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_. <br />v.. sra aaass t8w Isan1 31-O1-0319 NI!:~R.Aag~ <br />December 1973. Uae Optional <br />$aelinn 1810. 14W i3. 0.3.0. <br />~ Est Natlonaf <br />MIORTGAGE <br />8Q-- ;p~~i~s <br />Tst$ lN_QRTGAGfi, trade and executed this 13th day of March , A. D. 19 80 , <br />by and betu~en Louis Jit11 Milxsr, a single person <br />of the County of hall , anu State of Nebraska, hereinafter called the Mortgagor, and <br />tiortgage Pius Incorporated <br />a corporation organised and existing under the laws of the United states of America , <br />hereinafter called the 3ortgagee, <br />R7ITA7ESS£TH :That Mortgagor, for and in consider a[ion of the sum of Thirty Nine Thousand Nine <br />Hurnlred atsd Ufl/100ths ------ Doliar~ ($ 39,9fl0.00 ). paid by Mortgagee, the receipt of <br />u-hich i, hereby acknu~•ledged. has Granted and Sold and bc= these presents does Grant. Bargain, Sell, <br />assign, Caln~je~• and Lunflrm untc the iu`origagee, its successors and aasi~..s, funver, foilvf:.Sa- <br />de~ribed propert~•, Situated in the County of H~,l ,and Stara of Nebraska. to wit: <br />Lai One ll)r in Block Four 14), in South Grand Island, Aall County, Nebraska. <br />also krlo3un as: "~2 S_ Sycamore. Grand islandrNE 58801 <br />of the Siztdr Priaclpal Mer9dian, exntaimitlg in all city property , <br />with t#1e agptt~ thereto behinging and all flxturea r1OSr or hereafter attached thereto or <br />aced ie annnectina vrith the grrasisna herein described and it1 addition thereW the following-described <br />~, ~lticb ar•e, arld shell he deemed ta be, fixtures and a part of the realty, and are a <br />poriia-a of the aeeuritS for the itldebtadrte3s herein mentioned <br />