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<br />80-- ~y~;~~6 <br />6. If he faih to pay- any sum or keep any covenant prodded for in this mortgage, the Mortgagee, at <br />its option, may pay- or perform the same, and all espeuditures so made shall bt: added to the principal sum <br />owing on the above note, shall be sectued hereby, and shall hear interest until paid at the rate provided <br />for in the principal indebtedness. <br />i. upon request of the Mortgagee, Mortgagor shalt execute and deliver a supplements} note or notes <br />for the sum or sums advanced by Mortgagee for the alteration, modernization. or lmprocement made at <br />the Siortgagor's request; or for maintenance of said premises, or fur tales or assessments against the <br />same, and for any ot3rer purpose elsewhere authorized hereunder. Said note ar Hates shall be secured <br />hereby- on a parity kith and as fully as if the advanee eddetzced t}zereby ,sere inchuled in the note first <br />described above- Said supplemental note or notes shall bear interest st the rate provided for in the prin- <br />cipal in<iebtedness az;d stuzlt be payable in apptro~imatel}- equal ntonthh- payments for such period as may <br />be agreed upon by the Mortgagee a-td Mortgagor. Failing to agree nn the. maturih-, the lvho}e of the sum <br />or sums sa advanced shall he due and payable thirty (30) days after demand hy- ttze lortgagee. In no <br />e:rettt shall the maturity extend bey-end the ultimate maturity of the note first described above. <br />S. I;e hereby assigns. transfers and set_e over to the 3ortgagee, to be applied ton-ard Uze payment of <br />` lire note and a13 sum: sc;uzetl hereby- in case of a default in the performance of any oI• the 'terms and condi- <br />taons of this moz2gage or the said note, all the. rents, revenues and income. to be derived from the mort- <br />gaged premises during sorb time as the mnrigage indebtedness shall remain unpaid; and the Mortgagee <br />shall have pan-er to appoint any agent or agents rt mac ilesire fm• the purpose of rearing the same and col- <br />Ic~rting the rents. revenues and income. and it may pay- out of said incnmes all necessarc commissions and <br />e~lxnses incurred its renting and managing the same and of collect}ttg rentals therefrom: the balance <br />ren;aining, if any, ±n lk applied toward the disc}:rrge of said mnrtgagr indebtedness. <br />9- He will cuntinaously maintain hszard insuratace, of such try' or ty~lus and amounts as Mua'tg,?geA <br />'-'?~_'- f='r'n-. titre t: i tit-= r,z~:rirt=, nn the im YUl'E`nletit,9 Hole , <br />` p c r hereafter Gn ;aid premises and c~~cept when <br />;?ay meet fnr all such pr,•minms hag theretofore been mad. z:rder f+t) ui paragraph., hereof, will pay <br />prampth- lyhen due any° pzt•nriurns therefor. Ppen default then<~,;. ASot2gaz;,><~ may pa>' the ,ame. all <br />itzs!tran.e shall lx exert,=d in eomparies aPProt•ed by the \fortfiagee and th~~ l~i:,lit•ir-. sad renewals thereof <br />stz:il be held br the ~Inrtageeand tza~e attach~3 thereto Ian payable oleos,-; in fa~cr of and in form <br />a~:eptab]=~ to the _liurtfiat'ti•e- 1, i~,w b a is:~ by mail to the Mort- <br />C ,aye .~8g01' 1\'i11 *ire 7ntlnlV.latt• nc,> <br />gage, lr}u, mar make liruof of Ic ~~; Rio.*, a -r+r. an,l each i;z.zat.3nce rampant' con- <br />rr-reed i.s 1;ereby auThorizcwl and -r - ,g <br />such h?s direr tly- to the _lortgagee instead <br />of to the 3ortgagor .and the .l or gages jointly-, and .he in_urance' pro~eAt'Ic• ,•r any part thereof, <br />mar be applied by- the Moz2~gee at it_e optian either to the reduction of th~• Su,l.•bt~alr„~;, hez•eby ;~.z1~,d <br />c+r #~, the ztistorar'on or repair of t}te property danzagetl. In e, ent ,; <br />transfer of title to the nr,u t ra ed ro f fora-.•fu,urr +~i ii,s mortgage, or other <br />f. g p pertc in extinguishment c,f the ind<-litwun-;, ne¢~zu•ed hereby-, a)1 <br />right, title and interest of th,~ !1lortgagar is and to any itrsurance puhri~~s thou in ~ Here ,hall pas, to the <br />purchaser w• ~*r-anuae- <br />itl- ~sadditit,Hat]:and,,+llaterals~~urityj:~r the payment<~fthrt~,'tr,l.•s_,~ii„-~h::a,l.tllsttmsfobecume <br />der under this mtu-tgage, thy' Mut2~~Iror heteby aligns to th:+ \l{,rtg.,g~• :zll ]east- bonuses, prnfits, revs <br />Hues, royalties, rizzht... ~,? ,~tlrer iteneFtc accruing to the ~Inrt~agor under say- and all oil and gas ]eases <br />nnu-, or during tni lafe „f thSs ml+rtg°age, rsec-utt',: on sat,} ptYmises ,c Ith ttto right to reec•ive and trceipt <br />for the same and apph tl:rm to ,aid 1_tdebtednes_. as n el} La•fure as after :lefautt in the ,:onditiotzs of this <br />~ortg-~Y. ntl the 3i~,rtg;~;,'~- may demand, suc• f<,r an,i tzror_•r any sui•1; pacrnents oboe eiue and <br />abh, lint steal} nut hr uirt•,l so to do. This assignment is <> iernzinate enc. 1,,,~a-o. t, ~y- <br />~ t ' n t null and void upon <br />relea.~ t~f this moortgage. <br />i d, tie shall not ~ urtmit ar petmtit caste: and shall maint>ta *t?e prt,party in rs gor>d c•onditlon as at <br />present, re~et.nat,le 1,-ear and tear exe•epted. lTpc,n sere faiha•e to so mat±xaitz, yiortgager, at its option, <br />mzz}• eaxzee tease+naY„~ ma:nt,=name a-ork to be perfurm,•il azt the c,,st c,t !U:.rtga~!or. Any- antouuts paid <br />tht'refc+r by hllurtgadr~e ~eali l,car infrrest ai the rate prt,yiiled for it, the l~rtncip;rl utdrbtrduesa, shall <br />tht•reuptua I,rtvamr a hart of t]ar indrbtex3ness sc~urnl by this itssu'ument, z~tat,l}~ and ,+n a parity with all <br />other indebtednf~s sn~curtiad Lereby, and steal} Iar• iuzyalale thirty- last) days after demand. <br />1°, 1f the nremises, t,r any part illerei,f, i>e roralemnrd <br />az uiracl fo under the p,;ll, r of ..•.,ti:x-zzt domain, or <br />~q r a public us<•. ine danzag,s awari~ed, the priK•rrds f<~r the taniuT; „f, _.z• ri,,. ~„7zii;}{'ration for <br />~~h a~„uisitia,n, t~u tl>t• erg=~nt of the fall amount t~f the remazning tusl,aid inde'+t.-dnrs.: secured Ly <br />mvrt~ge, r,r here-ht' assign-} u, the Mc,rt ash; `this <br />applied on ace„ant „f the ].asr maturing in:tgaslln •nt; „f surbl it~l<bttdne.~,x'zh t„ ,::i,l ii,.~rtgagee. to be <br />33. if the Aiortgagc,r fails to atak~ any paytrn•nts arhen t-lu,t, or to r„ztf,,.~zn t„ „r,d c,:mph• x-ith any <br />of the cctaditlnr~ o.- akrermeat c~-,nt~ac~c} in th moz7kago, t+z• G?~ t_otcs ,ehi:tt it sec,zr,~s. then the <br />enlace. principal sum and ac-trued interest shall ai once bc~~urne due ana 1><ay:;bi,~, at the riection of the <br />-_~t,rig~ryg~: ~d this nra2g~r mxy thereupon he ftireclosrd immcdiatrly ft+r the ::lt„le o; the indebted- <br />n~''s }1rz~-tsy scene,=d, itariudiug the cast of rxtWn,iing the abstract ~,f title fz,_.m tl:e dat.- of this mort- <br />gage Lo the tizzze t,f ct=tumencing such suit; a reasonable atturre~'s 1'c,•, an,l au.} stdnz.; },aid f,l the 1`e•terans <br />ldnrinia~:ration nn acre.unt of the guaranty .:z• insurance of th1• t;;d,•btt'duess.,,,t,r,-,1 h~-r,-Ip, all nt' avhich <br />shall tze included in tlae ile,-rte of forYl;,sure. <br />l.i. if the indelrLedness serureli herby be guaz•anzr~-d ur insuz.w} uaeier Title ;~ Petted Stxtes Cody. <br />such Title and Itogulaiions issued thetaunder arzsl in eti~-~1 uu th~• ~latr h.•r,•„1' nhail gul,•ru t}tr rights, dutiz~s <br />anti liabilities of t}a8 fart„ice hvr~~, aad ~xny pt^oti-i;ions ui this ur utht~r tuau~um,-nrs t-~,-,uteri it ,t,zntc•c4inn <br />t+'ith said Sud~st,~dt~sa which are }nrY,nsistent with said Title yr I.e~tdati„ns are i:rrc'by amended tr <br />~~,nfornr thereta. <br />T#re t~ver;ant,~ hertrin tronl„zncd sh;-a bind, and rho bt•tu•dt:; xnd adt'antag,•.~ ~haii inure t,,, the <br />