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31s-02-f7t1;3~5 ~_) <br />~~~~~ <br />$~'^ ~~." <br />TH[SM8iX7rsAGE,trrdt:a~ds:vsptoei~s 22+ad ~3?~ iZ <br />i4~ .byttud6ehrettt Steve L. Hotoaen mid lleTtfa D. HcMran liteRbatlB astH wifm <br />tdtlteCouteyof X21 .ardS~stott#,ttirtyef~&rstpst.6¢+~a~ <br />tEu ~. sad llartgsge Plus incorporated . <br />s eaeporatira apsmeted aed rt:iatitrg under ffit Taws of the ilni led Stttea of T~stszica <br />party d tLe uecaed part. tdkrcoYed tMe Mme; <br />WI'tNESSE'T'H: Thu dtt said , for sad is canidmttiosof the smat of l'ortY t7kfe Thousand Two Htend74'ed <br />Fifty atfd OOjl00ths -__.._,~~~_~.~ _ Oo~us(S 4I,250.txt ?.i~ttiiytiel~tsrt^' <br />~gagee. the teeails of Witit~i :s `.,8.t..~.y ~++t•~, hat Gatmted sad Seid std by tAeee pratcaes dos [Tract. t`~ab <br />giia, Sdi. Carver sad Cont§rer oats tAe Mortgagee, ib tatecesrara and atitgart, Ettiss~, dss i+desgt'6ed <br />rcai state. tilted is the Cotacy of Hall . sad <br />o[ t~brarka, to wit: <br />Ints Four {~) and Five (5) of Hatrthozne Place, located on part of AtiNt of Section 23, <br />Township 11 North, 17atsge Cline (9) West of the 6th F.M. in Hall County, trlettraska <br />also k[tovm as: 923 5. Pita, Grand Isliind , NE b$$fll <br />of the ~ixtit Fsinetpai h{eridean. cantztning m art city property <br />mentsurvey: <br />acres accwdirtg w Govern- <br />.'(} F#AtiF .%shtD TTi BOLD the premists above dcscnbed- wnh nit the appartettaacea thereunto t~cktnging atttt uecluding <br />altlfeatfttg, plumtaittg and 3ightittg fixtures and equipatent r+ttw nr hucaftu attached rn ar used in itmttcetmn with said real estate <br />utuo tht Mort~gte, and [o Ns succeswrs aad aasfgm. ts~ever. Tlu Mortgagor represents tu, and covenants with, the Ftartga- <br />gre, (last t!x hlcwt€ugcw has gexsd tst set! ~ convey said prcrn~cs; that they ue free from erieumbratn;e; and that the <br />Mqr wits warrant attd Mend tits saatc al[ainst rife lawful claims of nit persons whomsacvu: and the said Mortgagor herc- <br />t1y lehrNyUt'~s art rtglRS V't Fx~3tead, and iii trruttai rtgh[s, CnhEF in taW Or in rQility, and sit nthtr CaatlagE52 m[CrtstE Of the <br />Maryptgur in and w the above-descr+6ed pronttses, the tntentxxt btitq to convty hereby an absotuu title, in fee simple, ittchtd- <br />ips dlrights of Ixamsstaad, sad othu rigftts :at! ~terests as dtxtsaid. <br />i'RUYTDiri1 ALWAYS, and these presents are exwuted and delivered upon the foUawing cunditxftts, to wit: <br />The Mongagar agrees Fo pay to the Mttt-tgsgee, or order, the principal sum of Forty One Thousand Two Hundred <br />Fif y anti Ofl/100ths --____-_____~.[k~ltais iS 11, 250.00 ), with intuest tram <br />date at t~ rate of `Pen and '1ltree Qttgrtezs per centum t 10.75 !~ci per annum on <br />the uttRniti t~{attce atoll paid. The smd prntcipal and tsttcrest shill be payable at the nlHce of <br />Aiartgage Flus Incorporated <br />in F,stglearood, `olorado . ur at swh other place as the holder of <br />tltctsutc tray dcsignitte sn wntefg, in mattthly iitstallfacats of Tt>see Hundred Eighty Five and ,28/104tjts --- <br />Dollar. i5 3p~~ ~q~ 1, wmfnendtns on the nest day of <br />t~ 15tg0 . g4r~Qa"IM rust day ut each mutuh thereafttr until the principal and in- <br />terest ~c fatty paid, execpt that the final pryntcm nt prinmdpil and interest. if nut wooer paid, shall be dttr amd <br />payable as the first day ezf May 2fl 10 . ;all acetxditttt to-tire terms at a certain promis• <br />stay trait at even dau herewith exeeutcd hY the said Morttytgar. <br />ilfr ~ in order tttore (oily to prcKec:: she sesarity csi this Mortgage. apses. <br />t. That ire watt pay the iadelstedtrs-x, as herrirdtefore provide(. Privilege is reserved to pay the debt in whole. ex in an <br />ata0uret etiual 20 ~ of ntnrt rttsmi#eiy payments on the principal that arc next due nn the Carte. ~+n the brat day of any month <br />ptiaw to tttaturity: T~ovtded, tfawevq, That written tfuticc o[ as vitefltitxt [o esmeise such pttiviirge is given ai feast thirty i uii <br />days ttrsor Its pK~yarnL <br />:. That, tugelitar wifh. and is addttian ter, dx rttwtthty piyatents oT pritfsapri sad tnterest payable utrrler the terms ut Cite <br />asrhe set~tred ftare8y. the Msxigagur wiN pay to the Mtxtpfgee, tot she first day of each ataath until the vafg a.xe is tufty pax{, the <br />totinwity+etas: <br />fa) Anxrunt tsitfaneat tv provple the herder hrtrat with funds to pay tits rnrxt mortgage insurance prertnum if thix <br />msthrmeni sad tits nuts etrwted tasteby err ittwcrd, ar a mu~tthty Charge ti+t Casa rsj a rrurrtp~r rnfuranre pm <br />a1 if tlttty ens tttdd by tivt Sreretasv .tt t sail ElthaaLletretoprtrMt, as fdtowa <br />fl) tt ~ so ss soil ncst,t of esea dale istd [bit irtitruttteat are inctred ctr ate retttsurrd ustdct the n.,, <br />tiisscuta nt Clio ~suc~l t~ As?. atnc.ttrst sut'at t.t ~sursttdstc sn the hat~tr of *_he hslder ,me <br />$TATEt)F ~f3T31tAwKA <br />t`.ayjgi,/ E4ittaU 7It~ SJlin#HF ~ ri X 3 f 43M t. A <br />