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<br />THE MORrI'GACSDR f'ttl. .ER +~)VF.A:A'+r"TS :D wGRLES <br />Tha[ t}w• ~urtgazr,r wtfl pav the rnrtrittrrlrtess as ttrrerntWfr,rr irravulae{~~.:-_ -.~~ ..,._. <br />79s~ !1•I TKaaf(iftta u live rivrrter'o( sid ptroperty in foe ataapk s[Id blip food ri~it toad tearful sYthamty to •teq and - <br />n:nvrY efY• stCait atzd l6sIR-#hr aline. is irr!e n:af bear # any tier[ nr et[n[[atA(tt[tat: and that -it¢ottfagttr will warrant sad defend the <br />tetM to staid prasnieea afaianl tAa cMietz :,/ ail t,rrsnms wherrrsaorvtr. <br />?,!~ Trr paY iatatettitzOrip trltetr-tltte [ad p~palk {til pascal tattoo. ttD+~ tazos. r.prreai assr,amrnta. waver charges- sewer sety- <br />[~ tee rharfea.. atad other Laze: sfii apatliC Paid li• iMtt'a~ tiaaf levt.•ri on the debt secured F+rreby, std to furnish ttte <br />{`~ Mortitafer, tipntz tequtat. whit tL[) rtriginat nr dttytiaats• receipts thtataafac. The a:to[lfafor aKrw•s that there «hall ire added to <br />~~ rwch :nanthly paYtise[tt rraqutred hrrruterfer ,,r under the evidenatr atf debt socurrri h.reby aA nmrtunt estunatert by the 1Nortgagre <br />to be att{Roent W citable the MortRa[Iee to {.ray, as they bernror dseR. alt lazes aasrsetmenta. and similar rhargts upon the piers= . <br />rare aubjecL ttrersio; any tieftciency t>e t~atate of t_he rt[s:ttfictrncy of s[uh atldttittna! 8aytnents a4ralt he fa[•;ttrtth r4ryna[tsd by tt[e <br />Masrtaafor xtti~ih -lf9s llueffttyatr _ clarnaaat t,y the Mortgagee Any drflatli under this paragraph shall be rtrtrmed • detrotk-in <br />O payment r,E tazrn. antegzmrntc, ,:r similar r~hwrcr+ rrquirwi hereunder <br />The Mrrtgagor agrees that tltrrr shah at,a, tw a.lr7ad to etzctt monthly payment-of principal and iteterrsf~regaired herr- <br />u[[ritar an atneatnt estimated tN the Mortgazer ter tw •t[Aicrant tr. enable the Mortgagor to pay- as it iretorrtea drte< the ittsurartce <br />premwm net anY ttuuranre txsliay drirvrt+er! t:> the Mr,rtgaRre Anv drfiru-mv s,ecauw! rd t!w rrmud[cieney ref such additional pay- <br />mrntx sha}7 he (r,rthwn±h rleprtrutrd t,y the MnrtAagnr >,~rih the Vf errtgagrr upon demand by the MnrigaK«r Any default under this <br />paraftapif shall Fro cleemni a +lrfault rn ttv. payment .,f rnsurara~r premnrma. It the poltci• or policies tie;xts}ted are latch-at. hrrmr- <br />rwners nr sit risk frtAicirs and ihr .7rN-"rts am ~rtsutErtrnt t=r pav the <-ntrrr [,rrmium. Lilo tiorfgager rr»v apply the deposit to <br />t»Y premiums vn nsks reGutrrd t,i M ,ne:t n~f t,y chic mnrtgagP <br />Yaytrwnta made by the M.:rtRaznr ,: inter rhr xMn~r l~araRraph;: may ai the .quron of the !\-fortgagee, he held by tt and <br />r<snminglsd with rrthrr such funds +•r +tx „wn fund.. f... .r.• i,avment r.t vtarh ttoms. and untet cr. appfierl. such payments am horeby <br />plydited as serunty far the unf?as.t t~aian. r- •d t-,r m.~rtgat.~ lade htr*tnw-=.r <br />Tn ynucurr. drit.rr ',} ra:amattr, t. ...r to-r±rht :•. ! R.• 'tfnrrquKrr .IU trnK life h(e •-,f this ttrortKaRb e,nRinai pnllries and <br />renewnk tMrvxtt, drhvrrr+i at !,-»?r r.-n •lac+ %wf(:r•'tia• ,.xi':ratmn +•( nnv- set: txriri trs. rnsurtnK against fire and other ::+surabte <br />hsrzardz. r-aatuatt%ea, and rrsntmfrm•rea as tf[r R•turtaa~- may r ~uir•e. rn an arnrsuset qua! to tfre iwtehtsAtt[+~ ,~e.~se~ 6y this <br />Mortgaae. and -in rnmpameK .x-ret•tahie ,:, t:^.r 1!.:rtraq+•,~ ~.:!tt: !: ~.~ i•avahir r;auw• :r. larv,r r,F and :n lnrm acceptable to the llortgs- <br />gtv (n the even! an. twh+-y :. . ,. :r ww. . , .c t.rf ;n• +.m ..:i :-:, rxpuaaun the ,Ll:, rtRager may ptat•u r,• in urarsrn un the <br />tmt,re+remrntn. Tray fhr Frrrmtvrr. tk~•v.~f.•r sari -:rt, ~.. ..: --r.atl l~.c-:rn,~ ,r.,mee1,»tety -{,rr nd ; .aMr .vth mtrv.-.t nr the r»tr set <br />forth :n ~arai rate scale! !.a:ri .sad .hail t.• vt+-urr.i % this mrar:g,-tze Fnrbrr•• ,•n the part r>i the h/orrgsttor to furntxh such rr•rrewals <br />na are herein rrgwna.,t -,r !ariure r.. t;wv an: srr:a advent-eri hen-+,n:irr .hall .+: the +,trhnn ..f the MortRaKrr. c..nxt+tute a +irtautt <br />under the rr rem n( thte murtYagr ~i?cr ~b-Lv,~r. :,t ~a .. ..,-.. :,+ rhali :++ th.• <•.em :d -: e•faalt- : :rnrrt utr an assrKnmrnt of the un~ <br />••arnt+'l premium <br />Anv .ums .,r-...i f,. n.. +ir;rts;ar;.•v ':, -:•»+<•n : +. .~r ~f,rmaxv :n ,-,i .aza,n+t :nav tx• n•tarne-,1 by ,hr \i,•rtcaRrr <br />aruf appi+ed t,rwani the r,s. ntrnt ••t !hr h•bt hrrrt,v .v ure•rt f~• ar the n,n •:f .he l-7 a:rtgagee, Such «uma rrthrr whoiiv ur rn <br />rynrt mar tx t.atd :nrr f,; rrx.• `•1,rngaKs,t '.., ten a+eri a-: ,+•ira+r =us~h h:.u±r!tnks .,r _n hudd new bui}dingx m their pfacr ur f,rr any <br />other pur;rrrar ,•r .,b}t-•,rt .ansf:n~av. t;r the St:,r. q.rq..r- •:th:,ur rtfrcr.; r+t; mr ,., n _„ inr rnartt;agr far tiro- (ai! amnu nt ,.+urr•d here <br />by ix•hrrr xu+rh yayrrxnt Vx:k pia:^r <br />Tu ;?r+,mt>f!v n•pu, .ra,:.*,• :.r r,.hu.;:i .er., '.,udrA n~. r r :.. nu ,.. .•nw .r .., nmil..r „n the- prrn:+.w1 ++hn•h may 'tu <br />rtrsrter +imm~tt+sf r,r riastrc:vas}r rep --x:; ;,rem:a.•. u..~.,.~ , n<h!:~:n :a act r „nd free from any rnrch»mr'~ Lvn +.r other teen or <br />claim .,( tern mgt •u}x-%rehnatri h~ ttm =,. n l,err.d .,•,t t„ wrtfrr :.r r.wrmrt w r untawlui uw• ert „ - nursancr to exist nn <br />:aui pn,{,rely rri,r to t,rrmrt •.. sale .,n wsY .- - .:.• ,. -.i:,,.r -- . ,:. - - ;.r• [~ - , .-- r, r + .- n:,-rr,1 ..trail `n^a°cme <br />}r ss vpittatdr. nr,r to ,}emrnevh •,r +m},atr ;ts :uttir rt'ti .`. - e,-t r -. ,.:.-*: ., - ~.. m t ., i ~ i=x. r..mrnr., •,i !nw •,ath r:.«pr:ct <br />tt+ the rnnrtKaKvd t,rrms>a•s an+r me ,r+.- tar rc,.,f <br />l-hat tec.uri th. ~~a•+n:..~„ r a,.: .ar, ,.. ,. t., ..,x.-:. - - .rn:aar -~ n.,-..n -; ,,. .,.: •_; •.... ., ... .., .. r..u:,~.. <br />prsxrr flag. unatrt the rrKiaf =.f :.mrrvnt =+,unatr....r : , .enY :,thee e;tann..r ..r.- ~7.•rtnxK.•.- ,hail t» ,-rtrtl•cf r;:, xit .•„m}+rnwrtrons, <br />r r <br />awar•.l•.t..aril env +•thrr {.aymer,r ..f -=}n; rr,r_-rot fr .nail in• .hEird .c -t=:_e. , :-. :.un- ,. ,- :r;rt,r tin,} _xr.4vtr ~- ct <br />,1SYIl StafrEr -+SE~ ar'imnl „~-r~+l,rt~' - r t_ -1 ,ao _ _r<stleVxnt •+ -. ~'¢id .,,- .-:. -.! r.+1 ta.-rs :1l: ~:.._t, t l,enr •-t .19ncaK? Vii! int•ts <br />i~csnpettastttnn. awanfs, tianudeit reght ..f actx,~n acid }?~ et±ta err hrrrlrv~ .?:igrtw} ._ the Mmrraere -. h„ n, .iftrr •iedurtmR <br />therrfn.,m nie eta rxt't•ns¢•x rvlenst• am m.,uev+ a,> r. <..-.{ hr rt ::r app(v in, v + ..e, a... .n:6•hr e,;rr,.,.., _,,.n.•irrr.. n~h•. I-L, `.t,: rt <br />fafnr tta[era tc rzntyttr such funtwr asx+gntttrnty .,f any :,xntwn+::r t,:,n aw»_ nlr~~-1amaRe+ .. n.f ra_t:t«.::t ,:~r::•n ;, n.i {,nc.~rci..,. the <br />iMertfafetr rrtaY rsyutrr. <br />~`hft rn +=t6ut of f'a[ttyra ter pyttntm any ut tlrr rcner.wrsx hrrrr n, [l:c :i„rtgaK ~ ;nay .i„ un the 41nrtKegur • rc•isa}! recce thing <br />so .matattanted; ttri the s+i nregaaer xna 4~ alv.~ du any art rt tnav :.!erxn r:e ..-_xary t•• t,rutw:t }hr i,rn etrrrt•.-f. that tar ~lurtgagut wri! <br />rx•pay uix,n detnnrtei ant munrvn }_,a+d ,.r :{rstnr n;*•<i ,t:y trn• E;„rtzas.-• i... .ray ,.t the akwar V,url,<nrs . nd +urh rn ,: ~- t.,t;rttvrr F. <br />entered therwn at the rate t,r,:r edrd En w,+.i rntr .:x. 11 t«-.~„rn - .;ru, r+ .r•i: t+t:„nai ruieMrd nr+s t:.•rrhv ra urrci r, n.l ,r r. <br />rl[tded in aaY ctet•M!+r fnrrctt,?ing then rnrrrtgatir' slat tw f=a,cl ,:ut .,; !!re :.-,rt. : w!« „f •n!e ,.} iAUt prrmtxr« if n.,t ':at h,"u. <br />}raid- ihft it shall rxK tw• ,.fatifairrry ,:yon the Mnrtgagor t„ .rutu,re :nh. the ra•Lriity ,:f env hen. ,•n. umhram.•+ •, e~iarn: .n ad~ <br />v-sarong morsgyn as shove authurr red. Gut n.,tfitnq hen•en ,:mta+nrd .hat! }M= c- n«t nteHi a= revive nag, the Mortgagor rf adcvxxv .nv <br />rrttu[eya for any euu'tt puriruse mx to rhr any a<a irrrrunrirr. and than Mr;rigaxvr .nail nut incur any ;wrx,nai h»hthty tv.~au-•' ••F ;,n, <br />thinf wt maY da nt armet to de> nrruundrt <br />trt tFra aNrrat ad tkte +irfauft k,X hiortfag+rR rn the t,aY meat of .vnv +nntnlhnrn%. as rrr[wn.t cv rhr A'.,tr _c r+i b.-r.•6v- ..r <br />iq the perfat~tartczr at iha utdtaalsan to this nx.+rtfaar .,r m tier a=rte ~ati.~urw_i thrrrb;:. the Slortgxgrr xhail hr +•r+i rtlt•.}rt+, dm.earc- thr- <br />detit aerut•eet )rxtrbi due aaxf pa Yahte w:ilt„ut r.u{xr. ant *.hr \i.,r:Kagee shall hr ent,iled at st-:.i,cx,n, w-+t he:•ut !.,*t sd~r r!thr•r nv itaei: <br />-r lxti s rr^c3~s•-nr t,. For -. exipr.t~- t:p the -r. r, sh.-r-:. ,-_ ...,-.-- _a,.- - - ,h•-. arls•t{uasv „E ary =,•crsr,ir (-.. .- -}e-.r!<.±. ~._ -. <br />C{ttatt 't'~Yr tti en#rr •l pssrr aUd t81tr {„ak+k~!AYir,•R +,! .1'S +,.rt~aalte.l t+r.+mr-+r., nrul ,,, re,ti(•c.t scut r •.-.•,~r rh -, [._ .... _n,t 1~"f.t- <br />tlra,eteo(, gnt~atryiy th.>=acne. :c-.,a -_-~i, ~•t.~,at.,=c. sn. ..,..,,. ,c-. •„ .. .... t,/,--!n. .._ ..:,. , ... ,., -,.•. . <br />irwtrs a[±d $rr[t(tW lsrtnf lsrrehy a+xaKn.•ti tr. tt:r Sf:,rtg K ',,rrthrr wr+~tr rrty ?hr } x •nent +:f aii tadr•btrv}n is ..e~urrri hrre•bv . <br />3`he 3tafes i+aft f€ava tftt }n,awnr t., at,.x.rt,t ax:y a+}rttt -.r .a>rnet :t nur> •-e„ :.rr t.x :_ .: .,r< <br />3Mf• retttsraf the rrarAr: fYrftRY nig ihn r«nts, rrrratreK and ,.a vr.,e sari n :*saY k'av rut adrnaorf EnP.)me all ~.1••R.e+tm'mrrea-:n rrot <br />icy[ std mttdraatts}' titf• uartar ~rxi d ,~; •ilwtt nx 'he -,-rrrtli~ tr„-r.i.~•m -f'hr +aianx.• -r ra,;,re,x ., '• }., .•r,r+` -.t ,..w a.. ....,• <br />ft7ar}iartgt e;f [h:s .'r'NSrSt~ft s[fda~:ealttr`+~a 7-itt. w.•na:gnmr:rt ~= r•• t,-rzr:eaal,- .sl,d 1,e+.':vnir :,.:.. '.~t.rf ~+•tri F:av r. .:.,^a'~.' i f :+.n tr,.,r tFeegr <br />_J <br />