<br />f.ettrder's xrrrten aEretrnrnr nr appfietAk law. Borrewa ahdt pay fife amnrm of a~q mongaBe inwrartoc premivrefa in the
<br />manner prnvzdtd under paragaph 2 }!crept.
<br />hey anwtsmts disMrrsed tw Lender pursuam to this paragaph '. with interest thereon. shaft becotite additional
<br />+rufeh'ainexa .tt Hnrrawer Berated by :his 'lfortgagt. Unfess Borrower and I.etfder agree to othtt tererM of payment. sucif
<br />smatters Jill rte pay-ahk upon notice from Linder to BtxTOSret rMtfestmg pagoxitt thereof, and shaft hear imerest from the
<br />date of dishtrrsttrf[rtt at the rate payable from time to time oft ootstandittg pnncipai folder the Nate rtttless payaaptt of
<br />interest at su^h rate watsid fit eotttnrv to spplirabk iaw. in which event such anrar>tfkt shah heu interest at the higbeu t'afe
<br />petmispbk under applicahic Iaw Nothing contained in this paragraph ' shell regaite Tender to itfe»r atfq eaperNe or tafte
<br />anv action ttercurrQer.
<br />8. farprctiew. I rndn may make ar cateae to be mar9r reasortaMe entries upon and inspectiom of the Property, provided
<br />that I.crtder ahait give Hnrrower rtr.Kice prior to any stash rnsptsctron specrfving reasonable canoe therefor related to C.ettt#r'a
<br />interest rn the Prapertv.
<br />4, Cssrirtetaaiian. The prrxeeds of any award .zr _larm for darnaeec. direrr rx cstnsgititniiaf, in connection with any
<br />cnrdemnatian :.r,Nher taking of the Property, rx part zhr:eof, or torcastveyartre in flea cif cartdemnation. arc tterebq assegned
<br />and shat! he yard sn I.endtt.
<br />In the event of a tntaf taking of the Property. the prcrttds shall he applied to the Bums secured hq this Mortgage.
<br />.vith the excess, :I any ;raid ro Hasrawer. !n the teen? of a partial taking of the Property. unless Borrower and ixnder
<br />xhtrwise agree in writinc, there shall be applied to the stems secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />• ax is ,]goat to that prafx+rtiarr which the artxwnr of the sums ,toured M° this Mortgage imrnediatdy prior to the date of
<br />taking boars rn the fair markr. ~•ahre of the Prrrpetty imrsxdiatety error to the date of taking, with the batana ref tlx proceeds
<br />paid to t3arrasver.
<br />Tf the Proprrh is abartdorted by Harrower. nr if. after notice by I.cttder to Borrower that the condemnor oRna to snake
<br />an award =tr settle a Maim for Jamagn. Borrower faits to respond to i.crsder within 3o fiat's afttt the date Bitch ttotict is
<br />maned. Lender is autfiari7ed ro crvlieci and apph• rlie proccee~, at Lender's option, either to rtataratian or repair of the
<br />Property .rr to the cams tieettted he the Mangage
<br />L:nless t.endrr and Bnrawer nthtrwiu agree in writing, any such application of orrice-cede to principal shall not extend
<br />ur pos[pnnt she d[ae darn ^f the mamhh• mstaihntnts referred to in oaragrapha ! and 2 hereof er change the amount rat
<br />such ~nstalimrnts.
<br />18. derrosrer 'VW Rrieaard_ F",xtsstxe•5n .,# .!,.. tirx ter payment nr madiflcatiar, at amortization of the sums serttred
<br />by thrs hir,rtgagr granicd ~v [-ender tr, env successrv :n interest ,tf harrower shalt nrx operate to ttiease. in any manner.
<br />the t:xhriits of t}u .>rigtnal Hntrawer attd Fiarrow¢r's successors in interest (seder shall not fie required to commrntt
<br />procredingx againu tuck >trccrssor ~+r reftrse to r,:itnd time for pavmtn[ rx ,xherwiu madif}• amortiraftirm of the Burns
<br />secured by =hi¢ '~farzgagt ^v reason -af .rot demand made by the nriarnal Harrower and Harrrnser's successnn in interest.
<br />F 1. Pariiearaotr br 1•enrkr mar a FNahn. ~1nv fnnc~arance €;t: lender ir. rsercisrng any right err rem~y hereunder, or
<br />nrherwtse aflordsd ?tv appiicahir iaw. ehaii tx,r fx a warver ,,f nr prtctttde the exercise of any stuh right ar remedy.
<br />The prrxurrment of infuranre .x the ttsvrrxnt of taxes <,r other 'lens or chat•¢es by (znder .haA oar tx :, waiver of Tender's
<br />right ru accrierau the maeurtry +,f tt:e +ndefttedrtess .toured by tMs Mortgage.
<br />tS.. Remr~ f'mrrataffse. Ali rtmrdits prr,vidcd ,n rhrs Mortaagc are distinct and cumularivc to any ether right nr
<br />remedy ::sxtr.:drn afar;rage :,r :~ftnrdcd ':=v 'aw <,r relate. ,rid may he rxrrc,std cancurrcniiv. independently nr successively.
<br />13. yirrcrisaots asd ~aaittfn Bartad: loipi std Stsrrd f3ab1HiY; Cam. flie cevrnants ant} agrtemcntx heteirt
<br />umtar!feel shat; h^nd..srd the rights frereurrdet shad ,note ta. the rx:pecnvc ,uccessors and asstgos ;,f ].ender and Borrower,
<br />s.,bitct ~t, vf:t pr ovixroM ~,f paragraph i7 hereof 1i1 ~:ovcnants and agrcetrtents ,~f Aorrntver shall ht join and several.
<br />The :aptrt'ns .md hradirgs +tf :Ito paragraphs ,+! =his Mr,rtgagc art far ~omensencr only ;:rid :,re oat `a tx used to
<br />intcrr+rrt or dtflne the rrr,vrsions hereof.
<br />14. \atice. Etcept :or any m.uce reQsurtd :roder applitable law ra he riven in another mariner. tai anv rxttict to
<br />Hsrrr+,wer pmvlrird :`ar :n thtx +lnngage shah hr }even by malting such :xxt,c;t by s~eneffni meet addressed +„ Aorrowrr at
<br />the f =:,,xr:^: ~d=3rr.~ .,. .,, .uch ,:rites :uidrrss .u I;art;,wet may dexrgnate by orifice to i ender as provided 'Herein. and
<br />Ill, ;nv ns,trr rn i.rnsitr :r,xil he r,cn M -.:trt:tit.i rna,l, return receit~r -equested, t~ i znder'< adclrrn crated hsrtin or to
<br />such •rthet aridress :,s l.cnckr ;nay ,icstgnate *ty •x?~ice to Harrower as provrtfed Ferrero Auy entice prorrded foe ~n this
<br />hl: wt q.;rht 4hat± r>; ..tYn:eai '.;s - ;>t '.~:rtr zn-ra to Harrower +,t (.coder when ervrn ,n the manner designated herein.
<br />.,
<br />fS. i_'t~arra Nart;s~r; t.uverikaR Law; tir.rrabiHtp. iT:r-_-_ t~,m ,;. mortgage ;.,nebints :,n,fnrm .;~ecnanzs f, r nxucnai
<br />ate sad rt:=n-artii.,rra ;:++r-,=arty ,rith iimttri .~armtx,ns 'ny nu,xd¢trext to ~orysinute a i,mfotm raxunty insttuntem .ovenng
<br />`>• tr"-~ r_ ~ St_ ,~: n--. .t= ;;c.rrtntd r:,, the iaw .,€ the ;urtsdcuvm :r, which the Yroprriv° .t ictenttd fn thr
<br />event :hat , ,. ,• ....,, >c :.. ;k 4ttxigage ',r rite irtC r=3nr1=K-ts ` -ith eppitrairie taw. such canfltct .hall oat arfitct
<br />orirer a[t,v:x9cx=s~~d gin„ ~1r,-rtgagt ,sr tshr time ~.vhn~h <a^ he ttvcn eiTcct +-rtha+-a the ~ontticting nratision. ..rid to this
<br />end she pro.rsnx,s „! ~hc Mortgage .ned rhr ~.xe .,re .ir;:Iartd ut he severabie-
<br />16. Harrower t ('trey. Hormwcr strait rte furre;nhecl a ~anforrtted ~: apy .+t +he veer and c*f shrn 4longage ai the time
<br />vii exe~~utn rr r,r „Ire; 'r_. ordatietn htrrrt€.
<br />t?- Trrrpdtr ,st the Preoatty; Aaaumy8sir. It ail c,r any part of the Prttperrv nr an interest therein is sold .,r transferred
<br />by Hoer„wrr withatut E.endtr's error wrnter, c,rrnent. exr~iuding sa! the :rcatwn .,! Ittn nr encumbrance subordrnete to
<br />this Mc:rrgagt, ;h> the ,rratn?r, .,C .. purchuu itN.>nty sceunry +ntsrt+ct far henrxituid appliances. sot a transfer by devise,
<br />drscett! ar tsp „prrauan :ti !aw r,pcn the ;troth •,t a :~nnt arrant cu ,d, the grant r,f ary icasehatd rntetest r,f three vran rte less
<br />oat amtaintrtg an .,prune ,o purchase, {_eitdtr may, at i_tnrier's :'puon. r~ciarr ;:i1 the sums secured by skis Mortgage t.t tx
<br />rmtneu.atrly drtt nerd svyahle. !.coder iitali base wa,vrd such +yttri>rt to aurieratt .f, prior to the •:ale or transfer. t.cndtr
<br />:card the ptrsuen tt, -a:wm tree Proper ty ;, w ~ ~.z,;,! •>r tranxtcrrcd rea.:rt agrrtntent :u wnurtg that the credit of sur:h person
<br />rs sat;^stscrory r. I:rn<kr .trd ;hxt the :nttreai payable :m the ,win +er urcd by thin DAortgnge shxli he at such rate as Lender
<br />shalt rWueat !f I ender has uxrvtxt the ;,ptaxt to rcccierare ixo~rded n this ,wragraph '. 7, and ii Rarrower's succesx,tr rn
<br />rntcrtst has ccxectrted a .stereo asxpmptran agreement accreted rn wrnutg hg Lender. I ender ,hail release Borrower from all
<br />,rttitgarrane :rndtr this Mortgage a»rl the (ate.
<br />It (_crtder cstrcrses such Dorton t:r accelerate. Ixnder ,hall marl Hwrower trotter .,€ aueierauan in accnniance w,th
<br />paragraph is htrxxif. Sash rt:,irct ,hail provrdr a period r:l not tees than 1[i days frttrn ?he date the noeu:r is mailed ,.ithtn
<br />whnh Bt>rn,wer may >1ay {itr ,urns des tared rirrz '; Harrower tarts +a pay xu.h .urns ptrt•r to the expirau,xr „f srtch per:.ui.
<br />~rxxir; rasa. ~+rrtFi°n+t 'iuni,rr +xert~.e r:r ,itrttartd +*n iittrruwcr, .nvitkt am- remrdrex pcrmuttd ht paragraph 1 R herextt.
<br />!ati-L~atrtag st t~rn r:3,s,t Harmwtz stets f,erafrr iurthes s+»enant .stxf aytrre ax la(iaws:
<br />iR kcrtletatfsa: krnestiea. 8sceps as prsvidtN its parrtgrrtph f 7 hereof, trpua Borrtswrr's ttreai:6 t>f say rareaant ar
<br />aft*sameet ai Morrosser is rf4,c ytarttaEe- i».I.a~rg tAe rasrwaots to prey wbta dee our sums Yrwsrl try ttsit Norttfaae.
<br />frasMr peisr rs acedsraWu stet} twit ssstite to Hoerswu as peavided h patytrrgtt 11 haroai sperifyiag: 111 tree breas•b;
<br />t2} rite acsita ragrtts't ne rsn wolf ireraehi t31 a date., Hsi fdi flws :58 trays from tAe date the wstkr is rwiitd to Borrower.
<br />iiry wMrA wKM ketaep rater tae cured; aa0 its tigt Etifkut #• .rrt c~tt Mrac& as ar tf~ors tfre daNe n~sriYed is the nedrr
<br />soft reauN is aeteierrsias.rt rite coma srrrsird t+y tlfia , fsreebeate by lsdirkst pea.:rtdigt sad ode d tie F'rsprrty.
<br />71r rsetkt slay ftWfpr arfsrta Met:ewer o+f flee rlglM is rstlasisp aria acraletNisr aui the rfrtkt to strut is the fareciawre
<br />yristrtsrdfa~ tAe oar-exierearcr zf x drfrtash w mg atiter deiesar of liottatrer to arrrlertttisn asd farrrs,3assue, tt tlis 6rtaeh
<br />is aei cured Bra w Aram rlie Bait N,eciiisd is rYe twaiet, fttaiu at [setter's r.yifsw +~y darFarr dl vt the xipoa se. ured bq
<br />Htk ~ ba he rsarediaritty der asl psryeile ssi9fsrui frrn4rr tie~mxert u~ spry koreclorr sty jadislat prsteexdittg. i,cartar
<br />alaaB hr rptf/tad fs r sriisst t; w+e4 trrssrrer aR rxperifsa d teercieaure, ierf.tit~, but oat HttuNed to e-aeus atf dacuewm.ry
<br />aniMw.t, etsiraear fri rids rhea.
<br />i~ Bsrrawdt itigpi ra Refaasate. 4vt*tllfrttastrftng t,ersdar:: a..,.eieratntn a,i ehr '.urns ,ccuresf `+y its hiarrgag.~.
<br />~3?. f'~*stlsf a'xai& hays firs r~tt9 .at hrc+r any rsrarcisr~a Izgan r%x i ender rr .^trR-. sit :9t:s ]leer Eagx ,tie+nrarrcr3f e( .. -. e
<br />