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$0- •~~6 <br />To HpvE a*to To Hot.n the same unto the Dortgagee, as herein prot•ided. I1lortgagor represents to, <br />and covenants with, the Mortgagee, that the AIm•tgagor has good right to sell and convey said premises; <br />that they are free from enemnbrauee, except as he:reinothertcise rcciteri ;that the Mortgagor will warrant <br />and defend the same against the latt ful rlaints of all persons whomsoct•er. 9ktrtgagor hereby relinquishes <br />all rights of homestead, aA marital rights, either in law or iu equity, and all other contingent interests of <br />the ~iortgagar in and to t}te abuc~ descrilted premises. <br />Pxot~?nEn ALw•~YS, and these presents are executed and delit•ered upon fhe following conditions, to <br />R7t: <br />liiortgagor agreas to pay to the ;•iortgagee, or otY}er, the aforesaid principal sum with intErest from date <br />at the rate of Thirteen Per renhuu ( 13 ~~ per arnntm on the unpaid balance until paid. <br />The card principal and interest shalt be parable art the off ice of Mortgage Plus Incorporated <br />m Englewood Colorado , a• at such other place as the holder of the note may designate in <br />writing delivetet~ or coati?ell to the \lortgagot•, in murtl:ly irstallmenis of Three Hundred Sixty Four & 20/100 <br />Iktll.~ts (~ 3b4.2rJ )• commancing on floe tint da}- of ,,may , 19 80 ,and continuing on <br />the first day o£ each tnanth thereafter until said note Ss fully paid, e~rept that, if not sooner paid, the final <br />pa}-ntent o£ principal and iatere~t shall be due and pa_r-able nn the test day of April 2010 ; ati <br />according tti fhe term: sf a . ertain promivory vote of eren date hcren•it.h eset uted by the said Mortgagor. <br />The Mortgagor furilter agues: <br />1- He full] 7ttr the iml+lits•dnes,.:ts }:ereirbeiore prutided. 1'riciic:ge is reserved to prepay at any <br />tithe, without ptrmium or ±«- the entire inde7att~dne~c „r avy part thereof vot less than the amount of one <br />installment, or one hurdteci dollar, ($lOtl.Otg1, uhichecer is less. Prepayment in full sha13 be credited on <br />the date received. Pdrt.ial pmpayment, other that! wt azt imtailment due date, need not be credited until <br />the next follaKing irzstallment due date er thirty days after such nrepayment; witiciteves is ez*tier- <br />Together with, and in addition to, the mimihly payment, of principal and interest payable under <br />the tezttas of the rote secured hereby, 1liartgagor will l,ar to Mortgagor, as truster, (under the terms of this <br />trust as heminafter stated) on rite first day of each month until said note is fully paid: <br />{u) 3 sum rv;tta3 T,u the ground rettts, if any, ne~a due, pins dte premiums that n-ill ne_et become due <br />and zvai able on policies of fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property, <br />loos to;es atnd ass~csment_s nett dt:e on the mortgaged property {all as estimated by the Mort- <br />gagee, and of ~chieh fhe Mortgagor is nutin,-,}, 1,>;_: all sum, ahcady paid therefor die-ided by <br />the ttum'.xrr of matt}ts to olaltse beiere one m.~t,th prior to the date .: ban such ground rents, <br />premiums, tax.•s and assecments n•ill b~•c~.,me delinquent, such sums to be held by Mortgagee <br />Sn trust Ya pac said ground renL-, prrtnitrms, taxes and special assessments. <br />(fit The aggregat+: of the amount- Ixa}-ahh~ par-:user to .~ubparagrap}t fa 1 and these payable on the <br />note ~erttrrd h,=rebc, sltal9 tx• 1>;tid in a singly permotlt each mont)t, to l~ applied to the follow- <br />ing items in the uri3er slated <br />{t l gromxi rti•nts, taxes ass, smenvc, ere an,l ,uher ha:.ard insut;anre premiums; <br />(u) interesz un ilte note serutrd hr•rc•ht :and <br />{tnl amortVation of rite principal of said note. <br />:any drficienre in the atntomtt of attr such aggre•gatt= monthly payment shall, unless made good <br />by the i44or-tgagor prior to the due date t,i the aest surlt payment, constitute an Brent of default <br />under this mortgage- ~t Mertgagx~ s option, \lortgstgor will 7uty a "late charge" eat axceed- <br />ittg ionr la=x ~, ntum (4'~~ 1 of any itEaall ntent a hrtt paid ni.ui• than iiSteen (301 days after the <br />.a,~ °date t}.°rr::, ,,, •«aver t`~ extra c-vl-n „ iti;~,i:'~i :u h:,ns7iing ds iinyu<•nt payments, but such <br />"late cltxrfir" :hall not tx= pa} alilr ,gut „i t}}+• l,nrc,=,~ls ui any .al+• made to satisfy the indebted- <br />tt,~-, se•t art=t7 he tk•t,v, unless such pttix+~,is att• suttiri. xt to discl•,arg.= tha entirn indetttedness and <br />ail proper .cuts and exprnsas sec utt-d tht•r«-h~-. <br />3. If tfite beta] of the pa3ments made by #3te !tintlgagur under t z S of paragraph •? preccvling shall <br />exoreii else uttawat of pastoents aclualty made by Lhe \forigagi~, as trttctr+•- for ground r.•nts, tales and <br />assessase3tts or insurance prc=atiuats, as fire rasp may be, sttrh excess shall be credited by the Mortgagee <br />ore suhsegt~t payments txa be made by the Mortgagor for such i#ems or, at ltinrtgat;+Y `s option, as trustee, <br />tsha2l be m#uaded to 3i:rt•sgagor. lt, hoverer, such monthly payments sis:~i? not be cuffiri«~ni to pay such <br />its xl;eri else sung s}ttxli bernrne due and payable, then the Mce•t};agor shall p:ay td, the 3ortgagee, as <br />tntst~ any amount trecx~san• t«r make up the deficiency tt ithit+. thirty t3{t1 days afte=r written notice from <br />the Mottgag~ stating the amount of the deficiency, which notice may be gi, rn br mail. If at any time <br />#~ Murtga alts!! tetcder to the Mortgagee, in ace«n~lauce s,th the pru:rsians t,f the note sFY-ured <br />lxerehg. full payment o£ the eatixY indetttedness represented thereby, ±he :Rinrtgagee, as trustee.. shall, <br />is rxtaaputiag the amount of sur3t indetst~viness, credit tc, the account of lire Mnrtgagor any credit balance <br />aagrmu}afed under the pr,-rt-isirrts of (a) of paragraph ? hereof. 7f there shall be a default under any <br />of the prroviaiorea of this axsrtg-age r~su7ting in a public ,ale of t;tr premises covered hereby, nr if the <br />1ldoat{lagee acquires the property otherwise after default, the Slotigag«~=, as trustee, shall app1Y, at rho <br />lame of the ~^~neemert of sorb pracx*=dings, nr at the time the property is oth+=rtcise ae~uired, the <br />amount theft remairriag to credit the Marl$agmr under {01 of paragraph 3 prta:eding, as a credit on the <br />interest a,:xrued and unpaid and the halaric~ io the principal t7ten remaining unpaid on said note. <br />d. The lien of t3tis instrument s1w17 remain in fuB foxes and eifr<t during ors} postpmtemeni or exten- <br />sion of the tithe of payment of the indadzttxinez~ nr any part thereof serur«u7 hereby- <br />fi. He 4ci11 pay all ground rears, taxes, a~c~sm+rnts, water ratre, and other gorerunt~~utal or munici- <br />pgl charges, fates, or im7xtsitions, levied upon said premises aril that hr n•ill pay ati taxes le~~ied upon this <br />ttwrtgs,ge, or the debt stxurcl thcrrt+y, ;zrgether a ith say- DLit+r taxes or arse°ssmrnts ,e hick !nay be levied <br />u'ndartiatwaof tiebrasltxagaitastihe MurtgageZ,, or the legal holder of ,aid principal putt=, un accomtt of <br />this indebtedness, except when Pa}went for al! such items has thrntoinm !a,•rn ^sadr under fa) of para- <br />graph 2 hereof, and hr still promptly deliver the otfr.ial rr•cripts therefor, t~, the .llortgat;er. In default <br />tlter~o t>Ragee may pay the same. <br />~'~ <br />