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<br /> ......1.CtAOP, RviVEARS©N, ~'a A:>50Crs?tTE: S, INC..
<br />i)1
<br />AS A C(3N5(iLI;Q;V"{ AtvD Ai3VfSOR
<br />TtiiS AGREEMENT, entered mtn at .. Grand Island., _ Nebras
<br />on the_.___~~`" ,__ day oi_~~rl:mbgr ~_________, ig ~,g___, by artd ttetween_ jig, ne*_ K _g;,r~__
<br />-~aaese nne
<br />,.-~.-~nkinsoa_jhusband xr ,.t tt.j_------ - ------- - _._.
<br />l:ereina}ter caned "Client," and LAMP, RYNEARSON & ASSQCtATES, iNC., a Nebraska ccrporation,
<br />hereinafter called "Engineer," s as follows:
<br />Theciientintendsto nta -_,jiQ,~_ 18• Zgland Agr.~g.~-.gn._A1iS11tion~o t C C1Cy_.o.~_._.
<br />Grand Island _..~iall County .~braske into three (~ _~,ots,
<br />hereinafter called the "Project." The present record owner is jag~nC~ j{ _ _g~_ TenneR_ F Sankt Henri
<br />~.---^ ___~.__._._ ----_-~-~bOnd _ do aife~_
<br />The client and enoineer for mutual cnnsideratian hereusafter set forth, agrees as h)11ows:
<br />A. Engineer egress to perform certain consulting, desrgrt, adv,sory dndr`or survey mg services for client as follows:
<br />.Boundary survey computations, staking Iota, preparation do submittQl
<br />~'4T ant)~oval of the Final Plat (era2udin~ the 3ubdivialon Agreement
<br />B. Client agrees tc pay engineer as comxnsat.err for hrs services as fclbsvs:
<br />.Aa_-h~I.x..~als es. bi lea menthly_._1ri. HGGOrrian _e ks -h _~he a _achedule
<br />a~tltChad~_ )~lloat ng_muziraun Z"P.PS sue.-g~~,,jy , 1) Aeu>y~~ sur~y.~,_F1pEj
<br />~L0.~...-~h~Qil6~ .~iRs?•481_(exclud~r~c_..t21~-S3i~l1Y1H1flIl_A8~4X1~~~~C~~ilg._.._-
<br />~_~v1{ia,~_-,surtrwy~s s Qertif~aates -,... _~25~(2~_..______.._.___--.._-- _.
<br />~p~~-n.+atlon_.LO__~11'~R9gtQYil11 Fjgn~~_C`ntnrsrtsalnn__F.-Aii_..th~_~'-'~nd Yg,jand
<br />C. ,The faltowrnp starrdxd Ixovrsia:x sfwlt apply, ~ ~`~~
<br />' t, The client brndt himself, ?ns Euatrsars, successors, executers, administrators, and assryns to the engineer to this agraa-
<br />meM to respect to alt of the terms anei r_ond+Guru tit this ayreert»nt-
<br />2. )n the evens that a'-W siatti=~ <s destroyed by sn act vt {";ad w p:rrhes r7titer than anyinear, the Bost ui retakiny shall
<br />be Isaid for by ct+e',t as extra w:xk
<br />3. 7tse client shaft {xay the casts nt 4-htti~ttir~ and rntt+noirr;n feel, Inning anti annexation application lees, ,rssessrnent
<br />fens, itrts enarneer;rtg leas, snits trst,r:g 'eet, atrial topoyraphy fees, artd nil tithe, fee,, tier nuts, twnd premiums, t.ti.' company
<br />Chagas. blueprints ana reVrosiu:artrns, and ail other chdryrts not sper:rfrcaliy rover ed by the terms of thts agrecrnent.
<br />A. Ai! trecrrsgs, wrvey notes, arx} outer rtngrna# documents as msUUntents of serviat are and shall remain the property
<br />of the ertgrneer, except where by law o. precedent these documents becuute pubbc property.
<br />5. Pees arxi aiE at her charges tv,d tx billed r)tunthly as the woe k progresses, and the net amount shall be due at thr time
<br />cf the txlirng.
<br />6. Client hereby agrees that tip ba;arrce ns slated on the Urthny hu,n the engtocer u, cl,ent s correct, cot:cius~vs .,nil
<br />binding rut the Grant unless clrFnt w,tttut tart ; 1t]i days from the date of rite rnaktng of the tnlhng notdre:s erry~neer ,i, wr+Ang
<br />of the particular item tf:at ,s ategeG to be rrr;i:rr.et
<br />7. In the tvent ati o: env a,ttrtrun of the wak prepared or part,atty prepdted Gy the ,:nyureei be suspended, abandoned,
<br />o+ lef rnrnattd, file ,-.Iaetrl shalt pay tt:e etty,.;eer trN tih H~1+r< pertOttnt~i7 L?r~ an hourly basis, not to exCL'fid arty n,a x,n'.um . on
<br />tract amount spru r»d ru>re+n.
<br />f{. In the event that ct,ent ,rrst,tutcs a su,# ~yau+st ar~g,nxc.a trLCausr of any ta,tu,e ur alleged failure to prrtu,n'r, error,
<br />otrrssii,n, or neytrgence, and .t xuc'r suit ,s not successfu4ty 4 +os+:.ut~"d. _ .f :, ~z o~stnissed. or ~t verciir:t ix rendc,ed for ettgr
<br />rse:~r, E:r€:.t ir}r e-ai to ~F ~y,r~: . --y :.:.7 a': Cyiti ~,t 's rr,,, se, :r -rt: ny attar r,r y's tr.t•s, +=xpert N.'itnesses~ f,_:',, tint] 4ri;:rt
<br />Grids and any and aft Lrttt.?r %.. pests 4 _rt ai,.trr+:e wt?tc.t xr tee •._aJt, -,n:--r:k!:a tC:'f + :1!o.a:::M a:sm.ssal ;;1 - t, ,,.,F ,.r ,,,,
<br />madrataly upor'trerdrGt tikt=+ty,rnL;eret n behdtf r.f eny+nee~.
<br />$. kaithet [he Ghent nor en~rtcrr sbait assign R+. ,nle, e`<t ,;'. thu ayt crrt"c=a .^r; firuu, La v; r;tten ; on,~u: +;: ,,,x' :, a;-..~
<br />)D. The rngrnrer nrake5 r:o ,epre5c:,idtwn cortce.nn,y tr7e ,.:,; f.yu,v:.uaue ,:, , uunvr.kw~ v.;tt: n~yt",. ;, w+ y- ~rrt-c.irt,a
<br />tiLin.., or draw+ngs othe, that. that a14 (:C"si tryure5 are est m, .u-, <?. -.iy _- ~ .?~L a „ ,r,-_: ~.!ta!. ...t rte : ,." ,,,, , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,
<br />rill ZC)sI factor t. ~ ,
<br />11. No :vndn,ons or reprexentat,ans, attiring. detract:r•g from, •.,: actd.rg to Site ie:rr, nrreat a,aii rr .,,,,,, ,. ,,,•~,s
<br />E+':nted ar wrrtie.: ~~rraon ar C~+dpn4i=S~ to wr't 'r l() tW f; l[hl'r 4'.7S ty '.Q llu5 ->tj'. C$tt~u n` -in{, att.~'ftf4'Z1 ,t. t., i.tf?!j i*r ;r:,• ::.thY:
<br />i ,~. AIt aqr retx renri an er}gt:1e•,~r ~S :3 Vrt drC '. CfttlYlyJ4nt uj.un_ dnU .•::j}-~.r`FC '.i:<iii ;',r;t ::d 'C',~US;tIWe r+.1~ ~ari`C;-•) Cx :sE ..,
<br />def;*st[i Sty raa34:t nf, sietdsi ;rt tx-tlart;tanre by r.;,,a=. cf sn:k€:. ,ask„-„~. a.t,7°.::i,, a4x -rt Goci ,,.;d r,tn• ,! ,...c.~tc:.u
<br />}:);~ yr t„'¥'y c:t~ - 2f.'~:^.r-~r~t r2a`; ~+i •rabl.. ,iF-.-r iii. (r.' 4x`iF~ tG sftLr #att' - -..r '.s ..~. d,-w... ~ .7r !5[tut ,.. e~x:aa,f.Sh tU ,.. N .. ay'4".t t., . .
<br />._ ~, ....
<br />:~.rdy._ <~e~sa•i g3 r z:is:!@ rr .. •±rer ... _;a..z. 9,Y ,.~ i+r . .°, - r-,,,, t- - - .. . , a. . ~.
<br />.~," $ ii f. : dv~ IrJ ia4g 'al .. •:k'C _t d=ri r S+e. ., .'P.l..inC'@ r .tv . , r> ,t._ .+1.:, tjt to:'1'~++~en ~. ,, .. ,
<br />ta! ay~•
<br />y,:,. _ ,.t ~sr ri<ra k ~.3 ;1 ecY~r,: s7 z~+ < „cv r urr Y}r F c ~ .,, , .c :.. , y, ~ , ...,. k .... r . , , , y -
<br />g,. ~ Sri iL„F ca.. SN 4ri 'sta J ttt~ i,f±:G' ':,f t.~<7 x vi„ < zt~lit Set' ..=fr~4 ~. - . r
<br />