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~-- <br />6 <br />- :?~est ;n :re vea- any swar'1s 3ra ~a3e ?.a t*,e !1s,..~r '-'~• their su+.ee3s^rs Snte1-es*. t+'r * t dpi <br />' or ag <br />'y~•.l:e axer^SL :.: ^•, nenx d~al^ !se ~!^le or a-iy i~'t o.* •De aL. tgaged preAl sec rr arty ?3sgnE?r:t .herein, the Said <br />:,~^:s are h=ReD_: a}=Fed io LhP •Mortgageg; the Mortg~*.a heraDy authorized =a colic-CL. -"viceixe, and receipt <br />';`~:.'?'-[~''.q~ »--. 'i~°t• 'kn ?jP+• ig ,~y~!'P*it `;r #fy ind8'9t. ~Rt11rf1} Cr iiiFA`1Liir@d, oettlr=3 'vy thfe c~}c`CF.,6gC. <br />- :'t:a! Sa tbg R~•a•;r Mortgagors Ceta»lt 'n Lhg payl!Fen*. of said Drinelpai szyu, or et any Snstsila~ecfL thereof. or <br />-t zany Sr;ser~a? ?heron, st tpe rive M:en the save Mall De dux, csr with respect La any coxatlant cr can4ltion here- <br />ct, ,nab. a*_ the ^pP i!x! of Mar. *.he =mire Sndebtedtlea3 .secured lfet-eDy shall 'orthvl th Decove due a,-e4 pay$bla, <br />S!$li bear 3n LPT"St- ai t, j}8 dBfaLlt rata Q68CFS bEd in 5aic~ Ii4LE. 3ttd CiR !40rtp31~1r9 ~ la8MS1aCP1.y faFEC 1U8¢ t~ll$ <br />v~'tgage or p~~^su•~ +~Y ?:leer availaDi9 .8g-0cl re~t~r. <br />;g{ 27:at *' ,he ~v°nt Rc *_ion is Drc+s}~tt to ,* rgCSO36Lit15 Mortgage, the Mortgagee 9ha11 De entitled to SaAndlate <br />ssseaclor c the =crcga~5e-3 7rewi sec. and LDg „`,-ri gay aypoirt a rec=l ver co Lake rosaesston of said ;revises, w1*,h <br />?'M usual p~wgr5 ;F r •.ct Yer5 SP. ilk? .^38a3. <br />;3) '"hat. 'a7 ;'~;r~~---~r ::e_ay of Mortgagee t^ ezerelse any of ics rights ar privl iegas shall not Da construed as a <br />sr sivpr trier?~.f; ;ha! any art of McNgagee~waivi rg any specific Cefauit of Mortgagors shall not De construed as a <br />stalvgr rt ar:ti~'~..t :rr ~'?f3U1LS; chat 'n Case of Cefault Sn the payet¢riL of any avartlzatlon tnstal invents ar ir.Lerest, <br />o' `n rase ray Went Dy Martgsgae nt a7ry 'len, Judgraert L, Lax, inaarance, cast or expense, br rents, fees ar CDarges, <br />s tld Martr.,agee sh 311 have the privl loge. Aithout derlartng the whcle indebtedness Cue and payable, to foreclose on <br />a~:ro.:nt of such tpeeitic ;efault. for such sums 3a are Sn default and such forgclosura proeeadings may Da trod and <br />Lie ittnd descr lDe: nera'n may Dg sold, 3+1D4ert to the unpalC indebtedness hereby secured, and LD2s awrtgage shall <br />~. mtlr.ue as a ;l^~~ 'or ~_nv ~.spa1C Dalarce. <br />~',II) :hat the M,t t3agee may eztenC and -^,efar the maturity of and renew and reamortize Bald Sndebtetlness, release <br />f~•CSP. 1l ability ac: =-arty SSble Llterecn, and-release .*r.~n the lien Dereat portions of LDe property covered heraDy, <br />w `. thwlt atfert:n. 'he prlcri Ly herett the liaDtil Ly of Mortgagors ur any other party for the payarent of Bald <br />..debt,?;re^,s, iii :.:ch eztrs ;Sons, efe"tren!.s, rene+rals. and reealprtl7.aLions to Ge seciu•ed hereby. <br />--,^ansfer - ;ec:_ri ty. ;. a ~igr>a;: between the parf.l es hereto, chair ..*.e2rs, legal representatives and assign3, <br />c;st '.he :^,*_egris ' snd respansSD;is-*_, ~ ?he ^FOrcgagors corstltuL¢s a part of the cans2deratiDn for the rhte sec;sed <br />-•reby, ana ?.ha r.~ =Y,e given*_ chR uor!~agors st:sll sell. transter, or convey the property Cescrlbetl herein, Lhe <br />~5 rtgagea :rsy 7t ec?are the entire ;ndetuedness /mveCiately Cue and payable and may proceed in Lhe en- <br />r~ceme-- .. - _,. s ,,.• ..ply ,LAer ;efauit ir, the terms of the note and mortgage. <br />s •" ~ -igrwenc - r:ceeCC ::" ^°:ae-cal ..ease. Morf.gegors heraDy transfer, sec over, a.nd Convey to Mortgagee all <br />r -~E ;,~ -cyalil,s n^:lses. srd :ei~y mo::eys tnat may from Clme to time become Cue and payable under any oil. Bas, <br />:; r_i:er risers e3ae an;• kSr.C acv sxisting ar '....^.a? :nay ho_rea..*ter come Into existence, covering the above land <br />a azl4 3r ~ner al, -~ Y umS sD recelveC b} ?Mortgagee shall De applleC 'c the indebtedness secured heraDy; or <br />.-o gage ^a r '~ .p- -r - '~ and deliver *.n the Mortgagors ar their snCCessars in interes L, sny or alI <br />;.CE xl* ~ _ tzCire ~.1 - ' Morr gagpa ~Sgh*_-s to take a~Rn r?r.a+n rurur= s+s•ss. ar1C wi Lhaut pr°;-udlae <br />t• any an" z~;-r '.h- '.gage, Tne ?r srster anC Conveyance hereunder to Mortgagee of sold rents, <br />5 '..^ _= 3; ~rneY- na__ '.;e -.^.-,StrUed to De a provi clan t r the payment Or redllCtlon of the. morL-- <br />N,~{e :eDt. .~ ;^artgagee~s - •LSOr. ss bare lnoefare ;:rav ideC, lndepandenc of the mortgage lien on said real <br />^: tat.e. ~-1;~en ~;~'3,^,: r;r ^ortgage eDt and the releesa of this martgsge of record, this conveyance shall <br />D'.^....,.. ..._t - __-. _..._ ~. .i ?'3: -.._ ^T^g 'v'iC ettact. <br />"a-d arc' 4~~::::cs e-~>i :, -. c:e n;:.t-scrt„2edgaent bereo!, :.hail be cozs:'rued as in !'ke _, inguiar or q;urat <br />r..y~.cT? JrC ._ R3: ~: yL^.F, ,`fat 1^{'.„: ^.Eit.`L+ F°-'+de+, 1000rd t:.F, to ',2C` ~an'ez L., <br />_._ ~_ a>:aL~ ~ ~. tssnL, <br />Daniel AF. Ril <br />canna ey- <br />~-- --.-----~.. -_.-__._-~-__.----~..~.T..- : SEpL ; i SEAL: <br />~-~7 t <br />f~ <br />.,,- <br />?:. <br />t r` '+ ` " <br />R. ..: <br />3t ,ce, ;r.a!r~s.::; ~=l .y =,,, e,=r.u}.___._~anie l_ E. Ri ley, and Leanne M.-,Riley, .husband and wife------ <br />J :::,n,n - tt! ., x:..~., 8f1K1aLMWiA-KanalMAaia <br />wcan.~,eawwr~wt'~t <br />cr me %:r,uwr, •; __ ':e ;erz.~..:•e? -r ~fv~u htx. z_c_ eu •::~= •_rag ~: :g ~,... ~,rnc, _. ,. s~K7.w.l eCged Sat ~_r :. -rxecut-,1 <br />0 <br />~. <br />4 <br />0 <br />a <br />s <br />.°• <br />v <br />4 <br />N <br />} <br />i <br />#. <br />s <br />t <br />s ~ <br /> <br />y rr ~ ~.! _ <br />,v ~. <br />m a _ _ <br />c7 :. o _ B z ' <br />'`: Kwes~ <br />.~~~~ <br />