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<br /> � Bo�rawK mrv a�n �uuh • d�4ruM �nd ��+�wU �a prcv�d�cf n parr�r�ph 1ii,by c+wW►� th� �euon a p�ocwriwip to b� -
<br /> ' dsnws�d wdh�rurw+�Ilu�t r+l+nd�r�Qood kAh cMtarminalkx�. pr�cludu�IoM�lur1 0� th�Horrow�ri iniw�sl In tM PropMty a
<br /> olhw mal�lrl inpalrm�++l d tho Mwn u�N�d Dy tfue �auMy Msirunumt a lYndK'� a�cwity k�1aa1 f3arowor ahW �4o ba In .
<br /> �+u�f Flarowr. d�,xY►q tM kHU��Wi�+�P+'ocne. p+�u1 fMtMI�Y�t hJff C►k1iGt4f�U i�lOtfY►iii011 Of lli1M�M11/10 lw�d�r (a
<br /> iad�d to pfovidf L�ndM v��i'ft IIHY �K� �1�((11.it;Di1) �1 tW1t{iCUWI with lhe IO�ifl wltl�flcRd by thf Note. InChld��fl, DUt nol _
<br /> IwnA�d to. r�prss�ntxGons co+�cw�Wiy El:,�roxw'o occupincy of tht Proy��t}r ■s • prkicipal �aW�nc�. 11 thi� S+cuily� -
<br /> Ir�strum�nt k on • Iwuhokl. Borroww st�aN con�ty wUA all th� provinwns ol th�Mw►sQ. II Borroww acquues tao title to thiQ� -
<br /> PropKty, the IwsshNd�rxl thA fa�tiU�►ana4 nOt merge unlas� Lendw tgrMS to th�r►�y�r In writiinq. � -
<br /> T. P►ot�qan ot I.�odor'o Rl�hia ln ttw Property. �t Bonow.r t.as to p.rtorm tn•co�anan�s ana:�rwn►w,�s -
<br /> wntai�ad 4s thla Secur^ity Inslwnent. a th!ie h t bQ+�l pr�csading that m�y �tgnidcsnty�Ract Lendar's riphts in th� Rop�rty�
<br /> (wch u �proueding h bankruptcy, pPOrl1,lor condumaUon or 1ort�twe a to �ntorc��ws or r�ulal{ona),lhon Lendu nvy -
<br /> do�nd pay lor whatever la nacossary to pr�t�ct tM vaAw ot the PropertY�nd Lendsr'3 �iqht� in Iht Proparty. lwKlir'�rctions
<br /> may hclude pUyhy any sums secured by w Gon whlCh has priority ovw thia Socurity lnstrumeN, appeuing in tnuh. p+►yin9
<br /> rc:sw�:h:a attemsys' te:s and enterir►4 0�tl+�PropKry to mak� rpaks. Abhauyh Lenc+er may take actbn u�dw thls pu�praph -
<br /> 7,lendor docs not hava to do so.
<br /> My amounts disbursed by Lender under para�ph 7 shall become�dditlwuJ dobt of 8orrowe� sacurod by lhis Securiry _,
<br /> lnstrumenl. Unless Bortoww and Lenda aqraa to other terms of paynwnt these urwunt� shall bear Intarest kom th� datQ ol
<br /> dis6ursemmt at the Note rate nnd shall bQ payabk.with!nterost, upon notice kom Lendar to Borrower requastlnq prymenl.
<br /> 8. �Apit�i�Y 1t11tu�ItCp. Ii Lendar req��ed mortyaye insurance as a co�diUon of mafclny tho loan sacured by thls
<br /> Sacurity GisWnwnt. Bortowor s�ali pay th�premt+uns requked to rtylntain the mortgoge insuranu in eHect. II, tor any rwson, the
<br /> matga�e Insurance coverage ncZw�ed by Lendx tapsas w csas�s to be In ettect.Bortoww S�1YiI�+J1 t�1� pi.'�M�Lfif3 rtqaked to
<br /> oht.in caveraye subatantiaYY scx:iraddnt to th�mortgRga insurarsc�pr�viousfy In eM�ct. at a cost substant{alry aqulvalwit to tha
<br /> cost to BoROw�r oi the mortflafle inwrance provious�Y in e(fed•ham �n aktomat� mort4a4e Insurer approved by lander. H
<br /> substantlally equivalent mortgape Insuronce cov�a,�e is not a�ailablo. Borrower s1uN pay to tondar each monlh a tum equal to
<br /> onrtv�Nkh of the yeorly mortys9e inswanu pr�miuro b�ing Ps►d by Bortawer when the insura.�ce coven9e taps�d or cwsed to
<br /> bQ n e'S�ect. Lender wYl accept. use and retaln thue pa>�n+onts as a bsa raservo in tieu of mortgage InsurancQ. Loss nserve
<br /> P�Y^+���+�+Y � ��^9�be nquired. �t ths option ot l��der. if mortgaya hsunr�ce co��a (n the amount and for ttu p�r�od
<br /> that le�vd�r nquk�s) provided by�n intunr appro�QCi by Lender again b�comes avaitabte arrd Es ob2aki�d. Borrovrer shoL F:y
<br /> tht p��rt+�ur►s nquind to rrwG�tain mort4age insurar*ce in eNect, w to provlde a bsa ros�rve. �:•Si th� reQuiren+ent tor rea-g�,e
<br /> insa:cance ends irt acca�l�nce with any wriliac�t��vnt beQveen Borrower and tander w app+�:abW 1aw.
<br /> 9. 1��9t.Cen�er or ita aqeni may en�,?r�sonabt�mtrios upon ani nspactions ot the Pro�'y�. C.�endae's,;.W.give
<br /> Bocrow�er notice at 2'he ti�++e ot or p�irx W an(nsp�ctior�sPacityh►9 nasooable cai:se for the irw„�vchen.
<br /> 10. COt1d�1+Rl�afiW1.The tx�,.eads o1 ctny award or claiw tor damayes, dinat or co�entuJ, in c��neGion�++th r,ry-
<br /> condarwiatlor� a o„"�er ioi�si�ot an�}put W thQ Property. ot foa c�v�yanc� b lieu of cor.dx�ntsxia�, ue hereby�ss{pned s.�rJ
<br /> sftiaY b�pald ta�a.^�kr'.
<br /> k► tM avent o: a� totat tak'+�+g of the PropaAy, the proeeeds shall be appliect to the s::ma s�cund by thia S�curi.y
<br /> Instis:�4.w�e11`�r oc�1 L'aw+ d:a w�ti any axceas pald to Bemower. In the event of a pi�*.:ai SakL�g of the PnopKty in v:dac.h
<br /> the fa'a m�9cet wkie o!�'�e FroFa"-?'irra�d�atalY batore the t�kr+�is equd to or greatar tl►;�:tR+e ar.�our.!ci the s:una r�ct�rwf
<br /> by thi3 Srcurity InsLume�t ism►eoici:eiy befote the L�king, uvt[eas BortowM �+a �.ndar oa,ery.��ss a�r.e n+�*�en9, uw sun,,�
<br /> s�cured by thls Security Instnunant slwY be nciu:.ei by the amowit of th�proceeds muUlpliad Dy the toNcviin3lr�dio�: (a) the
<br /> total�►maunt of the sums �:�cund i►nrtwdi�tely be4ox the taking. dividad bY (b)th�tair m�Acet valus of t!w F�vpaAyr imrne�atety
<br /> belore the WlckiQ. My ba{�nce shall b�pald to Ba-rower. In the ev�nt of o parHal taklny o1 the Propaty In wh�h tAe tair mvkel
<br /> valw ot th� Prop�rty YnnwdiatNy b�fore the takkiy Is I�sa than th� amount o1 tha suma s�cund lmm�dittey bdor� the t�ki�p.
<br /> unMa Borrow�r and Und�r othwwls� aqr� in wriHr►q or unlas aPpkc+bt� �aw otherwlsa provld�s. the proCMda shW be
<br /> �ppY�d to tM wms s�cur�d by thls Secwqy InsUUm�nt wh�ther or not the sums v�tMn dw.
<br /> N tM Propwty b ab�r+doned by Borrowr, a d, attK notice by L�nGr to BortowK th�t th� condwmor ofMn to m�k�m
<br /> aw�d a s�pN a ddm tor d�q�s. BarowK tails ro napond to UnO�r wRhki 30 d�ya �tar th� dat� tM notiee b �iwn.
<br /> L�a wthoris�d to aohct and �pply th�procwds.at R� option. eiltw W rai4ratlon or npar oi tiw �apmy W in uw . . - � --
<br /> wau s�ew�d by thM S�ty Insawrwnt,wh�thw a not th�n dw.
<br /> UnMsf L�nd�r and BortowM OthawAt� aqrN in wrifY►p. Ny appit�tion ot procNds to Princlpal sMY noL �dmd 0►
<br /> poatpon�tM du d�t�01 th�m�+thy payrtNnts referrod to In panpraphs 1 and 2 or ctw►q�tM amount of wch pay�s�ents_
<br /> ��. BaYOw�r Not R�loss�d: Forb�ar�nca 8y L�nd�► Not• Waiwr.�c«,�, of m.,:,,.w� ay�,«,��
<br /> rtwdif�atbn ol�rnortixatbn W th�wrtif s�cured by th(a S�auitY k.strw►wnt gnv►ted by Undr to�ny sucuuor h hUnst W ,
<br /> Bartoww sh�rwt opa�raU to ralaasa tha YabiSiy of th�ui�tnal Barowar or Barower s wccessors M Intaresf Lendar ahall not
<br /> b� rpuind to commance proewdin9a ag�hst any wccessa in int�t a refus� to sxtand tirt�� tor p�/mwd or otAarwk�
<br /> modiy anwrtlxaUon ot th�sums s�cured by thls Seauiry t�sfiur►�nt by rMSOn o1�ny d�xi made by tM ori�ir►11 Bortow�r or
<br /> Baro�w►'s wccessas in intwest My torbMrrncs by L�nder in �urckiny �ny ri9ht a neo�tsiy sh�ll not be a waivr of or
<br /> pnduda the ucarcise ot any rlqht or remsdy.
<br /> 12. Succsssws and Assiqna Bound; JoiM snd S�voral Ciabilit�r, �On�ro. The cov.nants and
<br /> agreen+�nts o!thls S�auiry(rtsirum�t shaY bad and banafd the successas arr�sssgns ct��nd Bortowar.wbJect to the
<br /> provislons of pan9r�ph 17. 6oeow�r's covMw►ts�nd ayrw�nents shall ba janL a�+d sei:er�. Any Borrowr who co•sk�s this
<br /> Seauiry Instrum�nt but do�s not cxecute the Note: (a)k w-s�►n9 thls SacuritY Instrunwr.t ontY to mortgage.grant and c�rwy
<br /> tnat e«rowePs hlxest In tne Frop.ny und.r u,e wms ot uis securicyr►nsc,mwa: (b) b nw wrson+�y+ obi9atoa to pay ui.
<br /> sums ssausd by thls S�auity Instrument a�e (c)ayrws that Lendrr and eny other Borrowar may ags�to aQend.modity.
<br /> fabev or awik�any accanrad�tioe�s with reQats6 w th�t�s ol ttQs Security Int�u�r�nt or th�Nat�wilho��t tl�st Bartowa s
<br /> cansani.
<br /> 13. tAan Cha�s. ff t!� to�n secured by this Sacwdy Instnuner�t is subJect to a law which sets nwximim Iwn
<br /> charoes. �nd that IRw ts ttrwYy ine�rareted so that tt►e intere�t a other toan charges ceYectrd or to be coN�xad in cau�satlon
<br /> with the ban �x,cMd ths pemwttsd Y�rNs,than: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by t�e arnount n�cessuy to nduc�
<br /> tha ctuvg� W the pertnitted WrW; an� (b)�ny surtu �Ire�dy ca�ected trom Bortower which axcQedrd pemtitted limits will be
<br /> relurxkd to Bortow�r. L�ndn may choos�to m�k�thk rafund by reducin�the pr's�ciptl axed under tht Note or by m�kinq a
<br /> direct payrnent to Borrowa. It a raG+nd raduces pmcipal, the redu�tion wiY be traated as a P�P�eP+Y►►'�ent wrthout any
<br /> pr�,:yment ehar9e unda the Nate.
<br /> 14. NOt1COS.Any rwYc�to Bortow�r provk9d ta in thk Sscurity InsL'urttent sltall be given by dWv�fiy it a t�y maainy it
<br /> by�t ci:c mr: �tz:ep�».:b�-Lx rc ' es:c ot:rsalh.�mC.hos! Thr no� r.hs!be�SSa�..�w t!ro A'oF�s;A�ess
<br /> or any othw addnss Borrow� d�siguta by notlrA W Lmder. Any notiu to Lender ahaN be given by Grs!ci�sa mail to
<br /> Lander's addtess stat�d harah or any oth�r�ddress Lenda desJgnates Dy notice to Bt�rtower. My notl:.a provided tar in thls
<br /> Sar�uiry Instrum�nt shaY b�d�ar»d to havs bwn yiv�n to Barower or Lander when plven as provided h thls psr�praph.
<br /> 15. Gowmin9 L.aw; S�v�r�biltty. Thls Security Insttument shaN be gavetned by fedaral I�w and lhe Itw ef tite
<br /> juds�ictloa in which the Propasry Gs bcat�d. t� th� event that �ny provlslo�►or dause oE tt+:s Security Instrument w the i�lote
<br /> conNcts with �pplicable I�w, such conA'ict shaq not atteci other pro•rtsiona of this SQCUruy Enstrummt w the Note which can be
<br /> ghran effed withar,�'i t!w ccnAi�ir.g provision.To thk and the provisions of titi�s S�auity Instrument and the NoGe are dsrlsred W
<br /> be sevxable.
<br />- 16. BOnOwor'S CG¢j�.Ec.:awer shall be piven one�artfom�ed copY ot the Note:ns�e°this Sacvity%�1sLusr.cr►t.
<br /> Ft z,5.u+a nl9s) aaya a or s � u'
<br /> �
<br />