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<br />t ~'s[rtratt COVF.NA*tTS. Borrower and Lender txsvemant amM agree as. SoSlrnvs:
<br />S, Payment of Pcfnt:tpal a!aid Interest. Borrower shat! promptly pay when due the principal of and interest vn the i
<br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note. prepaynxnt and sate charges as provided in the Note. and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future .4dv`ances secured by tfiss Mangage.
<br />2. SFanda for Toes a~ i!rsms>gsee. Subject to applicable Saw ar to a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shad pay
<br />to Lender un rho day monthly itmallttunts of principal attd interest are payable under the Noce, until the Note is paid in full,
<br />a sum therein "Furxfs") eyual to otu-twelfth of the yearly taxes and asrsesstnenis which may attain priority aver this
<br />Mortgage, and ground tents nn the Property, if any, plus ant-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance„
<br />plus orwtweSfth of yearly premitrm installments far mortgage insurance, if any. aH as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />time ra time by fender on the basis of assessments and bills and reasonabfe estitrrates thereof.
<br />T'he Funds shaSS M hdd in an institution the de{xtsits or accounts of which are insured or guarameuf by a Federal or
<br />state agency rinciuding Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />insurance premiums and ground reins. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account,
<br />nr verifying and compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest nn the Funds and applicable Saw
<br />permits Lander to make welt a charge Hc+rrawer and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Mnngage that interc5t on zhe Funds shall be paid to &srrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />reyui:es such interest to be paid, Sxttder shall nrn he regtnred to pay Borrower env interest or earnings nn the Funds. Lender
<br />ahal! give to Borrower. without charge, an annual :,ccounting of the Funds shnwing credits and debits to the Funds and th::
<br />purpose for whrch each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional stx-urity for the sums secnred
<br />by this Mnrtgagt
<br />if the amount of the Funds held by Lxnder. tngethtr with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due dates of taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they tall due. such excess shall be, at Borrower's opuan; either
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower or iaedi:G:t to Borrower on monthly installments of Funds. If the amoum of the Fonda
<br />held fiy Lr:nder shall not be sufficient to pay taxes, assessments, insurant~e premiums and ground rents as then fall due,
<br />Borrower shaiS pay to Lender env amount necessary to make rip the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Lr:nder tv &~rrower rcquesung payment thereof.
<br />Uptm payment !n full of all sums secured by this bortgage. Lender shall promptly refund to Harrower any Funds
<br />held by 1_ender. [f under paragraph SK hereof the Property !s .old ur the Propetty is otherwise ucqutred by Lender, Lender
<br />shall apply, no later than immediately prior to the sale of ttie property or its acyuisidon by Lender, any Funds held by
<br />Lender at the lime o[ application as a cretGt against the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />3= Application of Pay»ae~s. [L.^.less apphesble #aw provides otherwise. aSS payments received by Leader under the
<br />tote and paragraphs I and 3 hereof shat! Fx applied by Lcndcr first rn payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />under paragraph Z hemof, then to mrerest payah)c ou the Notes then to the prinupat of the Note, and then m interest and
<br />pnnc,pal on any Future Advances.
<br />4. 4tt>ut{es; I.iexs. Harrower shall pay ,ill ;area.:rssrssments and other charges. flocs and impcritwns attributable to
<br />the Propert}' whrch may attain a pnvriiy over this SAortgagr, and ieasehoicf payments or ground rents, if any, in the manner
<br />provided under paragraph ~ hereof ur, if not paid rn such manner, by Horrower making payment. when due. directly to the
<br />pavce thereof. &trrower shall promptly turtush to Lender all notices or` amounts due under this paragraph. and in the event
<br />BOrrow'er chat) make payment directly. Harrower ,hall promptly turnisn to i,eneier rea:cipis «. - .:tg s.. .. pay^:enis.
<br />$orrowrr ,hail promptly discharge any hen whrch has prrunry r,ver this Mengage; provided, that~Horrower~shaH not be
<br />regwred w discharge any such lien ,v long ax tk,rrowcr Shutt .rgrre m wrung to the payment of the obligation secured by
<br />such lien ut a mamter acceptable to I_rnder. or ,hall m gcxxi tauh snore.! ,uch I!rn hv. or defend enforcement of such lien in,
<br />legal prorre<trngs whrch operate tv prevent ttrc cntorcement of the lien .,r hrrteiture of the Property ur any part thereof.
<br />5. Nazud ltroranse. Honuwer shall keep the rmpruvcmrnts ova e.uturit +:r hereafter erected en the Property insurod
<br />against toss by fire, batatds includes within the term "extended covcrage~. and ,uch other hazards as Lender may reyuue
<br />anel rn su.:h amounts and fur web tter,vds as Lender Wray reyuur. prutidrd, that Under xhail not rrywn that the amount ul
<br />such ,:overage exceed that aniuunt of coverage reywred to pay the ~„ems ,e~urrd by this Mortgage.
<br />Tlrr ursurari.:e carrier provtduig the insurance shall tx ihuxn by Hornrwrr subject to .approval by S.en.ter; prvvidtd,
<br />that suc)r approval shall Hid he unreasonably wuhhrid- -411 prenuurm ~~n rnsurarice puliues ,hall t,e paid in the instinct
<br />provided utaalttr paragraph '_ he€eut .?r, it riot Raid itr sus!r tuantrer, by &xrowcr making payment, when dur..Lrrctly to the
<br />inauraircc crureea'.
<br />:~ti inaL'rani jlarlieids an,t tetlewales ihrie,+f ,ilaii tiC in fortis ~:cep~ehrC t.t i.en.iet ;ind shall !n~inde .i \teii,turil mortgage
<br />clause m (aver of and m [urrn accrp[able to L~aTet. l.endet ghat! tease rh;r rig!*t t.= !t:+ld the ,v=#:cte- ani# renewals therei~f,
<br />and Borrower shah pasnrpti} furnish to Linder afl rer>ew al rwure. and al3 iccetpn of paid premunu. to i•~ es~ent ut l:xs,
<br />eorrvwer olio!! give ,x'vnrpl notice !o the :nauran.L earner .urd l.e:rder I ender r,ia} ttrake pr.,,t +„ {ass it not ni..de pnxnpQv
<br />by F3vrrvwer.
<br />llnSess Lender anJ Borrower others rse agree in wrnurg, msurancr pn,.eed, ,hall be applied io restaratiun ur repan ut
<br />the Property damaged, provukd sixh revwtarnTn csr rcpau „ rcnnunucaik~ !easihic enJ the +rauny of thi, Mortgage i+
<br />nut thereby impaired. li such reatoroUtxr ur repair !s not..,:unonuretly !resdtie of tt the ae;.urny of thn Mongage would
<br />br impairul. the insurance proceeds ,hall br applied to the wins st.ured h} ttris ~i.srtgaga, w+tlr the es.rvs, if any, pa!d
<br />tv HUtu>wcr Lt the Nropertc is abandoned by liexrower, „r rt Hurrowrr laila ro resp,nrd tv 1 ender wuhm ,iU des}'s Iron the
<br />Date revues r, malted by Lender ro Horruwrr ih.a rare maurince :since otters !o ,sole a claim fur rnourancr. henetits. Lender
<br />rs authorized to .:ollect and apply the insurance prex.reds at Lendct's i.pnou raher to reaiurahon .n repair nt the property
<br />or tai She Sono sr;aund by thu Murtgagd.
<br />Ltiless Lender and $errruwrr othenvi~ .r.gi rt ua wnuog. any ,oat upp;ic,.uon ..f proceeds ro intncfpal nhaS# oat estand
<br />or Sxrs[lxrne ac due date of the nwnthty matallineuts reicncd to na paragraph, .urd _' heta+t .v change the anrouut .u
<br />such urstallnrrnl,. 11 under paragraph IR hereof the Pngxm ,, ecywnd t+y Lends! .:ii nght, utle sled nuerrst of Harrower
<br />in ;rod to any rnsuranx policies and to .urn to the proards thctcut resu!hng from Jarruge to the i'roperty }+r+or to the v,de
<br />o[' aa}uuitiun shall pass to Leader to the patent ..t the ~u:ns -,icur,,*~; h} the, ,~tnttgagr rnTUr~diatcty pt tot tip ,uch ,a;c „r
<br />ru:yuiaitivn.
<br />6. Ptreservatiott rwd Naintetrattce of Prupctt}: txasebutdn.: Cuudumininau: Flossed t•at thvelupmeius. H.»rower
<br />shall keep the: Property in guvrd repair and ,hail rwt ,wntnit waste :+r tx'tnnt impairment or deteriotattun of the Propene
<br />a[xS shall rotnpty »nh IhC provisivua of :ut} tease rl thin Mortgage is :m e schold- it tin, Stortgage' !, ~ _, ,inn m .,
<br />ciindurttiraiuirt i,t a planned unu,deveiopma:nr, Hcur:,wer shalt perform a.# oi~&,rrowcts ,:bhgauons uridci the ,ieclaratr,in
<br />ur .twcuauts creauug of guvennng the ,vndnmmrum ut planned :=rill dear}„pnieur, the by~lawa and icgulauair~ .'t the
<br />caurdununium or ptanm:d amt devrlepnrtnt, and tons:aucnt da><une~+it, If a ~.>rrd6innnmm ur hLinnrd <.urt de,rL:p:nrst
<br />rider rs exvru[ed isy Hartowrr artd recv[drd together with rho Mortgage, rite .tiverwna and agrccnrent, „t ,inch rider
<br />shalS txz iuCOrpnratrd min and shall arnetui sled sup{rlartteni the cnsrnanta .iud aLti a;l;uNttds of the., :M of tguµu u, !t !ire n,ler
<br />were a Hart her~f.
<br />7, Pratectian a[ hrrader's '.fteariq. St Hutru>s er :urh ra perfusm the coos»ants ,ui.3 agrcturcuts .untamed rrt thi,
<br />Sklurtgays, ut ri fury aCtra)ir c,r prax:eedtny 's :umnrrtued xhi_h rratetiatls .iifec!, i cn.!et , rnterest i{, :h.~ Pr.+p, ray.
<br />htcSuding, but teat hooted te, emrncht dontatn. uuoivettcy..ode cnfuttesient. _, :ert.r!rgcnunts rr pr.,.ou?utgs „n.,l.:nti .
<br />bankrupt oraittedcnt, then t-ender at t.rttder'a rspuoo, ujK7rt n,nrce iz, Birtuwe:, ,nay :::aka ,.,.h aL:F~arun,c., ,last=ut,c =u,h
<br />solos and take seMh saloon as to urxmssary to prE,tr, Lenders interest, !ulud:ag_ bus nut hooted t+r, d,cbur3enrc+a =.
<br />rcas;maS+le attomeyv fuss and rotes upon the Property tit make rtpaat,- tf fxridst r~•yatir€.t nt„rigagc ,ar+sr:au<r -, .:
<br />ct:+trdttttan tsi nixtt,ng the. Soars ses:ureaS by this Mvttg Berrrxt, shall t=.ry t?,e z-rs,sr:_...,, k,;::rc,. :• r.......s ,:: `s
<br />tnauratrs:r u; ef{c.a tHUr3 waft turn a3 '--tit teyuirrttt~nt. for ~.rr.8 ,nau_a:tt:e ;•.r rs;, n:rtrs ..., ,,eSanzc wu3. He•, rawer , :ur.a
<br />