note a,raliih rsith appirc,rhle law. ,uch ,:onfhCt ,h:tFl not aFlrct
<br />rttlitr t?rov;su?t:s of th:s Mnrte:,4e ,.r th>_• Nr:ts which can he .even ,=fleet uithorrt the tor„tictin rn..isi.;n, and t.s she.
<br />anJ the prousu,ns i+t the Mortgage and the ti,+tc are .:t:aareJ to he srverah}r. .
<br />td. Bumuwrr's t'opy-. Bnrrowcr shall he funoshcd n .,-=nfurmeJ copy rat +hc Nate .:n.i ,>Y chi, Mortgage ar ihr ante
<br />of eaccution ar alto; trciudation hereof.
<br />t7. Transfer of the Property: Assumption. It all or any p.,rt Of the Pro{?eery or an tntrrest therein is sold or vansfened
<br />by Borrower wtthcxrt l.onder's pour urincn ronscnt. escluding :a} the iraation of hen ur rncumbrunse ,uhonlm.dc to
<br />rhts Mortgage. fb) tftc creation of a purchase nwnee ,vaurity mletat t.a housthoid nppltaners, (c} a transhr by desrse,
<br />dr.ccnt ur by opcralinn of taw up. ut the .troth of a ;curt tenant nr
<br />Lcndcr Wray. at 1 rrdn's opuon drslarr all ;h; stuns srsrin:d M rhea Mortgago a~ hr
<br />unnted:aiely due and payable. 1 ender shalt h.r:c Nat,ed ,u, t: apuon !+ :rsselrt.,t¢ :f ;u'ier :, the ,ate or tran.fet. 4 ender
<br />anJ the ttrrsun to whom the Pnaps:rts i, to he sold ,+r transferrs•J roaih agreement ,:: writing th:u the ::redo of stish pcn,m
<br />n salisfactury to 1 ender and that thi• intere,i payehlr c+n the sums srcwrJ he this ~tortgagc .hall he at such ruts .,,tender
<br />shall request. If Lender has waireJ the option to aiccirratc proudeJ in chi, ;,artgraph F7. aoJ if Rorrnwc: ;successor in
<br />intrreat pus exceumd a wnnen assampunn agrccment ucccpteJ in untiog by t ender. Linder strati rele.ue Borrower from all
<br />ohligaunns unJcr this Mortgage and the Note.
<br />tf tender ezrrcisre .tech upua^ to accclcratc. I enJet ,h.rll m.u! Rutroucr nohcr o! ,rrsclrrau.ar :n .t~rorJanse x:th
<br />paragraph 1» potent- Such notice chat] ;uovrde a {>Lnod n! n.+t les, than 30 Ja}s Invtt the datr.:he m>ti:c i, nr.tiled within
<br />which Rurn,wcr may poi the .urns del Lucii Jar It Narrdwcr f,u 1, ~u pa }' arih ,ants prn,r u. ;he i•spirati,m of ci,~h irct:aJ,
<br />I_endet may, w:thaut fiuther nau:c or Jzmand nn Ho:rower. ,rrvni,r ;ut) rcnx•dir, I+crauttcJ h. paragraph !>i hr;cuf.
<br />Natv.l'^:rtoant Covrnn!sTa Rcnn+wer,utd Isadrr hu•Ihrt cr+serrant and,eg[rc,u t„-.lows
<br />/8. Acccleratiar+.; Rctnedirs. F;xrepi as provided in paragraph 17 hereof, upon &urower's breach of any revenant nr
<br />:rgreerneul rsf Borrower la this 4fugffaRr. ineludirrk the covrrranlti to pry where due auy ,our. secured by chic ]tortg:q;e,
<br />I.endrr prior to aceeferation shag uraA qutice to Burrower as tunvidrd in paragraph td herruF sperifyitl{t: i{t ihr hrva.h:
<br />I~f ihr action reyuirrd to ctrrc oath breach; t31 r date, nut ku+ than W days frnrn nc~ date the nuticr i. mailed W $orrower,
<br />by which such preach mast be cured; sad 4~f that failure to ruse sorb Mrach on ur Atfurr ihr date .prettied in the nuticr
<br />may result in aacekraiiurt of the +cuws wevured by This \lurti;:ree, furs°iusure by judi.iu) prorrrdinl; and sale u[ the Pruprri?.
<br />•fht notkr shat{ furtlrrr imfurm Borrower of tht nigh! to reinstate after arse{eratiun and the right w asxrt iu the forerlusurc
<br />proreedink tht mm-eststence of u defau{t ur any other defense u( Borrower to rxcrteratiam arrd iurrckrvure, If for breach
<br />is nc# tared nn ur before fire date specified in the nrlike. {xnder al I,ernlrr's option may drrlare all of ihr sums .eluted by
<br />fhb 4(artrul;e to ire hmnrrdialr{y due and payable ssithrwt frrther demand and rna~ fureclu.r ht jndivia! prrrsrrdirv#w. I.cnder
<br />sha0 hr a»t{tied to ruBert in ouch prcrscedin>( aft espeoses of terer{osure, imr}rrdfay but ru4 ]tattled to .ust. of diw;umrrttary
<br />eviikrt='e. rbstraefs and lit{e repurtv,
<br />,.
<br />t!-!, Burrosver'e Bi$ht tc Rettutate, ~ve,twrl'tsttl?uhrtg 1 <n*1 ~ . ~ _, _ ~ ., . ,,.,+. _ -cst Ft .._ . ~rlrrrr.rgc
<br />it. rrr[>wrr ..},all h-rvr tilt ri~*hl t+.~, have arl4 pt/>irrrdntg• r,~gr~.: t?t t ;. -.rt •r t r .~_ tr, ~r r - ..., ,. ... _~.1 ._...
<br />