<br />To HavE :ixa To Hotn the same unto the lortgagee, as herein provided. .1ortgagor represents to,
<br />and covenants with, the lVicrtgagee, that the ~iorigagor has good right to sell snd convey said premises;
<br />that they are free from encumbrance, except as hereinot}tarssise recited; that. t-he Mortgagor sc•ill e-anant
<br />and defend the same against the lawful claims of ail persons svhoittscx~s•cr. \lortgagor hereby relinquishes
<br />(~ alt rights of homestead, all marital rights, either in ]ass' or in equity, and all other contingent interests of
<br />the lortgagor in xnd to the above-described premises.
<br />PROVIDEi3 ~t,tt~ay:, and these presents are executed and delivered upon the foiloss•ing conditions, tot
<br />vrit:
<br />Aiartgagor agrees to pay to the ~lortgagee,or or-cter, the aforesaid principal sum with interest from dxttt
<br />at the rite of Thirteen per centum (ld. a <) per annum on the unp:.id U:alance until paid.
<br />The said principal and inteitst shall be pti.eble at the otlice of Mortgage Plus ircor rated
<br />~ Englewood, Colorado , or at such other place as rite holder of the ttote pray designate in
<br />writing delivered or mailed to the \Iortgager, in monthly installments of Four Hundred Forty One and
<br />59j1O0tlts Dollars (~ 941.09 ), . onimenring on t he iir: i da}• of Play , 19 Ss~ ,and continuing ern
<br />the 5rst da)• of each mwrtlr thereafter until satid rn±e is folic l;:aid, except that, if not sooner paid, the final
<br />pa_smtent of principaal and interest shall t~ duo <~nd payable on the first day of Rpril 2010 ;all
<br />according to the terms of a eer•taiu pntmisory rote of es-en d.;ie het-oscith executed be the said :4lortgagor.
<br />The llfortgagor fu,•t}.,^t• agn~s:
<br />1. He sviH pal life indebtecltiess, as iterrinbei~.re provided. i rivilege is reserved to prepay at auy
<br />time, without. premium or frt, the e*stire, inda~btedrr:ass s=r sac paart thertrof not less than the amount of one
<br />installment, ar one huadrnl dollars ($104.44), whichever is le,;. Prepayment in full shad be credited on
<br />the date received. Partial prepayment, other tlrazi on aza installment due date, nerd not rte credited until
<br />the next following installment due date ar thirty- dot's after such prepayment, whichever is earlier.
<br />i'ogetiter with, snd in additic;n to, the monthly payments of principal and interest payable under
<br />the terms of the mate u~rured hereby, Itfortgagiu• will lua}• to 3iortg;tgtr, :rg trustee, (under the term, of this
<br />trust as hereinafter stated) on the first day of each month until said Hate is full}- paid:
<br />{u) ~ sum equal u? the gn~vnd rants, ii anr, nest ,iue, phis the premivnts that will nazi Ix~come due
<br />and pacattk csa Ik~lities of firs and outer ]tnzard insutaance ca~cering the mortgaged propert}',
<br />plus ta_tes sad a~~~sntents next due on the mnr-igageil properiv (all as estimated bg the 31ort-
<br />gagee, and csf s+hieh rite \iortgagor is notified 1 less all sums already paid therefor divided by
<br />the numtter• of months u; eiap.~e ba~fore lino- masuth prior to the date when such gntund yenta,
<br />prenaiams, rasa-< and awes-rna•rrts :rill irt•i omc ,delinquent. such sums to be held by Mortgagee
<br />in trust to pa)- ;aid grc>:ntd a'tnts, pirmiums, taxes and sgeeiat asscsrnents.
<br />!hl The aggregate rof ih=,~ arz~otnus paraiil<~ pursuant to _~trbparagraph (ca) and those payable on the
<br />note sai•urrci la<•t•c•b~, shall l,H• Ik"aid in a singly ]tarmri=t each month, to tse applied to the follow-
<br />ing item-, itr the t~rder statt~,-i
<br />tt} gre~unsl i•<-nts, tasc:, a:•~•asments, Ill•r` and other }ra;:ard insurance In-emiuars;
<br />irt) intr:;~3I un thc• note src-3~r-~•d hereltr ;and
<br />(nli -i?tie,l•t s7attvn o; ti*~ principal o! Said note.
<br />any des<•irnc. ~a the flirt!=u_at ,.f a:n} sorb aggro-gate maritlily parmtmt sham, ur_'ass made good
<br />by fire ~urt~u~ n' PriP.r t,y ti,<= du;~ ,late of rho nest such lvsyment, a-tsnstiiutt an event of default
<br />under this m<.i t~~sge. ~z ~iortgags^e's optii~n, lt~~riganaa u-iil ]say a -`late charge" oat exceed-
<br />ing fc~trr pi r s, rtunt i l`.) i f anr install ntent tslien Patti mcsre than fifteen t 15) days after the
<br />due date- ti:rra~:~f tit rover thc~ csts-a c-•xiterise invc~lvc~si in handlinKdelinyuent lurrments, but such
<br />..tom,=tr eharrt" ::lamp a~< :~ lair,°able a,~~ isf t"iii= ptxn~': s;x anr sale ttiRde tcj sstisfti the indebted-
<br />ne3., s<~s•ur:=d he•ta-try, vnk;s such pt•~x<~•=7; arc sutficia•nt its disehtuy;t' thz entire indebtedness azid
<br />all piri+p<r gusts and expenses :.ax ureat titer>bp•
<br />3. if the tsafai of ifae ~}°m~nts n=ode by the Mortgagtr vnckr iQI of paragraph 3 preceding sh$Il
<br />exceed the aa3ovnt of papmenfs actaally made by t#se Alortgag~. as trtLCta~, for grnurd rants, taxes and
<br />asse~aerita or insuranme premiums„ as the rase may ire, such excess shall be credited by the Aortgagee
<br />arc s~agt~at payments to be made by the blortgtigxtr fry such itetTLS or, at Mortgagee's rption, a5 trustee.
<br />~+all be mfundad fa Ic{oztgagtu. If, herx-ever, sudr mttntlily payments shah Hat ire sufficient to pay such
<br />i~t>sms when rite same sfrall become dine and p~vattle, then rite ilorif,,~agor shall pay io the Mortgage, as
<br />trastse; anr amottnt noeessan to naakr up #Ire defie•iercy within tltirt~° 1301 dais after writtru entice from
<br />the'~iQa~agee sfiitirtg the ,awunt a~f the deficierscy, which notice may be given by mail. If at any time
<br />the MarZgagur .shall tender to the 3Santgagte, in acrxtvtanre with the provisions of the note savored
<br />. full ps,}meat of rite ea#irt• iad~dt#etlness reprrsrnted thereby, the ?riorigagce. as trustee, shall,
<br />is us<apittang t aamvnt of s> it_+debtedn credit t€t tiro account as*" the hortgagor any credit balance
<br />at;~n~ated under rite pmvsaierass tsf ta) cd' paragraph ~ hert+of. if there shalt be a default under any
<br />of the s ~ Elvis rttos2gage r~nt#ing in a public sale of the premises cor-ered hereby, ar if the
<br />Ym~age>ir ae+gsirea tare pr+upetty ather•ca-ise after default, the 9fortga~, as trustee, shah apply, at the
<br />fame ~ the ~ni of auc3t pt•~edings, or at the time the property is otherwise acquired, the
<br />amoaai tit rxmaiaietlt is credit the ~artgagor under {na of paragraph 2 preceding, as a credit on the
<br />iatex•~ aer~d sad unpaid and rite balance to the principal than remaining unpaid on said note.
<br />•l. 'Cite ilea of this instt•umetit shall remain in full force and eiTect during an}- postponement or extrn-
<br />sioa of the time of ga}-meat of the indebtedness or any part thereof Secured hereby.
<br />a. $e will ~ all ground rents, faces, assP.>`.~sa.,ts, water rates, and other governmental or munici-
<br />pal eharSga, fines, or impositions, lec:,d upon said pra••misea and that he tcdll pay all taxes levied upon this
<br />muitgage, or fbe deb! serurrd thereby, #ag,+ether with any other taxes or assessments which may be levied
<br />undertbe~wsof hlebraskaagsinstthQ?11ort~agee, or the legal holder of said principal note, on account of
<br />this ind~s#edness, txeept when payment for all such items has theretofore been made under (a) of para-
<br />graph ~ hereof, and he will promptly deliver the o#Iieial reczipts therefor to the 3ortgagee. In default
<br />thereof fhe Mortgagee may pay the same.
<br />