t l t ntnirrh prior iii its due da:e the anneal rrwrsga~ i»wrartce premium r» arder to pravidr wch holder
<br />with funtbs to ply srtt$ prrmnt»t to the Sccrtuty of tfswsistg arts Ltrban Utrseinpn+ritt punptant to cite
<br />iYatasnal tfousinR Act. as ::metrdtd, and apptinble ftepfdatiurris thereunder: ur
<br />lltj If and so lat(t as said ns#e of cvm date and thin iristrument ass iteid try the Secretary of liottsf$g artd
<br />Urbasi tkweioprrtent. a monthly ctiu8e I §t Geu of a rrtottgtgr inatrttsnrt premfirtrt± which shaft be in an
<br />amrnsnt egtrai to orte-twelfth (t112) cyf ate-h[df (t/2') pet centtsret of the atetags rwtatmsding battwtx
<br />due im the note ctxnputed without tsicftt(t fntn section[ delinqurncits or prepaymeau;
<br />(b) A sum egos! tc the grifttnd rrnts, if any, next due. plus the premiums that wtTl next become due and payable on
<br />pdicfes nC free a»d other heard inwranca ;,uvering rite mortpged property, p}us tastes and sssesssttenta mxt ds~
<br />:ut the mortgaged property ialf as <rsfimarca/ 5.v tfte ANrrtgageer less all sums already paid therefor divided by the
<br />number of months to etapaee before one month poor trs the date when such ground rents, premiums, taxes and
<br />asseasrttents wdl brccane detuwttent, -each sums to be held by 4itvrigagee in trus! to pay said grtwnd tents, ptt-
<br />mituns, taxes and speeial asaesvnents: and
<br />(c1 All paykrrents mentioned k the two preceding subcecxians of this paragraph and all paymerts to be mark user
<br />the Wort secured hereby shat{ he added together. and the aggregate amount thereat'shall tse paid by the Mortgagor
<br />each mwtth in a single payment to he anptfed by the Mortgagee :o the following items in the order set forth:
<br />tl} premium ehatges under the crx}traet of insurance wsth the Secretary of Housing and Urban lkvetcrpment,
<br />or monthly charge (ln flea t,, mortgage inwrame nremurml, as the case ttsay be;
<br />till gnnlnd rrnts, taxes-assessments. ire and +rttter harard insurance premiums;
<br />1 Ht) ;ntarrst on the nett se;:-ured t!erebv; and
<br />flVy utnvrtization of the priisctpa! of said note.
<br />Any deficiency in the .amount ut any sut-h aggregate ntonthiy payment shall, untess [nadt geed by the Mbrt-
<br />gagar prior to the due date +, zhe next su+:h payrnent. •_orsti[ute an event of default under this mortgage. The
<br />Mattgaget rosy cultect a "fate charge" not to exceed t.+nr cents fate) for each dollar i~}) of each payrnent more
<br />than fifteen f t ~l days an :,teas to rtlv~r ;he extra esl;errsr lnvoived in handlmq delinquent payments.
<br />3- 'that if the iota! of *he paFaient~ mrtde by the ~lnrtpa~nrunder;',; of paragraph ~ prereatint¢ :hat! exceed
<br />the amcrant of paymrntw actually made by the t(tsrtgagee for around renG:, faze; and a:x!~sments or insurance pm-
<br />minms, tv the rasa may be, such excess. if the Inan is Lvm:nt, at the option of the Hatgagor, shat! be credited 6v-
<br />the yMrtga~er un wh~tquettt payments to Ire made by the ytortga>;or, nr refunded to the ilart~apor. (f, however, the
<br />^kunthly payments made by the Mrxrga(ror under r=.i nE paragraph ? preeczfing she!! not he sufficient to pay grated
<br />rent, taxe4 and se.psnments or tnwranre premiums, as the ra~P may be, when !}te ~eme -hall heroine due and pay-
<br />ahle. then the lbnRalgcrr ~haH pay to the Sinrtt<agtw any xiooant nerersary to make up tier defitiimrv, on or before
<br />the date when pavmc?nt of wuch rtround n!ntK. taxr a~tee~ments nr insurance premium.. ~hatf he due. if at racy
<br />time the'lorittaxor -ha11 tender to ihr 3ittrtRagrr. in arcurdtutrr with the prvvisiun- of tfte note ,erurtxl hereby,
<br />fat! payment of the ent.Sre indebtednr'•- repm~entrd thereby, the iknrtaagc!e :.hull, in cumputinK fife amount of such
<br />indtirtt•Llnrss, credit ro fife acrrxmt nF the 1•tnrtg;tgvr ,!il payments made unefrr tike lxnvititixrs of r,:i of paragraph
<br />hcretif witirh the 1lortgagre has nu[ #x~c umw +,htif;atcd in pav to the ~rrmtary of Hsu-tor and l roan pevelfspment
<br />~ qty baiatrsx remaining in the hindr arrumnlatrd under ihr prn.iaort- of rf:,' of paragraph '2 herexsf. if there
<br />Khali be a default trndHr an} of the prove-tun- •?f chi- rmtrttt;rgre rr-uitenY kn x public -ate of the premi-e-- cnvrnd
<br />hereby, ur if the '4lortgapee act;ui rum the l±rupeas others e.~r after default, the tturtKauce -trait appl}. at the time of
<br />the c:~mmi!nc•,emettt of -ttrh prneeetiink~< ,fr :,t ihr time rhr property ~- othrrwi~r at'Guirc•d. the iruianee then remain-
<br />ing in the funds arcumulai+"d undelr ~ -~ +ff para;Grtph ~ pre•ri•drng< .!~ :! rrraiit :r_atn•t the amuuttt of prinripai then
<br />remaining unpaid under quid nurr, :end ,hail pn,perls adjust :fnv nay men[- uhirh -hall have teen made under v'
<br />of parat;ritph '~.
<br />i #ltat tnr EtbflYagir 'N}}{ !?a"r .;ra'u nd `GIS r:r. :3iCr. i1 s2+~m27ii.. 44 arf7 ratC~- .end ..-:Iher ~.,r:'tn/r7er}i.ii i i i?IUmC!pdi
<br />tih:=r~'E`~. it~Er- t `np++t!t!i}.,4. .E ,.. , +1-fi .. ,,.,', [:t,l r~C'ri il}Naj2 a CiLlrllk iftiC, u,ltl itY uf,~iniV ihC:C:,i tYIC ~ftl7i};Gt!CC Inil4
<br />pay ihr some: anu thug the 'viurtgagu7 ,+<t!i plfrmpr". deiher the e,thctal re zlpts thrrrfur iv ihr ~-lunyagee-
<br />- -`~ 4tvrtgagtt: -.+;i; try .tli tavaa -7te+:h t 7 - '+r le=led up.m ihr 'rivrtgmKrc + rntere,7 to ,aid real errate :md ,mprosr•
<br />;,:e}us-.,nd °;-irv - , } r~ li•.-krt:i .rt!a,,, tr:v •ii:z gr ;;r the f;et?t .e~ruc:!1 htr2hc ii,ut i~niy ti, fist cxkrnr ih;tr .[tvh tti nvt pruhrbrt-
<br />td by lea ar>,-! £rniytn, the tstr»t that -ash roil n.,t ;na6e lhn i+rua usunausl, but axtiudmg any isl.ume tav, '±tate nr Federu.
<br />imparu<t vn :11oi tgagre..tnJ akll hit the ,•tlia-a,' receipt ,hi;a!ng such paymrnt'+.tih the Slartgtegrr t-peso rwi:~tusn of thu undrr-
<br />tsKtntg. yr d tlfe 'slortgugar is pr+rhshitrd t,v ;toy 1aa nvx el hrreaftei rvkrtk»g (rtlrn pay rag the a hula ,:r nny p+n sun of the ;dutr-
<br />said laves. ay up:sn the rendering atf any ~artrrt Je:rtc nroFtrhtung the t+aratrnt h} the Stnrtgueur :~r.;n} •u4h tn~r.. ,x +f ,ugh law
<br />or decree provide. [hat :!n4 .;mount sc; paid h5 the M1lnrignKi}r hall he crrditru fen ihr m:>r[gage debt, the tivrtgug2r .bal.! have
<br />rite right n> give nmetc dais' u~ritttn notice t,r ihr ;,crier et ihr in,;rtgngau prrnuxs. rryuoing the payment nt Ehr murtgagr
<br />Jtht. !f ;uch nvhc2 he gkven. [he said debt ,hat! heurme due, {+ay mMe =fnJ i:nilrttrbfe at the rvPifaunn of .aid mnet} Jet-s.
<br />h_ l-hat rhuuid }x fail to pay any sum or keep .my :-a?ro-n~rit pray, ided fvr :a this 4lurtgage. then the 3{urtgage2. at Its op-
<br />ticm-may pay .u prrfarm the ,amt.-and sit exprrtdtturr, ,v male :,hail ht added to ihr prinripai cunt ;tu mg an the ahttie n.nr.
<br />sha[l err st::ured hrrrhy .and chair hear tntrre.+t at ttx r.etr ref taxth m the +ald note. anal paid
<br />that -`tr herrhy ;!vstgtn.:ramfrr• .I- +ea ,ncr tit ihr Stongagea, ro h2 applied ta,a and the payment ui fife. nftt2 sad a„
<br />sum, sr~wrd firtehr in Casa t•f :? default m~the pet tonn.fnfr of ;eny a,i' the turn. ;,nJ :ondihvm nl' this it urtgagc as the recd
<br />rtutr. all the :rnis- rererlucs and u!aaae ar he dtrrrrd tiont the m.,rtgaKrd ptemt,as dunng rtcie t:mr a~ ihr mortgage utdrhtrci
<br />nGsa±ha!! remain unp:+ld: :end chi Lfortgagte +hei, bare p.tue[ •., ippa,int any agent ,er .:genic ,? rosy Je,ttr for the purpi~.,2 e~i
<br />rrpairng sa[ti preausts and ..1 r2ntutg ihr-tarot .,r,d _esilrr:ung ttke rent,. re'.2nurr :,nd enc:ome.::nJ tt ;na: {,ay .tut of >:ud m-
<br />:.orrkts all expense. of repatrttatt said Premiers and rttctssary cn[nmissiuns ..nd 2vpensev lncurr2d lr, renting sod manaiUrtg the
<br />same atxi of .elk:--ling rentals tlietefrvm. the t+alan4e lemattung. !f any, t., hr appiinu tnuard the ,iuch8rge .:f stud mortgage
<br />irtdebredmss.
<br />~. that h:c will iirep the imytuveaients seta i=c;~i}rltt . ~ hrrratrer r[et:ter: a+r, ihr mortgaged pntperty, msuFed ;I, may nC
<br />re~uutd from rtmz to titnC by the Giv!tugec ~±«.tent ; ,_ !•re ~a ` - ct ^:rt=frdr_ .a.u„Ii!c, and rrtlt!ngrnah- n ,
<br />arAL'Ufil9 ar{d frN §Iltlt ptfk7dX AD It}a} !1r rCytur L'rl t?L (hC••~la igagae J['l. +.*t:i l'-ar pit f i ?icy. '.r hei`. JUS. ;iny t'rk':ni Uirt li -,tih
<br />fn3uritu:i prfrt [.St{m f(K p'aY mini !'t alttGlt has nt3d been :n.;oe herE~ttr~tttt r. -lit tn,aranc:r hail hr i.tr recd 4n .a,m;?amr~ .i; -
<br />pt~tyed by tic 4Tnr[~ra~e :ind the ~;icua er_d rent+aL tiscrzut +f=a,' ~ [.rid bU the i~lurrgsgzc ;ins[ hire alta.b2d therrro 6
<br />~Yabfe causes in fa.nr .rf ansl kn form a.:.:epfat~ie !<, [hr Nfutgagrr in rtrni i-! ?os~ vl+srtgtlgor xii' giro ::?uncdi:nc rouice hr
<br />r~~h! rlre wt~ttts~rr, ah.r may snake plcatFf aaf 1!rss J not an:ufr a.,t4p-E!a n} 4i ~i~~.~r- <:a.i e•~a- rn;eF-a;,.r ~;,kt}t,a:;y .;ys-
<br />tcrried is hea:<hy .!arlusrlted and ttirrctc~ t;, ;::,, i:r -a. ,,..,, ; -,+, h ;,ter dttectlx tie the fur to kz - Inr.eau <t ae the sf urig~cn
<br />and the Riurt,gyttc }rsinri}, anJ the :rirur.inef-X>rusr::d,. •.,, .,nt p.,rt Ihertc(- •k,,,-, w,,ppi~ed h~r tic tilc,tg..t;.c ,l sl+..+t+irn!t reEhet
<br />ut the rCUitrtrizt! rsi-the uulrhted~c._ rte ehy ~cufrd , ::,.the -K ~ . a.7+:, -! repair ,•` !!,c pre-per, , ~•.2n1,-f ,itrzal.•
<br />s::re rat this rnRri~t pr titbit tranatrr .st stilt to the rizortgagea ;'+rscp., s: ,ra k-arirz};ri:.l l;^!cnt . t tkrf 7 c- ,- ~ „_.t.': hitch,.
<br />,u:,igtrt, trltr artJ intrrer:t i,t ttx liiutgakwr ,o anJ r. _ .,,,. ,, ,. ,:ee., ~he,~ it t ...... : F ..i , . ,,., .. , ~ K;.,:,sae
<br />tt. tlWi,+s addtth7nz`+t and nr#fatt'nt rr:.vrety r,,t the•{~:,:-.L ,t , : t'nc :etc .:r+a' *ea .err;, u ~ . , a ,~:rx aoe •.tx+cr th,.
<br />=M!rie. lhr r~t.3rYcu hrftt+ti :fvsign,'. the 3t£vrg:µr, ,.±tt. :.er:arc. r !tiff. :Rrt. ,,: ^..... , .. ;rte
<br />Lfortg;aiFty !SridCt ,tot ai>,f alI :,ti ..rtd a-r" ~e,a.r• z,::c's. ; _.. ,et .,.., ,.--gee ;~ .,. ,cart .: c1 _ r..a -..c ,- : .. rtu ~nr+lt
<br />her:, i.- rvttit trtytr~'rt>:y-(rkeyh t _ Nvii ('rr!xtCC - .r{=ri Jc:au`[ 1[rF
<br />a-- _ _ .- ih ;f:, }' ..C=. ,l. -., {'_..,, ... i. xe. - ..a ,{ r .t:. . .,, rra~ ...,yr tttt •-t .r ,f r.F.7l:ata
<br />~r~ + c .,a!af f 4f £,ir) it i. a. r: rc -ta •r -. -:n--- i•:, .rt$n~t',
<br />