<br />L"r.trrutrt Cl?vev,vn. Bvtmwer and Lender covenant and agree as folbws: _
<br />1. Raytaeat of Priscytel tri t~serett Borrowsr shall promptly psy whop a! of and interest on the
<br />irtdetrtedrttu cvtdenrxd h the Nde. ~'~ PrCt4+P
<br />Y lmpaymeni acrd late cfiarges as providrsd m the Nott. acrd the principal of atsd interest
<br />on any Future Advances sectued by thts Mortgage.
<br />2 Fwb for Fans ttroi fasaea~re. S[~tect to applicable law or to a written warner by Lentkr. Borrower shall pay
<br />to f,eztder nn :ht day manth}v ntstal}menta of prittcipa! and interrsi are payable under [he Note, antic the No[t is paid in fact,
<br />a sum tlserein 'Funk" 3 equal to ot:s-tweKtlt of Hte yearly razes and asaessetertts which may attain priority inert this
<br />Mortgage. and ground rents nn tht Property, if any, plus ooo-twelfth of yearly premium trotallments for hazard inwrapce,
<br />phrs one-twelfth of yearly premium inuaUments for mort;age irtwrance, sf any, all as reasonably esii[tta[ed initially and ftv[n
<br />time to time by f,eitder on the oasis of assessments and bilk acrd reasonable tatitttatea thereof.
<br />The Ftmds shad tre hdd in an institution the deposits nr acenunta of which are irrwned or gturanteed by a Federal or
<br />stair agency t including Ltrder .f Lender is such an institution ), l,endtr shaft apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />insurance premmms attd ground rents. E.eadtr may not charge for so holding and applying the Furida, analvziog said account,
<br />ur verzfying and corapling said assessments and bills, unless Leader pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Lender to make such a charge Borrower and Lender may agree in writing a[ the rime of ex~tttion of this
<br />Mnrtga;e that interest nn the Ftmds shat) he paid to Burrower, and unless such agreernem is made or applicable law
<br />requires such interest to fx patd, Lender shalt not be required to pay Burrower any interest c+r earnings on the Fund:,. Lender
<br />shall give rn Borrower, without charge, an annual accaunsing of she Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose fur which rash debn ;n tht Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as adduirxtal security for the virus severed
<br />by thrs Mongagc.
<br />ff the amount of the Funds held hY Lender, together with [fie future raanthly mstagments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due dates of taxes. asstssmrnts, trottrance prtmivrns and ground rents, shalt exceed the amount regrired to pay said taxes,
<br />assessments insurance prcmiutrts and ground rents as they fall dot. such excess sfiall be, at Barreweis option, either
<br />prwnptly rzpaid to Borrower a credtred to Borrowtr on mdrthly insfailments of Fuoda. If the amount of the Funds
<br />held :ry Lttrdtr shall nd t>r suflicimt to pay taxes,- axteast:urtta, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due.
<br />Borrrnver shaft pay to Lender nay amount necessary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />byr Locator to Borrower regttesiing payrrrcnt thereof.
<br />lipvn payment in furl of all sums secured by this Mangagt. (..ender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held hr Lender. If under paragraph t 8 hereof the Prtspertv is said or the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender
<br />shalt apply. na later ;lion tmmediattty purr to the sate of the Property or its acquisition by lender. any FuaKls held by
<br />!_ender art the time of apfdicatinn as a _redit against the sums ss~urtd try this Mnngage.
<br />3. Apptiradon of Payaretmi. Unless applicable law provides othrrwisr, alI payments received by Lender under the
<br />Nrxe a..^.d paragraphs : and r herent shall fie applied try l,zndzr first in paymcm u[ amounts payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />under p.ra;raph '_ htreuf, [hen to tntzrest payable oa thr tiote, then to [h€ principal of the Note. and then to interest and
<br />pnnctpat uo any Future Advances-
<br />d. fbutfest Lkar. &rrrow~er shall pay all tax€s, assessor€nts and other shargzs, fines and impasitinns attrtbutabfe to
<br />ttx Propem' which may attain a pner[ity r*ver thrs 14ortgage, and Ieasrhofd paymtms ur ground rents, if any, in the manner
<br />provided under paragraph ? hereof or. if nut gold m such manner. fry Borrower making payment, when due. diiYCtly to the
<br />payee therrnf. Borrower shall promptly furntah to Lender alt notisrs of amounts due under th+s paragraph, and in the event
<br />Borrower shalt makr payment dirt:"tlv. tlorrowrr shad prompilp turntsh to L€ndrr receipts evidencrng such payments.
<br />Borrower shalt immtptly Siuharge nay lira whtsh has prronty over thn ,Llnrgagr. provided, that Barrowtr shall not be
<br />requned to discharge any stuh lien u~ lnng as Borrower sha8 agree in wrong to the payment of the nbligatinn secured by
<br />such lien m a manrer acceptable to lender. or ehaik to gcxxf ta:[h conttst such lien fin. or drfend enforcement of such lien m.
<br />legal proceedings what[ uperatr to proven[ thr enforcement of the hrn ur forfeiture of thr Property nr any pan thereof.
<br />5. Hawd tnavawe:. Burrower shall krxp the rmprovrmet:ts new catsung cr herrafter erecttd t?n thr Prnpeny msurtd
<br />agates; loss by fire. hazards tnsfuded wuhut tht rrtm "rxtettded suvrragr .and such other hazards as Irnder may' regwre
<br />aott n; .use ,imcTvms anu `,r such periods as Lendrr map reywre, pivvidrJ, that l..erdrr shaft not reyuire that the amount of
<br />such ~nrrragr rtcttd that amount .,f ,:overage required nr pas the ;airs srsurcd by th+s Mortgage.
<br />Rtt :nsurame .start provtdiug the insurance shall fx accuser by Btxn?wer sub}ect tc? approval by i endtr, prnv+ded.
<br />trot sus-e: apprc val .,haft nut be unrcawnably wunftekl. :311 prrnuums ..n mvur:,ncr policies shalt Lie paid m thr maurter
<br />provided s:rklrr paragraph _^_^,trecH c.. =f nsx pa::l +r, y;,r~h manner. ;ay Borrnuzr mak:rg payment. when dart, d:re:tl} to the
<br />inwravec :arner.
<br />Aff insurance x?fist€s a.nd rrnrwais ehrrerf stroll f?r :n t:>rm .r..,rptantc to t ertdl-r nn:2 shah ~u.luJe .i st.[n+Iard murtgagr
<br />stn==„•sr c^ tavr:r :=t and ;_. f:~tm at~flxaf?fe ts. 't.rnd€r f.cn.fer ..trait ha.~ ?ire rght t. hold the policies a±rd renewals thrrenf.
<br />acrd Barrvwtr sha!. promptly tarnish to f.tndrr ail rrnewai :rousts arid ail rrcnpts ui paid preentum.. In th€ cvrnt of loss,
<br />Bnrrt,wer shat! Star prompt souse r~, the ~nsurauce Carrier :rod Ltndcr. Lrndrr roan runlet prnc~t :•t foss it nzn made promptly
<br />by Ilerrrower.
<br />linle~ f erdrr and Barn*wer othrrw:sr agrer in °•vnung, msuranse proceed. shall be applied to restoration ur repau nl
<br />the Praper'tr damaged, pruvrded such rrsturauon cr repau :s ea:anumisaily trastblt and the ,rs:unty ui this Murtgagr ~~
<br />nut !hereby impazrrd, 31 such rcetoraaon ur x€pair s rat rcanumtsatSy Irusible or ii the srcunq~ rt this Mortgage would
<br />tx impaired, the maurans;e pruceeus shall be applied to the corns srsured by this ;Nungage, Nitta the rssrss, if any, paid
<br />to l~:rower tt rhr Property ;, anaudutird by Burrswrr. or :t Barre*wer ±acls tv rzspond te. Lender withar. 30 days tro:n the
<br />detr rrnti4~r n maiieti hv_ Lender to Borrower .ha[ the rnsuraucr carrier ut[e[s to set€ic a storm. for rinsurancr benefits, l-ender
<br />,. auttwr;zett to soNect and apply the ~nsuraixr prxeeds at l.rndrr~s option etcher to restnrauon c,r repair ut thr Proptrt y
<br />nr [o tht sums secured h}~ chic Mori;agt.
<br />f:nirss Lender and Bnrruwrr otherwise agrm m wriung, any >ush apphsauon ++f pr+xeeds to pnncrpal shall nut extrnd
<br />or pustp<inc rfie due date rat thr monthly instalimeats referred to ra paragraph; 1 :rod ?hereof err change thr amount ut
<br />atut[ znsiaUtn€ats. It uridet parr;raph 1$ (scoot tht Propr:rt} ~, a+:yuirrd hs I.rndri. ail right, title and tmerrst rat Bnmswer
<br />in ant1 tc arty insurarwc irislictes anti in and to thr prsxecdx [itereot tewltrng Ire-ni uaniage to the Prnpert~ ,roar to tn€ .a3e
<br />or acquruuun shaft pans to Linder to the exttnt s,t the sua» u~-octet by th+s ~tor[gage imnardrately prear :o .tzch .air ur
<br />aryuisttina.
<br />ti. Pratrnatieo add !Matate[sttert of Property: l.raireboldc {-nndotnislgroa; PMnsted Unit I;pvtlupnrents. iAxn.w.er
<br />shalt ktcp the Property tat gtrttd rrpair and shalt not summit waste ur petmrt tir7pairmtnt ur deterioration rat the P[atterty
<br />aitd s_ha#i s..mply with the prnvtsrctts c~f any tease ti [his ',s1i?rtg3gr rs ,>n a irasehnid. Ef th;. do:ryage +t .;n a :sou to „
<br />c[gtdomiaituu err a planitod uau develuptnent, Bv: rsiwer anali prnorm ,elf tit Buunwer s ,rbitgauons under the clrciarat u?n
<br />or .~.~rvet'tauts crrai,ng nr gi:strnmg the uyrdamtntum ur pfanrtett im+t devrk,pmtn[, t!ar ray-taws atxt tegufatiatrs of thr
<br />ccatdomxtittm <?r lrfannatff Uru[ r~tiopreten[, acrd cnmtntzent b:ne:urttent,. if :. consSumtoium, nr ptannevf +mu .lt.-etapmeni
<br />staler +s txa:zited Lyr Borrvsvet oral recordsct togritxr won this Mortgage, thr .nvrnants aitd agreements „1 -•nsfr r,drr
<br />sfsall ba u~nrp,?ratsa; into and shall atnead and xuppientent stir envtnants and ag:eetnertts of tars Muttgage as +t thr radar
<br />wYre a pats rxtoof.
<br />?, Pa4~ct&rw of tstsdtr`s SeetnitY. If Bortnwrr farts [n perYUm the ::ovcnants aril sgreemtnts s.sntaintd rn rhts
<br />litortgttge, t+r d nay nation art prtscaediag es cxnnatenerd whw.b matuittlly at[r:ax Lender's ,turrrnt in the Prnpe[±+.
<br />'nu3vtEUw;, trait rtnt htrntal tn, crtatretu dorr[aas, irrsulvrtu„y, code rn[orccrrtenr. „r arrangemtttts s,r ptx:ecdtngs :uvolvirg a
<br />ttisakrnpt ur af~:rdent, [hest I.eodtr at lander~s aptian, upon ranee to Borruwtr, runt makt .nett appraranscs, .fasnursr .rich
<br />swm aqd taut sui$ assiuri as s zru+sssary rtes prorett LtirQer"s ,nrrrcvt. .+~ t.:.l.ttla. hu[ i?cx Eimiieci io, dwnuzserrtrnt ,>t
<br />[titucxtntric attrr+eg's f€ss aad curry uprm t!x Property to ntakr stpair>. ff I¢irder rcgaired nnsrigattr inxuraner as
<br />€;~*z:u:-z :.: :t~t~sr~ [t5€ lain tzs,a:#: t;p its. ~+t:,r'tg fi;cnrr;*-rr; *>~°'; ;,ati the prertt,utr~ r;=y'uRrad re rriat:tia;n 5ush
<br />inssnxrs,.:c in rtfor:[ until rrat;tt tissss ati the reslstuensarr[ for <stcti ._nsvr:amc trr~mrnazcs in ;it=cr_.rdan=~4 -.v,th (tor re,wzr`-. and
<br />