<br />Ltmier's writttn agrtetncnt or applicable Iaw. Borrower shat! pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph ? iserwf.
<br />Amity amounts dishu,-,ed oy Tender puruam to this paragraph 7. with :nxerevt thereon, shall ttecume additional
<br />indeb?cdntss of Borrower resoled hs [hiss *~+.urtgagr. L"-.us Bo-::,=,R. and irn&r agree to otter terms of papmtM. such
<br />amounts shall he payah)t upon notiv-e from Leader to Borrower :zgvesting paymertt ifiereof. and shall liar interest from the
<br />- dart of disbuncmtnt at ?bc rate payable from time to time un outstanding principal under the ?tiote unless payment of
<br />interest as such tale uvvtd be contran to appsicahte law, in ~xbieh pert etch amounts shat) bear interest at the higttcst rate
<br />petsrtissibk under applicable law. Nothing contained is shin paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur grey es:prnst or take
<br />any action htreander.
<br />S. laspect6taa. Czrdtr may make or cause tc i»; made reasonahie trotter upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that Lender shat; give Hunower nitice prier to any such inspection specifying reascnabk cause therefor related to Lender's
<br />- interest in the Property
<br />9. f'ond+etnteattnn. Tlit proceeds .+f am' award ar c;atm for damages. direct or consequential, in connection with any
<br />condemnatiun or oltfer taking of the Prupetty. er part thereof, ur for cnnyeyanct in lieu of condemnation, are hereby asstigned
<br />and sF.al! be paid to Lender.
<br />Tn the e.cnt of a total taking of the Property. rht pets-eels shall bz applied to the ;ums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />wi€h the excess. if any. paid in Borrower. In the evtni of a parii~l taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />orher•.yise ogres in writing, there shall fx applied ro the nsms stcartd M1v this Mortgage such proputticn of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that propanion which the amount of the sum< secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking tear to the fair mattctt value of the Pmpem immediateh• prior rv the date o{ takina, with tht balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />if tree property is abatrdc•ned br Borrower. ur if. after Harter F.y Lender to Harrower that the cendemnar oife~ to make
<br />an award rr ;zttle a c3aim for damages, 8err•.•wer fails m rtspnod ro Leader within 3O days after the dart such notice is
<br />marled. Ltn~Scr is authntiaec; to coiltct and apply the proceeds, at Txnder'< , ptian, either to restoratior, or tenair of lief
<br />Pen-~ r;}- of :o the sums secured by rhts Mart cage. - .
<br />Ltnlass Txrder and Borrower atherwisr agree in •xrttng. an} such application of practeds io principal shall not tstend
<br />ar pr>stpune the due date of the menthh• instaEimrnis referred ro in paragraphs 1 and 'c hereof or cfiange the amount of
<br />sm:h installment€.
<br />ftf. Borrower riot Rr)eased. Extension of she rime for payment or modification of amortizanan of the sums secured
<br />by th;s Mortgast g~anttd by Tender to any successor in interest of Borrower shaft nor operate to release. in any manner„
<br />?h¢: LaM1Hity s.?f the original Borower and Borrower's succesx:r: in interest. Lender ehati nef '.~e reeuired fn commence
<br />proceedings against sveh sn ~assor or refuse to tstcnd time for payment or othetwi,t mndiflf amartizatiun of the sums
<br />stx:ured h4' this Mottgagt bra reawn o£ any demand made by the original Barrcwer :erd Acxmwtrx successors in interest.
<br />t!. Porlx:rance by fender rt@t a WaNer. 4ny forhearancc by Lender in exercising anv tight or remedy huevadtr. or
<br />otherwise afforded by applicable taw, shall ,,^.ot tie a waiver et or pees tudt the exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />The prucuremznt of insuranm cr the payment of rases ar ctrher liens or charges try Lender shall rot ht a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to accetcrare the maivrity of the ~ndebtzdness secured by thin Mortgage.
<br />!1 Rerntttks Cximxitative. A!1 retttedits prn:ided in this 'v,urtgagt arc distinct and cumulative to aay other right or
<br />reined: under this Mu, tgagt ar afforded by !aw nr eeutty. and ma}' he exercised cot.currcntly, independently or successively.
<br />13. Success@rs tad :l~na B@a@d; loin[ and 5evrrai f.iaMYity; Captioeas. "il;c cos~enants and agreements herein
<br />tumarnrd sha31 Hind, xnd ?:.e rights hereunder shah ~nux :c, the respective successors and assigns of T.endtr and Aerrower,
<br />snbjctt to tM: prnvisieas of paragraph 1' hereof Al! covenants and agrczmeats .>f Pn>rrewtr stzaf3 be jaunt and several.
<br />TTtz :options and headings of the paragraphs of this Merzgage are fnr ..vnveriencr only and arc nut in he used to
<br />~. interpntt ar dt:tre fire provisions hereo#-.
<br />!=1, rroeiee. Exccpr for any Holier roquired under appi{.^a!>le taw rn ht river, in another manner. fat anv notice to
<br />Borrc+wer provided for in this Mcrtgaae sha[I ht eiven by mailing sorb Hotter by .:ernfied marl add.rtssed to Borrower at
<br />the Protrtrtg :lddra:t _ a? s:tch o€hcr address as [3orrc>ucr may designate hp. t rive :+.> tender ;:s provided 'Herein. and
<br />ib~ any tli-3ttC-L` ti? Lc'ndCr =s^a.ii M1C YI~Cn !": iCr[tf1e:1 mall, rer::rn `CC21rt rtanSSied. ie L2nder~4 1ddr±"3S 4tatCd 1lCrein Ct _r tQ
<br />_uch orl'tler address as [ettdtr ma+ ,_lesegnste b=~ Helot t, B::rrp~wtr as ,- _:sde!1 hrre;n. -1nc notice provided for in rhls
<br />ktarigagc shall 1„- .?a_m•~i ::: ha•-e !.>tt^ e:v,a to a nowt::-.r !-enlist when -eser. is t~~ ,tar ,er ;~,ievattd herzsr:.
<br />t~. Ltn[larm !Wfnrtggtr; ! arrrais{; [x+rt SerrrabiHly. Phis {n:m of mangage crmbines ::nifnrm ecvtnants fir rational
<br />_ ..use and nott.unitom a~venams with Iituit.• t vsnati_>ns 1>y )ursdict:nn to carstiustt a ^nifcrm security instrument ._o-tiring
<br />real property. This Mortgage shall ix governed by the law +rf the !unsdicuon in which tht Property is Inta[ed. In the
<br />event that any prevision ar clause cif this Mortgage •rr rise Nott cun!h€:s with applicable lau'. such conflict shat! not affect
<br />other provtsiurs of the Mon2agt or the Note which can 'x given effect withers the contTicting provision, and to this
<br />end tbt prnvisiot» rf ~ht Mor?gsgc and the ~,ae are attlared to he severable.
<br />Ib. bor'rower's ('opt. )lorrewtr shall ht furni<hed a canfurnttd copy of the Note and of tfiis Mortgage at the time
<br />of execution or after tcti~?rda'titm hereof.
<br />71. 'J}srgfrr of the Praperq~; Assumption. if alt ur anv part of the Property or an interest thcrtin is sold cr transferred
<br />by Bur,ewer without t.tndtr's pour written ccnx rt, euluding +a) the creation of a lien or encumbrance subordinate io
<br />this Mortgage, t61 the cteauan of a pun:?rax rtxiauy seturtty inserts[ {or household appliances, te) a transfer br deviu,
<br />~. -dcsetnt ur by optratian cf law upnn rite death .r[ .t omt tenant rx td) the grant of arty itasehuld interest et three y<ars or less
<br />not wataiomg an option to purchase., Lender eta}', ai l..ender'c option, declare all the sums secured by this Mettgaet to be
<br />immediately dux and payable. Lrnder shall have watvtd ws:h option to ac«lerate it. prior to the sale or transfer, Lender
<br />and the person to whom the Proper[} is to be sold ..v trattsftrrtd reach agretrnent in writing that the credit of such person
<br />' is satisfactory to Lender and the[ the i@ure,t payable on the sums secured by this Mortgage shall be at such rate its Lender
<br />' shall request. if l.tnder has waived the optioa to acccitratc provided in this paragraph 17, and iF Borrower's successor in
<br />irttrest Cras txtcuted a written assumption agrecmcnt accepted in writing hY Lender, Lender stta6 r@kast Burrower from al[
<br />obligations ^nder this Muttgagt and the Note,
<br />if T,tttdet txtrcises stash option to accelerate, l_cndtr shall mail Borrower notice of acceleration in accordance with
<br />parairaph 16 hereof Etch notice shall provide a pertud of as less than 3t7 days from the daEe the twtece is mailed within
<br />wttich LL_rn:wer nta~r +_ r~ ~a.~,s y~la;;`! d:;c_ [f Bortt~r~nu folks +u pay such ¢ums prior to the ezpira€ion n` such ptric>d.
<br />T,zndzr may, without htrtt?tr notice cr ~kmsnd cr;t T-lc::ewer, :evoke any 2medtts pcrmn€ed by paragraph 18 hereof.
<br />Nna-liwrtatw Lavers anTs. Bxirrowtr and f_tnder fiur,M:r eovtnant and agree as foflowa:
<br />- fli. AtClitflltiaO; Ittmabea, IcY€tpt ~ prtWided ixi p%a~t'Cph !'~ tltxl'@t, 3pOII ~@rrOrYCtR hCC9Ct1 Of ibY C9t'Hranf @r
<br />- aitesat of barterer fe the Hortgtgte, ieciettitpf the c@rcaaMa to paY w>us doe oar rums sum a{ by ttt# Miertpgtr,
<br />t.eadtr prbr ro st€eikt:ti@a ~ Holier to Borrower as prodded fa pmrrRroph i4 bareof spceifyitg{: (U the hrraah;
<br />- -t2) dfe st#irsa regnited ro €art ash tarenrh; f3; s-fit, net Wss fhb J9-dtt{ys from the delis Mee noth:e ~ mar&d to Borrower.
<br />by ~rhich sa€h hreacA taxiaa be caR~; sad {iy ~ fro$nre !n ewe atreh Bresth @a or isefatt the daft sperlBsd io the notice
<br />ratty rewM la atceferstiea a! ttce wins treated ley thin M1iwigaggs, fnreeimtwe by }tn)kid procxniittb smf s:k of tbs Pnperry.
<br />'l'ilt aatlre ahaAT ttulhtr imlorsa borrower of flit right W tsbast:te alias trcrehsation +trtd the rt$hl to atsiert i$ the forstimtuN
<br />prowadhry fps tta,tesisips:,r nl a dtlsadt w aaY WttK defstrss of Bttreowtr to tt€c:krati@n and fereeMaurs, H tttt bet%h
<br />-~ ant €ttrld iMa @r bdose the AYe specttlxd 4n Fbe erotitt. l.tadit W -Lender's @ptian Holy dcetart ~ ~ 419e soma 9tcartd by
<br />41?it 144mlpat fa bt imneeA3,attty due red peynhk withua! furehtr deatsad aad may forscbss by }ndit~t proettdl~. i,rader
<br />afssY rte its ~ tef~r~t fa ~aeh. prstyttHtHt ab txpsxitKSC al forteissarc, iui~i+ Are art titrd6rd ea coals o/ dacomerdiq
<br />~., ~-~a ~ t~ :rte:-e.
<br />la- sv. ~ '-. a~s• tq H>E#ROtrst!€_. -:l.sRwithstl<.ctzug Ec+tdtr`s :xis~trstcrn c$~ t~ surna an-attrti by rlt€v Mortgage.
<br />-Borrvu+et slsalf hers ryes ri>I;Mt tsi travt a@v prot~dtngr +an by l.cruter to tnfcxce thn Alortaa:=e d~vctietttei at an}~ errt~
<br />