<br />(ixrpoaM CavExsxn C9orratvcr and I.endcr cavertam and ague as follows:
<br />f, trayasesx oi' !•rir.efpY ,rd 1nRareA. fiorrowtr sbaA promptr; pay wilco dire the principal of and intetart on the
<br />«tdebtedness zvrdatceef by site Note, prepayreent and fate charges as provided in ttse Nae. and the principal of and i
<br />on any Future Advaritts srscratd hq thn Mortgaage.
<br />i FttarL far Tana ester Ir.aaniate. Subject to applicable law a to a written waiver by Lender, Borrosrcr shag pay
<br />ro Lender on rite day moarhty irtstapracrtb v8 prir+cipd and imtrtst are payafsk render the Hatt, umil the Note is paid in foil,
<br />a aunt fbtrnn "Ftmds") egeral to sxee-twelfth of the yeruiy tames and affieeartatts which ley attain priority over this
<br />Mortgage. and ground rmb on the Ptvperty, rf aay: plus one-twNith of vearly premium enpaBtrlenb for hv>trd inwtrantt,
<br />pfu+e one-twelfth of yeartp premium inn:timatb for mwtga~c irrwrance, rt any. elf u reasonably estimamd initially sad from
<br />time to time by Lender vn tfte basis of astesemeats and bilk and rgtonalsle esr3asates thereof.
<br />The Funds stall ire bek! rn an inxiitWion the dtpoaib or accouab of wfiidt are insured or guaranteed by s Federal ~
<br />state agency i including l.ettder if Lenefer is such an trnritution ). t.ersder shall apply the Fttttrfs to pay said rues, assmrtsetrb,
<br />uaurancr. premiums and ground rents. Lender rrwy nor charge fot so ![aiding std applying the Funds, atulyrirtg said aCCWM.
<br />or vmfyrng and comprfmg card asseasrrsctrb std bikes, unless !.cadet pays F3orrowtr interest oo [he Foods and applicable law
<br />permits Lerxkr to make sttrh a charge. Btxrowcr and [.ender may agrct in writing at the time o[ ersccution of this
<br />Mortgage that interest on tlu Funds shalt be paid m Borrower, and artless setcb agteeroent u erode or applicable lax
<br />requira such intertat to lu paid, l,trtder shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest cx taraiags oa the Futds. [.coder
<br />shall give to Borrower, witirout charge. an annual accounLng of the Funds showing credib sod debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose fur whttfi rack debit to the Funds was rnatie. The Funds art piedgad u additional secunry for the sums secured
<br />by thix Mortgage.
<br />If tfte atn[+rmt .,t the Funds held L+y l.endtr, together with ltte fetturt monthly instsflrtt•ab of Ftrads payable prior t4
<br />the due dates elf tsces, assessments, insarartce premiums std groutd rents, shalt exceed the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />assenrttents, +rtsurace prttaiums and ground rents as they fall due, such excess shall tx, at Borrower's option, eitl~r
<br />promptly repaid us Borrower or txedittd to 3orrower an rttonthly installatents of Funds. if the amount of the Fords
<br />held by Lender stroll not ix suf6cirmt to pay ?axes, assessmenb, msurarttt premiums and ground rwb u they fall due,
<br />Bonawer shad pay to Leader any xtttouat rtescessan~ to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the dau notice is retailed
<br />by Lender to 3)crtrower rcgtsea3ng payment thereof.
<br />f7prm payttttnt +n furl of all stutu secured by this Mortgage. l,ertritr stroll promptly refund to Borrows any Funds
<br />lxld by Lcn+kt. If under paragraph 1R hereof the Property is _,id ar the Preptrrs rs otterwise acqurttd by i,endes, L.ersder
<br />shall apply, nv later than :rrtinediauty error to the sale of ?tit Property or in atquwuon by Ixttder. say Funds held by
<br />!seder at the trrrte of appitcatmn ax a credit against the :ums saur~ by this Mortgage.
<br />1. Apptlcatieo of Payseab. tJnitss applicable taw provrdts otherwise. all payments received by tender under the
<br />tiou -sod , aragraphs i sad J, iatreat stroll be applied by fxndcr fiat +n payment at amounts payable to Lender by Bortowtt
<br />under paragraph ' hereof, then tv +merest payable un the lure. ![ten w the principal of the Note, rod then to interest and
<br />pnturpal ++n aay Future Advances.
<br />a. C4ae;es; Llee, Borrower sltafl pay alt taxes, assessments and +=t her charges. fines and impositions attributablt to
<br />the Property wfiich troy attain a pnartty over tt•sx Mortgage, sod tessehnld paytttetas or ground rears, if any, in tlx manner
<br />prov+dtd under paragraph :hereof ar.:f oat pad m sus:h manner. by Borrower making payment, whet due, ditcct:y to the
<br />payee thertaf. Borrower shall promptly tarnish to Lender ail nooses of artWUnb due utt<kr this paragraph, sad is the evert
<br />tta+rr.+wer +hal! make payment drrtcity. ilorrawer shall promptly lurnrsh to Linder receipts evidcacmg such payments.
<br />Borrower shall p;amptly discharge any teen ~~-vfiich has prrursty ,rvtr this Mongagt: pmvtded, that Barrowar shall nw Ise
<br />rryurred to dts+:ttargf any cuti:n iron ;o long :u ]3rxrower shat{ agree in wrung to the payment of the obligation stcurrA by
<br />such teen :^ ,, manttet ssceptaWe tv Ixnskr, x shall rn gtrrxf Earth ct;ntest strclr hen hy, yr skfend enfarecntent ofi such lien in,
<br />legal p:.+credrngs wnrs:h operate nr prevent the enlorettnem of the i,en cr tarferutrc of the Property or any part thereof.
<br />~• ffuuard fastrrasce. lfonawra~ •+itall keep the +mpravetnerts auw : xrsuna ur hereafter tricttd nn ttte Property snsural
<br />agarnat kws by fir[, hazards +rtcfuaftd wuhm the term -'txterrded ~ovtragt'~- and strsb atMr hazards as Lender may reyutre
<br />and .n strth .rmuvrrts surf tar ++ut+ errands as Lerxkr may reywrt: provided, that Linder shall not rcgwre that the amount of
<br />sash .:uveragt exceed that am,runt +,t :overage -eyarred to pay ?hc sums .reared by this Mortgage.
<br />The tnsararrrc tarracr ixavtdntg ?3>G +rnsrance shat! ht ahusta tav Harrower surilcsz ra approval by Lender: provided.
<br />that vutt? appr?va3 shalt rtaa tx +utrtasvnab#y :*+ithltehi. .A!{ prcmrurn.+ .+n msursn.:e puhcrzs shall bt pard +u the mantrer
<br />prav,ded u!rdcr paragraph ~ htttot .;r..E +tut pard in sash maarrcr, ray Burruwtr makrnq paytttent, when. dot. directly to the
<br />etnwrattee . arms.
<br />Ali insurance pafrsria and rerrewais thereat sha13 tx m farm ,ce:-tptrblr to t.endtr and shall mdudc a aandard mortgage
<br />etarrsr +n raaror c+t aced :r, form as,cepratsk t.r t.trnter. 1-ceder .hall have the right to bald the pcrlrcits gnat renewals thereof.
<br />sad Harrower ~hafi promptly iurnralr to lxrtdrr all rctxwal nat+ces and atf re+:apts of pad premiums. In [he event of lass,
<br />&arrawcr -,hail give prompt ntuict :.> tot +nsuranse carrree and LtrMtr, !Roder ma} make pruut a( loss rf not made promptly
<br />by Harrower
<br />l.!nlesr Lenckr and Borrower aherw+x agree :n wrung, +n~suratut proceeds shall ix apptud to restoration ^r rtpxir uF
<br />tree Ropers} damaged, prov+deal >u.:h rtswraaan :;r apart +s ecanamically teastblr acrd the srsunn• of this Mortgage ++
<br />trot thereby irrtpaurd, tt such reswrat,un ar repair :s n+-z ru+numrcaily ttastbk or +i tbt stsunty of this 4lortgagr would
<br />3x ;mparred, the msurync~e praeeerls shall bt applttd to the sums secure) by this Mortgage, w+th the exce,a, if any, pard
<br />to Bornrwtr It the Prapsry rs atrarWoneaf Ir} Binrc+wer, or it &ttrawer lolls to rt~pond as I.tndcr w+th+n 3t3 days [rem the
<br />Batt rxatr:x ,; marled b} Ltndea ro Burrower that the irt3aratu:t carrier utters to settle .+ cis+m for ,:rsuranrx ixnefits, Larder
<br />is aettltunrest to ulltst and apply the snsurattct proceeds at t.endrr's option erthrr to resturaton or repair of the Property
<br />or w the cunt: sr,:urtd t,y this Mortgage.
<br />tniess txnaiee and Borrower rthtrwise egret +n writ+ng, any such app3rcanon +,f pr+v;eeds to pr+nsipal shall rut catend
<br />cx pastpane the due Batt of the nwnthly installments rtrerred tea nr paragraphs i ,and ~ hereerf :=r change the amount of
<br />sir'h +nstailments, It un+fed paragraph lit ttetevt the Yroptrty +s a.yurrexi by Linder., ail right, title and +nieiest of Burrower
<br />in surd ro arsy ;nxurance poliaaes arad rn sod to lht prasetds theetat rrsuiung Tram damage w the Property poor u, the sale
<br />or asytrisrUan shall pass to Ixader w the t.stent of rite solos se.:ured h} this Mortgage +mnrradcateiy pear t+..uch ,air c;r
<br />acquktiticxt.
<br />ti. l>f+aenatiett rtari !Mldrttraaace of Prnpettp~t l~ t'ursdonsiniurm+t l'lenned l3aN !?erehsp~afs. tiarrowtr
<br />alsaU keep the Property in goat raper and shalt nut summer waste a>r permit .mpa+rrrnnt ar +3ettrn+rauun +at rht Ptvptrty
<br />artd aha.i ctxnply vo;rh ;he piovtuurrs of any feast if this Mortgage ,. +>n :+ tinsitx>Id, It the ~laxtgage ix un .+ unit rn .+
<br />wsWrtunruu+ or a planned un+t dcvctapmtat, Boers}wer shah peels+rm alt +~f Barr+..ser s cblrgattons under ttx deciarauan
<br />to +:o~xaastts crritrag c>r govcrn+ng tttc eanr},rmmrurtr ,x pkatrraed ::nit devr:iopmtnt, the by-3aws and rtguiauonx of ?hc
<br />sr.rrsrlorrtiatwn +x pltinarat unit dtvef.spitttnt, and aonuituent dacumenrs. tt a .und.mitnmm or ptanrred r:n+r dcvtlopnxnt
<br />reeler .s raata:ttd b}~ Borrower oriel rsu;order) ?ogetMr with tars Hurtgage, ttx ....+veuants atxl agretmetxs +=1 +t+ch r+dtr
<br />rrhsit Ive =ra:urpararext +nso sod slra33 anrtnd and srapp#trnem the co=enants and agrerntents :,t t!r,+ Murrgage ,+s ,. =1re r++icr
<br />wtrt a patt inertof,
<br />7. ttsfasfrpr of f.rrdarS 1tr-mitg. if Bcrrrowtt fark> s± pert.,rm the avtnaars and agteemtnts s.,ata+ord :n ih+.
<br />#Eottgage, +n if ang a4taat ar prcxY.tdritg ,. ~.annter±ccd whrc~tr tnatertali} .rficzu Lcrtders mtirest m the f"°,+prnv,
<br />irt+3rui+ng. liar +wt 4p~rued ra, eaurrsnt dermaua, ;*nxds~t-net ::a=cle craroraaYrBret .,r ar rangerereaG et prkec~lmttx ;nvat.+ryt a
<br />ban7crrxpt sr ~xckr=a;, a~.r f rMk~t at Lcitckr's y~ws:_ upon rrirfrt~t to $.v~+rr+zwer, my} make su:h appraraacrs, ,.l+shurza .uih
<br />surua std roles saa.$ xtUga ax rx s±rary ws ptat~-t LttKftr'a ;rvtertsa. :n.-I,aSing. Fat ufN ;+nt+rtil t:+, dxab+uxn~+t ,t
<br />rsaaatar+u attarney~s Tsatx arsd curry +ipsgt rtx Prctpetly to nrwkt rtpaua !! I trxirr rtq;ured +ti,u~rxatm ~rtaur aer~r .+-
<br />...srrdrr+=ra ~i makarrg ttu 3trare . a,.urW e+y rters M."rigage, fk,rir.+cr .nati pa> rht rein+uncv rc<{u:rcd ~ n:arms,,: .,., t,
<br />trm+rrra=~:x t.; °A€tt :,sea; sir t}mss a-'s =~ r?ysrttrsssttt sat ra~^ +nsruFar~.-c tGrau».ait5 +.i a~.+>tdi+a-c wuF~ Fk,+w~+wtr`sas+,d
<br />