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<br /> with ~{ ttmtments, hetahtamrnts and appurteoutres bekxtKng thereto <br />~ tU HAVt: A'e:'+D TO tlt?l.D the atauve dexxttrat preetista wwr a8 the prtrikges attd apputtenancss ihecermto txlongirpt <br />ail rents. r:;sucs and pra~ts tttrtrtrf unto tHnrtpagee, tEartver. And tNrntgag~ar {xtrby r_metsa:tts that ltk+rtgagar is weft and tru{~ sued of <br />a [cxrd title to the prrmisrs ab!wr ~emveycd in the {ew, m fee stmptt, and has gro~d t€ghr and {awful authority to contey the same, and <br />th~r the ttttr srt crrnvtyed is clear. free and urtl;tctrtnixred txcept as ethtrvr€x lusted and that Mortgagitr wilt frnereY warrant and de- <br />frnd the Dante to klnngagee against all eta€trrs whatsrxwtt. <br />This Mrxtgatge is given by r~€4urtgagsxs to xcure tht petfurraance of tas:tt agretrttent conta€aed here€n, and w secatre the payttx~t <br />~ of a loan in the atnuunt o{' t{te 'Tote{ of Payments Shawn a6ovt, vtdrich lean btgtg tr{denced by a prued~rary note trearimg eren date <br />herewith and which is further dess:t€bed above. <br />- PROYTDED ALWAYS. and these preserris are up,xt ttx ercprtsstd v!xrdititan, that if tht Mortgagors shall pay in fuU to ttte atone <br />gagee a prornistary no?e bearing tvtn date herewith to the at-nzunt set forth abrrve, payable €n installments according to Ehe terms thtxe- <br />nf tagethtr with €ntrrest as set frrreh thtrrin, and that] pay at{ texts and asstxsments ter€ed upon sdd ~ estatr before the saint be- <br />tnrtrts deGngaent, and keep the huitdingt on said ptr^tise°. inst;red fry a Sam egtrat to the €ndebtedness secured heretry, loss, if auy, pay- <br />able m tht 3a€d at!artglgte, ltren these prttents in bt Hutt and vtgd, athenrise to he and rrma€n {rt full force. <br />THtS MORTGAGE lS ALSO TO Itc , AND COh?INUE TO BE, FROM TIME TO TIME, SECURITY FUR THE PAYMt~f` <br />UIFt` SUCH StT31 OA SULKS OF' MONEY AS TH£ MORTGAGEE yIAY FROM TIME TO TIME (iV THE FUTiJJ[E ADY#NCE T0't8E <br />!€IURT`G~f,AiJR. 4{VD EVII)E.NCED gY A SUPPLEMENTAL MUTE Ofit ±V(YiES. BUi NUT TU EXCEEi3 T1{~ Ttfi'At OF <br />S .....4G'~.~G?G. !'?G~ ...EXCEPT FOR ANY ADVANCES THAT M#Y BE MAID TO PROTTsGT TttE SCsft7RFFY IN AC- <br />Ctlltfti-drICE: MfITH'THE TERMS OF T'#!#S MWtTGAGE. <br />Addit€una{ Trr-.r error C.zztditicntc ;sn the revert ~+f this a¢rer;nen. are made a patt here~,f and incorparated titrein. <br />tAi WITNESS WHEREOF, the said AMrrtgagnrs bare exeeuted tttttse presents the day atui year ust a . <br />rte' <br />t Mortgagor <br />S7%1T6 OF !rfEHRASKA { ~ <br />.. ) SS <br />C't7iUNTY f)F }fiats r. L t <br />tkr tttis_~ day z,f I~Vrf!~ __...~: +`+..;~t_ ,before ore, tht undersi>Yned a Nsnary Public, duly <br />:+itrtittassruned and quahfre,t in! and nr sytmt state arrd ~#+unty, peru+na{ly .sax _ Fs~ru i i~, [.~,>~ ~ ~ A~v'.^_ _,(1,~ 7. ,Z, <br />~: ~ "5 <br />tti'sile known r~+ tx t{tr ident€cni prrs?n cx perscirts whcsae name i? ' r names err af{ixrd to the (!rregcting instrument anti acknowledged <br />thd.itaeitrtron tfisKez*f t+r t.e tflY, tut or their ,rcdun[ary set error ilreti. <br />~-~ ~ <br />.lay erns{ year ?ast atkrvr wtt~r.:_ `~ l <br />: iTRa: a Sfr ,t:t .' i{C9r7it7 ,~ ~ (~ ~ \' <br />Att{,~ ~--~,a~ Li( <br />~ _ <br />My r:ornmtautxr ertptres she star r,! .___~ _.._,_ ! `? ~'_..~ <br />tit+it! ( ti{ k_ tttNtR ~{L~t h(tR Apt){ f{t.)\~L'{t_Khiti 3~pE0VDIT{Uti~ <br /> <br />