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<br /> 5. lirrard ur Pn�}�erty I�wu'�nce. E3orcaw�er stul! l�ep che in�+r�ncnxnts �ww existin� ur hercuAer erect�l c�n thc
<br /> Pr��x.ny inwr�a�:inst loss by firr. tu-tarJ� ictclutled w�ithin ttu term "crlct►Jed �o��er.iyc" �xi�uir• �ul:��•1►��.��, i►ktwli►�t
<br /> fl►wJ.ur fl�wd�ng, for v►hicl�lw:ixkr r.�u:+�s i�t►uc,u�.�. 7'his i�uuranre shall t�t n�:iinuincd in the m�awnts ancl for tAe�eriodc
<br /> that L.e�xler reyuires.Th.�in�urance carrier pra�•iding the'inwnuke slw�l be rho�en by&xn�wer�ubject to L.e�xier's;►pprovul
<br /> which �fl not be unreasonabl�• withheld. If Borrau•er fails to nuintain co��crage �fcuribal ;iba��c. l.axlcr m;►y, at Lendu's
<br /> uption.obt�in coverage to protect Ixnder'.righcc in the Property in ucoiYia�xe w�ith p:u�r;iph 7.
<br /> All ins��rwxc policies arui r�ncwals .h�ll M :�ccpiab!c to I..:ndcr::nd s1u11 inrludc a �tan�rd nx�rtgagc cl:�usc. E.cixler
<br /> sttiall t�cc the righi to holJ tht pulicies and reoewals. if'Le�xf�r r��yuirc.�.Rori•.iwer shzll prw�iptly gi�•c to Leixler all rm:ipts of
<br /> paid prenuunu an�l renewal notires. I�i the event of loss,Rorn>wcr ahsll gi�e prompt notice to the insurance c�rrier and lxnder.
<br /> Z.cnd�:rcay m�1:c ��mnf�f loss if n�1: nude promp:ty by FSoirowcr.
<br /> Unless L:ndrr ancf Borrower otherwise agree in u•nting, insurunee proceeds shall t►e:y�pliai to restor.uian or repair of the
<br /> Property damaged, if the restoration or repair is economically feasible anci Le►uler'a �urity i�iwi l�csenad, lf thc r�stora:ion or
<br /> rnpair is not ecwtionucally f�asible or l,encfer's security woutd be tessened.the iiuurance pmceeds shall be appliod to the wme
<br /> secured by this 5ecurity Inst�nt, w•hether or �at then due, with uny excess paid ta Borrawcr. If Borrow•er abanda�the
<br /> Pst�{.+erty. OI C�0?5 !WI tl.�1SKC!wlU11A �dayv a�xuice frc►m Lender that the insurnne�carrier hac oifered to seule u claim,then
<br /> Lend�:r may� cc�llec:t the insurarx�e procceds. L,ender may use the ptoceeds ro repair or mstore the Propetty or to pay sunu
<br /> ucured by this Sccurity Instrument, whether or nat then due.The 30-da}period wiU begin when the notice is givea.
<br /> Unless Lecv3�::a►sd Hc�rrower ottierwise a�►ti:�. in writing, any �ptir.:tion of proceeds tc► priacipal shall not extend or
<br /> pcxupone the due cS�te of the monthly payments mferrod to in paragr.�,.n�►c Z and 2 or eliange dtie amount of the paym:.nts. IE
<br /> uc�icr p,iragraph 21 the Propeny is acquired by:.ender, Bom�wcr's right to a+ny insuran�:e policies and procecds resultic►�from
<br /> d3.��to the Propedy prior to the acquisition shall pass t�l.es�3er to the extent of the wms secured by this Se�:urity tnsttvment
<br /> imm.�►:iately pri�r to the acquisitian.
<br /> 6.OccuQa�:�•.Prcservatlon,Msiute�utnce and ProtectIon of t6e Property;BorroK•er's I.o�w Applicativa, l,easel�olds.
<br /> Botrower shalb��.upy,establish,and use the Property as Borrow�er's principal msidence within sixty days aRer the execution of
<br /> this 5��:urity iiutrument and s}�I!continue to cecupy the Ps.��erty as Bonower's pricxipat residenee for at leasi woe yea�'after
<br /> tht 3�te af oceapancy,unless L.ender oU`�eswise agrees in wciting, which wnset►t sha:l i��f be unreasonably witl�llcl,or unkss
<br /> exteaua�iag circ�xttitances exist which ure beyond Borrower's control. I3orrower sliall not desuo�, damage c� im�air the
<br />" Pro�t}. ailow t�`�:Pruperty to deteriorate, or eommit waste an the i'roperty. Borrower shall be in J�fault if any forfeitute
<br /> actic�-aF proce-�;eir�;,whether civil or crimin�l,is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment cwld result in forfeiture of�'�.
<br /> prc�cn��.v�rrv�ise materially im�air the lien creates!by this Security Inctnunent or I.erxkr's security inierest.S��miW er m3r
<br /> ctsre�s:�a.3�.h�3!and reinstate,z�provided in paragraph 18.by causing the action or procealing to be dismisssd�'s'�lt� ruling
<br /> ttkz, in l:��i.:r,r• ��od faith detem►inuion, precludes forfeiturc nf the Borrower's interest in the Property or other mzteru+l
<br /> iisY+:�sea eS tfi��ien creatad by this Stcuriry Itutrument or Lender's security interat. Borrower sh�ll also be in de�'ault i�6
<br /> Boraau�r,durin�,�:'`k Roan app;ication process,gave materially false or inaccurate inform�tion or stateme+us to L.ender(or fai�9
<br /> tv��ti,i3:Lender v`ith any material informztion)in connection with the lou�evidenced by the Nou. iticludiag.buL aot limitai!
<br /> tQ.i+.l�rtxentaiions coaoenuag Borrower's occupancy of che Property as a prineipal residence.If this Stcurity IRSuuuxau is on a
<br /> least;zu3d. Borrov�er shall co��+y with all the provisiorts a�f the lease. If Bornower aa�uires fee titk W the �"erty, the
<br /> lessctwld at�d the t�ae titte shall not merge un!ess Lender agrees to the merger in writing.
<br /> 7.P.v�d'wa ot i,e�der's Itiahtc io tLe Ptwaatv.If Borrower fails tu perform tbe oovets�tus�t a�raamnts ooataitted i�
<br /> t1�is Su:urity instrunxni. oe tt�e is a legal proce�d:ng t�t may significantly affect I.uider's righs�in tlsz Progeriy(such as a . ._
<br /> procne+,;ing in bankruptcy,probate, for oondenumtion or�urC..:ture or to enforce laws oc regulations). then Lender aay do and
<br /> pu�Eor whatever is neces�ary to protect the value of the G'�uperty and Lender's righu in the Property. LeiuZer's ac�aac may
<br /> includa paying aa}+ sumc secured by a lien which has priority over this Serurity Instrument, appearing in ��;�,t, payia�t
<br /> reasonable�ttocst�:rs fees and eiuuing on the Property to m�lce repairs. Aithough I.ender m�y take actioa uader this pu�gr.{�C
<br /> 7,Ltadtr does rna1�a.ive to do so.
<br /> Any amo¢nu dlsburse�3 6y Lender under this par.���ph 7 sh�ll beoome addidor�al debt of Borrower secx:.-ed by this
<br /> Sec.u'scy Inurua�ent.Unless Bo:n�wer u�d i.ender�gree to ca��er terms of p�yment. t!�amounts shall bear in0..�r�t from the
<br /> • d�te of disbursemeat at the Note rau and sh�:be payabte, w�itln ir.r��c�ess, upon moti,�e from I.eocter eo Borcower rcquating
<br /> P�Yment. �
<br /> 8.Muri�e In�urxnoe.If Lender requre�mortgage insuru�ce as a oondition of making the loan securod bv ttiis Security
<br /> IcTStr�;ateiu, Botrc�wer sl�ll pay the premiwns required co Qaintain the mortgage inwrarxe in effect. If. for�y Kacon,the
<br /> �"�a,ge inuuance wverage re�quired by Lender lapses cti o�ses to be in effect.Borrowu sl�ll pay the prensiuizvs txquirod to
<br /> obpan coverage subst�ntially equivalent to the mortgage i^skrance previously in effect,at�cosi wbstantially er,cts•��leai to the
<br /> cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect, from�n altecnate crartgage incurer appnoved�y l�nder. If
<br /> se:bstaiuially equiv�leot mortgage insurance oovorage is not available,Sccrowu shall pay to I.ender each month a sum equal to
<br /> o�;t-twelfth of the yeuly mortgage insurance premium beir.�paid by Borrower when the insur�t�e coverage lapse�'or cezsed W
<br /> b�e iueffax.L.aider will accept,use aad�tain these payme�s.as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage idsurrnoe. Y.ass reserve
<br /> Forna 3028 9/90
<br /> hp�8of 6
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