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''i I, ', <br />g1'!~IF IJlIFIII'1'CrACIQIR FI11~7"FIN'i~~[i' 'Of)V~FI$r1'lVf'3' A!~' ',A[}FtF,F,$, <br />k,i ~ <br />T' t'~ <br />era flea "' rritl the, ' i <br />~Mlm' PdY mlttibt <br />tMnaaa <br />are ~ wt~ <br />k~ . T?t"q!w"~~ <br />_, <br />triple ars+h <br />^rareve thrt~sarneJJJnd that the aantessfrea and ciea( of spays to tee~~ }Jas g+rr3aightgaatcor welt wanthor}ty to sa>li and ~ ~~~. <br />- - Y ltrn or arJd that Mnrt girt and defend the- -. - _ <br />title to wilt pn97rirRS sxtai3rat-tAE -t~9~t ttf ~- t fir.. ~.-. ~ -. <br />Tr, prgr itrtteetliJtteip when etas aitd prayabte all gerxrnt taxtt,, sptclal taxes, special aas-arments. water charges, J;ewrr serv- <br />ice charges- and otltr.r trlJtea and rhsrges against said pJ•ittJarty: and atY taxes levia*d on thw de}rt secured hereby, andto [urntah fire--' . <br />~M_S Mottgattee, upon x~equrst, with the priginat or duplicate rectipty theeefc.r. 'ihe Mtrrtgagtyr agrees that !here stroll- CJe added •tn - <br />1r~1r each monthly payment rnyuirrd hereunder :tr under ttia vidence of debt secured h>reby an amount rstimatsd by the J.4Sortgagee <br />to hn xuiru^ir~ t~ eAiti3ie fire WItAtEg:.t Pee-, aoJ the hrnrme due. aU taJn~. a~eannentx, sad similar charges upon ttre~pt~rr- _ <br />,r„y isra-apttsject tht>ratn; any rfrReianr~a t*.`.`au.®r of tfir in>JUf~JC+rnty of wuth aildi{iana3 payxneJStis~ shaft t,e fnrtfrwtth deposited by tfir~ <br />~'t Mor7ttsgur wtth the 't!•trtgagrr „lino demand by the ~irrrtRagre Any rlrfault unr:r•r this paragraph shall tee-rfeemrrt a x}efault in 'v <br />Payrtrnn! nt taaf5, astsesamrntc. nr similar charges rrqurrrrt }x•rrundrr <br />Thr- \lnrtgagar agree, that t}Jrre .}rail atvn E,« a J-!.-~l +, r-ach monthly payment of principal and intrrewt rFquired. here- <br />- `~ rrn,ier an sear+unt r•stim J .i #;•: th<> .'vie,rigage=> t,+ l.«` vug . , .,noble t} - 1lrrrtF,agec• to pay, as it henJmrs clue, the insurance <br />Mr~yt~ prnmJUm .m any JryJ:u raJ <c pr- icy - ~--:•cf - t,.~ *.dnrt~uac•.. 1ny -t«•fJ^rr rJ a t: -:aunt :~t the J Ju fi:risncy of ouch add! tiora} PaY- <br />W nxeniz xtzatf he LortF.witt: drprsitrt FJV the Ltr, ri~agnr with the 'tl n:tgagr!r upr>n drnta...f b•: tF !vtnrtaaare. AnY default-under this <br />parsgraph ,shat( tJr drwmer! a +irtau}t its the payma•nt ref in+u rang`., prrminms. /f the t>ntiry ,.r lmiirirg detxxaited are sorb as in>me- <br />nvrterx nr all rJSh' (:r~JO,r+ ana Y.+r .r(nsJit srv• rn>rttffieJe•nt to t•av t,,: <.nprg- premium. ihr ?dorfgacrr may apply the drtntvtt fo <br />pay prrmrums nn rtsks mr;urr.-d t+: nr rneun•rl by ihr. mnrtearr•. - <br />Fastru`nta marfr by 4lortgagor under the atxrvr paeag raphs may. at ttse option of the l~nrtpage€, he lick! b4 it and <br />tommingird with .tkrr ,c: h Pu ode rv i(~ own fizrd, (:.r !}:e •rayr.Jr`nt .,f :uRJ JtenJe- and urtit W, npplietl, such paymrnL are hereby <br />Pledgert as srrurrty tar Jt:r :Jnpai;t hJJbJn.v ,.. !tJr rn:,r!J;:aJta• irn ir`h(rdn«•4= <br />`Fr. pcxurr, dehvv ,: - .,nJ i:;r the hrn••tit =:f ttie !)1r:rtgugar c;ue:ng ihr h(e of thJS nortgage t>riginal policies and <br />renewflls therarot, •irliverv•d at L-e,J Je~n d:a,. f.rfr:rr `hr .~xpi ra4<rn •~f any am$ I,nhr ;es, Jnsuring against fire and ut her i+uurahde <br />hazarrla, rasualtire, and <Ymlmgrnrus+ as the h1ortgagra• may rr~uire, in an amount egos} to the Jndebtedness secured by this <br />Mortgage, artd in rv~mpames :uxrpur},!a• t~, tt.«~ 1Q„rtJ;s.•r.•. ~xnh l=;.v payable rlausr- Jn favor of and in (oral acrnptabfe to the <br />gee Fn the want am i^+l~ct~ r-. :JnJ non+•.a.,l ,,.., r i~•£r~re r:~J: =iav= •~.f :t., rxpJ ration. th«• 'artortgagrr maY Pnx~ure insurance on the <br />improvements- pay the }xcm,ua: thrr.~f.,r .J++ri ruoh :, mt ~i:ai! ha•romr ;nxm;•diatehr ~}ur and payable ar-ith intrrent at the rate set <br />forth in ssid Hate unit! t.a:d .Jnd --hat! ;a- ,. •:~u..•.1 ;•. ,t.. ,.:..rt a;ta.•. F~aJlurFr „n lh.• r,art ni the Mnrigagor to trJrnish such renewJil= <br />as are hr`rrln repmred =`r failuz,• xr, p»~ sup =a rrJ,..J~R:,~n:-r.=#~hrrruntier bail. 'at fhr of the :blortgagtr, a~=,nstitutr a default <br />under the terms rf flits rn.:rtKaae Thr... ~,~. r-, .- :,[ -ua ;, ;:. 1~-i.~, ,ha#l. _.: ,.tr ~~rnr ,.[ %lr`fautt. tr•natrtutr an assignment of the un- <br />earnr+rt premilam. <br />Any sums rra~e+cr;J !„ thr• :~t:,;..e i~r -.uwJ. :•J hs, ..r :?amage in.wc•d sgtrJ net may he• a-tainrti by fhe tilcrtgagee <br />sod apps nKi trmard the t,a;rrrnt =,f the :lehr horrby ,.. ~; mi, ~+r at the oPUnn of tho 1lurtfcagee, such gums either wholly ar ire <br />tart may= Ore par.! m-rr h• the \3ua>;auc.r t,. 3:.- :J,-.•d r,. rr•p:nr .u; h hu+Idings ur a, tnnid"new buildings in their place nr (or any <br />~t~:.r •. .- r •,h rov-r ~s tts(aci+,rv r.: ter.- vt.=rt ;asg.~e ~_>,-, ,.r :vfrrt: Jxe tla~ Is.-n ~.n t•:,- m=.rteagr 6n the full am,nrr:t ••r~: reel here <br />hY hrt,nr gale-h payment f.•..k place <br />'i',. pnttnptiy r•-pa, r- reetr.rr .. rrhutJd env hu~t.lJ nK• ~.r in~tiJ~„e•rvrrnt.. nrrw ,.r hr rratfr.r •.n the trrr•nl•;a•s sa~htrh maY tu`- <br />ecmr damagwf ur dr.tnrrwi ,„ keep said l:rrnJl4hti n: ,rr,.><f rondJt,~rn anti r.•pra.r anci frr.• from any meehanle~e hen ur other lien nr <br />a-Vatm r,( Lrn n.r( «at>rr+nly :-uis. rriiJwtr,t to t4Jr !rrs hr<.•rl ., t t., ,a+tTr~r ,. ,v-rout ., unk+w fui a<a~ .+i :~r any nwsanre to exist nn <br />yyid Pn,prr'ry nor trJ t,rnurt wa.•,ta• .,n yaJat l,rrmi•,r+. : a =!o .,u, , i?u-r .,, _ +a here ~h :. t2,e pn:pertJ l:rreby +:.,n:•ryrd shall tu•cume <br />lrsx valuable, our to :hmJJUw4 ••r ;rrrYaJr it.~ valor t,p =t Jt- aJ. , .~ m:,.+on ~.-, ~,.t l., t:i~. ,.: Jth .r!I r.~y one melees ni law wiih rrsprtt <br />to the ma,r tr;ngrd }. rr•n,r.<r., n,, t the vva "lire. r.. <br />T'7tat .boob( the prru u.-+-s ..r any pars Jhrrn,•C trr• f;.ka•n :.: :!smog+yt by r...a..,n ..( an} ruhiiv rmpr.,vrmrnt nr aundemnation <br />pnxtwhng- r•r urr+k•r the ngiit •.f ~-mrna-ut rt+qn.u n. : :any ..thee rnanro•r tbv V!=•ri.agor ,hull hr rntrllyd to >dt r,nnl M•n~qugrLA, <br />, <br />awards. sJnd .xny „!liar i?ixymvnt ,~-r :-+~lu•t !.,.. -t::r, arJ,l ,hall !>e rJxti€lrrl, .~t :ts „J,t,..n. !„ .:=mmenr-a=. appear in nni prraryeutr m r€s <br />sewn naxnr ux.: ai'[IaHJ ,sr nr.».rr,lJnr;, ::r t+• rJtai.r -any --_pn•rtJ._ _r +ettlrr+u•nJ •. -.- ~, ~ tJUn wJfh =u::h t~laing :,r #dnJagr }f =tJ_-h <br />eompeeraattun- awants, dantag,•ra, right :,{ aetton arx,t pr.-s;eaeck are hera=by asaJanr•d f.. the Martgagre, who ma)', after Jeducting <br />€here{ a:t t#a czpet~ES- rri€a a.°tp~ Jn=xnrrs +sv r-~e:::d hY :t rr appiY th,_ --~rae „n snY iritlrbtrrtnr:E.s sri-urrd hereby 't°itr hturt- <br />gngar aft-trx. rceevt;= =uc:ie (u-rt!~r a~ttgarrtsJett',~ a.f snY c-+mprn::at-J<Jn. a,vasts, ;iamage•:, asrrf rrghtr: =.f as:Gr.n and proceeds as the <br />Mgrt~Jyee crews rsquxre <br />3'Fwt Jn aw• of (allure lu l+r Mann any ::i the roveJaunt. hrreuJ. Jhr Vl oitgaga•x• mey do on the S7ortgagor s lwhalf evrrvlhing <br />au a•awetwnt«ext. that the Atortgagcr mxy atsar du any xrt d may ,lean nrvw.:;ary t+, lxa.trrt the ben therrol, that the tifnrtgaqur wdl - <br />repay upon demand any moneys paid nr th>hrxrsed by the MuriRagrr• hJr any <d the alwve Ixtrtrtwa. and such moneys together wtth <br />intervtat thereon at tttr rate prrrvideri in said ante shalt hr color sn nwch additmnal indebterlnwJJ, hrrrhy .reurwl anti may rx. in~ <br />clJUieat in snY tierrtrr farrc:lostxxg this mortgage uud tw psis! out ref the n•nts ,*r },nx~redr rd wle of said }Jratmtu•s rf nut of hrrwrsr <br />pout: that Jt shall erax l,r ubligatury upon ihr \!<..+rtgagre• to uertuJrr rntae the aalidJly of any hen, rrttamhrancr+, .,r ciarm +n ad~ <br />vaweitrg Jsrwurys as a#trwr authuriaad, cwt nothuJg herein contatnrd steal! ba• c,xs,trtrrd ss rryutnng tM• Murtaagre tU advan<w ,ray <br />n#artaya tear any such purpuJJa {wr to de any act hereunder, and that Mortgages JJtwll cwt tntoar qny peraurtai liataiity hrcau..e of any- <br />thitt{t rt trtay tiw ue urrNa w do hereunder. <br />Sn ihr event ,d the default by 4f urtyagur in flee paymratt of any uiatallnlrnt, a+ ra•yurrrJl by ihr Note >+ecu red hereby +:r <br />to the l>erfomJarrir ut the ohhgatlon ut flits ntattgaAr ur Jrs the note secure+J tbrnr6y, the Murtgage~ shall hr entitled tr, dre.iare the <br />g Jttt~ertr+si ttrraby r}yp ant# payable :+:;ttJnut nutJa:r. !cud the 1~tur tgrtger afxall br entitled at eta upUun, witiwut natter, rJther by !foci! <br />a; Gy a rrrelver to he aptwintrcl by the enure fhrrruf, nnrl withnvt rrgan! to the adrquaty rxi spy !security tot the imlehlednass w•~ <br />toted hereby. to enter upotr ant} take },rJAEr85tntt of the mortgaged prrmi+ws, arxi to rn(lert aJrrf receive the rents, !sears and profiU <br />iheraol, JtAti sir [Ile tutne..itss cots of rrptrratiirr and .•n}llxtie;n :~}><«n tha irdehte€,'rte~ srctJrrd by flies ntortytxRr: =:sid rents, <br />ixtttrn~a !toad pte8ls Fieing hsretry aa4igaurd k, the M+trtgagea• as further vrcurity tar t}u, rxaymrnt of all r,Pa`urr.-i hrrJxfiy <br />•I`ttr MgrlgaEC•r ells!! have the p<rwer to ap#wtnt. any agent or agents Jt may +iexlrr for the Purpose of repatrtng wid perm <br />!sett, rshOay{ the tt#IABE:-txalte(~ittit #hr rents. revenues xnd in~.uJPJ,r, anti it rnxy pay <.ui of uud cocaine afl rata•nreJt Jneurrrd In ti•nt- <br />ML •rrd twanaginR the surar arNt r.f calErctirrr ihr rentals thrrrfxr.m. Tfir balance rrmaimng. JI any. shalt hr appttsti Qiwartl the <br />diJtclarygr n! tlta murttptsa irxiebt¢drJess. This assignment ie ta. sernunatr and twCa+mr- null and v*,id upanr release of thJS mortgage. <br />.J <br />t...... <br />