<br />;.rndri x writtCn agreetnen! sx applicable ta,av Brirrrnver x#gt1 pan the amarnt d alt mortgage intwrrattce premiurro in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 lrertof.
<br />.Any amrxrnts dnhsiraed by Lender purslunt to this paragnph 3, with inttrvst thereon, shalt tietcome additianat
<br />indeh•tdrxsc of Borrower secured tsy this Mortgage. Unkx Borrower and Lender agree to other arms d paytnetrt. Bach
<br />amarnt; shaft fit payable upon traice tram f.endtr to Harrower requestitrg payment rhertxf. and sbaq hear interest from the
<br />date of tlnhurserrtrrtt at the late payable from lime m time txt otdstandirrg principal tinder tfte Note tmlats ptaynFent of
<br />interest at srrch rate wrwid bt carttrary to app{table law, in which event strrlt arxtotrrns xi~B bear ittterttt at the hi~heat rate
<br />permissible ender applicaMc law. Nothing ctwFtained in thix paragraph 7 shed! regtrire Lender to incur any acperrae or rake
<br />any acrian hereunder.
<br />8. ItaapectFotr. lender may make or catts~e to be made reaxtsnahle entries upon and inspections d the Property, provided
<br />that Lender shat! gi+••e Borrower rxNice prior to am strcfi impection specifying reasonahle cause therefor related to L.endets
<br />interest in the Property.
<br />9. Co~demratMm. The proceeds of any award or claim far damages, direct or cortxtgtretstial, in connection with any
<br />condemnation s+r other saktng of the Property. ur part thereof. ar far conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby asaigtttd
<br />and that! he patd to Lender.
<br />in she estnt of a total taking of the Property. the proceeds shah Fre applied to the sums secured 6y this Mortgage
<br />with the excess, if anv. paid to Borrcnver. in the event of a partial taking of the Protttttc, unlexs Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing. there shalt he applied to the sumx secured by this Mortgage each proportion of [he proceeds
<br />as is equal to that prnpc+rtion which the amount of [he cams secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to dtt date d
<br />taking liars to tht fair market naive n` ahe Prcipertv immediately prior to the dare of taking, with the halanx of the pmtteds
<br />paid to BarrowYr.
<br />Tf ttx Property is ahandaned by Borrower, ar if. after notice by isnder to Bnrrawer that the condemnor offer to make
<br />an award or cattle a claim for damages. Borrower faux to rtspoted to Lender within 30 days after the dale Bach notitt is
<br />mailed, tender ix atdhorized ro caliert and apply six praceedx, at Lender's option, either to restaratitxt or repair d the
<br />Property car rn the wins secured by this ifort¢age.
<br />Cniess Lender and Borrower otherwtse a¢rec in writine. anv such application of praxetds to principal shalt not extend
<br />or postpone the due dare of the manthh- installments referred to in paragraphs I and Z hereof car change the amount of
<br />such mstaRments.
<br />lt). Borrower Vot Rekaaed. Exienstnn of the time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this Mortgage granted ~y Lerxirr to any successor in interest of Bnrtow er shall nn[ operate to release, in any manner,
<br />the liability of ±he original Borrower and ltarrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not he required to commence
<br />proceedings against each succccsar ,u relax to extend came for payment or othenrise modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by rhis Mortgage by reason of any demand made by the original ilnrmw-er and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />11. Forbeartnrce try [,ender VM a Waiver, Anv farhearance by i.ender in exercising anv right or remedy hereunder. or
<br />otherwise afforded t+y applicahfc law. shaft nni ix a waiver ,~f car preclude [he exercise of any ,uch right nr remedy.
<br />Tht procuremen*, of inxurance or the payment of taxes or !xher !lens car charges by (.ender shalt nut be a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to accelerate the maturity of the indehtedness secured i+c this Sortgage.
<br />12- Remedits Cumulative. .A;l remedies pro+rdrd rn rhis ilortgage am distinct and ramulative ro any other right ar
<br />remedy under this Mortgacr ar aRnrded by taw .,r eywn~..rrd may' he esrressed znncurrently. independently nr suc.-essively.
<br />13. Srrccesxorx and AssiRirs Board; leinl and Se.--eras LisbiBty; Captions. T'hr covenants and agreemrnts herein
<br />contained shah bind, and the ri¢his hereunder <hall more to, the respertrve successors and assigns of Lender and Borower,
<br />subjtct to the pruvi>rans ,+f paragraph l' hereof. Ali :uvenants and agreements of Borrower shall he point and several.
<br />The captions and headings of rht paragraphs ,.( ;his 'vtongagr are for :onvemencr only and ;am not to l+e axed to
<br />interpret or define the pravrsiam hera,f.
<br />14. Notice. 8xcept lac any' nutter required !ender app!icahle law to he given in another manner, ia3 anv nonce to
<br />Burrower preyidrd for m rhis linrtgagc ,hail ?+e $rvrn hs~ marling such nonce by .:ernrtrd mart addressed io Borrower at
<br />the Prupr=ty 'it;clres ~ - at -. a-- t; .*i btr -do#r•-„ .ec t} rr._,t,c-r ~,ta? afe-r_•nafe by notice to ? rn:ire ss prryided herein. and
<br />(hi am noaer to Lenatr ,halt F,r gr.en h, ._urfird rtari err+:m ricer pt requested.:;, 1 er•drr'•. address stated herein or ro
<br />such .:thee addtres as l.anslrr mud desrguare he notS•-r :,• Barrr,xrr :u prnvrde,i herrrm ~tnv notice nrovtded for in this
<br />Mortgage shalt f>r deemed t.' ':ztc !,ten E:,c;t ice &+rrs,wrr ,;: i es;der •.:hrn an-en in the manors designated herein.
<br />IS. Uniform 4fasgatt: Corefpiaa law; 4srrabBity• '~,r, t......• m:=:tga~r cosrThin:,s ttn,fnrm ~:'•:enar+ts t'or natta,nal
<br />.rse rend ern irnifo nr -eye!=ant. var• :;,niter ,err:rt.nn, i,: ~ ~ I nun t~- ,.a~nsututr a umiurm secunty instrumem ~ovenng
<br />real pro;xrrv, t'h - Ale r!gaga ..._.. 't+r ~r,.~„ "s .. ire t [he _~: r .t -,r,,n .r wnivh :rr Prnpr?v !rw atrd. in the
<br />even? rh- t e+, s' err.. is-~ , r ~ a .sr -_, ;h - i-.rT-Rafe _ !hc3 ~; a .,-,!y ,s 4:?h .t.pp::....?e taw ,.ryh .nn.t:t .hail n<+t atiee:i
<br />other ru ,, :+runs :,r ?his M_nrtgagc nr the A,,tx- sF ch ~. ,: hi ~nen ertec' r,r?l:ort the cnnti i<tntp pnnision and to this
<br />end the pro,ision, of the tilorigage amt rhr vote ere ,le:i:rred ~.~ ?x :everahlr
<br />16. Aorrower's Capt. Burrower ••h:alt `x fanv,i?rd e _;,,;R,rnted copy of ihr tiote .end ,•? e'er, VtortRage .n the time
<br />of ecec ufrun a?r afrer :e<ordarion heir.^f
<br />17. Twtarfer of the Property; Assumption. if all ..r um ~,,a± a~f rhr Pn,~nc ;=r .en uttrrc•et therein r< s,eld ,rr transferred
<br />r `
<br />bp' Barrow er wIIho!rt Lendrr'c nrr.,t wrirzrn amain rscinding ra: nc~ crcati.m ~x. .en .r c-:r~_umbran;e whr,r d>natr tz.
<br />then MurtKage. rhi the crcatum .d .• purchase m.=ors 1e,-uru•. ~ntcresr f:,r hear x^hod npprera <•,_ ~.., rran,ter h, dry rte.
<br />descent nr by oprratron nt LaN rrprm the ;ieath •rt .. rant irnam of -
<br />. - I. nd r i :n :;i l <nda•t -f tr-m. d ar. - -t.- c t _.t ,h s ~9,+rieagr ra, i,e
<br />!mmedtatriy due and payable 1 rode: shs8: ta,e ~~a tr1 ,•rth ;pt., n t. t_.c r<..ua n. r, n ..,,a .. .a sir!. I ender
<br />and rhr prruxc t -s~hr,~n ^hc i'tuper?, ;, . >x ;o.t -.-r ,,. • ~r ;d reach . t:..v-sr<:.: _ tus~ ,.< nt ,u.h tm^rson
<br />is sansfac to x, ; reeler and !ha! the tntrrc,t paaeM. mj!rhe -. .. .rc•d M, ~'n. 11 n+,a.a r~.. ... ,-rich rate a, 1 c:xier
<br />shall rcxlueat a i rna".et ha. w'ai': eu the ;,peon a _:s. r:rresc },morde,f :., rhr, na r::gurpi+ ~! end d~}3: •rrnwer', .;rr: r,.nr r
<br />initrtst has esGia ilea s written assumpn,xr age-ermeer aece}, led :n -.=nt+na h~ I c•r:,re r cn.rr: - _i -a ,t,e Bnrrourr ~^r,m a!i
<br />obligations under tats tic+rtgage and tier tiote.
<br />if l.u+dtr ecereius arch opttun to ao. rlcratz. !ruder .h_ri! marl tier-:?w c. .,:.,,- „,ele: ate,+;: arnJttns:e wuh
<br />pawgraph 14 hero! 5trce s:oucc hall pr<+.,~tda , ;kn,+d :,f n ~? ;.ass thwn •r) ., , - ~t~-r :fate ihr anti - .n;,iled :+uhur
<br />whtcte Barrow er may i`b+ rhr ,unas Jr.lared dire . Barr.+a rr ~-:.- ., pa ,. , .,any l,r,•. • :,. ~+: c.p,r.,t ,;r_h F r-nod.
<br />Leteuct stay, ts;f ityu ... `_: ..,__ ., -.,. r.,aa., ---,i .<.,.-„er. n..x + n=sir., r xrn ,r;:,~ _r„k!aph ,.<l~er ra+t
<br />t4UN-i.'tii4a,A Rf l i14pN{1 ti. 8i»tow C7 .il!,1 I Cf; Je.-r hnthe! .- .crr.ar, ., n.t .: .., ,..u.we
<br />1g. Acrtiertdioa; Reweaties. Except es provided in par akruph t7 heretd. rupon Borruwrr'.s hrraa. it .r( any .usraaat a,r
<br />aRretmtnt of 6orruw rr its this ~iartstgtr, iuttadit~t rhr au+eaauts tar pay xhra due vas wars ,sx urrd M this lforigrrKe.
<br />f.<ader prior to srrtkratien shah trait notfrr to Borrower as prui;iled in paragraph 14 herraf sprs'if}tote- ill rhr hero. h:
<br />i21 cite ocelots reyrrirtrd fo curt rsucti Ittearh; i.ti a date, nni teas ih:a ~u days Frtntt rhr date rhr lattice is maittsf to Borrower.
<br />by which Barb breach mtaM Esc eared; and 741 that fsUurr to True .such tueash can nr betare nc~ dafr sprei6rd in rhr rnitur
<br />nsay rrsnU ie acreierarion of ihr soma +ceurrd by this ~IuttgtrQe, forrsirrsurr by jtrdtciai pole as.^detsg anal vle of tbp Pwprrty.
<br />16t aetice sisaft iprtscr iaterur Bertuwrr art else riRbt to rehrrtalr otter aaarirratis.n uad rhr right to a+,rrt in for tore. hrsurr
<br />prerteditt; Nrr nrswtabptert of a tkfaub !u any richer rkfewsr of Barrus+rr to acyrirratiun and forrciosurr. If rhr hrrarh
<br />is taW +-eared nn rx befan ttrr dolt spexified in leer mitn~t, t.rndet at l.rnders optirwr :aas de. lace uH r+r ihr ,urns w. cared bs
<br />ttsla!Hurt~age t,r hr trnnrrrdiaieiy der aad pasabk ,+itMw[ farther Aeerand nod rawy toerehisr hs judicial pr.rarrdittQ. l ender
<br />s4aB be er~hled to cs,geei in awk prix rtritwR aH eapetwrs of force lae.nrr, inalratiaa, iiai mil hnrirrd to..ai.rs .,t darn nurrofars
<br />rridrnsr, +rtrdracta atsd r+tfr repvrxs.
<br />irl, 1lerru«rtx Btosfu f® t4iaMate. rnrxdh „nu:atg 1 e•sc. , -.- ,. .. -r„ ..,. .~... ., tit:
<br />f#s. rz'-x-. .-.~:" .:-.~ ~-*':~ ri~,lat .. R.'.r ,e.. s.~a. c,t; ;.a~„ r l ~...,.. ., • .,.. \i .•~ •,. .r, .;i .. .., .,
<br />