SO-- ~~
<br />littrrarete CF.,vetsnxrs. Hortovrtr atxt Leader covtnanr and agrce as follows:
<br />i, Paymrttt of Prtaefpai ated Iffieresa. Borrower shall prompUV pay w-hxn due rht principal of and inixrtst on the
<br />itxiebtetiruss evidertctd oy ii`:c- :'.*.Me, pr_r_ymsnt attd late ctratges as provided in the Vote, acrd the ptincipal of artd intereu
<br />on any Future .4dvaaus secured by this Mtrgage.
<br />d. ilrtsrb feu Teases ttpd Iasermtz. 3trbjtu to appiicab}e }aw or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender on leer day monthly irrsta}Itrttms of prtrxipai and interest are payable under the Nott, until the Nate is paid in tali,
<br />- a seem (herein "Fturda"1 xgtral *.o one-twelfth a€ the yearly caees and assessments 'which may attain priority over this
<br />lbfortgagL. and ground vines an thx Property, if any, plus alto-twelfth r,[ yearly premium installment for ha~aral insurance,
<br />plus one-twelfth of yesrly premium installtnsnts for trutrtgage ittsitnnce, it any, alt as reasnnabiy estimated initially and from
<br />time to time by I.utdxr an the basis of assessments and hilts and rsasonablx estimates thereof.
<br />The Futtds shalt tse held in an instiituien the dto. omits or accounts of which are insured ar guaranty by a Federal ar
<br />state agency f inc;uding Lender t# Linder is s»ch an irtatimtion}. [xader shall apply the Funds to pap said taxes. assessments,
<br />Stisurance premiums and grotmd vials. i-ender may not charge fur sa holding and applying t!te Funds, analyzing said account,
<br />or vxrifying arrd compiling said asr;casirtents aru3 bills., unless Linder pays Borrower interest on the Funds and. app}iaWt law
<br />pensitta Lender is make such a charge. Barzawei and Lender may agrtt in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Morgage that interest on iCx Funds shat( Ix paid to Horrarvxr, amt unless such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />- requites stint interest to 6e paid, Lender sha3i nor be required to pay Harrower any interest ar earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />` shall give to @crrowtr, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Futtds and the
<br />- purpose i.;r which each debt; to the Funds was made. The Funds are pled3ed as additional security for the sums soured
<br />- by this Mortgage
<br />If ttx amount ot` the Ftmsis held by Lender, together with ihx future monihiy instattrnents of Funds payable prior to
<br />- *.ht dye dates of texts, assessments, ittsuranc:e premiums and ground :ems, shall exceed the amotmt required to pay said taxes,
<br />- ,~;~,==~yc+. ensure,-,~ prmizr.~s -anti g~.sund rots as tittp fat} dtte. such excess shat} be, at B^rrowers option, either
<br />gtarapt}y repaid ro Bexmwxr or rsedired to Bctxower an monthly :nsta!lments of Fuctds. If the .ttrtount. of the Funds
<br />hek! Isv Lrndu shall not be stttf}rimi to gay taxes, assessments, iosurance prtmrums and ground rents as they fall due,
<br />Harrower shat; pay in Lender any amount necessatry to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />~;y Lxtidtr to Borrasrer tequestrng Rnyrrrnt thereat. -
<br />U}wn Ray meat in full of a!! sutas secured by this Mortgage, lender shall promptly refund to Borrower arty Fonda
<br />Grid by Lendrr. If under paragraph 7 S !trrcoti the Properr+ is sold or the Property is Mher++ise acquired by Lender. Linder
<br />she}} apply. na iarer than immedrateip poor to the sale of the Property or its acquisition by Lender, any Funds held by
<br />Letuirr at the nrnt of appiir:nrion as a credit agatttsc the our:^. secured by this Liorzgage.
<br />', 3. appi(~n of P:ymesta. l~nia`ss applicable taw provides otherwise, all paymmrs reezive-ni by Lender under the
<br />- Vote and ,;,aragrapit, :and ?hereof shah bt applied 6y Lrndtr tzrst in Rayment of amaums payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />- under paragraph Z ?teruy,:, then to interest aayahlc on the tine, then to the principa of the Nair. and thin to interest and
<br />pcnt:pal ar any Fuharz rttfrances.
<br />- d. C4seIIes: Liras, Borrower ,halt pay ssH taxes. assessments :rod other cltar3es. hoes and rmpositians attributable ro
<br />the Fropeny xhich may attain a priority over this Afongage, and leasehold payments ar ground rents, if any. in the manner
<br />- pmv:dtd under aaragraph Z iteraf or. cf am pard in such manner, by Borrower making pavmxnt, whin dux, directly to the
<br />- payce thctxat. Barrowxr shall promptly fW msh co Lender :ill nouces of amounts due under this paragraph, and in the event
<br />Harrower sha37 make payrttent dirrct.'y. Harrower .stall pzompti}• fu2+ish to Lender receipts evidencing such paynr_nt-s.
<br />@orreuer shall promptly dtschurge any Ian which has pnarity aver this Marzgage: provided, that Borrower shall oat 6e
<br />- regw~ is ~+-:s'-barge any -=ut:, ;ion so long as Harrower sitnit agree in a-rung to the payment ct the obligation secured try
<br />suclr hen is a mnntur accxprablr m L~der, ar shat.'- m goad Faich contest c,tch Iitn by. ar dttend enforcement of such tiers in..
<br />ttgttl ptzxeetiings which operate to prevent ihx enforcemxnt of the Iron ar farferture of the Property nr any part thereof.
<br />z. Iflaxasd Imnrststr. Eorraucr sfsa}l kelp lye :mprt:vrmrnts rvu- estst,-ng ar herxaitxr erxertd an iht Proprny insured
<br />agairut i;y fire. haxartis inc}vdrsi withic the term "'extended coverage-, anti saeh rr_htr F.a arils as Len:frr-mac reuvire.
<br />atxci to sixh :uucaunts and rte soh periods :t. l.emkr may require. Rrnvided, -<ttat ?.ender vhaii not require that the amatuat t+f
<br />sucl^ ~sttragt esc-trd thyt amosttt „t .overage r~gsu Eu +u nay the 443rrta ~iur d by tbrs ~icrtgagt=_
<br />'. ~. Tf:t insurancx cartxr providing the insurance shall ire chnsett by @oaowsr suhlect to aparavat 6v Lender. provtdtd
<br />_- - that sack sppravai sttali not be uar°asoaabIv wittthrid Alf pem:ums in insurance }xilicies .hall Lie paid nr the mrznntr
<br />provided under paragraph 2 hereof ur, ~£ aoi pard in suctt tnaneier, by Borrower makrng payment, when due, c}irecdy to the
<br />_ msu: ante carrier.
<br />All insuranx policies and renewals thereat shalt 6e in farm acceptable to Linder and shall include a standard mungage
<br />clause in favor nt and m form acceptable to Lender. Lender shut} have the ngiu n, hold the pslicies and renewal. themaf.
<br />- sad Harrower +tsail promptly furnish to Lxndxr ail renewal notices end ail receipts <,t paid premnrms- In the even[ of loss.
<br />Born>wer shalt give prompt natter to the usurance <:arnxc utd }.ender. Lendrr may makx prxt[ o[ Tsars it not madt Rromptlp
<br />by Renewer.
<br />Ltriltna Lender anti Bonavrtr athrrwise agree ,n writrttft. insuratne proceeds shall be applied to :awra[ion ar repair of
<br />tine FropsYrv damaged_ provi -+ctd str.h rrsturatian ar repave is rcartamecally frasrbie arri the security of etas Mortgage is
<br />'~, ~t thereby~impatred. }f such rxsmraisan ur rcparr is nut econamicallp fzasible or it the security of ibex Mortgage would
<br />M: impaered, the mmrattee pnxeeais shall be appiitd io the sstrtrs secured by this Nangagc. ~~ith the excess, i[ unv, pard
<br />~, tsr 73crrvwrr. It tits Property is aha»doned lay @errnwer, or tt @orzawxr tarts to respond to Leorier within t3 bays from ihx
<br />date rwtice n mailed by I..ender to Harrower =hat eht ensurance earner vtlen ts> scale a claim for insurance benefits, Lender
<br />'~ .s atnLarrzal to cufkct and apply the rnsuratecr protxeds at Ltrtders uptsan Heber to resWrattitn or rcparr of the Progeny
<br />.r to t~ sua~~veursd by than Martgitgr.
<br />~, t~ulaxs Lrttder and Btxratver ethrrsvise agrce :n wrrttnp- any welt appluatxnt cY pncreds to pnrnapal -6a]I not extrtui
<br />. cr paupastt the due date rsf the rzwnthly iostaUmettt3 retcrsni to in paragraphs l anal ? hxrea[ oc change the amount of
<br />sasc3t ;nstallments. tf urulQ psragraph i8 fiusof the Property iv :uytarcd b} Letulet, alI rcght, tide attd interest at @arrciwxr
<br />to alert is anY insurance policies and in and in the proceeds YAtrtsct resulttitg from damage to the Property prior to the sale
<br />_ ar aivlaatnan shat} pgsx i_r I.:~r is _~ Rv;r£t ~L u~~~ --~::trt~l. TY tam .'-~.s.-utgagr s~crnediateiy peter ta- such sate ar
<br />aequtsttton.
<br />- 0. YennvaUon aid 37>•ieteiaiace of Fra~estr; Lraatdwtdtg f'~ pt~ U~ Develttptarnts. Harrower
<br />'~ siwll keep the Pzoprtay in gaud rzpair attd sltaU mil ctxmait waste or garrote rmpatrttttttt ar deterioration of Ute Prapeny
<br />- and a.`eall comply wsth tfre provisions of any ttaae it etas ftiartgagt is .-,o a ltaaehalai. if this Aiongage is an a emit in a
<br />-c€~darilsiAtuflt ar a piaaaed unit. devtla}sttsetsk Barresver shall perform aI; a{ @orrewrr's abltyatrans under the cixclaratian
<br />- ur tovtnastts etxaung or gavrrmng the c'txidwniuiuns ar planrrtti ,snit deveistpmtrtt, the by-laws anti regulations at the
<br />- - ~s:crstiraturtt of tined- unit =~veiv-paar:nt, and :oFr;rrtusnt dacuntents, tt a cunduminitrm or pianrrd unit .ievelopmmt
<br />- tadcr iE exrtaiecl b} @or~roarr and rtwrded ragtther wuh this Maxigage, the cevtnants and agreements of Such rider
<br />- shalt tic rneorpacattd rtNO and shalt :ar etad aid sszgpL~ttteut ttrc covwtanta sad agrxtmtnts of thu h/artgage ax rt odor
<br />arse n part hrFOaf.
<br />T, prnrea'sisn eI Ltte~a'a SnrxiCy, If @arrowrr falls to perform the cavxnaetts and agreements e;.rmatned in this
<br />ltlc><tgage> t+r tt aug atiixR3n u-r p~`eedtng ix cctttatettcrd which materiaUp affects LetaleYs ~nternt in ;hx P*aperty.
<br />nkludsrrg, C.rt nt;t lfmrtxd ttz, xt'nraetn donsairs., irixata'ency, ~`+de rnforeerntnt, nr artangtnrtxuts ar prcnatdia*.gs ;nvalving a
<br />- hsakr•:rpt ,3r :3et:rr3~t, then-Lxtstl~er at Lerakr'c aptstm up ra- rwacc ur H~rrcrwxr, inat ma's-e stxfi appearartct:, dishtirse such
<br />srat:s ansl tale swtfi acttart as is ncctssary .n ptotn~t I.tndafs utivrtst. itx:ltadtng. but oat hntitdt ta, ,tisiratxtnreat of
<br />-°~•~saa~it atsntrusy's Sys :sa$ xnkry tsprisx- ilw Prrepxrsp to itxaie rep.,.rs. #! Lander rcv{uired rrongagt insurattcx ac x
<br />c.~sr-~att cf a,n3 '~ ~--:~.' !'~ ='S`va Mcxag , ~:~, Khali Rx` L~ i±rArntxsrrts rrati to :nat. taro. = =,.n
<br />rmua ns~ itt Ft~-l r~;iil =~h ~~. 'ice ;~::."n.~ni £,"i -.•.~.h`31~e ~t naves t>< acbzrru'attrc with Harrrwrs-: .rnsi
<br />