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;, i jiI <br />tcrBetlror, wine aEJ t,ertements, €sereditamentx and appur4ert~tCes txkapging tlrere!to <br />HAS ,ENO TO ~ICItLD the tkikrve de~criittdi prcrritses with aGl titelprp,vit~as and! tstlpurtergna~s therettntgr beltprtgiag iitttltri~png <br />alt retibts, rsrbueq a!nd prnf%ts thbreaf xtntir Mortgap~t„ tixtx~ver, Aad ti~omtg~agor heireby aruverisM's attar Mortgagor iruviell and tauGy xlis~i~ of <br />~ a good title to the premises above conveyed in the law, in fee sitttp}e, and has good right artd lawful anthority to convey the srurre,.aad <br />that the title so ccmveyed is clear, free and unincumbered except as aiherwise noted and that Mortgagor will forever crsraxttt-sail de- <br />fend-tire same to Mortgagee againsi-all claims whatsoever. <br />This Mortgage is given by Mortgagors !r. secure the performance of each agreement contained herein, and to secure tht payment <br />of a !Dart in the amatni of the Total of Payments shaven above, whirls loan beirtg evidenced by a promissory note-bearing even date <br />hsrewith and-which is further described above. <br />PRfldiTlED ALWAYS, and these presents are upon the expressed crnrdition; that if the Mortgagors shall- pay in-fufl to the Mart-. <br />- nr~ gagee a prarnissory Hate hearing even date herewith in the amount set Carrh above, payahle in instatlments according to the terms dtere <br />""'' of togUher with interest as >et !orth therein. and shah pay :;ii iaxc5 ;;,,~ a;x-~ c; t; .cvied epc:t said teat mate iufore thesarncbe- <br />comes detinyaent, and keep rite buildings on said prrmises insa;ed fns a sum equal to the indebtedness secured hett~y, loss, if any, pay- <br />abk to the said Mortgagee, then these presents to he nul? .,,;d vtHd, otherwise to be and remain in full Corce. <br />THIS MORTGAGE IS ALSO 'TO B£ ..AND CONTINUE TO BE, FROM TIME TO TIME, SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT <br />OF SUCH SUbI OR SUINS OF MONEY AS THE MORTGAGEE MAY FROM TIME TO TIME [N THE FUTURE ADVANCE TO THE.. <br />MORTGAGOR. AND EVIDENCED BY A SUPPLEMENTAL NOTE OR NOTES, BUT. NOT TO EXCEED THE TOTAL OF <br />5**>lyt2,456.b4***~****><iEXCEPT FOR ANY ADVANCES THAT MAY BE MADE TO PROTECT THE SECURITY IN AC. <br />CORDANCE WIiTI THE TERMS OF THIS MORTGAGE. <br />Additional Terms and Conditions an the reverse of this agreement are made a part hereof and incorporated herein. <br />IN WTiNES5 WHEREOF, the said Mortgagors have executed these presents the day an year first above written. <br />Mortgagor <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />} SS <br />COUNTY OF HALL- ) <br />Ot~this 15 day of APRIL 19 80 ,before me, the undersigned a Notary Public, duly <br />cortunissibnad and yualktled f'ar and in said state and county, personally came , rRFNR M. xT) Agns ~ iiNRFMARRrF'r1 <br />ifs me ktwwn to be the identicei person or persons whose name is or names are affixed to [he Coregoing instrument and acknowledged <br />t(te,exta:utitan thetectf to be his, her ur their voluntary act and died. <br />Wk~ass my harrd a~nd~N..o~tari~a~.Stet the day and year last shave written. /~ <br />t L e~~ ~C~NO!.T1/ARY PUBLIC -- -- -- <br />MY commission expires the ~_ T .day of ~_ _ , 1 r.~y~- <br />NL;TIt'E SEE QitllR STbE FOR ;\lll IONAL'CERMS ANC)('UNUlT1UNS <br />tv~.g. R.E. , <br />UR1t3ihlAl <br /> <br />fl <br />u <br /> <br /> <br />