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~~ ~i~.~9 <br />Leader's written agreement or appticabk lsw. Borrower shall pay the amotrm of alt mortgage insurance pretttiuma in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amntmts disAursed by Lender parsuant to this paragraph ?. with interest thereon, shall become additional <br />indehtednesc of Rorrnwtr secured by this Mortgage. Unless liorrewer and l.ptder agree to ether tent-v of payment, such <br />amounts shat} ht payable upon notice from tender to Aorrower requesting pzyrnen2 thereof. and shaA bear interest ftrnn the <br />dart of disbursement at the rate paya6lt from time to time on ou2atandittg principal under the Mote unless payment of <br />interest at such rate would 6t contrary- to appticabtt taw, in which event Birch amounts shall liar-iaterttt at the highest rate <br />permissible under appiitat:le taw. Notfiing ctmtained t`n this paragraph 7 shall require Lentkr to incur any expense or take <br />any 3CSinn )1CSCUnder. <br />g. fetaperttaa. tender may make or cause to fx made reasorabte entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided <br />tAaf Lcrder steal! glee Aorrower entice prior to soy such inspection specifying rcasnnablt cause therefnr related ro I~nder'4- <br />intemst in the Property. <br />9. Comtemtmtinn. The prncteds of any awsrd or Maim for damartrs. ;Iirect or consequential. in a~nnnection with any <br />c., nctemnation nr other taking of ihr Proper, y. ar part thereof, ar far canveyarce in lieu o€ condemnatirn. are herehy assigned <br />and sha4t t,r paid to t.erder. <br />S; nc~ event of a :o!.tt ?aking of the Prnpeny. the proceeds .hall ire apptitd to the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />,+iih ihr e.cess. ,€ any, psid to Ao: rower. In the rv,nt of a partial taking of the Property. cmless Rorrctwer and Lender <br />,a?herwist agree ire writing, there shah ire applied [e the sums secured Av this Mortgage such nropnrtion of the proceeds <br />+ as is equal {n that p mpntvian which the ;tmour,2 of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of <br />?aking Acars to the fair market eairte of the Property immediately poor to the data of taking, with tha 6alence of the proceeds <br />paid t+~ Anrmwer. <br />tt the Praptny is ahandoned by Aarmwer, nr if, after notice Ay Lender to Aorrower that the condetttnor offers to make <br />an award nr ,ttttt :. claim for damages, Aorrower falls ?c rexpond to Lender within 30 days after the dale such notice is <br />matted. Sander is authorized rn rnliect attd apply the proceed:, at bender's option, tither to restoration nr itpair of the <br />Prnperrr.• , rht sums ~rtd by :hi4 Mc.*egagt. <br />Unltsr t.c:nder and Bc? rower otherwise agree in writing, am' such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />~~ er p;xstpotx the due date .~£ tbe monthly restatiments rtferrrd to in paragraphs t and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />sucA :nstatlmeats. <br />ift. llorroz*rr '4'oi Rtltased. Extension of t!at rme for payment .~r mndifieation of amortization of the sums seeumd <br />try ihrs Mn^gagr granted by Linder [n anv successor to interest of Aorrower ,haft oat eptrate m release, in anv manner, <br />dre itabitl@y of the origmat Aorrower and Anr•.owrr's successors rn interest. Lender shall nor t,e reouired m commence <br />„ proceedings axamst such succtssur rs refuse to tilted time for paymem or othetwice modify amnrtiration of the auma <br />~,~ sa~cured k*v ihic Riortea¢e by reason of anv deman;i ;nadt A+~ ?he original Aarmwer and Aorrowers successors in interest. <br />ti. rortiwrarce ity I.endtr ?tot a Waiver. -- `crr-+zararcc h i_a•rtd.: ir, rsc: citing anv right cr remedy Aemundcr, or <br />~~ ,,therwtse a{farded by applicable law, shall not ~!x,~s waiver n( o. preclude rht exercise of am such right ar remedy. <br />The procurement of insurance nr the payment ,~' lanes c,r ,rthcr Irons .x charges by (.coder <hufl nM t+e .+ :eaiver of Itndtr's <br />right ?a aceelrra+~• the manetit>.~ n2 the indcAtednexs ,eetrred t,v thi. Mnrteage_ <br />Remedies Cumr€aNra Ai! remtdres prerrdtd rn this Mortgage arc distinct ant rumu[ativt to any other right nr <br />remr;Jy ;ender chi. ~tnrtgagr ar afforded !,v 4aw or cgrtia~, artd may be cacrcxcd .nnaurrrntiv. ~ndependemly nr succtssiveh•. <br />f3. Sarresaora sad :~saigrs Hnuad: Dairrt and tierera! t.iaMllg2 t`aptions. Tire ~m~enanis and agreements herein <br />contarnui Shall hind, and the right. hereunder +hali inure tn. the ;espertt.t s!+ccess.,rs and assigns .,f Lender :end &,rrnwer, <br />•:r:b-e:t to the ;- r,vic!ors ~i paragraph !' hrrrot 3tl ~ovenama anJ .rgrermrnts ni Aorrower shall bt 7oim and several. <br />file ca pones ,n;t hcadiatss +,f ;At narscraph. <.. this ~fortgagt are for <r,nvenrencc :+niv and arc not in .. rash? !n <br />in*_erpret 3+r dt-~+-nc the tls:n_xvir,=+, ht...a.r, <br />14. tiorfre. Escep2 ±u ans~ nc*nx rca{u.rrd under appiicaA!c !aw t,e it a~iver.:n another manner. iii! :my notice to <br />Aa:rr.:m~cr Provrdtd for :n :his Stongagt ehaEt ',c greet: try ?eluting Beech nr,trcr by ~:r-rtrfled rnait addressed fo Anrrnwar ai <br />~. Pa:l,zti. at(~+ress .. .: •-h ...._ adder= as flrrrower tone designs:t :. - °.rtcz - -der .,a iravi..¢d cello. and <br />'.", IhJ z rv ns;ttac .- .-E. •±~_ ha!J ~ 5 -ce by xrt:}ltsri mail. -etarr-:.ece , t -.-y ustt _ 2 coerce'; :rddrese stated herein c?r to <br />....b ~ Rer s.__...-. s :::..c: ....,.- ;,e,tgaare --; ....t:~. .,. ilorr:>=xtr as atreir.. env uoti..a r,rovtdest ivr at this <br />~, ~, 'rl+[nrtgagt ,halt he :kenud in ir;,,•r hcen green to finrn?wer nr Lrndtr whin green in the tnanntr ritsig~a~ed htrtin. <br />i5. taif~ra fisxrgt~r: €:awet^ai~ f.ax2 eseniitity. s ;, mortgage cnmftitxc uniform •-,-vrnantc {or naiinnai <br />_.--,~ art •xz^ r.,;x-.... ~:, ~..a.,t, +::h :,-tti€~t .-rat=::n{.::p -:... ~;,:~,n- , ,-e~{i{ttt>r a ctmf-c~trn - -.rrz i~,.f,rrtrnt ~-rring <br />real prasy3crtc. Tlris Ma±ngagr shall t+e gr~+vtrntd by r!rr law ,ol ?hr Jurisdiction in which ihu Property a located. In the <br />tvrnt that .+hY pn,vrntan „r clause ~,( tMs Itortgagr +,r the Note crin8icts with :rppiicahle law, such conflict shall not affect <br />other !,rovrsionx ref thrs Mortgage ex tt;c !Volt w~Mch .an ht given street without !bc cunitirting provdsion, and in this <br />end the provisions of the Mortgage and tAc 'vnro ,ire ,leciarcd :n im sevcrai>le. <br />iti. 9otrrwer's ropy. Aorrowtt -halt tx• FumrsAed a cnniurmrd copy of ihr Note and of this Mortgage at the time <br />of exrcu2ic:n nr after recordation Atrix+f- <br />f 7. Trattrfer of the tasrpertr; .AsrrrtpUaa. It ail or any part of the Froprrtv nr an interest therein is sold nr transferred <br />by Atvn?wer without t.,cnder'< poor w•ntttn anasrnt, cxc!uding tai tM creatitm of a lien or encumbrance subordinate to <br />ihrs Mortgage, ihY the ;reaunn ,?t a purtihase money acrurrty tntctest ter household appliances, !c) a transfer by device, <br />',dcsc'tnt ur Ay :?petaunn ut taw upon the .Beath of a ;amt tenzat ar ?di the gram of any leaarlsokt interest of thrtr years or less <br />~'rxet mntaimng an option t. p,rrcAaat. t.tnder rnaq. at Leader s rptu?n, declare ail ihr sums xcurevl by this Mortgage to be <br />', ',.immcd+avciv due and payabit. i ender +haii Nava waived such opuun In accrttrate it, prior to the .ate nr transfer, t.cnder <br />Jand the perwtte u, .,v hcvn tAt i'rnpetty rs ro bt sold err irnnxferred reach agreement in venting treat ihr credit of ouch person <br />~'~'.',is sausfactor•; rig tender and that tAt mterest payaAM nn the swm secured by this Mnrtgagt shall ?ae ui such raft as 1 ender <br />' alealt request. if l.endrr has wa.vtd tJtc optran va xcceteratt provtrftd rn Shia paragrapA 1?, and if Aormwer~ stx:ceasur in <br />~~, interest 6sx txtruted a aver::en acsumpru,n agreetasrt a+:.Ceptcd in wriunS bV !.ender. txtta)er shall release Aorrower in)th all <br />''iahligancros under lhrx biorcga~ atrl the Vote. <br />- it l.trtder exr;.rcu.-.s s;; ol+t+on to arcehrnte. Lender shall mat; Aorrm-tr notes of acelerauc?n +n acconianec wi[A <br />paragtapA I. ?urexrf- SetcA ~rotr.'e shaA provide x prrrcxt nt oat leas than 70 daYx from tht daft the entice is mailed within <br />which lktrr- +c- t tar p y '. c -,•rrea dectat~? di=e tf ito2r<-u~^ !s_its ,3 pay e~k -ums pet=:r r h=- a-zpit~t ~ ~ f -t4-h +, <br />_ pertas- <br />-l.ttsder may. w+thuut ftuther nonce or r4rrtaad on tiorro+ver, ,rtvokc any rrntrdtts ptrmrt?tt', t+y paragraph ! g htteof, <br />Neev1:Wtraaur t: avr;t+n. rs Aorrower attai Lander !utther covtrrant sad ngrce as fc?)Mws <br />t& Acc~eratbst Jam. kacr~ r t<kd to pt~grupi t7 boreal. 13arrawer'a ltrtacb of ary t~vearat ur <br />agemeeareM pf Mlarre»•er in Nda ~, iarladiiC tie r-arrwaata ter ~y wbee due 3Ry sorts secar+N 6y thN itatri>Yade, <br />Leader prioa f• sttebaattfar stuN ~ ewtkt t4 Borrow•rtr as prnvbMd fa Partaarapi id Ixrssa€ stacffyiq: Ill tie btnatt: <br />t~ ar3ks,s tagu}ted to rise ascot txsatbt fly s draft, nn! lsaa tier 3$ dsY+s lento R ~ date Ste aetke ~ mailed to Kertrwer, <br />><ry +tttet xact laresei recast kre rtrretb sad t<I tad €atlare to etv# .reel itteari tm err befuta tin date slettiNed rn tie taritce <br />roue rtrwk it serrlaratisa of tM nano setrtcd Dy lib ~f~ltr!<e, farceMarre by jra4tisl trrtraroedittr atsd ask of tin l't'+Werb'• <br />'S'tan usekee ctWi taettar lataata Aorrower nt fie rkM ro rniacfale otter attcteratior and tie right to tKiert lea tin fnrertasruv <br />rge reu.hattttewrrt td s ttefaNf ar aw) utter rFN'essa of 6rrtowat to acaei#netlor nod Carrcitatare. S€ tits btavtch <br />b sat c`davd us let iafose tic date ~ 'itFa! tr rte aetftt, [saeArtr at f.cttdar's etptiaa Tsar tkrtars ~1 of rite +aap tctuwr~ed bs. <br />ttda Jt`~Ht+#ia to ire irretetFiatlsty dar cud paytrila +*it€tra! tenter rlemaad sad test iararrixpr by ;t~fat prtttndtagD• t.nrder <br />sit>~ is tatfafad in tuAeat In anti t+rnastadta>L ttA arrt?raar ed leeeslseaerr, itnieaYat{. bib ast limited ta..°avas et doenrratart <br />t4= ~aa:twoYs Rim ter t}a~ti3rst~ra '=cr{wxG'tatatsdaesg t.s-odar-= v::ceirtatinn cid list -+usns *ccurecl by c?rrs RinrtgaKC. <br />itstrt?•wrr s-hail hav# tA+t ridjrt ;.,a hxvc soy vret~t lrcdu°rt nr t_c;rtdnr ? -r:ltrtec ih+s \t.artxae~ siisioatanued at anv t,n?e <br />