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lNDIV1DUAL - <br />DUE ON SALE- <br />OPTIONAL FUTURE ADVANCES <br />SAVINGS FUND <br />L~~ Foaw No. 72~-479 <br />Loan Number 42761_____-_1____ __$8. <br />i iypp Brd*CM1 <br />~0~~ W~ <br />MC3RTGAGE <br />,~'I3IS IvIORTGAGE, made and executed this -...._.~.._-._-.__... day of ._r~~~GOt...._-_....... A.D., <br />19-_. between the'.biortgagor, .._..J~}es F Hradeckp and Barbara C. Hradeckv husband and wife <br />jointly and each in their own right and Charles h'[,'inkler and Doris L ATinkler husband and <br />cafe jn ~ti -- - e ch-' '-tfiei - o - y~-ghr--- .... ................ . ....... -- ......._..........-.....-_-.....-- -..-...-- <br />o# -.-_...~t~.taH~.-lslan~,--.. ~ounty orf _~a~ t..._ ..............-.--, State of .:?eb.Xaskd-....., hereinafter referred <br />to as the Borrower, and the Mortgagee, FIRST FEDERAL SAti INGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF <br />LINCOLN, 1231 "_\" Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68501, its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to <br />as Leader. <br />WtrxtssarH: That the said Borrower for and in consideration of the sum of .. '&weuty_ Six-- •---- ~ - <br />'iQ-----_---.-----------=.Dollars (tiS S_?S,.IOQ.-00_----..--------) <br />paid by said Lender, does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Under, rte successors and assigns; the <br />following described property located in the County of _._-.--._...__.--Ha11----------.. State of Nebraska: <br />The k'esterly Fifty-five feet {Wj5') of Lot Two (;, Black One Hundred Twenty-eight <br />ii-=vi +-u vulva ;?a ~ .p,.a'iaFa:` v. ~ya.._'8 .C,g~vnd n.~d'+~i4ai t3 tl:@ ..~ of vraii`~i i5iuiid, <br />Hall County, Nebraska <br />This is a corrected mortgage to correct names an martgag2 recorded as Document ~ 79-OC5'e~0 <br />dated August EZ, 1979 <br />35ocr.•rx£a with all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and al! easement<, <br />riight$, aplxirrtmantrs, rend, royalties, mineral, oil and gas right and profits, a-ater, water righ#s, and <br />eater shock, and all forums now nr hereafter attached to the property, all of which, including reglace- <br />meats nerd additions #irereto, shall be deemed tct be and remain a part of the properh covered by this <br />Mortgage; and all of the foregoing, together with said property tot the leasehold estate in the event this <br />Mortgage is tin a lea hold) ate herein inferred to as the "Properh•"- <br />Bormwer cuveaarri`c that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right <br />to mortgage grant and cxtavey the Property, that the Property rs unencumbered, and that Borrower will <br />warrant and defend generally the title #o +he Property against all claims and demands, subject to any <br />essem~rts and restrictions listed in a schedule of exceptions to coverage in any title insurance policy in- <br />sueiag Lender's ints~,-t is the Property, or ('1 attorney"s opinion of title from abstract of title certified <br />hs ba~adar3 abstracter. <br />Fani~aap lltwa~, and these presents are execu#ed and delivered upon the following ~ronditions, agref - <br />tr~tts and ohligatians of the $orros=er, to-a-it: <br />The d3ortower aeree_c to pa_y #o the Lender, or order, the principal sum of - .. T??Qaty--53,x.. Thousand <br />?~,,. rr,,.wa~~ ~,_k~s~l{lQ---_°-----------' - - ________ Dollar, t I S a '~6 a1~Q...QQ-. -. - . - -._. ) <br />payable as prowidz<i in a mote eaecvted and deliewred, concurrently herewith, the final payment of principal, <br />ig net sooner paid, on the ---F-test.... _ _ das of 3??ptetab~x. - , 19- 99 _ <br />Lanprxxu Cov~nt.~xrs. Bonow~ and Lender cm'enarrt and agree as follows- <br />L d F'asuapad egad 1ate:Md. $orruRTex shah prontpily pay a•ltrsr due the principal of and in- <br />taes~t on the itrdabtedanas ~idenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided is the Note, <br />a~ fire Ill of and interest ern any Future Advanre~ secyrred hs th \inrtgage. <br />2, FmedR for Temaa acrd ILffissranca. Suh3etx to Lender's optmn under paragrapks 4 and ~ hereof, Bor- <br />rv~r stndl Pap to I.eadcs' +m 'the day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the <br />uanl tbee NoUe ~ paid is full, a srrln iher+eirt ''Furafs ' 3 equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and <br />wl,.it~t may attain priority over this 9lortgage, and ground rents on the Property, if any plus <br />acre-fieefith of yearly preatimn inatsttsrwn#C lac hasard insttrazrce, plus one-twelfth of .'early premium in- <br />ts for iaarnarxe, if any, all as tra_conably uctitrtated irtit3ally and front time to time by <br />L eat tlse bards of and l and reasonable estimates thereof, Lender shall apply the Funds <br />to Pay said taz~ asae~neBts, insurance premiams and ground tints. Lender shall make no charge for co <br />~ the Frmds er ~ifr#ng and ta+mgiliag said asaesarnentt: and hills. 3'he Lender shall <br />p*e to the $', wr#i?raart char;;p. as arffiual amountir~ o! the Funds showing credits and debits to the <br />Faardr earl the pmgraae foa ~riAich each debit w the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional <br />a°OY ' #~ ~ ae try the ~e The Borxnwer agrets that the Funds may be held >;y the <br />Iand~ urd ermd with at~r foods and fire Lender's awn #unds sad the Lender may pay such items <br />irtxrt its steer fsrruls sad the Lender s1raU not be liable for interest or dis~idenda on such Funds. <br />if #l4e amount of the PYtnda held by Lam, together with tare future nrorthly installments of Funds <br />Pa9abie prior to the due dat+aa of rates, saata, irtauzance pr~titwa and ground rents, shall exceed <br />t ro4 ~ PrY saw taste, arts, itrstttance premitans and ground rents as they fall due, <br />atslt ereoa~ ahaa ire at $n~mrer"s w*tinrt, gLtter pFOmptly repaid to $ormwer or credited to Borrower on <br />maat}rly ~s of Funds if the amavat of the Funds held by Lender shall not be sufficient t-0 pay <br />~+~, inattrsuee premirrrr~ and gmrmd rents as they fall due, Borrower shall pay to Lender <br />arLY arnotmt ry to make up Lbe defietency within thirty days after notice item Iznder to Borrower <br />regtraelarg paytQartt t3rereoi, or $otrvwrt shall. by an increase in monthly installments of Funds required, <br />~9 the defirerrcy within the Fmtd aoeoanting period. <br />DPI payment ire full a# all sums secur+ad by this Mortgage, Lender shall apply Funds held as a credit <br />against all soma due. <br />