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$~... ~G'~ ~5 <br />e. No practice or use shall be permitted on the condominium <br />property or in any suite or garage which shall be an annoyance to other <br />r~aners or residents ar the area or which shall interfere with their <br />peace€ul use and enjoyment of their property. Al-1 portions opt the. <br />property and of the suites and garages shall he kept clean and sanitary <br />and no use thereof shall be made which constitutes a violation of arty <br />laws, zoning ordinances, governmental regulations or regulations elf the <br />Association. <br />f. Owners representing seventy-five percent (758) or more <br />of the total basic value of the condominium, as reflected in Article VI <br />of this Master Deed, may at any time in writing duly acknowledred anti <br />recorded effect an amendment to this Master Deed and to the By-Laws and <br />piasls attached hereto; provided that such modification shah not be <br />binding upon any existing first mortgage holders of record unless said <br />modification has the approval of more than fifty percent (5p>b}, in <br />number, of the first mortgagees of record upon the date of adopticsn of <br />said aodificatian. <br />mh: _ .t. no termina~tFSrl ar <br />waived only in accordance with the~przivisions applicable thereto as <br />provided in the dy-Laws attached ttereta as Exhibit "B". <br />h, tiousehoid nets Witt;Tn the ccindciminium will be subject to <br />regulation, restriction, exelusann and .special assessment as may be <br />determined by the Asaciatic3n from time to time. Awnings, outside T.V. <br />.x-.yl;cnn3 St^.. ,° .^, f: h.~°~. _.n^r t:2 _ ..~u. l~ S2m Y.~.3r 2t°iSls 3!?3fi1 311 <br />be subject tooregulations, restriction, exclusion and special assess- <br />ment by the Association. _tses cif the common eleTTTents for atller than <br />recreatic.nal put-paws is prnhibitecj. `Phe keeping of livestock or <br />prsultry upon the coTRmon elements ,rir in any :znit i:, prohibited. Ail <br />garacle dears must remain cic?aP{1 _~t all times except when cars are <br />entering or exiting t'1e +larage space. Individual garhage cans or trash <br />recepticles are tea hp nermitte~i nutsicle crnl`. in areas •3esignated there- <br />for :Jy t_he Assoc~iaticrn. +`rut~. it:e ,: e nr ~:toraae of bartaecue qr it is will <br />lip subject ter regui,utiE.rn, restriction ter exclusion r.,y the :~ssaciation. <br />Automobile parking ~.~ill uF~ ~7ubject to re~lulatirrn anei restriction :ry the <br />Association. <br /> <br />hour-ir3TY~r .,ha: :;*s- wri~t€~n nc;tice ~.. .he hall 'aunty Assessor <br />c53' t11~ ~:r~BTizST7 =>f e.~'[~ .~c3T14iCi1i'lii3m prer-,er!~;,' ;-ec;itrFe ~[) tki3t e?E9Ch ~--•1it <br />Car garage, lnclut]ITit1 `LIE' un~7 i`l itlp.~ int~C?St In the CCimmUn e.I C; TR2n t5 <br />appurtenanttiler€~tu, =,ai1 ;c =~eem~<i a parcel ~~nci ~ulyj~et ter °aeparate <br />a~3e'asment and tax 7t.?'n.. <br />1X. RE5ER~,'A'£Tf.1N FN DFciEL01'E;2. <br />Developer reserves the right to establis°tl r>asements, rese~- <br />vaticxns, exc_e£Stions ;Seel exclusions consistent with the condominium <br />cawn~rstTYp oY fhe gropQrty rpgi>Re and feet the best interest~3 of alI rrt <br />the condominium suite car garave owners, inGl.TClir,q rrevr~loper, in order <br />to serve the entire ccrn~3ominium ;.rropert~; regime, anti t~ ~upplemenr err <br />sasend this Declaration: rr the attached Hy-!.aws until May 1, 1981, err <br />until Cieveloper relea.aes ti:crntrpl «f the is.ca4zati~~n, whichNVar <br />occurs; pre~vi.d~i any ucLr ~~upplem~~nt ter amen<lment shall !,e .:~gE~rrruwcl try <br />aII existing first mortgage holder,, of rpc.ord, in writing. <br /> <br />E'as~Tprrts are trot-by rpser~.rrci trrel <iranterl tr=~rm anal *c, .~tve°lc~[at~r <br />acrd each [yiwrner caf a ccrn<Ie~TRini~sTR nuite3 ~-~r <Taraye far ~~nc:rc>achmerrt x. ,3n}• <br />part rif :~ cc:>nde.~in;.uws Suitt or tlararle ;=nerciaches ..Tpon arty ~:,'>>+~r .suite <br />cxr garage :~r the ;:omTacan ~leTRents or if zing such +}ncroacf:ment :tl,~ll t:tirf~- <br />aft+~r r.~ecuc clue «rA ehr.>> wet:tlinc? :.r shiftirrl CIE ~~ k>uildin~a ~}r `car any <br />:>ther rr~arscTn, car i£ such ~auilcling i€: resliairead ,ar re;built :afro=r :!am<3r3r <br />car d~asercrc°tion. The As~:oCiati~in shall. ';~=lv~= at: rri.stment in .zT.;i IT?url <br />~h sui-te ter -~~-r~~t* 3'c~r thi? ti-rJrrR~tF4C'L' ,; f. rw~air +~f:~c~r: tt~~ ..czrt6~r=<:~n <br />~:~. i~1R#f`: 1:,#"i 3n~ tC.rS 4~jTap r'~3 €±T'I4'°f t!?K?~i. !`>tc-; an`v' `«2ArC ~~-J~ !`T"!t~ i_Jnr~ ~I"i1r;1:S.;T <br />t"rt~+r° r ~ ~ , <br />.. <br />a <br />