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$o <br />uG~~s'~ <br />t: vtFCrtenr Covr:n4vrs Borrower and tender eovtxtani a!W agree ~ follows: <br />1. rasenwt of Prioel~ai rirtl IrUetest. Borrower shall promptly pay when dtse the principal of and interest on the <br />:rtdel+tednets evidenced 4y the 'Sore. prepaytstent and late charges as provided in the Nae. and the principal of and tntetest <br />un any Future ,gdvanccs sa:ured by thix Mortgage <br />2. PYnM !tx Toes utA foaosee. Subject to applicable Iaw or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shalS pay <br />to (roller nn the day monthly imtaiititents of principal and iMCrest arc payable under the Nots. urtii the Nate is paid in fufi, <br />a sum 4)wreirt "Funds"( equal to ono-twelfth of the yearly sizes and, assetr3mentx which map attain priority over this <br />Mortgage, anti ground rents on the Property, if any, plus onestwelfth of .;early premium installments for hazard iraurattca <br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage vuurartce, i€ any, ail ax reasonably estitttated initially and from <br />time m time by Leader an the basis of assessments and !sills and reasonable estimates tltt:reat. <br />"f`Fte Funds shall he held in an mstitutian the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />state agency linclitding Lender if Lender is such an institution). 1-ender shall apply the Funds to pay said taros, assdarttettts, <br />:nsurance premiums and ground reins. (.ender map not charge for sn holding and applying the Funds. analyzing said account, <br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower intetnsi on file Fut~s and applicable law <br />permits Lender to make such a charge. Harrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this <br />Mortgage that ioerest nn the Funds shalt tin paid to Borrower, and unless sttc6 agreement is made of applicable law <br />requires such interest to be paid, I..ender shalt not tie required to pay Bonawer any interest or catalogs oft the Funds. Linder <br />shall give to Harrower, without charge, an annual acmuming of the Fursds showing credits and debits to the Funds attd the <br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage. <br />if the amount of the Funds held by Lender, together wnh the future roonihly installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates of taxes, assessments, insur.>.nce premiums and ground rents. shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due, such excess shill be, at Borrower's option, either <br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower an monthly installments of Funds. If the amount of [he Funds <br />held by Leader shelf not be sufficient to pey taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fa8 due, <br />Horrower shat( pay to l.rnder any amount necessary to make up the defiaencv within 30 davs from the date notice is mailed <br />by Lender to Horrnwer requesting payment thereof. <br />Upon payment m full of elf sutras secured by [his Mortgage. Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held by Lender. If under pazagraph (8 hereof the Ymperty ~; safd nr the Properly Is otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender <br />sfiilf apply, rio Iuer than immediately prior to the sale of the Property or i[s acquisition by Lender, any Funds treid by <br />Lrindrr at the time of application as a credit against the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />3. Applkatian of IPaysteab. Unless applicable law provides otherwese, all payments received by Lender-under the <br />Note and paragraphs }and 2 hereof shaft be apphed by Lender »rst :n payment of amounts payable to Lender 4y Borrower <br />under paragraph 'hereof. [hen to interest payable nn rhr Vote. then to the principal n[ the Note. and then to interest and <br />principal sin any Future Advances. <br />J. Chatgtes; Iwees. Horrower shall pay if taxes, asvssments and „thee charges. fines and :mposnions attributable to <br />tht Property which may attain a priority over this Mortgage. and ieasehuW payments sir ground rents, if any. in the manner <br />provided under paragraph 2 hereo[ or, if oat paid m wch manner. 4} Borrower making payment, when due. directly to the <br />payee thereof. Borrower shad promptly €urms4 to Lender aIf nouces of amounts Jur tinder this paragraph, and in the event <br />Horrower shall make payment directly. Bi~rruw~er shall p«>mpdv [urmsh to !..ender receipts c•rdenang >uch nayments. <br />Horrower shall promptly lischarge any lien whic4 has i-nonry ever this Mortgage, prov:Jed..hat Borrower shaft not be <br />regwred to dtsehat'ge any such lien w Inngas Horrower ,hall agree to wrong to the payment of the uhiiganen secured by <br />such Len in a manner acceptable to [.ender. nr shalt :n g~>axi tanh contest such hen hy, or de[end enforcement o{ such lien in. <br />legal proceedings which operate to prevent the rn{urrement sit [he hen „r forfeiture of the Property or any part thereof. <br />S. Hazard Imtteance. Borrower shelf kelp the :mpro,~ements now existing i•r herrat[er erected an the Pn,perty utxtrrd <br />against loses by fire, hazards included wnhm the term "extende.r covrrage~ and such other hazards as Lender may require <br />ar1d in such amounts and (or such prrnrJs :n Leader may regwrr, provtde.i, that Lender ,hail m•i reywrr [hat the arr:uunt of <br />such coverage exceed that amount ,?f cavrrage rrquned to pa+~ the win, ~rcured Fv :4s titcrtKege_ <br />The insurance Carrier providing the insurance ;hall f,e =hosrn by Borrt>e,er suhlrct !~., appr._,rai t»- t.endrr; provided. <br />that such approval chill not be unreasonably wnhheid. .•\tl premium, :~n in,urarct ,,rtictes halt he paid :~i the manner <br />provided under paragrap4_ 4ereof or, :t out paid m ;u::h maaurr, by B.~rtowcr mak:g l;ayment, :vhcn due, .iurctfy to the <br />insurance earner. <br />Alf inwra~e poftiies and renewal`s thereat ,(raft .`~ m term .:~eef'tahtr it .. ae-r .ind ,hail unh~Je ,: ,tanderJ nortgage <br />cfaus>; rn fizvot at and in £orm aecep[a4ie t,, i.endcr. i.rn~r ,h.r;i na.r me ::got ~,,, teuid rhr nui:.:c, ,,nil renew ai< thereat <br />and &irrower shall pramplfy furnish to Lender all nuudrs ,,r3 all :ecryrte ,v 1+.rrJ prcrtnrn, to the event of los. <br />Horrower 54x11 give prxnpt native to the inswauce earnti ,cud I.eixtct Len.ici ma} rnakr pruet ,~? ,~„ d ntaue pn+mptiy <br />by Borrower. <br />Unless Lender and Borrawrr,xhenai+e agree m •.,nong, xi,urance pnxreJ, steal! be appticJ in r,_,a+rauon , r rcpau ,~t <br />the Properly damaged, provided sur4 roaturaoan or repair o s".uaunucall} .easihie cud rhr .evunl4 ,:f Ru,. >tongagr <br />not thereby intpaaed. if such restoration or repair :., not cavi,~nm.all}- [caaihle qr :i the se,wrts „t Ih:a lortgage wvufd <br />be ,mpaued, the tnsuran.:e proceeds ,hat: be appiieJ to the suns reared b} this \lurtgage. .,ah :hr r~,cr,s, :t ,u.}. pail <br />[e Honawcr. 1t the Isroperty is si>atxfi>nrai by ktt>rrowrr, ar n Bon,wver ta:;, t., reapx:J ?,• LruJcr withnt iii Jaya iron: she <br />date [Mice is ntasled by Lentfer to Horrower that the insuraricr ..eerier otters :u settle .. eia,m fvr _rtcuran~e rxnrht,, i cadre <br />is au[hor~zed to calfect and app!} the ,nsuranrr p«sceeJs rt Lcnderc „pt~on rather to restorai:oti ,~i rtparr ,~t rhr Pn,prn: <br />or to tM; soma secured 'ray this Mortgage. <br />Unless Lender :end Hor«+w er otht:rw sr agree .n s, nueg, .ui} ,~atn .ippiriarom of pioctrJ, So p: utr,pal ,n.ui ,,:-. rstcnei <br />sir fwstfxrne rhr due date sit the n[amthly iostallntettts refer reJ :., :n paeagrsph, ! _,nJ hrrr::i ,,: ,ban.e ~.'. .:nuvni :,: <br />such tnstallrnea[s. h under paragraph it? here,+f toe P«tpein a , <yerred in LcttJei, .u, right. trio ,ind :.urir,:`. ~ 'Bair„wt; <br />in and to an} ;neat artx poises artd in attJ to the pr.rc;;eJs thereof re-aulrng i nn; .ian:age tt rhr I'rupe,n ; :, i t.: t?tr ~.i:r <br />or acquisuian shat! pass to 1.,cnder Ea toe e.[enr •.~f the sums srcurrJ t,y thu'linrig„gr :;u,;:cd,ata} pu,:t ~: .,rh -.ale .. <br />acgtiisitian. <br />6. Frtrervatiam std Maiateaaace of Propvrty; Ixrmehulds; /~nttdotnioiwia; Presorted t nit lievriupotvnls. ii.,r r,,:e ri <br />shelf keep [f>N Praper[y in gcwd ropnir and .hall iwt ~~ontnut wane of f>rrmu unp^irmeiu ,:r .ietrrnrrauvn .'t t'oc i'r,ine,n, <br />and s4af1 campfy wUtt thz ptavrsicna et art; teams ;t th„ Stortgagc „ ,m . .- ,t-h~ ~d ?i ,-, ~ >t+_=:igngc , _n;, :..- <br />cundoniinuuit esr a pfatrned unit de, clopmtm. Harrower ,hail f><roi •n ai! .r Bui n;w t i Lgr -i;a „rd~t ,~. tut at,::n <br />err covenants c:reauny ar giiverti=rah the --ortdonurn.r*tt .., pianr,-d :~nst dcvetaptttenr, -hr ht.,aw± .~nJ ;--->; ~.:at+.~:i: :,t ilk. <br />:.., -,1, <br />ceatdtrmizuum or pian~ti anti ~vafopment..ind .unstmrem sicxumcm, it o,i.iur,urrium sir : i,neJ ,-rn ,._„ p;nrut <br />tiJet ;s cxecutrri 4y-~ Borr,rw-rr and rc.utdraf t~*gctftrr u:th sin, yutcgagz, +ht• ~.,,~tnan~, .lore .,grcrt:rr„t, 1~ .i,:l; ::ucr <br />strati t>e iRttirlsarated mt4i and shelf amend anJ snpp.entent the cu,enant, and agrcemrnts of rfu; ht o::~a}c .:, :r ::,e ::Jri <br />wort a nart herfuif. <br />'f. Pr~:eetiaw nt l,eisdrer'a 5acurky. !f t3urzuwcr fart; ~i• pert„!tn the .ovenanta ..+_nJ :agtec:nrnts ,.: ,+:u:reJ ;~, ,?r:s <br />INtxtgage, or tf any acttoit ar proceedntg :s ,umnitnccJ which mettrialfy .,ite~t, Lrnuei , :rtci.°,; ;,, ihr Pre,prt:,. <br />mcudusg, lwf nxti hauled ta. rtistnent don[ain, instil vents, ~.~ entoc,rtncnt, ~,, art asigemeors :•r et _tterdang, ariai::ng a <br />hat[krup[ tu~ decedent, thee, I cedar at 9 endet's cpuan, upon !ratxe t,r Horrow=_°t.:nas i::ale na:is.,fs{x~..r..ncr,..hsi:us,:.:ra; <br />9UniS ant! FYlEt 3{lt:h a:1Nht sS t5 a~Eaair7y tp prai.~[ I_C+iciere :pLerr,t. '+AnS,1inE. !•a.; , °.rm:iCJ s„ .?;S}Fpi,~S1K6t -. <br />r= <br />r~3sunat±f~ aEEttrttay~s fees sad en[ry :ipon tr'te- Pr..,prriy is make rrlsa+r~ it i.c~~deJ +e.luire„ m~,r: stage n:vrs ai:.,e .:. <br />4s?rrux~r.n •.,i tnnkits~ t`rr4 furs. ie.:~xrai t*7- this ?i~c+tlgegE. Hc,- -cr ;h,.:~ ,=a> 'eit t,e;n,u!t,n ~y;..: r:i ,:a,s,.s,: ..,. ~, <br />!'-t31.~'trti~'L If. nLt~et[ .eSltfl *-.~h f1ttM.' 3. tT3f rE~B:IrCft[:1:. ;n` u.. .. x,..-3'.t~ ..., ....e.. ,_._:.I,..,._ v.= H_,. -, _, ...... <br />