<br />wt1 at me following described real estate in hall County, Nebraska, to wit:
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the South Half of the North-
<br />east Quarter of Section 21, Township 11 North, Range 9 hest of the
<br />6th Y.H., in Nall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as
<br />follows; Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Lincoln
<br />Avenue and Lhe centerline of Foaner Park Road (also being the South
<br />line of said Northeast Quarter); thence 23ortlr.+esterly along the
<br />centerline of said Lincoln Avenue, a distance of 9T6.2S feat; thence
<br />deflecting left 89°48'30" and running Sauthcresterly parallel to the
<br />centerline of Phoenix Avenue, a distance of 4$2.2 feet, to the center
<br />line of Burlington Northern track No. 33; thence deflecting left $9°58'
<br />and running Southeasterly along said centerline of track No. 33, a dis-
<br />tance of 335.12 feet, to a point or curvature; thence running Southwest-
<br />erly along said centerline of track No. 33, and on the arc of a curve
<br />whose radius is 763.95 feet (the long chord of which deflects l2°S1'
<br />L1 righC frwn the last described course), a I.oag chord distance of 342.1$
<br />feeC to the South line of said Northeast Quarter; thence deflecting
<br />,left 74°10' from said long chord, wad running Easterly along the South
<br />line of said Northeast Quarter, also being the centerline of said
<br />Fanner Park Road, a distance of 640_5 feet to the place of begiat<ing.
<br />EXCEP2 a tram described as beginning at the inter>-ection of the
<br />centerline of Lincoln Avenue and the centerline of Conner Fark Road
<br />(also heing the South line of said Northeast Quarter); thence North-
<br />westerly along the centerline of said Lincoln Avenue, a distance of
<br />976.25 feet; thence deflecting left 89°48'30" and running Southwest-
<br />erly parallel to the centerline of Phoenix Avenue, a distance of 40
<br />feet; thence deflecting left 90°11'30" and in a Southeasterly direction
<br />parallel to the centerline of Lincoln Avenue a distance of 954.17 feet
<br />to a paint on the South line of said Northeast Quarter; thence deflect-
<br />ing left 61°05'30" and along the South line of said Northeast Quarter
<br />also being the centerline of Former Park Road, a distance of 45.64 feet
<br />to the point of beginning, and containing 0.886 acres, mare or less.
<br />Also -
<br />Lots 1, 2, 3 and the Korth 1)2 of Lot t, in Garden Place, a Subdivision
<br />of part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 3, in Township 11 North,
<br />Range 9 West of the 6th P,ki., Hall County, Nebraska, as surveyed,
<br />platted and recorded.
<br />Also all of the Mortgagor's interest under leasehold now in effect or hereinafter
<br />~~ired in the £ollaaiug described property leased fram Terr,:inal Crain Company, a co-
<br />-~rship of .~raac2 Island, in Nall County, Nebraska, to zrit: ~ •-
<br />That portion of the warehouse located on the 2ortheast Quarter of
<br />Section 11, Township 11 :?arch, Range 9 West of the Sixth P.At., which
<br />contains bins xeferred to and identified under the Uniform Crain
<br />Storage Agreement €iled with the Nebraska State Railway Cormnission
<br />as Bins 1-E, l--W, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, l.lE, 11tJ, 12 E and 12W,
<br />aad overhead Bins Numbers 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25 and Drying Bins
<br />Numbers 26, 27 and 28, and also such equipment as set out in said lease.
<br />EXHIBIT "~" - Page 1 of 2 pages
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