~'~ ~'~.~'S.Sr
<br /> SHARE
<br /> GA_r2AGE Chi NO. OF
<br />A Garage 244 sq, ft. 300 4.708 55
<br />9 Garage 244 " 340 0.708 fib
<br />C Garage 244 300 0.708 ~~
<br />D Garage 244 " 300 0.708 66
<br />E Garage 244 300 0,708 b5
<br />F Garage 244 300 0.708 b6
<br />s/TZ. C~JVBNANTS. Coi~BITI~Jri7S AND RE5TRIC'i'2(3i~TS.
<br />The following covenants, conditions and restrictions relatit^tg
<br />to this condominium regime shall run with the land and- shall be binding
<br />+ipon all grantees,devi.sees, martgagees .and any other persons who use
<br />the property, including the persons who acquire the interest of any
<br />owner through foreclosure, enforcement of any lien or otherwise:
<br />a. The ;dindsor 5tlu«re Association, Tnc „ a Nebraska non-
<br />profit corporation, has heer, incorporated to provide a vehicle for the
<br />management of the condc>~tinium. Each owner shall automatically be
<br />aeemed a member .~f said Association. The t3y-Laws of said Asscreiatian
<br />are also the tly-T,aws of this condominium property regime and are
<br />attached hereto ar, Exhibit "B".
<br />i~. A11 3eneral common elements are for the use and enjoyment
<br />or all owners. The limite.3 common elements are for the exclusive use
<br />of the owner cif thF~ Butte c>r suites to which they are appurtenant, his
<br />family, ~;uc:sts, servants ;and invi±e es. The owner>hip of the common
<br />elements .shall remain undivic?ed, 3n+:j nc? r~erson or owne* shall bring any
<br />artisan for the Iaarti*_Lc,n «r s-Iivision cif *_he common elements. 't'he
<br />Association shall from time tc~ time establish rulr~s and r~qulations Eot
<br />the use of the cc~;tmon elemrnts, ar,d al i owners: and ~~LSers shall be bound
<br />thereby. The Assoxiation stall ;ace tiie sole lur'istiiction 4wer and
<br />responsicaility_ ic~r alte~rati+ans, tmnrcavements, recaairs and maintenance
<br />oaf the Ctattetttetn eie:t?ent ~. The >hace <;f .~n yawner in the common ~,Iements
<br />i:, apgurtr~nant to hi z ~~Lit+-~ :~ncl in~.eelr.~rarale from s~uitt' cawnershio.
<br />Asaessments against owners `cr }.;r,.;r~rntre, commtst; (alFjmer.r r~xpenses and
<br />reser~>+~s, anc9 for r=thcr i>xp~an;~=e: ..t~ctrrrF=.t i:~y the' Fsc~>r~ciation sh311 be
<br />II13(3~ t3i,;rs:latit :.., :.;f 'a; t.~w ~~~':.s~~@ntl_ tlai3 Git~LT. TYiirt`y! (}d} ddj~5
<br />d€i~r, -k'_@ -`-~~te ~'=':t=.^ _'~E= ~'F~E t ^c: t: '_,;: r' _.."t-+r~_St, .. ..~ .:ii ~ is??v n6t ~31~
<br />within said thirty r ?i)1 +ay ca?c irxi`F;_r;.~ll '._aear rr.tarA~:r ar the high?st
<br />legal ra%e trot[! due 3vte rntil. pal<i. :f anv r~urer ::halt fail ~~r refu~>e
<br />to trsake a~np payment ~t~uah assess~:~*nts when duet, the amount thereof ,
<br />plus interest, shall ccr.stitu*_e :x lien ~,ipnn the owner's interest Ln his
<br />suite and i:~ *_'tr: larca~aNrty, .~nca upcan thn rer_nreiinc~ of such lien t>v the
<br />Association xra the Re+aiSter ~~f '~eec9s c>f ball i'<>unty, :vebraska, such
<br />amount shall cor,stitut+t a Iter, ;rtc~r 3ncl E~referred over all ether Ii.~n,--~
<br />and encumbrances r~xc:ezat. assessment;:, liens and charges for taxes oast
<br />due and unpaid c,n the ~.utt€s and a:.tc+~rt r?riot c3u.y rRiore;~+:i mortga~te anti
<br />lien instrume>'ts.
<br />c. !:ach ~-awnt~r .;tt:3 #~~ r*-sF~~c3n:~tC,le:
<br />{1! 'f3 '?F.'l;!'t :'.~- t"t Y.i rSl! .3.'S(! 'E`it :1 C; t', ,lt +„1; t'7i tJ F~r:I+~, .3 i.t
<br />pt}rt1Vf15 cat h1S SUit~' tit ~.ar at#e whls: ~? ;ire ..~*t inc; iUt.1 F'c7 in t},t cj€=Y 1T;iY_1.?Sn
<br />of ccuamon eletnent4>, crxce~rt .3s _,et f<at.h i.^. Artiole ti3tlvE>.
<br />1 i23 To maintain an~3 r==r-,<~rr <3n=i r.:r~lac:~ <~s neeessara ;~11
<br />~tt.l rtt.e~ wi ttiln rn$t «wn~LL''f• -utt-~" i'r '-~.5r~xh .~C11,~ .]n- i.i.;Y]i\y]tZA ~'Ci hfj,'+
<br />cr,7ttxrttgn ut111tte5 e~~afuse.i "~y ;5~ wit!' r that 5uik!' r,rr I,~Ca+9e.Y
<br />t3} tt' :e€rarr: •rcSi- ;,~air:t%i^Ita. ~t~c:i3xatrntt t_}r ~nan'~L.nf~ ~r,c;
<br />a}arance of .any lx~rtion elf thc~~xtet te>r +~f tt;e sutt€ ar ~~ara~e ~tnlesw
<br />a{7~arcavr:d by the ~issCTC:I<Rtli7n i.n wrttan~l.
<br />.9. ~'at:it ~~aita+ rahali i+F~ -~se!3 ;;:nd .~cc+a~iec} =.+nly is:y t~nt'~ t_amiix,
<br />its s~rsant~ sod guest 3 aw a residenC~e and f<ar s-<; vtttct FFtarpua,e. `.~~
<br />suite may be ==~utsdivit9~t+d rrt~~ a maim. :~~ait~ nor an~T c~'lttrc~n ttte~cflc,,f
<br />~ral.rl ~~r ttan:~f~:rreei ~tath~iut *he casar+=, `first ,:..tt3~r~?incf rr;i.; '1a~t..r ,tie=c3.
<br />