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c~-- ~~2 <br />r,1 l month prior rcr ns due date the annual rnorigage insurance premium in order [o provide such holder <br />with funJs t:? pay such pn~rttium tv the Secretary of Housing and Urb„n Development pursuant to the <br />'.tiationa: Housing Act, as ainerded, and applirah3e Reguiatians Yhereunder. or <br />(133 If and su Snng as std nose of evtn date and this instnrmenx are held by the Stcrttary of Housing and <br />3;rban I3CVelopmerrt, a :tmnthly charge i~ lisnr of u niwt¢~g> tnsu2's-^_a> ~,rerniurrf which shall bt in an <br />amc~nt e:;nai iu one-twelfth (1/l2j ~f one•italf (Sj2j per ccntum of the average outstanding tialartce <br />due en the note cotnpared without taking into acccwnt delinquencies or pcepayments: <br />(3} A sum equal tt? tha> bauund rents, if any, next due, plus the premiums that will Hex[ bte.?ma due and payable on <br />palicies of {ire and ether hazard insuraoce covering the mortgaged prcptriy, plus taxes and assessments next due <br />on the mortgaged prc;urr[y !tilf ar asrinrated by the .4ldrtggqet~; less all sums already paid vherefor divided by the <br />number ui mnuhs to r3apse before one month prior to the date when such gnnmd rcn[ }?remmms, taxes and <br />assessments will baaame delhuiueur, such sums to he ite'rd h~:• Mongagee in tmst to pad said ground rents, pre- <br />mm3ns. [axes and special asstssments; and <br />(el .~13 F.aymertts mtntioned in rhr. twa preceding suhstcuons uI this paragraph and elf payments to be mad[ under <br />the more secured hereoy shall he added to>gethzr. ::nd the aggregate amount rherrot shall ht paid by the Mortgagor <br />Cas3t month in a single payment to he a3:piied by the Mnn~aget to the following i[tms in the order set forth: <br />(1) premium charms under []re contract of insurance wnh the Secretary ai Huusin¢and [!than lkvelopmtn[- <br />or muni3tty charge fin iicKr v1 nu,rticgs iesurmrrc pre»tiurr,/, as the case may be <br />ill) prnund emu. taxes, asses men ts. Gfe and ntner hazard insurance premiums: <br />iltlj interest un the rnte.xa:rcd hereby and <br />el4~i alttJrir..a[IUn .:, r3tt. pfir>vipaF sit Safd .-'u'ti. <br />~iny defi.:iancv .n th+; amoum of am such aggregate mm~thiy payment shat,. unless made gaud by the Mbrt- <br />ragor prvr to the due date of the rrxt such pacnten;. =.~stitnte an event ui dafauk under this mortgage. T7re <br />4fotttrigte ntav collect a "late ahsrge" not to exceed t%, u. crras 1-ry7 for :each daliar {j l 1 of each payment mcxe <br />ihaa fifteen (i= r saps in a!~eas Ul : c~er ;hr rxua cxrer:.;r ;r»~rivr_d ;n handling <irlmquent Fraymen ts. <br />•.. That?f U'te total of [he payments made by the itortgaQnr under t ~= of paragreph '' preceding shah exceed <br />She amotan[ axf pa}'menu actual{, wade bt the itarr~agee far smund mnt_._ !ntie= ae~ asa~s~men to or insurance pre- <br />mitrms, a4 the ea.~e mad Gr. -uch excess. if the itxTn is cureenr, .t! nc~ opeitm of the \{urt?at?or.halt he credited by <br />the 'liarigaxee txn nub-equcnt pa}-menu to fae made by the lion¢u_tur, ;,r refundtvl to she tlnnt>a!!ur. tf, however, fhe <br />mnntlrly payments made by the 4kxtgagor undrr r%,t u! paragraph ureceding .hall nor he sufficient to Fray grwnd <br />rr-~t, twee ar:d •::ssemarts r-,r ;n e:urattrt• preminms, a-s the c~a•e mutt uc. when the game -halt become due and psv- <br />able, then the iktrtftaltur shalt pau to the t}nrtgagce ant amovn[ nece-san' to make ap the deficinnev, on ne heforn <br />the date when pavmeret of such Gronnd rent, text,, ;a-~e~=menrs nr insuranre premium^ -hall he due. tf ai env <br />time the llnrtma,;ar -halt under [o the ilurYgs±tee, in aecerdatue widt the pen.-i-slums cl' the Hale xeeured hereby, <br />fuif payment of the entire= indebtedness rnpresr--rued thercrby-. the 1h>ttga;[ee ;hull. in computing the mnunt of such <br />indebtedne=s. credit t,a ti:r .:c~;rtr;: rf tt '•turrea¢er ,eli ;tavmcn[s m~ie uteder tits prurt.i nes of :,- <+' rrarayraph , <br />heretzf which rite 4itxtgaget~ htu~ not bt>come ribliyau°d to naj re the ~ecrntnra~ .,t Strw~ina autd 1 rbeen F)rvelaxmtem <br />and .arc i#a3anc:r nrmainne in the rnni.= art~ursruiared undrr u7 t• pro+.t ! m> a:4 = - -~ I,avagraph _' hereof'. Ef there <br />=hull be 3 default corder lair .r[ the pnnr-tn,7~ of i3ti> nmrt;;a~•e r?•~uat+m, in u public -atla r:i the premiues errs Bred <br />?rerr=b~. or 3F the tkertgs~ea• a.cquin rh _ ;rnx,t - ,a' ::ihcxw-- -i tree da ra.fls_ the ttr.r+g;~vc -, . 1+ ~TFtlt- _ t r • ,:tree ~:r <br />rltY 1`nnrm('nE t:nit!nt of -uc3•, prnef!ei#In "'. riC :i .7e ilm+' th(• prUt}i>YLL' ,_ „ttteft4l-+, ,ti'nnirea: i'~j an Li' Bann rematn- <br />in_+..h? tune-- .urw=aa<,#u:,dr- - par ~.. -. p.. -c a::.,~... .. .,e ~.t .:n. ~ha- _ ... .: ,:;,ra, ,i:rn <br />n:maining urepaid~artder .:ud Hate. ,,red =hail properh .,dfu:-t .:m potrm•nt> :a hicit >hail L:n,.:,:~.,n madt• undrr r =i <br />~_=; s itac t..x:,g, _- ., ,:,:: :_ni .,, cc .. ' r:-,mirn+ •..:rer =ae, .,inter e;,crrnrrrni.r. :.t ••!auu':pai <br />ch..rge-, ilneti. ::-:nef>t+.tL•oet>. ttx~.i retch rra,e+.:un n+rt been rn;ide he!rmhrt,>rr-.and er. do taut Ehrr rul the ilari3;a;tte mat- <br />pav the s:;mc: and that the 4t,vrgagot -.. r::!nprn- dr?nrr the ,~[iic:al tci nph iherera,r ro the tt.7r[gagee <br />,+ <br />-. fl,<. RS•.xtgugc,r adf pay ~;} ;c.. ~,v h!da s hr let era .:pt:^ the itnrtgngre , mtere,t m said rcn! e,tnic ::red unnrn>.r- <br />menes, .,nA arhich coed he :r iru rtpun~ 4!r m.,rig;txc .rr [hr debi ,reared i;erei» :hut nniv !<, rhr e Vent rant inch!. nut psuhtbit- <br />rd by law .cod sni} Su the rctent that -t,eh u4? wt make thn k:au owduu~:. F-ut c-t<ludiug .us~ [Hearne [:;•. `date ur Feder<sl. <br />!mpvsed nnAlauiesutee-e!.;iw!il htc the o$+c:ai;[x.hU•ac mg ~u+:it psymcnf rsnh the etc>rtgsgcr ;'p::n >!c,!sJ.^.ofth!aundcr- <br />tahiP~, sr d' the ~4ort>;at<v r n -..+:Lira f M - ratter : xisaap tn~m paving the+~ bolt t:r nnv oa:t unn of the nAxe- <br />;,viJ raven-.?t isj?vn the tenure rg „t an> --art ttairce vr,tnrbmn„ .he p,~ymnnt hr the MorteaKtar nr unv su<h to ar:. .,r if such L,w <br />or dent.-e ,rc'<kfe, th::~ u+e} arhu;rm ., +a+d h: the Etartnagor ,?;uli pc .rrd![ea an the n:ort~age d4Fa. !'see i9 ortgagee ,ha,11 ha.c <br />!ter right ta? give !nnC4t cirri ,- µ41[r;•![ ntl[t4C :a' tilt :>w'ner ."f !114' .mortgaged p, rim~ri, rY't+niti ftj [tit' ~ A4 !nriFf ,+t +fic !nOrtgagk <br />etch[. li' nu4h n n+ce ire ,~+an, the .n!d 4 h1 ,haA beco:nr due, n<? e;±;leaihle a[ the etpvatiot ,d ,aai mneti cad, <br />n that ,tts't:3d he :. ~..-a:... , „a e:r i,eep , .. ,,,. .. F:a .,<,e., ; ::t this'-tr,r.y„vhe, Then :he lie>ir~„~re ,: n~ c <br />urn. rn{+s pas .+r perfart mJ~thr ~ana sit aapeeditw r, •o -nrue ,hall hC <,u~deJ A• the p!ma, of .um .•w mg on thN st,rn a ;:otc. <br />shalt be secured nr.tChi.:,nd sha!i hc.u tatrrrst,u tree r~,+tc .rl t;,: th ui mr ~,uu Hair. r:mu' ~:r!d <br />l;at =.x hetrS?'... s p , _. '[::ntYer +ti+- the ,S,n:}:alser ;_ f-c .tt - ^.;T n:ent :-...., n[!..,nd .e <br />sutn> vh,:-tfre•.1 ~~rebi saT ~...e =~ n .:et., ;lr~tn ~!i;r rr:lz r.n.,.:a< :>t -::r, .-, .x ter.;: Here:. n .~i !ht, ~alrt tFr:ge „r rhr . ud <br />nU[C. art the rrrrre_re <rnue, and tnavnrc [,~ nr der nrd fvnn 'Rr mun};;ygrusN en,+,cs aut nag ~u<n nms• .a rue :ncr tyt~e :ndebred- <br />r~s! shag rem~n uapetci; and tht \ir.rrt?agte ~bai? h;r-e t+a,w tr rt+app+nnt ems .,gent <, genF, :! ma. de.irc ?:,t the rurpn;r ,•1 <br />eepaititpi sattl frtau~v and of tenting rhr saint anti .vlleetmg the rcntn. ;<=.emrc+.:nd ,=icomw.:eRt ,! m.,y trir rear i,f -.dui tn- <br />ca+me;s all rspcnaer of tepautrrt, .and prcm:yr, aaJ necesaary° c.rmmts±tun, ;end a° !niurrr3 :n rennnc and nratta,{rng the <br />~tnr -a:[ri rd _i rsie«fn~ ret.#+is~ :her-s-im -,: the mr.+nte r:=matnin4, r; :trey. i,> hr a~pnzri r ,w art rhr ai_ ~nters*r r:i nsi,ri~rgc <br />)i~t2Mcdnc..- <br />?< -3ha,3 he wrfi bctp fi'rr tmpn:wer en, ;:4.u c.t.tsng ,ar htrcaiEer errc;sek ,:n [hes ! r ~,ktd 3,- t,ett{ !n,nrru .es n+P4 t•t <br />r4'-z'lGS ~ i = - !:ran .. °rru° hs tpr. S1,-,rice aRi.!n3i Io.. i.y fire -and,.>Ihe! -~a>ana .. -4. -ne. ._-_t .. -r+r!ngenu¢s in +ueh <br />:i[nGbntA ..=iH~ t H iiiitt in'ft.Ne .ia ins} fMe reytitied ht ine lt:rrtgatter :end it iii (>nt („ -, plls .'.v here rtUC' _,nV n^ enn U[n• ,:n tnFii <br />snwtarx:a pravi~nr I v paysannt ai which has ran h-ean muds tratetrahelore .Vl ;rwuran<r .hai4 tx a.u reed ter a,nnpaem. d, - <br />prea<ed by t'tx~ i4r,rigxgert -;red rhr goha:acs and reuewah dheret,f ,h:ilt by 1roiU h:~ the M1 urt}e+Kre artu !:-ne .: n;iehed tharcio ic... <br />tTa __st_ r ~-t:s<" ,n [dent .•i .,read it r.:c rs :ircpTStbie ra, the iQ csrtgktr. ;n c:a r: ,!f I,,.v ii -.r t+,ag,.:r •. a -s,;fau:atr r::!tr. r 1+a <br />.tYL7l7 W 41fi~ k#C+.Ctt~ti-2, airy resat Erah%e prxrf ,7F 4c _: -f n;; ;ib<te 1•: t,ntpiia ha ~lt.+tr~,T,.,t, -±nd eaa3 -!. r~e!eac :>!n pnn~ t,~n~ <br />4'Yrn=d is htrebu nuthurtaed :end Jtre4tc.l iu :n.:.e iurgmant fat t:tear 3arn,s d;re<'ti} rt? the v4ryrixa#ite instead[ :>I ur the 'tttvtq.+~„i <br />anp the i,{Vt'eg grr tut n7lr- -n,f rhr ra.n!sn:c prccews, t>r an,T 3 +r: rherca:i, ray nc aq,{+1!CSi f>s lire w}„rig. ice of n<apleun e:lhet <br />tea Eife redutitt<*n tt3 ftt6 criuct+tedness het by _ Erin ed .r! !e iltt er F-_ r,:1 N,n ~,f _ t+m!t ~,j ihi gr +g+rsPV :Intaxr:f 1::: dent r•f !a•ICr 4: <br />s:ua i.if=this€iradt.:r Whet ti;tnsfer e~6-tiGC ao the smertkaged 3>i~a~+er!q m r..nrgrn.h!rrt,t r; !tie ::rurh!r.:r;n, ,a ure:# herri,•.. <br />,~t-+tfght. tltlCat:r)intE"-'€+t~S a3roe 4!arrtit'ap.;b;r, Rnd ;at+rs>.aar!t.~_rcrhs:e+is- -, t:.rcz .h-±:1a ,-,+As; , o!grauier. <br />=J.. T'teat a',< a.tdairnanat an.i .~ i cetera- : ---tnHS t:~r tRe #sa. recce t i rtx ru:te dr....:rt.i- - ,urrt, c, F~cr~tnr, ` a< undo !tin <br />:. -. ~,~ <br />'+'reasrFrb'c. iiu; .wt~,-aag,++r -sign:, - .,, .iarsga~e .+ .,- ,m .: -'art <. t~k7...: ,a hane[tss --;ararz,g (,r the <br />>=t c'i< to r€ r it. _.. E s t,., <br />stir. ~n to S,Fid ancl8t,srunr,..-. c.! !~t,~,r r st t<.u. tar .frc -~ a a- ,.- ._,t + - ,#g=g - s ~t g.< .t,s . --_ _-° <br />. 'T :ind !f (''>t :i i~ :. ., P r4nia `"t+r.. :z.k.- '..r , r<,[-ir . ,;! +?~. :.,...:C r.u,rc c, .. ~t•:. .nom [lets, ea. ,,: ti,a tc <br />:,itc.e,n,.:naa!§YnJ:.:,d..p,>.,e .Air=.,.c .-;t3+.z ,:.,,.cue.. - _ <br />