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~ ~, <br />13. Engineer does nai guarantee ;he comptetinn or rtu'afiry of per firs manna of CArliraat ar the eanfsrletiirn or quaii¢y of <br />performance of contracts by'the construction contract¢rr or conxraatvis, ar okfarfr third parties, ndr i$ h'a resgansibfe Tor'iltaer <br />as+ts or omissions. <br />14. Engineer makes no warrant, either express ar implied, as io its findings, recommendations, specifications, w pro- <br />fessional advice e~CCept that these were promulgated otter being prepared in accordance with generally accepted engineerirq - - <br />practices and under the direction of registered professional engineers. _ <br />i5. CIrrnt agrees to cooperate in any and every way or manner with engineer rxt project. <br />t6. Engineer makes no represemations concerning wit conditions unless specifically included in writing in this agree- <br />ment, wtd he i; not retponiiGe for any liability that may arise out of the making or failure to make soil swveys, or orb-surface <br />soil tests, or general soil testing <br />17. Engineer makes no representations concerning estimates of areas. Estimates of areas are estimates only and are not <br />inta..,a.-; as accurate unles< <„eh area is certified. Certified areas will only be given when requested in writing and at an addi• <br />tional dtarga to client <br />t8. in the event that any changes are made in the plans and specifications by the client or persons other than the engi• <br />near, which affects the engineer's work, any and al! liabifiry arising out of such changes is waived as against the engineer and <br />the client assumes full responsibility for such changes unless client has given'engineer prior notice and has received from en• <br />gineer written consent for such changes. <br />19. The engineer is not responsible, and liability is waived by client as against engineer, for use by client or any other <br />person of arty plans or drawings not signed by enginoer. <br />20. The owner agrees that in accordance with generally accepted construction practical, the construction contractor <br />wilt lx required to assume sole and complete responsibility for job site conditions during the course of construction of the <br />project, including safely of all persons and property; that this requirement shall be made to apply continuously and not be <br />limited fn norms! working hours; and the owner further agrees to defend, indemnity and hold the engineer harmless from <br />any and elf liability, real or alleged, in connection with the performance of work on this project, excepting liability arising <br />from the sole negligence of the engineer. , <br />21. The client agrees to limit the engineer's liability to the client and to all rontractor: and subcontractors on the pro- <br />jest, due to professional negligent acts, errors or omissions of the engineer to the sum of $5f),Q00 or the engineer's fee, which• <br />aver is greater. <br />22. Upon written request, each of the parties hereto shall exewte and deliver, or cause to be executed and delivered, <br />wch additional instruments and documents which may be necessary and proper to carry out the farms of this agreement. <br />23. The terms and provisions of this agreemem shaft not be rnnstrued to attar, waive, or affect any lien or stop notice <br />rcghts, which the engineer ntey have for me ;atnunnance .,, r„y,,,,:~....a .,,...:,,., ,.,. ' ..... -, - -- - - <br />2+1. One or more waivers of any term, condition or covenant by the engirtaer sha0 not be construed by the client as a <br />waiver of a subsequent breach of the same or any-other term, conditwn or covenant. <br />25. In tho etrRnt any provision of this agreement shelf be held to be invalid and unenforceable, the other provisions of <br />this agreement shall b! valid and binding on the parties hereto. <br />26. Saryites provided within this agreement era for the exclusive use of the client. <br />27. There are na understandings or agreements except as herein expressly stated. <br />iN WITNESS WHEREpf, the parties hereto have aecaptetl, made and executed this agreement upon the farms, conditions <br />and provisions above stated the day and year first above wntten. <br />EN(3fNEER: <br />Lois , ~rtf~e(~'so & Asaoo~a`te~.s, Ino, <br />Tttle _`~' <br />CLIENT; , <br />~, ~ r -, ~i <br /> <br /> <br />