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<br />titVttroau CovetV.vrrs. Borrower and Leader eov^.ram and agree as ftsBows: <br />1. Payaetat of Priadptd tad Interest. Borrower shalt promptfY Pay when due the prinripai of and ia[e2u on the <br />indmbcedtreas ev?deatced by the Nott, prepayment and Irate charges as provided in the Note, seed the principal of sad interest <br />on avy Future Rdvaztces secured by ibis Mongagt. - <br />.°.. 4Surda t;x-r'£res a~ ?~-~e. &ubjtct to applcablt law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />w Lehr on the day monthly insea!)trrents of principal and in{cirri art payable under the Nast, until the Note is paid in full. <br />a sum fiterein "Funds"} egos! to one-twelfth of the yearly--taxes and assessments which teeny attain priority over this <br />Mottgagc, and ground rents on the Property. if any, phrs one-twelfth of yearly premium irreullmrnts far hazard insurance, <br />plus oaniwetfth of yearly premium instatlittents for mortgage insurancq if atty. sit as reasonably estimated irlitiatly and from <br />time to time by Lender nn the basis of assessattnts and Mils and reasonable estimates thesnf. <br />The Funds steal! be held in an inuitutian the deposrts or stxounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />state agencg tincluditrg Lender if Lender is suit an institution!- lender shall apply the Funds to pay said tares, assesstrrmu, <br />insruaace premiums and ground rants. Linder may rat charge for so holding and applying the Funds. ana}yring said account, <br />nr verifying nerd compiling said assessments amt bills, unless Lender pays &;rcower interest an [he Fund:. and applicable law <br />permits Psnder to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this <br />tinrtgage that iaterast on the Funds sbail tx paid to Borrower, and unless such agrcemeot is made or applicable law <br />-ea;ilres such initrt3t to be paid, Tender shall not he required to pay Borrower soy interest or earnings on fte Funds. Lender <br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual atcountirtg of the Funds showing evaders and debits to the Funds and the- <br />parpose for whx:h each debit to the Futtds was made. The Funds arc pledged as additional security for the sums stxured <br />try this Mortgage. <br />if the amount of tin Funds held by Ixnder. ragether with the future montfily installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the dun dates of taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount squired to pay said taus, <br />assassraents, insurance premiums and ground tents as they fail dot, such excess shall bt. at Borrowers option, either <br />promptly repaisf to Borrower or credited to Burrower ern moor'='y installments of Funds. !f the amount of the Funds <br />held by 1 ender ~str~i verse hs su~isir~r to pay tests; asla?ssmrnp. insurance pt'emtruns and gtaund rents as they fall due, <br />', Brrrnwer rtes!! par to ixnder any amount ree+:nssary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed <br />try Leader ¢a Borrower requesting payrntnr thesnf. <br />C?pon !aavmeat to full a! all sums secured try this Mortgage Lemke shall promptly sfund [o Borrower any Funds <br />~~ held lay i.crsde[. If +tader paragraph l g 2sereoF the Property is sold or the Praperry is otherwise acgmttd by Letuitr. Lender <br />' ~. shall uppty, nn later ;tear irnmcdtatety prior to the raft of the Property or its acquisition by Lender, any Funds held by <br />~, dander at the umt of application as a csdi[ against the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />3. Applkatloe of Paywsrekt. Unless applicable law provides otherwise. ail payments receictd by Lender under the <br />v rN:C anal Paraitt a{riis , "- ucr-u, Sun, vc a~spl:t,.. , ._.,. „F o v_xtw n I .m.l+~r by iLu„ _ <br />~~~, ' under garagcaph ? herepf,'zhan m mtareu payable nn the 'Vote. •then~to the principal of .the Noce, aired then ro interest and <br />principsl nn any Future Advances. <br />3. Cksraea: ISm%. Burrower hail pay a!I iaxex, assessments and niher charges, fines and unpusitions atttibulable to <br />the Property which may attain a priority aver this Mortgage, and leasehold payments or ground sots, if any, in the manner <br />prov;ved under psragrapb 2 hereof ur..f rant pr:d in such manner, by Borrower making payment. when due, ditswtly to the <br />payee thertu*. Burrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all ^ouces of amounts due udder this paragraph, and in the event <br />Borrower shard stake payment drrectly, Borzower shall prnmptiy ±urtrrsh fu Lander receipts evidencing such payments. <br />Borrower steal! promptly discharge any lien which has prronty over tMx !ylurtgage; provided. ;hat Bnrmwtr shall met 6e <br />requ+rtd 'u drs+:nargt any such lira su tong ;u Burrower tihall agree in wrung to rtes payment of the ohisgation stwred by <br />.ouch lien en a manrrra zrccaptabie ro Lender, ur she:! is goal faith contest such Sien by, ar eltfend enfnrcernent a* steel lien in, <br />-iag-af p~~etdings u°Isrvt operate :~. pt-event ei?e en€oreemcnt o€ the !tn oc i+-trttriure of r`rt pr:3perty ::r any fart tl:eezof. <br />g• Ilaaa['d Ismttnta:. Borrower shalt keep the ~mpmvamtnts now cxwnng ar htrcattcr erected an the Property insured <br />against toss by Rrc, hatards included within the term 'extended cuvtragc'~. and suite other !tazards as Lender may rcyms <br />:ttid s: srult :mu?oats and fur v+u.-R perauds :~ ! ender rnav rrgm;e; grcyidtd, that Lender shalt nc!t require that the aniunnt of <br />'~ ~u+.h ~ovcrattt --seed {hat arnuunt of coi.era~tt trqutr.:d~tu pay rix Srma etc-ureci hi' .hi ~forrgag2- <br />' ~~' arsatnarict 4aria«r p[nvtding the ttT"lnranCC shalt Ire. iflosars !'Y Bn[T+ywal' stfbrcet n? approval by Leader; ~raYiQEd, <br />.b,t, v...h apprt••~a!'nha!I nti ti!y ,~.,h~i~;. ail ~,a=;`:tar .•.n anst:~.,y~...,sli+~~ rya{1 .,t pale! in tftr er~anntr <br />provided taadar paragraph ~ bere+rf ar. if nut paid in such manerar, by Burrower making lraymcnt, when dun, drrectly to tree <br />- 2S7St:ratKt Carrier. <br />A71 insurua:e poiiciey sad renewals thrre.N shalt 6e in torm ao:eptaMc w !.ender and shalt ,ncludc a standard mortgage <br />clause m favor of and m form uctprahta ru Lender- Lerxdet shad tuvc the right to kauld the policies and renewals thereof. <br />seed Bumswtr ,half promptly furmsh to Lender all ren+wral natc;es and ail receipts ut paid premiums. to the event of loss, <br />Borrower shall gtyr prompt nonce w €ha rrnurancc carrier acrd I ender Lmdrr may make pr+wt of Iuss tt nut made pmmptly <br />6y Harrr*wer <br />l~niess i ender and Borrower rathatwtse egret rn. wnnag, rasurarrea pr+x:eeds shad bt applitrl to rtstorution of rtpaii ref <br />the Pruperry ttaenagcd, provided su+:h rtstantuon ur repair is cYOnumica!i~ feasrhla and the security of this Mertgnge is <br />neat iheretry impaired. tf xw-h resrr:rauun or repair +s neH xti'msrrmn:atfy trasih!r ar +t the scenery of tfus tifurtgagc world <br />bt +mpatrxd. the maurnacY prucesxls ilea!! be sppired to [he t:utas seturcu by tMs Muttgage, wuh the excess, if any, ptud <br />Icl Borramer. if the Prapert3 :s atrandortrd by Bnrr•ayver. tar =i Burrtwyer (aria w respond to f.endtr withut 3U days from the <br />.date nuta:a +s mndcd by Lurdar to &arrtw+rr that the :rrtauance .:arrter radars to wattle a claim fur insuratur benefits, Lender <br />i% authurrztd to s:alkxt and apply the uasurxnce prcxteeds at I.,rndrr s nptran ether to rmturatton or repair of the Propany <br />v}r to the streets secured h} thrs Mortgtrat. <br />Lfttkas Isndtr acrd Borrower uthtrwlst sprat ut wrung, any sw':h application +rf prncrads to principal shall nut cxrotul <br />err' puxtpnat the dent date ut eht ntcinihfy instalkmtnt% rrlrrrttl ro in ptuagraghs. t an+i ? hereof ur change the amount of <br />stilt installments. [t tutda[ paragraph k g htsxat' the Property is ssquu^d try Lerufar. a!1 ripest, ttUa seed intarrat of tlorrowtr <br />is nerd ro any rnsurairsx palicid sod to areal to tlg groctt+Cs thereof resuhsng frcvn riamage to the Pnrptrty prier to the silt <br />ar acgtusitioa shalt pass to dtudar [o the extaru of the rusts sauuraA by this Mortgage immediately {rrtur to such sa{e pr <br />xcquhttiew. <br />- ~. a•aav ii>: +rf Proyatty; Lssstet £uwdwwiuiasatn Piwrtted Elmi[ C7rarMpaxaL%. Barrawtr <br />shalt ktnp the Property in peered repair seed sltait resat .sxnntit w:lut ur ptttmt i[pparrtnent ur dettrmratton of the Prupert>. <br />slid shall eotnpty weds rtes pravnson% trt any leaxc ~t thiy Mursgage » un :t lea~histd, If this Morlgaga is va .i unit en a <br />- cr-xt+taminium nr a glantvsd unit dtveiuparan[. Burrower shall ptrfot'm elk of Burr+rwer's ,.rb!+gattmrs nndrr the declaration <br />or covtrtaats creating ar gevernmg the ctmdomuriam or pianrtad urn davrlapntrnt, the by-laws and regti!utiuns of the <br />cxrdcxr+rnrum ur Idauua! eau dave{upmant and crmstitutnt +tuc:tnntnty, if a condominium ur planned unit .ieve!upmenr <br />r-r+kt ,s um,uicd by Bnrtl~vrrr rand veer+rtied tcagtthnr wte6 this Mortgage, the e.t• mulnn and agreememy tit xich rider <br />s[safl Ire ,etccn'(scxalod ins< nerd. shall amend avid suppltmm~t the cuvenaots and ag+rements of tMs Mortgage as i! the rider <br />were a part its, <br />'T, It's~aaer;iao at farsrias'% Ssertslly° If BQrtT4?wef faux to pc(frrrm the eovtflanls and ;tgr`SYFTIa°nt% :LtrIW+}Cd rat th15 <br />AA,w~tgs~t- tin d any aaxan +x prcvve€>Irttg +s ebr»fltani^ed whFCh maltriaily affxt.ts t_tndtrb uuerax( in the Property. <br />mcludtng, tun cwt hmrtxst te" cmitwm rfertuaia, msu.lvonwy, c+air enforcement ar areangtir[tnis at prsx,rrdings ;nyoivurg a <br />3+ankrttpr ay rfa+,•rr3ent. Hutt i,ssnder at I.atxltr't npuun, uprm coact to Bortxwvtr, ntaY make such at>pcaramts, drstxlrst such <br />stomas aril rake ssu~b a±attCt ws let rr%sxs,±at~y tt* prafat Ltasdtr's mtatest. ntefvdtag. izut u,x limned to dskrutaemenl v! <br />z+w~ai~* atu.raaY"s tees an.f entry utruu tp_e PraptrtY t:r ma-tet rzn~us it !_gaikr requirr,~ ta.xrtg{gc - .ur:s?tr ;rr t <br />_:equjetxm •N rnakitt~ tote loan stEnred !s} this ?4forr~age, Bcrrrawer shat! pay the nreatixnns requirr+t t+: maurta,n strr:h <br />utwatva~ in t .wit ssn,h :+trrs ax tl>z rsv{uirraaseut for such easuratmt rrr+rrtnastz ,+: ,ic:curds+rce oath Bortx~wei s next <br />1"" .. <br />