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~i <br />~o - oo •L~.~t <br />(f} Votes may be cast in person or by proxy. Proxies may <br />be Bade by any person entitled to vote. They shall be valid only <br />for the particular meeting designated and must be filed with the <br />Secretary befoze the appointed time a€ the meeting. <br />{g) The order of business at annual members' meetings, and <br />as far as practical at all other members' meetings, shall be, <br />{1) Election of chairman of the meeting; <br />{2) Calling of the roll and certifying of proxies; <br />(3) Proof of notice of meeting or waiver of notice; <br />(4) Reading and disposal of any unapproved minutes; <br />{5) Reports of officers; <br />(6) Reports of committees; <br />(7) Election of directors (if necessary}; <br />{8} Dnfinished business; <br />(9) New business; and <br />(lfl) Adjournment. <br />3. Directors. (a) The affairs of the Association shall <br />be managed by a Board of 3 Directors. Directors' fees shall be <br />determined by the members. <br />tbi Election of directors shall be conducted at the annual <br />members' meeting, Vacancies in the Board of Directors occurring <br />between annual meetings of members shall be filled by the re- <br />maining directors. <br />(c} The term of each director's service shall extend until <br />the next annual meeting of the members and thereafter until his <br />successor is duly elected and qualified. <br />4. Directors' meetings. (a) The organization meeting of <br />a newly-elected F3ciard o~-~ f directors shall be held within ten days <br />of its election at such place and time as shall be fixed by the <br />directors at the meeting at which they were elected, and no <br />further notice of the organization meeting shall be necessary <br />providing a quorum shall be present. <br />{b} Regular meetings of the Board of Directors may be held <br />at such time and place as shall be determined, from time to time, <br />by a majority of the directors. )Notice of regular meetings shall <br />be given to each director, personally or by mail, telephone or <br />telegraph at least three days prior tv the day named for such <br />meeting. <br />{c) Special meetings of the directors may be called by the <br />President and must be ca22ed by the Secretary at the written <br />request of one-third of the directors. Notice of the meeting <br />shall be given personally or by mail, telephone or telegraph at <br />least threw days prior to the day named for such meeting, which <br />notice shall state the time, place, and purpose of the meeting. <br />(d) Any director may waive notice of a meeting before or <br />afteY the meeting and such waiver shall be deemed equivalent to <br />the giving of notice. <br />(e) A quorum at directors' meetings shall consist of a <br />majority of the entire Board of D;.rectoxs. i~he acza dYl~vvcu by <br />a majority of those present at a meeting at which a quorum is <br />present shall constitute the acts of the Board of Directors, <br />except where approval by a greater number of directors is re- <br />quired by the Master Deed, the Articles of Incorporation, or <br />these By-laws. If at any meeting of the Sward of Directors less <br />than a quorum is present, the majority of those present may <br />adjourn the meeting from time to time until a quorum is presenk. <br />At any adjourned meeting any business which might have been <br />transacted at the meeting as originally called may be transacted <br />without further notice. The- joining of a director in the action <br />of a meeting by signing and concurring in the minutes thereof <br />shall constitute the presence of such director for the purpose of <br />detes-ssfnng a quoru;a. <br />Parks 2 7~ 5 p~gC$ki <br />