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~~ * ~ . - ... --~, - - - REAL f3fATE . ,. _ , . _, _ _w., ,_„ ,._~,_ ,__ .,., <br />~ ~ - ~ i10i1`f'8~E €va~ Pie toe ge,[. <br />€7~J'- pate 6ori1 24, 3984 <br />z <br />,` <br />Daniel S. Riley and I.eanoe 2C. Riley, husband and wife <br />. ~$. <br />t at Hall ~oi~ntty, N~+T~~ Sn conaideratlos of <br />rfie advance of the principal sum ratiteG in rite Here herelwafter ue.?,^r/$ed, recelptof rRiiCh Ss atimoxler~eG, lierebY <br />:narLgage and convey co <br />THE FEDERAL t.RNO BAM7( Of 01M8A, a Corposation, <br />of Osaha, Douglas Cosnty, lFebraska, whose address <br />is Fans Credit Buitdin~, Ouha, Nedraska 68106, <br />- ~artgagee {su$Qect to 0!1, gas, and mlreral rights ewn ed by parties other than Mortgagors; existing easellentS of <br />_. ~ record:^=se-rvations ir. L::S red 5±ates an4 State patents: and the rights of the puD11e 2n a21 hlgilwaps), Une fo2lowlug- <br />,+ <br />descr/$e4 rest aerate in Ha11 ,cunty Nebraska . <br />SEC. TMP. R8. <br />i <br />"i - - - - 7 ZON 12 W 6th P.M: <br />SiF~andE~----- - - ---------- <br />^on cain!ng lib ~iC res, ire ~r less, to E'ether with ==1i '..he right, Citie, °.nd i °st <br />^.ew oecteC v-r er~a..e _..~~,. ',:e --_ga~,,. . Ii: ;. ,:r.,er, :.2-..-....g - •:ai.~,z:gs, improvements. fixtures, <br />or appurtenwices tl?e^±rn!~ *~freafter ;~Laceil it;eraun: 's!i avatar, rrigation, -~Zd 'ra!raRe rlgtlts: the tanemea LS, <br />her9dl irtrian cs, ar__,~ apvur'.Frt.r,Ces enarv er, ;,4 re var. ts, - ,.rays, .and pr-oft [:; ~ sing frnm said Sends; H.r?d E!f <br />the Mortga~rs~ rights in the ;xtbliC '.dmaih era rnquiredc bye "orLS~.igee ,;ec~u'1 ty~Purposesi :r!1 'uses. ,+erml ts, <br />^wises, Cr pr!vl ieges, sppure-enant ar ~iaasppurtet;nnt to seitl :+:oriR~ged premises, nnw or Hereafter ::°uerf, ?xt.end!~4, <br />r reaegaC tc ne r<;rt:a-FC;rs by - - _tates ~-;r one -rate ... --aiii:.., .r,e stu•ae-das....,._ pruperLy ....,,:°nLa;i _. <br />.,ty n8r~'LL~:.2nt, ^uraau, _. at~nc„ Lns~_~s*C <br />ft!Ss mcrtPSga .s Ki ve.; '., ?tcure prrj!ni r.3afp H_;t•• of even date nerewi Ch, exe~:~etrd ^y !'~; r`t.stagcr° .,, ..:!rCC,a tee, `... <br />the prutclpal sum of TWO HUNDREA FtiRT`i-1~'OU~ THOUSA.rv"D 3IX_AUNDR€D ~yD VOI100 _- - - _-_- ;p~tan:~, <br />,'~.ayrs$c -rf*n '.nteras! sr,r;~-QSntY `~ the *_ei'r!rE ~~, sa:.. ,,~.,-, +..he ffrai ~~ay mant being ne ~ard payable on t. - first Say <br />of IiBiCh, 2Q49 ~. :his con vayance sha11 be void upra the ;~yment .,; sate. proms sson~ cute. <br />This mctrtg~a 1s suDl act to the provl dons of '"HE FAflf1 ~~?.gC1T ACT altd ail ac t.s -rmandaLCry thereof ^..r s~IpPlemental <br />thereto. 7Y!e proceeds ci the loan secured hereby Hill be used for the pu>>^pases speClfie4 in the Mortgagers~ appli- <br />raLlon for said loan ana authorized Dy sari act. <br />'t'he Mortgagors, and each of '-hens, hereby warrant that they are fee owners ~.i the e:ertgaged real i~raperty; rhat they <br />wiiT defend Lhe t1t!e against Aii clsimants whomsoever, anti Lhat said property Ss free from ?il ancumbrsnces; [hat <br />'--hey wll2 Beep aSI the improvewaiits, fixtures, and appurtenances oC:-upted <L,d in geed repair and-permit nc ices :+i <br />waste: ;.n4 :hey wiii relinqulsn all rights of homestead in said premises, andz:avenanc a[td agi'ae with the Nar*.axgee, <br />ag fellows: <br />(1) -'fiat they will pl;y wean Cue ail taxes, dens, ~udgmerits, or assessments a,yic!i may be Sawtl,l :.y assessed against <br />Lhe prvperty herein mortgage4. <br />;2f G they w1i1 !rsura anC keep :~SU: e4 b,:;llrgs r ,thee improvements row ~ah :: *' which may her»a; oe ,:sac ~;d <br />oi~ said praralses to Ln= satisfaction ^f the lxrt3.sgae, 'uch nsuronce poi shsii be QorseG wit - rwrt3age , <br />+iltn •he loss 'hereunder to De payeble t•-~ the nar-$8agez. IAi~v elms r -e!ved ,ray be Head '-a ~sy - r ~ ns ru-t..r~ <br />of the dea[roya4 ir~i'ovements: or. if nut so sppllsd may, at 'he •pt,on =:?f •..*,a M,artgagee. ba _vp:., e~, i.. psyneh= :. <br />-si',iy Iu4alrtadnass, matura4 ar ugmaWrad, secura4 by t'lis ^:ort~'M3a. - <br />,`4j '_"6 $ay ail ..^artte, fees, c*r ~haC(C@S .n~•w :!s~ ~ Rarnng ,Sea ~ per the -roc n* ~._ ,_we, _- ,~«_;!± -- <br />pr'.-vllag.L antna pubilc drmain w!tirh .3 app;ertenat;t ^r nc!;appur~...hanc rc rho Ur cgag-4 Qrem,.. e.,, whi .h . <br />Sa8si4K1, e][Ler.dai, 7r renawe4 '!3( '.[EC t$gltad iota .ay iha ^Lat« :~ whs~h ib -deE~_r+be-1 ;?r-~ -'ty <br />to :erfornr and Obsa=va every set. °ovanairt. ^uc4it~i rr., end :.'SpulaLicn r+ecassary `; kaaU each rf r.,f ., t.~:. <br />stairaiii!g; anal t4 take evei'Y :secassarY Step to secure the reissue. ^enewal, ^•r axLensian :' ea;;Y; ~^ '=ha same; .:ns~: <br />aasl~i,-waive, pladee, nr endorse to the Mortgagee °acn ten:&. permit, .!::ease, or 1 ,~.•liege -' ?^.ortgagsr:;' r;gnta <br />In pub2le drsa.ln ni-a re~;irad By Martgagee far sacurlty purposes. <br />it) ?lest In r_hz event tna '*artgagae is agar Ly tv :.ny tiC,igatiar. 2lfect;nh .=.ecs:ri ty the !•r^ .. <br />,,a„a Sttc-1ti41rtg sny 3~iit by the Mnrt~ae t;~f;rer [.> tr{u ax;rtgage •~ ST.y r + ~r ~ ,.;-j rztir or a -~e;i <br />pe.. detsn4_+itt .n wt3l cn iL ±s vb:igate4 -;C protect ...s ri~,hL ar«'_}e,~ „k ~mna, ~us_ dn.. .ti' <br />pa'urea%lrgs-. t'a8 MurLgaj`ee "vrY Incur expan3a5 and 34vant~E payment {~r. .,_,. -s .«t .....,.r..r - c-• ~:~x~e,-:. ~ .,.. <br />axti44:t prri{ii$s:.ed by !aw), •'y~$tu, aMpan3@~, 'L'1d rLiiar :-barges. <br />~j ;tea r .rr a+au+ .i:e ~z_baa, $ ~ zsY wren due ~,v 'axes, ;.z K-'~ . ,zr, <br />ns~nt3ln ..surar_e era ..ere.t«xetcre ,.tir.daC. ;ail pay _,::ts. 'ears. .^,az've. .;:,_ r `, ,ms _ ,_ <br />f~i1., SEstnse, ;rivll.ege: ~r !s:rLaaBee ie ~raeiuire;l .r. t, xy:rs<ES ~ x*>±rs~ aec, .say <br />exi,~es:~es ~"s-3t:~E°r°t137^gES +n ..~t;actlcx: a1t:i SL1Raciczn. !YVrc4ngrrr. aaa ^uMCr :.vr ..~ .r„ <br />r lij;;i[, yuck _~ -gatlcYS, auG -i1a sus--ts ;ruzc turr_fa ~t^ai. K:e .x,a .y ~ 3;. ~ e.-:. <br />'se7 ;}~#,.z i~ea;tarr~~. aru ~n~..« t,ea: .nt«t-,.~. .i~~ ~rti •_.,tc ~.: ..~-~3.. _ _ -.._ .r~ - , r ..r <br />