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<br /> TCK;kTNER \�'17!!u!1 the impm�cl��n�s nnw• or t►erafter e�cted��n th�prc�erl�, arxt all r.:►.kuunts. appurteiuncc�,wx!
<br /> fi-tart.: r.hr.� r.• �-rrat:�s � �•,� �.f �!w Euant:il�. Ali rwt�ccc�klu� :u�! ;ki.liti�u� r„'ull also ts. coscros Dy thia SG;tuity
<br /> i�w�un,�nt. AIt��f the fi,rcFoing ic rcf:r�c.1 tn iie this Scrurity h+strument�.�the "{'r��:rty."
<br /> BORFtDII'f:R CO�'ENANTS ttu�43urruuer ii lawFully s+eised of thc estatr h�reby�un�����J:uki h�c ctk ri�ht t���;�ant:uti:f
<br /> ram•c�• tP� 4'rc�+erty an�i ttut thc Pmper�y is unen�umbe�ul, ex�rpt f�r encamnrances c,f nYrnl. &�rmu�r warrwus u�xl N�ill
<br /> J�feixi g�nera?f�ttre title to the Pra�rty asainst all rlain�.c;uxl cien�r.rs,s�bjcct cv;ui> c�1unibrun�.�aF r���rJ.
<br /> THIS SECURi1�Y (N51'ltUM�:Nl' cumbene�uniform cm•rnaat� fur�u�ti.►:ut uK a�xi ik�n•uiiifarni cmenattts u�iih li�tit�1
<br /> v�riation�hy juriy►licti.,n ta ccuiuitute a uniFumi securit� i�aUUr:x:at rc►��ering real pn�{xrt�•.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENAN7'S.Eiurmw�cr and Lcndcr co��ccunt:uxl c.grcc a�fulluw�s:
<br /> 1. P��'ment of Princiatl ynd Inier�est: Pripa�an�nt �ttu1 late Cdar{;c�s. [i���mu•er �all prompU�• pa} w�hzn due �he
<br /> principal of and intcrcct an thr dcht c��ici:n:cJ by�he N�ue sn.1 ati� prepaymeot;uuf late ch;ube�duc undc�the Neue.
<br /> 2. hunds fur'fw�utul lus�rpn.�e. Suhjc:t tu a�Plirahlc law• or tc� o w•ritten waiver hy lAixlrr. &�rrowrr�hall pay ti�
<br /> f.erxter�m the��• nx�nthly p;►��n�ent�urc due u�xler the N�ue,uititil thr N�ue ic�uiJ in full. :��um 1"I�unJ�"t G�r:�al}•e:uly taxe.c
<br /> ;uxl:usc�.�nxitil.w•hirh nuy attain priiuiry uvcr thi�: Sccurity I��.�tronxnt;��a licn an dk I'n�rty:�n►?�:►riy i��k�n,ia t�ay��:x�ts
<br /> u��ruuixl rcnts an �hc Prupeny.if ar�y:lc)ycarly h:u:u�d ur pmperty u�wr�rr prcniium�: td)��cari} il��xl itlwl:uii�(1(Ci�liUiil::.
<br /> if a��y: lcl yc:ul}� nwrt�;aFc iiu�ura�k•c pr.miwn.,if :u�y�: a,�i�tl�u�y ,um. ay:,hlr h� li��rrowrr t��l.riwkr. in w•carJaix. wilh
<br /> thc pra�•i�i�uu uf p:u.wr:y�l�N, in liru uf d►���u�nuiU uf nx►ri�;ay;c i��..ur�ukc prcmiuuu.. Tlk.c iknu:uc ul�:�l'E�ruw Itcn�.c.'
<br /> l.cnJer nuy, at ;uiy lime. u�llixt uixl �u�ld Fwxl, in ;u� ;u�xwut nw tn exccccl Ihc nu�xinwro �u»:wnt u Ic�xlcr for:► fafer�ll�.
<br /> r�lataf nwrtgagc l�un nu>� rcyulrc fut kkurua•c�'� ewruw;uc�wn� u�xlcr thc fukral Itcal E�t:►tc Sculcnk�it Pnxodurcc Aet��f
<br /> 19T4 us:uiu�xlttil f'riuu li��k;U►Ilnfe. 1: U.S.C. Sc:tiu�i 2fiQl et aeq. ('R�SPA'1. wilc��:uu►►her I•rw•tlut :t�+pUes to the Funds
<br /> �ets a le�.kr anxwnt. If x►, l.cadet nu�•. :U any iin�r. collec� :uxl hc�ld Fwxi� in :u►:mxwnt rxu a�ex���i thr lesser unxwnt.
<br /> Lcnder nuy estiinate thc a�iww�u uf F�urwis due un the t�asis of currcnt dat•r�xf rwuuxst�le cstimatea af expenditures of fuwrc
<br /> E,scro:�ltenu or cuherwice in;�:�Y�reiancr w�ith applicable law.
<br /> Th. Fu�xis shall be held in an institwion whose depacits are in`ured by a federal agenc.y. iactrumentality� or entity
<br /> (including l.etxler, if Lender is such an institution)or in a�iy Federal Home I.oun&znlc. Leruier,hall apply the Funds ta pzy tht
<br /> Escrow Iteinc. Lender n�y not charge Bottow�er for twlding and applying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow acrnunl,or
<br /> verifying the Escnow Item.e, w�less I.eoder payc&�nower interes�on the Fu�ds suul applicable law permits L.ender to m�{:e such
<br /> a charge. However, Lender may require Borrowcr to pay a one-tiine charse for an indcpendent rea!estate tax reponing service
<br /> used by Lr;rder in connection w•iih this loan. unless a�plicable !aw provides othenvise. Unless an ng�eem�nt is made or
<br /> applicable Faw requires interest to be paid,Lender sh�ill not Ge r.r;uired to pay Borrower any interest or eamings on the Funds.
<br /> Borrou�r;a;i.9 Lender may agree ia w•riting,however, tl�t iit�e�e:�t shall be paid on the Funds. Lcnder shall give to Bomawer.
<br /> with.�ut :harge. �n pnnual accounting of the FuiuJ::..��lrrav.irJg cr�dits and debits to the Funds und the pucpose for w•hich each
<br /> � debit i�t�e Funds wac n�de.The Funds are pledg:YJ,,�.�.:�icfi uAa:tt security for all sums secured by this Securr�y lrJStnuixnt.
<br /> A�'tha Funds held by Lender exceed the amouncs pcnnixG:Y3 tn be luld by applicable law, Lender shall accoun[to�surower
<br /> for the erc�.�Funds in accordance with the requiremente of:y���6;,�1e law.If the amount of the Funds hcld by L.c�rdr;r. at any
<br /> time is nat sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lencf�r c�;.,+ sv notify '3orrower i�z writing,and,in such case J3r.r+.�rower
<br /> shall pay to Lender thr amount necessary to makc up the de�c,�ic,,..�y. Borrower shalF a�up the deficiency in aa crsrY�e tltian
<br /> twelve monthly paymenu,at l.endcr's sole discretion.
<br /> UDOO payment in full of all sutns socured by this Sec�srir_. L�ztnimer.:, 4xnder sh,�Il promptly refund to Borro�er any
<br /> Futuls'ttt:ld by Lersder.If,under Faragraph 21. Lender shsll�sq��:�or�ell the Praperty- T;��}er,prior to tha xauisitiraQ�J,s sale
<br /> of the Froperty,shall apply any Funds held by Ler�der at ttse Gi,.�:oi acquisition or sale as:�r��it againu the se�ms�w�w:�d by
<br /> this Security Insdvmcnt. �
<br /> 3.Applicatioa of Payments. Unless applicaGCc[aw provi.ies otherwise,all payments reccived b}I.u:rJ.er¢ndet paragraphs
<br /> f and 2 sfsall be applied: first, to anY PnPaYment charges due��.�ier the Note: second. co as,�:mts paya:�'ia u�,ter p.ar3graph 2:
<br /> i}urd,t,�mterest due:fourth,to priruipa!due;and last.to any P..;,:e charges due under the I4cw:.
<br /> 4.��arges; I.icas. Borrower shall pay afl taxes, asse.��r:�:s, charges, finrs and im���itions attributable to t6e t?mperty
<br /> which may attain priority over this Security Insttument. and leasehold payments or ground rents, it'any. Borrower s1�a31 pay
<br /> these obligationc in the manner provided in paragcaph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrower shall pay them on time direetly
<br /> to che pe:rson owod payment.Borrower shall promptly furnish to C.ender all natices of amo�,:is to be paid under this�.,.a�graph.
<br /> if I3urr.�er malces these payments r�,itc,ctly.Borrower sha�L�tc+�v�tly fumush to Lender rect:�y:s evidencing the payme��.'
<br /> , I�nrrowet shall promptly dischar��:any lien which has�rr'u.�rry over this Secnrity inst:i;_.'r�n,unless Borrower:E�1;�,�:ees in
<br /> wrizing to the payment of the obligation secured by tha Iier=i*,,�manner acoe�table to Lender;(b)contesu in good f;ii:.�the lien
<br /> ,[�}, or defends against enforcement of the lie.�.ir.r..[�r��^r.��xeeclings which in the l.ender's opinion operate to prevent ct►e
<br /> en,`on;,ement of the lien: or(c)secures from the ho�uer af d;�[',:t�an agreemeru satisfactory to Lender subordinating t1�„lien to
<br /> this Sec�arity lactrument. If l.ender determines tl�at any pazr.��Ii"'�e Property is subjeet to a lien which may attain pca�*czty over
<br /> this Security instrument. Lender may give Borrower a notict i,;;�tifying the licn. Bonower st�all satisfy the lien or c:�;•.aue or
<br /> more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the gi��ii:a Jf iIOLICC.
<br /> ��1.�a �/�
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