<br />~o--c:.~
<br />6. If he fails to pay any sum or keep any covenant provided for }n this mortgage, the Mortgagee, at
<br />its option, may pay or perform the same, and all expenditures so made shall be added to the principal sum
<br />owing on the above note, shad be secured hereby, and shall bear interest until paid at the rate provided
<br />for in the principal indebtedness.
<br />7. Ltpan request of the 14im•tgagee, Mortgagor shall execute and deliver a supplemental note or notes
<br />for the sum or scans advanced by 14iortgagee far the alteration, modernization, or improvement made at
<br />the Mortgagor's request; or for maintenance of said ptemises, or for taxes ar assessments against the
<br />same, and for any other purpose elsewhere authorized heremtder. Said note or notes shall be secured
<br />hereby on a parity n•ith and as iulIy as if the advance evidenced thereby ,were included in the note first
<br />described above. Said supplemental note or notes shall bear interest at the rate provided far in the prin-
<br />cipal indebtedness and shall be payable in approximately equal monthly payments for such period as may
<br />bz agreed upon be the Mortgagee and 1liortgagor. Failing to agree on the maturity, the ,thole of the sum
<br />ar sums sa adv utced shall be due and payable thirty (30? days after demand by the \iortgagee. In no
<br />eceut shall the maturity extend beyond the ultimate maturity of the note litst described above.
<br />S. He hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the liortgagee, to Lie applied tatcard the payment of
<br />the Hate and all sum, st~urec} hereby in case of a default in the petfarmance of any of the terms and condi-
<br />tions of this mortgage or the said Hate, all t}te rents, revenues and income to be iieri~ ed from the morn
<br />gaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain unpaid; and the Mortgagee
<br />shall bare power to appoint any agent or agznts it ,nay desire for the purpose of mating the same and col-
<br />lec#ing the rents, revenues and income, and it may par out of said incomes aR necessary commissions and
<br />expenses incurred in renting and managing the same and of collecting rentals themfrom; the balance
<br />remaining, if any, tv lse applied totti-ard the dischat•ge of said mortgage indebtedness.
<br />Q_ Hz will -continuously maintain hazard insurance, of such type or n•p. s and amauttts a; iortgagee
<br />mac ft~m time ht tittle rrv?uit•r, on the improvements Haw or hereafter an said premises and except when
<br />pacmeni far all such In-cmiums has thet~tofore been made under (a) of ptragraph'3 hereof, will pay
<br />ptnmptly when due any premiums thert=_#or. Upon default thzmof, !im-tgagie may pay the same. X11
<br />insurance shall be can•riec} in companies approved by the \'ortgagce and the policies attd rene,eals thereof
<br />shall be held by the _'Krtgagee and have attached thereto loss payable clauses in laver of and in form
<br />ac-reptable to tine 3iortga),h°e. In event of loss .lortgagor will give immediate notice br mail to the ~iort-
<br />gagze, oho may make praaf of la.. if Hat made promptly be lortgagor, and each insutance company con-
<br />cerned is hzrnby authorized and directed to nna'se paymen_ for such loss diricily to the \iortgagee instead
<br />of to the Mortgagor and the ~iortgsgee jvint]c, and the insurance proceeds, or env part thereof.
<br />tnav be applied b~ the Mortgagee at its aHtian either to the reduction of the indebtedn,°~a hereby snurec}
<br />i,r to ihz restoration or repair c,f the property damaged. In event of forx•ktsure ~,t this mortgage, ar other
<br />transfer of title #o the nxvtg:tged property in extinguishment of the indebt 4~ni~6s soured het b~, all
<br />ri.,ht, title and inter:'st t,f the_liortgagor in and to any insurance: poh~ i,~: then it: C,,rc~~ .hall lea.: t~~ the
<br />purrltaser or grantze_
<br />1t1. ~s addi#ivnal and . vllataral security for the payment of the noto des: ribr°d, sttd :t!1 sums to L>Neotne
<br />due under this mortg-.tgr, the \longagor hereby a_csigtts to the Mortgagee all lease tce,uusc•s, prnfits, reve-
<br />nues, royalties, t•ighL, and euher b: nPIitw accruing to the ~fortgtgar under ant- ant} all oi; and ),ms leases
<br />Huse, ar during the life of this martgagz, exxuted on said premises, ,with the right i+t rt•ccive..nd t~~t•eipt
<br />far thesanne aual app}r shim ixi said indibtzdne~ ~ ;cell L>f•fore as after default its *.he conditions of this
<br />:nurtgage. an{1 the Aic+.-ti;:agre may demand, suz for used r<eove:- any suelt pa} meuis it heu aue and lta>--
<br />able, but shall not be requitrrl sa is do. This assignment is to terns-mate attd },ie one null and raid ttpau
<br />rx}t~m=•z vi t}'iin Its*ri~eigr.
<br />il_ He ch>311 Hat commit or }~rmit sv~ti; and shall maintains the ,aty3pertr in zs gOini .omlition as at
<br />preszai, rca.~naltle near atzri fear excxptzd_ Upon am failure to so ntaintaiat, 3lortgagie, at its opiian.
<br />ntay cause t~tataLle maittteuanez lvorl: m he },erformt•rl at the cast of _'liortgager. -anti- amounts paid
<br />thx•refar b>- Icla+aTg-eg~re s}tzul l.nar interest at tits rate provides} for Iu the Irincipal indebtedue~, shall
<br />thereupon L~~iate a I,as# of the indelatc~tlnc'3.e secumi by t}sis instrw•nsent, ratable and ern a purity srtth al!
<br />otlser indebtedness. se±•ured }?etx~bc, and shall Ili loacable thirty (:#tt) day-s aft r sir~mand.
<br />3-~. 1# the prenti-yes, or ant part therri,f, 1~ tY,ndemned under the po~;.•r ,,f ...nit:ent domain. or
<br />acquired far a publit~• use the dam~;<~ au-ard~9, the prcwzeds fur the ta].ing ut• or slue c.;nsitieration for
<br />such a~uisitian, to the rvt~nt .+f the lull ;unount of Lhe rentxmitsg ttnl~tsid indrhtc•clness recua-ed by this
<br />x•figage, or heresy assigncal to the Mortgagez, anii shallt~ paid fvrthss•ith to said Aortgagee, to be
<br />appdizd tsn accxrvni oS the last mmtnring installments of such indebtedness_
<br />13- If the Mot igagt+r fails tr3 riak~ anti- pati-mrnis j>. hell due, .~r t<, ~:,ni:,rm t~, an<l c<,ntl:,lr tcith any
<br />of the ~~~xndilions iar agrrr~nsznts ranisim~ in this mortgage, ur Lhe notes ~,: hielt it secures, then the
<br />entire priatigal suns :~ts-3 acc:rced irteresi shall at uut~2 b,,~cme due and pa~aLl,-, at the el,~rt:,ut of the
<br />AID; and this mortgage. may thereupon ix farrclostt} immetiiatel}• for the +~:lu•Ic ul the indebted-
<br />ness hereby sca-ured, it,clutiing the cost. ai in-tending the abstract of title from the date u'f this mw•t-
<br />S its tanneraf e,=~an~;re ~ seua ~;t, s rras:rr;ablz attnrttzy's f ~~, ati~l at;~ slim, paid b~ the t'raet~ne
<br />rldati3tistra~on on ac.•t,unt c.f the guaaatsty- or it~,uranee of the itad<•bicainr-ss ..-cured hrr,~l,}~, all vl which
<br />shall be included in the dc~ri~ of forge}osure.
<br />l~-, If t3nz indebtedness serstred }Hereby be guarantee=il or insurcrl under Title .;;~, United Stags t'ode,
<br />sur3n Title and P.zgglatinsns isstned thereundzr and its effect ou the ,lair hereof shall ga}•eru the rights, duties
<br />aid liabs`titieav of ihz parties hereto. and any prorisinns of this or other irstrtnnents executed in connection
<br />,4vitlt" sand intlzbtzdness x•hie#t are ineatnsistznt with said `Pule or ltegulatiems are hereby aunended to
<br />conform thereto,
<br />Thz c+orenaat3 herein cantainzd s:.,all hind, and thz benediGs and ar}vantages shelf inure tu, thc•
<br />