. "
<br />~0-- ~~ M(?RTGAGE
<br />TH33 Mt]IgTGAGE >s >nade this........ Foarteaatls .... _...day td...... Ap~l . ........... . ...t.
<br />t 9.84. , betirtxtt -the •'Bm', ... Cl+9tt'k .A, -. C+a~tlti~. ~. >Sr#. ,gia .~thlefi:. ~ .~. ~`-
<br />................................ . ..... {herein °Btrtrow~er"), and tht Muregstgee,..... _ .............. .
<br />.Ctsavsrs~cisl.PedRra3. SatYiugs. atlmd .IAdD. dS$~ttc«iitit~.........., a cotpocatimt aed
<br />ttttder the }airs of ....1t~bi~F3.d .. .. ..... ...... , ,whose addtW et. ~r ~r..~NF . ~~... , .... ,
<br />..Dewatara Station,. i]+oat:a,. lieLnHSka.. 6A],Ql ........... . ..... . ...... (herein "Lender"}.
<br />WtIEAPAS, Borrower i5 indebted to Ixtder in the prttuipat sgm of.''(y. £qyT, ~tpt>:s'~ t~q/,~.QQ--
<br />-- . , ...... - _ . -----(2y.9.o.Q.Qp) ... _ ... 3)ollan, wh~h itcss is cvidetraed bq Harrower's ~
<br />dated...1~. AHril,. L9t6Q ..... (herein "Note"), pmvitkttg for monthly installments of principal atrd-enoaeN,
<br />with the balance. t>E the itttkbtedttess, if nrx 3oawr paid. tftte and payable on....~{4Y.1S~~..2QlQ............
<br />Ta Sacs~a~ to I.ettder ~a) the repaymettt of the intkbtednesx evidenced by the Note, with irneeest thereon, the
<br />payrnmt of-all txher stmts. with intzrest thereon. advattced in accordance herewith to protect the seetuity ~ this
<br />Mortgage, and the perfortnattce of the cavertants and agreements of Borrower herein contained, and (b)-the reply
<br />of arty ftrturo advances, with interest thereon. made to Bormwcr l,y t.ettder puranatrt to paragcap6 23 hereof (haeat
<br />"'Fttdere Advartees"}, Borrt:iwrr dt>es hereby mortgage, grant sad convey to Leader the foYlotriag drscr8fed Fr'
<br />ltrcaged in the';,tuxnty of......k9(•G .............. . ........ . .. . .......State of Nebraska:
<br />Let Sixtes=rt (16), in t3lock Seven (:)s in Parkhi2i Seco3td St~hdivision an Additittst to
<br />tFsa pity oz n~,ran+i is2ena, }iai.3 c:otmty, #ts3r~asxa.
<br />w#tich hss the aiidresa of... ;?,~64, ir',, #tl#... ~ 2'atr3d. iS7.AAd ............
<br />i9tra~ttJ '.c::f t
<br />. ,$if9~3.......... {Yarr~ ="ltnrpcrty ,~idri rrsi`~) ;
<br />tsaw ,iw ;'~ cosrt
<br />Te[,~Tttett with all tbe. i4r3uervtt#tettts- now .,rr tst'tt:ali~r r;rccierl a~n aht• rstapcrt!', and al! tastmettl9, rights.
<br />,nettaturs, _. tvyaltic;s, tnttst ale _~tt an~.t c~ rights .trul {~rtt?its. s~atcr_ wet, r ; fights, and wafer suut:. anti sit
<br />tiittures Hair ur hereafter attaa:tted to the psctp+rty. uli t,f wha~h. inciuciing. rrpiat:x nraut~ and kdJitiurts thexety. shall he
<br />tltystAett to be afltl tetttaia a part of the property ct,vcred i,y this 1dtxlgagr; :tnd sit of-the i'r>reKaing. tngethcr with said
<br />prs;~ttity (or the ltaaeht>#tf estate if ii#ia ,Artrtgagc is +etr a icasche>id } ;+re hs~rrin referred to as the "Property..
<br />B~rairer rxtversstr#u drat 33orn~vvcr iJ. tawfu€l} nci~d tat the t state !~,rreby cYxapcreu anrt has the rigfat in mtxtgagc.
<br />~trc > ~r tltc ~±r. that the lrrrty i,* asrauttrml~xedx and that f~frrawrr waft warrant and defend
<br />~neratly the i to the 3~r^Cq>Grty ~ sit <faimt anti ciernats+ii, ,ui+}est to arty daeiatatttttc+„ <aserrsentx trr rrstriciions
<br />i~ ~ ~~ i6f hb~~s tL i•.ltii'-r$~+~ !- iztY ~. R [fi: sil:-S Frei ~k,j}~4 s%i5n -iitiv S_ti'erctC{ ~ •:!ter ":[ in 4Sfn Pre7~r1}`
<br />'~~ ~f ~~
<br />