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If under paragraph 18 hereof t-he Propertl- is Bald or the Propert,,• is otitcrwise acquired be• T,endxc Lender <br />shall apply, no later than immediate}p grior to the sale of the Properly or its acquisition by Lender, env Funds <br />held by Lender st the time of spplieatSOn ss a credit against the scuts secured he this \Iortgage- <br />3. Application of faymeats. Unless a}',plicable }sn prosides othern•isr, all payments received hp Lender <br />under the Note sad , aragraphs ]and 2 hereof shall he applied by Lcndcr first. in pa}-menu of amounts payable to <br />]:ender by Borrower under paragraph 3 hereof, then to interest Payable on the \ote and on Future Advances, if <br />any, and then io the principal of the Noie ants io the lsrineipsl ni Fntttre Advances, if any. <br />9. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall psc all +ases, asse~sment_c and other charges, fines snd impositions attrih- <br />utable to the Property which racy attain s prierit-y over this Mortgage, and ground tents. if say, at Lender's <br />option in the ntanrer provided under paragraph 2 bean;' nr by Harrower making payment, n•hen due, directly to <br />the payee thereof. Borrower shall paamptl-,- furnish to Lender alt notices of amounts due under this paragraph. <br />snd in the went. Borrower shall make }syntent direr*.h, Borrower shall promptly iuntisi: t-a Lender receipts evi- <br />deneing such payments, Borrower shsil prnmptiy discharge any- lieu n•hielt has Priority over t-his \fortgnge; pro- <br />tided, trtai Borrower shal3 not be trquimi to disci;srge am- such Lien so long as Borront=r shall agree to writing to <br />^~ the payment of the obligation securt>ti bg such lien in a manner secentable to Lender. or shat! in goad faith contest <br />~-%~ such lien bc, or defend enforcement of suc1, lien in, Icga} },nceedin;s which o},crate to Present the enforcement of <br />the 3ien nr torieeiture of the Propene or :u;v part taereoi. <br />S. Hazard insuraaee. Borrower si:sll keel ti;c tat: rote:nests now existitt, or hereafter erected on the Prop- <br />erty insurcvl against loss be fim, hazards included withit: the tern: "~etended cocersge". and such other hazards as <br />? etxfertusy require and in suzh amnuztts stal fur sari: ;,e:'tads ;te Lender tuay inquire: pnicided, tltsf Lender shall <br />. not. require That the amount of suzh ca, aragr ,•~e ~d th t amount of coseragc aquirevl to pay the sums secured-by <br />;his ~fortgage- <br />The tnsutxtsce carrier i?roridittg tite ivsuraure sl,ai 1+e chase±: hr Borrower sul,jeM to appmcal by Lender; <br />pro.-ided, that sorb spprossl shall not b-r unreasonabir wiihiteid.:lIl premiums at: insurance policit'; shall be paid <br />st. Lender: option in the manner e,raridx~ti under ;,arsnpi: ' hereof or be Borrower ntakin}; payment, when due, <br />dizeciiv io the insurance carrier. <br />In ilse event any po&cy is not renewed on or before ten days of its expiration, the Lender. to protect <br />its irtierat, may procure inwrance an the improcemenis, pa>- the premium: and such sum shall become <br />instnealiate3c due and ~yabfe with irttere,t a± ihr rate set Earth in said note untit paid snd shall be <br />secttred b.• thi. 'liortgage. Failure: b>• Borrawxrr to comply ma}•, at option of Lender, cansfitute a default <br />tt~der rite teens of this ~'fort.t~g°. <br />.SIT insurance ;x,iieies;asd mnewa3s tin=reoi sn.eli he in fonv :+ccrptabir u, 1-ruder and shall inzhtdr a standanl <br />uton{agt• rlat;ice an iavnr of utnl to iortn scce}esbie :o Lender 1.,•nder ,boil hoar t he right to bald the ixolicies and <br />mnewais theret+f, and Borroner sitsil pmutl,ti}' furnt:i. zo lender :>il renewal :u,ttces ;in,l all receipts of paid pre- <br />zniuz,ss. in the event a,i lass, Borrower snail afar- ;,rcurpt roti,-c t• *. he u.,ursnrr carrier and Let:der. sad Lender <br />rosy make proof of foss ii not made ptaminlr :tr $am,wer. <br />Unl~ I.endrs snd Borrower ot.':er•n;_e agta>r it: writiu„ rn.uraue, }vc>+ttitx3s shall a:= applied tt, restoration or <br />repair of the Propem• ,asma;~d- prnridai much =t*_=toe~tton or >..aair i~ :c,>nontirctilr is'a=ible and the s~uri#~}- of <br />its \?(origage is real t3tere}+r anrs~~d- Ii =1e1: rest~~r_stinn .,r re}cafe is net r+•onotnicsir ;essible or of the sec.-urity <br />of ids 11origage would bz intpsicd, tiu* insarsv ~ l,rtxei,3s shat' !,c ap}•ie+i to tl:c samta seru*-Yd i,c th \ioztgage, <br />with the ex~, ii an~•, paid to $i,rrowe:. Ii t::r Pro}x•rn- i= ai,s;;anneci hi- Harrower or _i $arrower fails to respond <br />to Lender u-itltin 3t~.isys sitar .x>tiretn to Borrower that ti:c• insu*-:3vrr earner otie~ to settle a claim for <br />iasutau~ benefits, Lander is suthorirrd t~ ra;.cet std apply the insurance procee:is at l:et:tier's option either io <br />trsKtatattan or repair of the Pra}'zrty ar to titc^ sums secured Ly this Mongage- <br />~nlz~s Wider an.= Horrrwer otitrrare :egr~~ ,r- walla;;. eta- sucL „ :~rxx acs ;c principal shelf <br />cot ez#KSrd ar }>ostpane the due date ni the tree:r-t'==els :nsisiitntnts reiermd to n: pa:agrapiz 1 an3 ° itereoi ar zhange <br />~eaaxo~wt-af ~3<-a tastallm~c>. <br />if under psrsgrsplt l8 >,rrE'ai t3rcr'-apzrtr ~, aruuiraw: i,}- Lzn: er. ;t+l rigla. tatl~ nnei intent ni Bocraw~r in <br />r, „~ <br />and t,o any iuc+atanrr ;w;irias e. d to srt,i to the .,r ,ca-i"de ti,rreoi rte tltx itittat „i t.. sum> s+-t•ur~~t t,r this \iort- <br />•~a~e unmetiiatzlti 1,sta; to ~a~ri: -alp. ,_r a~•;w=itann~ r~,t:tit:; ;rote ,isu3;vsr t., tl,r Pm}xrti- ,~rt+r :, ;he ;ale ar <br />scruisitian _tsali pass t a Lender , <br />~, PreMrsntioea mfd A~iateamace of Ptoperiy; Leaseholds: Coadomiaiumz Barran er .hail Steep the Prop- <br />'~'ty rn gao-3 r>PTrsir sari slrsli nut ;,ernan ~,r r~+.tu:at waste. in.p3irmznt..,r {ietenorstia:: of thti• Propen~• and shalt <br />t~p9r with cS,e prt+via.ans of sn}- .ease, , thi= \lartgagz ._ nit s ieaseian;d. Ii v;is ~tongagr is at a candnminium <br />,,~-~ ~~ .h._t ,ptft±*n. al,' .~± Bnrr~w~r': obitgattnt:- ;tn,ler tl.e •~ec'>r-unit of c•nadomtrvunt or master dc~d, <br />t3rc by-Tarts snd regulations ai tt:z,, i.ra-; c, ~.,,i mi.+„~t.t .ix,r;:tt;r ;t.. <br />7. phvtectioatalteadeis;u~seuaty li Botro,:e= i-a... to;,rriorn; tl;e .x,'<•~s;snts ::rd x,.eeul~nis zantainxci in <br />t3nis 'f~ge, or if any setinn or p_•+ntYS•ding ±< znnu;,et:.•e<i whirl. tnstenaIls siFez4 Lender: interest in the Pmp- <br />txts, 3~Itxd-nag. but act ]traitrd to r*-n.nen[ aL,u:xtn. rn.,ai•,rm-s, .s,.i• x-n;arrrtrti-nt. or arrvn£ement or I,raceed- <br />itzg; involsiuga i?anl'rupt ar circedent, tl:er: I:ettder st '.ratite ~ n}uien, upon notice to Barron'er, n,av' tuake such <br />azppearance,, disl,ut~ such s,ttns and °sker-.trh croon -:_ _ .. r.~ry to },rnteet Lendaia rntrxest. including. but <br />na4 limitsd ta, di,~ursc~ttcat ai reasonu+le stttsrnev'~ iea~ :.rd x•ntn• upon th< 1'ro:,ert, to make repairs- An}• <br />amounts dial;tatse~il by header ptnrsuant to the; parssgra}tit ; . ,s ttit tntere-t tlteravt, si:all l.,ec,?nre additional indeLt- <br />e of $~+varer sacu.=Yid itTe this: if ort~age. L n1 a-, Itotrnirer era 1_~•.naier sgre,s ta, uiher terms ai aayment, such <br />g~~ ~ pagat,ie tnxu, notate it3,* L-ruder t o Barron c-r :ncgue~-zitae. nayruent therooi, and shsi; bear inter- <br />eft frr~ the Sate ai dist?tuaemezrz st tlae rate ytatx,i in the Notc unlr=_s pas tn; nt of fate>rest st such rate u'auld be <br />.applitst,Ie fax. in whirfi event ~.scT, amounts shall =xsr interest st the highest rate permissible by <br />applieab3e law_ At,tizinc rantained i:< thie },ar~rsrl~ ; -.-.... *x-;{,:a±t~ I_,-infer :.~ .,rt^.+r n:,t s:apen>e ar do any- sat <br />E. Lracrr:tY.t' a,~x>,~r ~:.u~ zo;x =na.+_ :ra=anal,=.e .~ >tne- a;,.;n sn,i it,l?eetien' of the Prop_ <br />esay, prtrride~+l treat Lender slrail gi-t°r Barrua,er zxt,tx-i i,t;c,; to :,ry =ur:, =-pectaten ~t~r.iy°ine reasnnafsle rstLe <br />iii to Letder's interest iu the Z'mper;y-- <br />9. faa. Tuuneods of any awatz3 ar e;aim for clsmagc. direct OF cnnsequenuai, in connection <br />+rith acs a:nadenssation ar r,ther z.sitmg of the Pr,31?t•nr or l,an the~renf, of far conrresnre in lieu ai randemna- <br />t, ate'.--t_.- ag;;t~ arx; IrsI IK ;.ate v a, Lt?,dir. <br />in t~ erect of a ta~T tai~ng of the Proper;v, t3te }+rix:ee;i- snail i,e a}'Toh<v3 to the ,ums ea~rt~eci hs this \ion- <br />gage, whit th+e excess, ti any. I,siti to Bm_mwer_ 1n the evet,t i,i s },feria: taking of the Property, unless Borrower <br />ami L~lrr eaiters•ise agrta rn writing, there s1:s11 t,e spphed ti. t i;r curers w; urea by- rhi> \iongage such propor- <br />taQZS td tlteproceeitLv ar. is equal to t}rat prop3reiarr which tine anraunt of the autos secured 6y this Mortgage imme- <br />rliataly priest to the Gale of taking t,e~trs to tl,,e fair markt~ solar of t1,c R•o;xrtr inunrdiately prior to the date of <br />taiuag wi#@t'tbe l~tatttace t~S xlrt pzoc+~ds- }wid to Berra,ser. <br />Il'tkre#'rofxu~y ri abandex:cd by Bartxiwer or ii after notice h} Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers <br />m t>oalC! an accord or settle s claim for .iatuaggt", Borrnwer fails to res},anti to 7-ender n•ithin 30 dos; of the date <br />of such aot~re, Lender i5 atuhnrsed to collect and apple the proceeds at Lender's option either to restoration or <br />~4r of Prop~y ~ to the scans ~curc-d bg thiE ~lar.gage. <br />[3nlrss I.eneitr and Borm,ver otTrerwise agree in writing, any such spplicatior, ni proceeds to principal shall <br />