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- 31-02-091 .'- Th4e form-is treed in'catmxc- <br />~ Lion with mortgrgta 3tiaf8'ed`' <br />'~'~t~~'t~t utxkr Lhe 6ne. to font'-fsmily; _ <br />~jn - ~ prnttisio>ffi of the. Na~rstt:f-- <br />THIS MURTGAGB- trade and executed ehis 28t~i ~paf t!4asch - ,w:u: <br />i4 gty , by and betwxtt 3ackie J. -Burns and Peggy S- Surrts husbant3 arm wife <br />of rite CouutY of Hall ,and State of iVebraska, Pant M Ute Brat put. tam t <br />thcMon~or, and Mortgage Plus Inaorgoratad <br />scarporatioa organized and cxistitgt under file laws d. the G'nited States of America <br />party of the second Part, [teraiuafter tatted the Mortgagee, <br />W7TNFSSETH: That the sai6 M,xtgsytor. for and in wn>c~tttitrt of the sutra of Forty Eight :housttnd- Five Httridxed <br />Fi and.00 60tha, --------°----------- Dolhtrs (S 8.550.00 ). Wid hY the Mon- <br />Fpg~, O#e recapt bf wttttiicc~i~r is lxreby acknowledged. tmi Granted and Sold artd by terse presems dots Grates; $er- <br />gain, Sail. Cirnvey and Cortftam utno rite Man~tgee, its successors and assigns. forever, tlr_ following-tteacrtbed <br />real estate, sitltated in the County of Ha21 , aad Stara <br />of htcb[aslta, to wit.. <br />:fs(t. Tttr-ee- (3) , and the East One-Half (E4) o£ Lot Four (4) , in Block Fourteen{i4) , in <br />Hoggs artd bill's addition to the City o£ Grand Island, Hall County> Nebraska. <br />also l:.n as: 1911- tf. 10th, Gra['td Island, :S X8801 <br />crfttir`tiac4~ircipat.~~ri13=_aa.=_zntairgngina:£ wit;: ~}ou~rty aceraccardirgio{iorrrn- <br />trtenF wtvey: <br />7'Cl IfAVF ANU'T(l H41_D the premises abase described, with alt the aPpurtenanees titrrct:nm t>ch>ngmg and including <br />- -all heas~tt, f+tathbing and ligtrting ftttures andegttiprrent mew or-hereafter attachxd to ar used in connection with said teat estate <br />ante the Mrutttagee, and to its successors and assigns, forever. 'i'hc Mortgagor represents to, and covenants with, the Mtrrtga• <br />get, that the Motttte~rr has gtxid fight to salt and convey said premises; that they are free from ent:umbranee; and that the <br />Mltrtgagtx wit! warrant am3 drfestd the same against the tawful claims of alt persons whomstxver; and the said Mortgagor here- <br />by retittquisltr-. all rights of hanestrad, and all trrartial rights, either in taw or in equity, ,anti a!I other contingent interests of the <br />Mortgagor in atid[o-the abort-described premises, the intention beittgto convey hereby an absolute title, in fee simper, itn:lud- <br />i~ a#l risFtLa of itumestead, attd alirer tights atnt inerests as aforesaid. <br />Pt20w`IA6D AI_lb'AYS> and these prcseuts err axrcuted acrd delivered upon the fallowing conditions, to wit: <br />The Mvngagnt agttxs to pay to the Mortgagee or order, the principal sum of Forty light Thousand Five Hundred <br />da~3F~ec~f00j],OOths -~---y----------Doilars(S 46,550-00 ), with interest from <br />the unpaid tmlancc until erase -per ctntum t 13, p0 `"~) per annum an <br />paid.l7tc said prttxapat and interest shat) be payabk at the olftce ofMOrtgage plus Incorporated <br />in F.rtgletcosad, Cploxado , ar at such other ptacf as tlx holder of <br />the twtc al[ty designa[e in writing, in mnnttily inst[dlmcros of Five ttt[ndred '.Phir ty Seven anti 451 100 t}ts ---- <br />Dultars tS S 37.45 1. commerniing on the first day of <br />agpy . 150 ,and on du iirsi day of each month dteteafter until the Priru:ipal nmi ire- <br />trresi ace fully paid, except that the fimt paylrrent of principal and interest. if twt seater paid, shalt be duo and <br />twYatrk oa the first day of pgril 20J,Q :all act.-xdinyt to tltr [ertnss?f a certain pretnis- <br />sory thlle otevea date tieratvith azirruted by ttx said Morty~gor. - - <br />The Mortgagor iavrdtr more fut#y W proFect the sectuiFy of this Mnrtgtrge, ogress: <br />1. That h_e_wit! pay tt~_rtdetttatlttras,-az hercinbefore prnvidN. Privilege is usrrv~ : is pay the drtrt in whuto, or in an <br />amount csWal tovna~or more IrtvnW{y paytnants ontht principal that err nczt doe an the note, un the first day of any month <br />prier. W tnatstrity: Provdrtcvtf, however, That written rtvti.[x.ot an itrientiar to oxrrcise wch privilege is given at Iran[ thirty (let} <br />- - data Wive Cnprrpaymen4 <br />?. That. toyrlher with, and in addition aa, ihr rnanthlY RaYu~ats a[ priraapa! and intrust payabk ututer the. terms of the <br />nee tccurrd ixercltY, the Mlattgagtx wilt pay tv the Mortgagee, an the first day of each month until the Baia note is tufty paid, the <br />fotfawt~ earns; <br />la) Amount suffiaant to Pscrvide iha-tuddcr hviroi wtdt fvttds to tray rhr next ranrtgagr iusurancr }tremiun~ it this <br />- infitruntan'tF amt rim note aaeuteti hereby are iuat[red> ur a montldY charge F[rt lien cljer +ncurgagr inrttranre t•`fl` <br />- rnitttrtj tf tiny axe: bald h}` the Setxetuy of Houshtl4 and Urbar[ fkvelaptrrestt> fulinws: <br />ft! If ar~:~ # ~. ~it~te-ol-- date anti-th-irtatrrarrtenY err Fn~:rtd ar ore teinaared t:edet the pr~r <br />+t+liar~ €,t tet5 e`iEtiL9i#d i#wrxlrtg ArF, 3r# amount £13tflrient Fri a~it9trlUi$€e iF; tilt ttarlds fif the t?ajdrr 'a{IC <br />__.. _ °?TA'Cl:tlt'N[;it(tA~FA <br />.. WMWOiis~ Gpk4uXN ire vN,w~ii - - - - - ... _. -. _ ... .. - _ _. <br />~t1A-.. rn;l+,+t1a 111 <br />